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近年来,山西的高速公路建设取得了很大的成就,到2 0 0 0年底,全省高速公路通车里程达到5 1 8公里,居全国第1 1位;在太旧高速公路建成通车之后,山西又投资2 0 0多亿元建设了由大同至运城6 6 6公里的大运高速公路。这条高速公路北起大同,南至运城,纵贯山西全省,穿越山西的产业集中区、资源富饶区、经济发达区和人口稠密区,经过大同、朔州、忻州、太原、临汾、侯马、运城等重要城市,并将这些地区和城市连接起来辐射到全省各地。这样一条高速公路的建成,对山西的经济的社会发展的意义和作用是难以估量的,甚至对全国经济和社会的发展的意义和作用…  相似文献   

Shanxi Province, located in China's less developed central region, is a province rich in energy and natural resources. With a single industrial structure that relies heavily on resources, the province suffered greatly last year after resource product prices plummeted amid the financial crisis. Zhang Baoshun, deputy to the 11th National People's Congress and Secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, told Beijing Review the province is going to rev up the transformation of ...  相似文献   

以促进社会办医参与推进健康治理,对我国欠发达地区实现乡村振兴具有重要的实践意义,其逻辑需求蕴含于新时代健康目标、健康返贫风险性及现实新机遇中.基于健康治理分析框架和对山西相关调研,可以发现在促进社会办医参与健康治理中,目前存在影响制约健康治理效能的多重因素,包括经营管理目标理念失当、参与机会空间难以拓展、人才短缺限制自...  相似文献   

我国小农经济改造的创新之路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨宗祥 《思想战线》2002,28(4):37-40
小农经济是封建地主制经济下的主要经济运作方式、经营手段。对于其与我国近现代化的关系 ,人们还较少关注。我国的工业化、近现代化脱离了农村经济的发展 ,忽视了小农经济的存在 ,更忽视了对它的改造。小农经济具有适应商品经济的潜能 ,只有注重工业化与小农经济、小生产体系的改造相结合 ,摒弃其糟粕 ,挖掘其潜能 ,中国才能实现农业经济近现代化 ,进而实现全面的近现代化。“红塔模式”的成功实践 ,无疑走出了一条具有中国特色的现代化与小农经济、小生产体系“契合”的创新之路  相似文献   

China's foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows dropped by about 20 percent year on year in the first quarter,raising questions about the country's attractiveness to foreign investors. Edgar G. Hotard,Chairman of the Monitor Group (China),sat down with Beijing Review reporter Hu Yue on the sidelines of the Boao Forum for Asia on April 17-19,to discuss this issue. The Monitor Group is a global provider of strategy consulting services,headquartered in the United States and with offices in China.  相似文献   

海丽  建英 《今日山西》2004,(4):37-38
寺观壁画的产生和发展经历了漫长的历史时期,近年发现的中国少数民族地区原始时代各种狩猎活动、部落征战以及人物、动物图案的岩画,是中国壁画的雏形;秦汉以后,在宫廷宅第、达官显贵墓室发现的奇兽、山灵、海怪以及墓主人生前车骑出行、楼阁宴饮、杂技表演的壁画,奠定了中国古代壁画的基础;而古代壁画大规模的发展是在佛教传入和道教兴起之后,延绵不断,佳作涟涟。特别是寺观壁画作为中国古代壁画艺术的主体,折射出民族艺术更加绚丽的光彩。山西古代建筑的保存占居全国首位,素有中国古代建筑艺术宝库之美誉。而依附于这些建筑上的寺观壁画的…  相似文献   

Hot on the heels of the presidential election result, Beijing Review reporter Liu Yunyun sat down with Zhou Mingwei, President of China International Publishing Group. Zhou, a seasoned expert on China-U.S. relations who is also a member of the Committee of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee, shared his views on how the new president-elect, Donald Trump, could transform his surprise victory into a meaningful presidency.  相似文献   

Wang Dongjin, vice minister of Labor and Social Security, said that although progress has been made in overseas employment, China‘s overseas work force makes up less than 1 percent of the international labor market, This is surprisingly low in view of China‘s huge population, According to statistics, at the end of 2003, China‘s overseas work force amounted to 525,000 and created foreign exchange earnings of US $2 billion.  相似文献   

张世杰  陈锦 《思想战线》2001,27(5):41-44
红塔集团在抓住西部开发机遇,发展特色旅游业,具有深远战略意义.尤其应开创发掘天文资源,服务地方旅游.中国古代天象体系是一个天、地、人的和谐系统;等级森严的华夏天人观产生了龙的传人的巨大凝聚力.现代天文学研究表明,天体的音乐、天体的舞蹈等发现,这是古代星座神话天象体系置换变形的自然结果.  相似文献   

The changing face of China's politics is to be found as much in the cadre force as in the categories of ‘new rich’ engendered by economic reform and rapid development. A series of interviews undertaken in 1996 and 1997 with local cadres—at sub-provincial, county and section levels—in Shanxi Province provides evidence as to the extent of change and continuity in their social backgrounds, careers and political attitudes. Analysis focuses in particular on five common hypotheses about the cadre force in reform China: that they are conservative upholders of the status quo; a priviligentsya; imposed ‘from without’; the source of a ‘new class'; and one which has come in the reform era to be dominated by ‘technocrats' (rather than former revolutionaries). Though local political and administrative leadership in the 1990s appears to have become more localist, and even in some senses parochial, such analysis must be kept in perspective. The local cadre force is considerably less local, parochial and ‘privileged’ than their counterpart local business elites; and the agency of the provincial organisation of the Chinese Communist Party is still very much in evidence.  相似文献   

国内有关青少年吸毒问题的研究较少,且多从原因分析着手,强调宏观教育预防工作。就陕西省而言,基于相关问卷调查与统计分析,可以发现吸毒青少年呈现出受社会环境影响较大、经济状况较差、初始吸毒低龄化以及强制隔离戒毒青少年中农村户籍的比例较高、使用新型毒品的比例相对较高、复吸率高、戒治难度较大等特点。青少年吸毒的主要原因是对毒品缺乏判断力、自控力以及交友不慎。预防青少年吸毒,做好毒品预防教育工作至关重要。要提高毒品预防教育的针对性,需要完善四级毒品预防体系。  相似文献   

This year,Sun Fu,a deliveryman with Meituan Waimai,a leading food delivery service platform,will have his Spring Festival Eve dinner at work in Beijing.Understanding the concern that the travel rush during the Chinese New Year might trigger a resurgence of the novel coronavirus disease.  相似文献   

FOREIGN-INVESTEDenterprises are appreci-ated in China for theirbeneficial affect on eco-nomic development. A solid com-mercial foundation and enterprisemanagerial expertise do not, how-ever, guarantee unconditionalrespect and ongoing co-operation.The Philips Group is an exampleof a foreign enterprise that fell  相似文献   

IN early 2005 the newly established China Quanjude (Group) Co., Ltd. began a fresh round of overseas expansion. It is now a transnational catering group,with franchised restaurants in Germany, Myanmar, Oman, Japan and Hong Kong SAR.  相似文献   

March 26 saw the launch ceremony in Mexico City of the photo album Go Forward Hand in Hand, published by China International Publishing Group (CIPG).  相似文献   

武献民 《今日山西》2004,(11):19-22
实施“建设文化强省”,这是省委省政府作出的重大战略决策。其实,在每个山西人的心里,真的期盼着能够红红火火地打亮文化牌。文化产业是打亮文化牌的基础。加快发展文化产业,是省委省政府经济结构调整战略部署的重要组成部分,更是实施“文化强省”战略的重要途径。文化品牌是文化产业的旗帜。在市场经济条件下积极培育文化品牌,并相应地形成各自的品牌效应,是做大做强文化产业的必备条件。作为中华民族的文明发源地,山西有着极为丰厚的文化底蕴。建国后,特别是经过改革开放的洗礼,各级政府不断改善和优化文化产业和文化品牌的发展环境和条件…  相似文献   

The three editions of Pingyao International Photography Festival have opened a window into Shanxi as the festival has increasingly become a distinctive cultural trademark as showcasing not only the intemational modem photographic art but also introducing Shanxi itself. It is an opportunity for the world to steal a glance at the dynamism and latent potential that Shanxi has in its reform and opening-up drive. The third festival, which had the architectural photography forum and photojournalism forum held separately in Mount Wutai and Hukou Waterfall, two famous scenic spots, was a well-intended move to spread the influence of the Pingyao International Photography Festival to other tourist destinations in the province.  相似文献   

"THE newly-opened plant in Yangzhou,east China's Jiangsu Province,is the 54th production base of Saint-Gobain in China.We are optimistic about the Chinese market and our future here," Javier Gimino,senior vice president and Asia Pacific CEO of Saint-Gobain Group,expressed his full confidence in Chinas economic development.  相似文献   

C HINA'S economic progress since the com-mencement of its reform and opening-up in 1978 gives hope to every developing nation that if China can do it,so can we.A 2019 report by Switzerland-based financial servic-es company Credit Suisse Group said that China was this century's champion in wealth creation and the figures it cites are truly amazing.Having successfully cushioned the impact of the global financial crisis of 2008-2009,unlike so many other nations,China has seen total household wealth rise from US $3.7 trillion in 2000 to US $63.8 tril-lion in 2018,an exponential 17-fold increment.  相似文献   

Two-Way Street     
The 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Translators (FIT) was held in San Francisco from August 1-4.Huang Youyi,Vice President of China International Publishing Group,has just completed a term as FIT vice president.At the conference site on August 1,Huang talked to Beijing Review on his role in the FIT,as well as the development of the language service industry in China.  相似文献   

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