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构建残疾人福利法律制度是残疾人权益保障事业的重要一环,目前我国残疾人福利保障的立法体系仍未建立,现有相关法律制度对各类残疾人福利的保障有欠平等,国家责任原则未得到充分体现.今后,应科学构建残疾人福利法律制度体系,明确保障残疾人福利权理念和维护残疾人的尊严之理念,贯彻残疾人福利保障的国家责任原则.  相似文献   

受教育权是一项基本人权,是我国宪法所规定的公民的一项基本权利。残疾人是社会的重要组成部分之一,其权利应该受到法律保障,并且应当有有效的法律救济确保其权利的实现。我国以残疾人为法律保护对象的专门立法体系逐步建立完善,但仍凸显出法律实践困难,法律救济制度不成熟等问题。应完善法律救济体系,畅通信息交互渠道,大力宣传法律知识,提高残疾人维权意识,切实保障残疾人的受教育权。  相似文献   

韩君玲 《河北法学》2012,(1):40-41,42,43,44
二战后,日本残疾人即障碍者福利法制在生存权理念的指引下得以建立与发展。进入21世纪,日本障碍者福利法制在强调生存权理念之同时,更加注重维护个人的尊严理念,并将这一理念贯彻于障碍者福利法制的内容之中,日本障碍者福利法制出现了社会权与自由权相统一的倾向。  相似文献   

二战后,日本残疾人即障碍者福利法制在生存权理念的指引下得以建立与发展.进入21世纪,日本障碍者福利法制在强调生存权理念之同时,更加注重维护个人的尊严理念,并将这一理念贯彻于障碍者福利法制的内容之中,日本障碍者福利法制出现了社会权与自由权相统一的倾向.  相似文献   

论国家义务的理论渊源:福利国理论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
社会福利的功能在于协助民众及家庭获得日常生活所需,支持个体挖掘潜能,实现个体自主独立、奉献人生,从而令民众过上有尊严和体面的生活.现代自由主义是福利国理论构建国家义务的理论基础;权利资格是福利国理论构建国家义务的内在诱因;国家任务的增长是福利国理论构建国家义务的外在动力.福利供给是保障社会公民权利的重要制度,福利理念已深人现代公民思想,福利体制应当伴随着生产方式的变迁而得到重构.  相似文献   

残疾人法律援助为一种国家责任,具体体现为国家依法保障残疾人所拥有的法律援助权;设置残疾人法律援助机构、配备法律援助人员;为残疾人法律援助机构提供必要的经费保障;加强对残疾人法律援助的监督与管理;健全残疾人法律援助网络等。  相似文献   

朱亚鹏  喻君瑶 《公共行政评论》2023,(4):18-35+195-196
为何需要为退役军人提供福利保障以及以何种方式提供是学术界与实践界关注的重要问题。《中华人民共和国退役军人保障法》明确提出建立“普惠与优待叠加”退役军人福利保障体系,但学界尚未深入讨论我国采取此原则发展退役军人福利保障体系的制度设计依据与学理基础。论文在评述国外社会保障一般理论和退役军人福利的主要理论视角的基础上,探讨了我国退役军人福利保障体系的理论基础以及发展“普惠”加“优待”福利模式的内在逻辑。研究发现,我国退役军人具有公民身份、退役军人身份、特殊优待对象三种身份,退役军人的多元身份塑造了我国多层次的退役军人福利保障体系。在中国情境中,退役军人的福利正当性来源于退役军人与党、国家、人民之间的“双向承诺”。由于退役军人的多重身份,我国选择“普惠”加“优待”的退役军人保障模式是合理的,是符合中国国情和实际需要的制度选择,为有效保障我国退役军人合法权益奠定了法律和制度基础。  相似文献   

李思辉 《检察风云》2011,(23):61-61
一面是民众向铁道部要福利,一面是铁道部摊手说没钱,看起来,己可奈何。实则不然。铁道部门具有全民属性,有责任向社会提供福利,有义务给残疾人更多照顾。假如铁道部腰包里的银子不够,大可向更高层面的管理部门申请协调,力图把问题解决娥而没必要把自己孤立起来。且看下面一组数据:  相似文献   

何艳霞 《法制与社会》2011,(21):246-247
我国残疾人权益保障虽然已经形成初步的法律体系,但缺乏针对残疾人的专门立法。制定和完善我国残疾人权益保障的专门法律法规,可以从制定具有法律约束力的统一的残疾标准、制定有关康复的专门法规、制定有关无障碍的专门法规以及制定反对残疾歧视的专门法律法规等方面着手。  相似文献   

社会政策体系建设是现代国家建设的重要内容,是现代文明的标志和产物。改革开放以来,我国的社会政策体系建设经历了复杂的转型过程,社会政策体系建设的理念逐渐清晰,与社会主义市场经济相适应的社会政策体系基本建立并日渐完善,社会政策体系的作用和效果初步显现。同时,社会政策体系也存在保障功能较弱、制度碎片化和差异化、基本公共服务体系不完善、管理能力弱、财务可持续性差等问题。建立健全社会政策体系,解决发展过程中的不平衡不充分问题,是新时代社会政策体系建设的重要任务。社会政策体系建设的基本思路,一是着力解决福利保障不充分问题,补齐民生短板;二是着力解决福利保障不平衡问题,均衡群体间的福利保障待遇水平;三是促进社会政策的体系整合,减少制度碎片化和差异化;四是提高社会政策的管理服务能力,提高运行绩效。  相似文献   

对社会弱势群体的权利保护关系到福利权制度在我国的建构.福利权的义务主体应当是政府,而不是企业更不是个人.福利权的性质决定了政府应当主动、积极地履行自己的责任,保障福利权的实现.在福利制度的模式选择上,建议我国采取政府支配型的福利多元主义模式.而且,第三郭门的发展在福利制度的建构中越来越扮演重要的角色.  相似文献   

Obtaining effective rehabilitation and gaining access to full development services are fundamental for children with disabilities to fully participate in society and achieve social inclusion. A disabled child’s right to rehabilitation is specially protected by law in China and internationally. Chinese law specifically provides that the State shall ensure the enjoyment of the right of children with disabilities to rehabilitation services. This study shows that in the last five years, the rehabilitation services for children with disabilities are generally improved. But due to the incomplete protection mechanism, the right of children with disabilities to rehabilitation still could not be fully realized. This article concludes that the rehabilitation situation of children with disabilities in China presents the general feature of lacking of opportunities and structural imbalance. The Chinese government should take more responsibility to improve the rehabilitation system for children with disabilities. Specifically, the Chinese government should undertake the obligations as stated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to provide rehabilitation services for all children with disabilities. To ensure the effective implementation of the right of children with different disabilities in different areas, China shall improve the rehabilitation legal system, establish an urban-rural integral rehabilitation system, enlarge financial invest and increase professional level of rehabilitation staff.  相似文献   

Exercising legal capacity refers to engaging in legal transactions and relationships and is essential for the full inclusion of people with disabilities in society. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has enumerated the right to legal capacity on an equal basis and has created a state obligation to provide access to support for the exercise of legal capacity. This article examines the use of assistive devices as support for decision-making in exercising legal capacity for individuals with physical and cognitive impairments; for example, the use of voice recognition programmes, screen readers, and screen enlargement applications to support people with mobility and sensory impairments to use online portals essential for legal actions such as banking. It also discusses the experimental use of cognitive assistance, including computer or electrical assistive devices, to facilitate communication for people with cognitive impairments including those with no external signs of consciousness. It highlights the diversity of options for ‘support for the exercise of legal capacity’ showing how they can assist people with various disabilities. Finally, the article examines the boundaries of the state obligation to provide such support, including issues of practical implementation and resource allocation.  相似文献   

现代法律援助制度中的国家责任   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
国家责任的有无是现代法律援助制度与传统法律援助制度相区别的主要标志。现代法律援助制度作为法治社会的一项人权保障制度 ,已经在许多国家的法律甚至宪法或宪法性文件中加以确立。法律援助的国家责任也被规定在一系列国际文件中。我国目前已建立法律援助制度 ,但并未形成现代法律援助制度。在我国向现代法律援助制度方向发展的过程中 ,确立我国法律援助的国家责任尤显必要。  相似文献   

This article presents a new framework for analyzing the development and implementation of disability law: the prism of the fear of “the disability con”—popular perceptions of fraud and fakery. We all encounter disability rights and accommodations in everyday life. However, people with disabilities pay a price for the legal recognition of their rights. People who park in disabled parking spots, use service dogs, move to the front of lines, receive Social Security benefits, or request academic accommodations are often viewed as faking disabilities and abusing the law. This disability con stereotype thus serves as an important invisible barrier preventing Americans with disabilities from fully taking part in society, as it not only undermines the public legitimacy of rights but also restricts the design and implementation of the legal regime illustrating those. Nevertheless, this moral panic around disability con in American society and its manifestations has yet to be studied in a systematic‐empirical way, nor has it been addressed in sociolegal scholarship. Using a mixed‐methods approach composed of an original nationally representative survey along with in‐depth interviews, this article fills this gap. The data suggest that the stereotype of disability con applies to multiple disability rights across venues and contexts; that nearly 60% of Americans with disabilities feel that others question their disability; that the stereotype of disability con extends to visible disabilities and to less apparent ones; and that, counterintuitively, the people most suspicious are nondisabled individuals with a personal connection to a disabled person and disabled people who experience suspicion themselves. Based on the richer understanding of the sociolegal phenomenon, this article suggests strategies to increase trust and reduce suspicion of the disability con.  相似文献   

美好生活是人民对于高品质生活的理想追求,而法治则在满足人民美好生活方面发挥着至关重要的作用.要通过法治的平等原则确保人人拥有平等的人格、规定人人相同的地位以及赋予人人同样的法律机会,为人的尊严感的达致奠定基础.人民福祉是法治的根本目标,要通过法律制度来缩小收入分配差距、确保不同群体之间资源的公平分配以及地域发展上的互补...  相似文献   

论土地征用之公益目的性   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
黄东东 《河北法学》2004,22(5):52-54
公益目的性是土地征用制度合法性的基础 ,由于价值判断的多元性 ,对公共利益的理解千差万别。公共利益实际上并非纯粹抽象的概念 ,对其进行解释有可能性和现实必要性。我国应改变土地征用行为中由行政机关随意解释公共利益的制度设计  相似文献   

This article reviews social regulatory and redistributive policies in China that aim at fostering digital inclusion of persons with disabilities. We examine the emerging Chinese policies and how China has responded to the impacts of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on digital inclusion in terms of redistribution, market regulation, involvement of persons with disabilities and disabled people’s organizations (DPOs), and awareness-raising campaigns. The policy review demonstrates that the Chinese policy framework contains a few redistributive initiatives, for example, cash transfer programs, and free distribution of information and communications technology (ICT). These have the potential to increase the uptake of ICT among persons with disabilities. The Chinese policy framework also includes provisions to ensure consultation with individual persons with disabilities and DPOs in the deliberation and implementation of ICT accessibility policies. While China has initiated awareness-raising campaigns among market actors about the importance of digital inclusion, so far, the Chinese government has adopted little legal regulation of the market to foster accessibility to ICT. The article thus argues that some of the limitations may be due to the way state–market relations have developed since the economy opened up in 1978. Apart from the growing benefits of several cash transfer programs, we have not seen major changes or adjustments to the current policy framework during the efforts to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on digital inclusion.  相似文献   

森林生态效益补偿制度是实现森林生态价值、发挥森林作为生态环境建设主体作用的基本保障。我国生态公益林补偿历经由政策个别调整到立法普遍调整的渐进过程,且部分地方(如广东省)立法及政策试点实践已获得某些示范性经验。然而,相关政策法律机制还存在亟待解决的矛盾问题,特别是生态公益林补偿的投入与利益保障机制需要合理构建,这是全面推进生态公益林建设的关键。分析生态公益林补偿政策与立法现状,结合广东省等相关实践考量,重在探索我国生态公益林补偿制度规范及实施机制的创新思路。  相似文献   

闫越 《行政与法》2012,(12):1-4
党的十八大报告指出,基本公共服务体系是中国特色社会主义社会管理体系的重要组成部分,"必须加快建立政府主导、覆盖全民、可持续的公共服务体系。"这一论断指明了建立基本公共服务体系的紧迫性,因此,在实践中必须明确政府在基本公共服务体系中的责任和职能定位,以提高全民福祉为最终目的推进基本公共服务均等化,转变政府提供公共服务的方式,构建多元的、多层次、多样化的公共服务供给体系。  相似文献   

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