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王雪 《法制与社会》2013,(25):175-177
西方国家的规制理论是应市场失灵而产生,应政府失灵而改进,其基本路径是:市场经济发展过程中出现了市场失灵现象,成为政府规制经济的正当理由,但政府也不是万能的,政府也会失灵。两者都会"失灵"的结果就是促使政府规制制度不断改进,以协调两者的平衡。  相似文献   

“双失灵”是对西方管制经济学中市场调节——市场失灵——政府管制——政府失灵——市场调节这一理论形成过程的概括。然而这一理论思路却存在循环论证的逻辑错误,并且使经济学理论和实践陷入对市场和政府的两难选择。针对经济学分析方法的不足,可用法经济学分析的方法和理论,为“双失灵”难题的解决找到答案,即以法律规制解答市场经济条件下市场与政府的关系问题。  相似文献   

我国"缺油、少气、富煤"的资源格局,限定了发展煤化工替代能源成为能源安全的战略选择。当前我国在煤化工产业政府规制方面存在着自然垄断性、外部性、产品公共性、能源安全等因素造成的市场失灵问题,集中表现在职能缺位、职能越位、职能正位但规制不佳等方面。这需要政府在引进规制避免市场失灵的同时,又要进行必要的规制变革以避免规制失灵的出现,建立与煤化工产业发展相适应的政府规制体系,进一步加强煤化工产业的管理。  相似文献   

试论政府干预及其法律规制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
常传领  金纯 《现代法学》2004,26(6):120-124
作为市场经济制度的两种基本经济调节力量,自由市场与政府干预二者关系问题一直是经济学界和经济法学界争论的焦点。市场缺陷导致市场失灵,使政府干预有其合理性;政府干预并非完美无缺,也有其局限性。鉴于我国社会主义市场经济体制下的政府干预不能很好地适应市场经济发展的需要,以法为市场经济提供制度保障,保护市场免受任意的政府行为的干涉,需要规制政府干预,有效匡正政府失灵。经济法作为“干预政府之法”理所当然应做出相应的法律规制。  相似文献   

我国正处于从计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制的特殊转轨期,随着我国市场经济的不断发展,市场机制存在的固有缺陷——市场失灵不断暴露出来,尤其显现在我国的农产品市场上。这就迫切需要完善我国政府的微观规制制度,以弥补市场失灵。本文力图对当今政府微观规制在法律方面存在的协调和整合不够,执法主体交叉混乱,权力分散,权威不够,对市场信息收集统筹的力度不够等问题找出原因和可行的改革道路。  相似文献   

朱秋蓉 《法制与社会》2011,(3):28+32-28,32
自我规制是在历史上政府与市场关系不断变动的过程中确定的一种规制方式,对立于政府的强制规制方式而存在。它在政府单方面的规制出现失灵的情况下,要求市场中的私人经济主体在实现私益的同时完成公共利益的考虑。只有在市场里建立"市场调节——自我规制——政府规制"的多元结构,才可能完成国家与社会的改造。  相似文献   

分享经济语境下的自我规制主要指平台规制,与传统意义上的行业自我规制具有共性 也存在差异。自我规制无法解决外部性和激励漏洞等问题,基于心理学和行为经济学可发现其在解决信息不对称问题时也存在诸多不足。而对于政府规制,其不仅会出现规制失灵,而且很可能滞后于分享经济的动态发展,无法满足分享经济的规制需求。要实现互联网分享经济的合理规制,必须有效 整合自我规制和政府规制的优劣,引入合作规制模式。合作规制不是自我规制与政府规制的结合,而 是政府与私人主体为实现规制目标,在规制的全过程保持合作。从《促进分享经济发展的指导性意见》来看,我国分享经济的规制模式正在从政府规制走向合作规制。  相似文献   

FDI(国际直接投资)作为一种市场现象,我国政府对其采取全面的规制措施。根据规制经济学的相关理论,政府规制的同时出现规制失灵现象难以避免,我国在利用FDI领域所暴露出来的一些问题即源于此。针对这些现象,我国应采取相应的法律规制措施,以规范外国投资者和外商投资企业的市场行为以及政府的规制行为,并在此基础上形成我国利用FDI的立法体系。  相似文献   

张占江 《法律科学》2007,25(3):87-96
政府与市场各自的缺陷及二者良性互动机制的缺位,是造成目前社会中种种不和谐现象的深层原因.依据政治学、经济学、法学方面的分析,社会中间层主体是规制政府失灵、市场失灵的经济法领域内,实现政府与市场和谐互动的一条重要路径.目前的问题是,规范社会中间层主体的法律立法理念的偏颇、具体制度缺失.因此,匡正相关立法的理念,完善相关制度是亟待加强的.  相似文献   

网络谣言治理体系中存在政府规制和市场机制的界分。我国当前仍以政府规制为主导,忽略市场机制的功能,也缺乏对两者的有效衔接与整合。为了实现保障言论自由和维护社会秩序之间的平衡,市场机制应在网络谣言治理中起基础性作用,政府规制宜在市场机制失灵或突发事件状态下介入。网络服务提供者、网络服务用户、网络服务技术是网络空间的基本构成,与之相对应的互联网行业自律、互联网教育和互联网技术等市场机制有着不同的治理功能和运行逻辑,进而建构起"平台—用户—技术"三位一体的网络谣言治理市场机制。  相似文献   

王中  宋绍成 《行政与法》2005,2(1):43-45
政府微观规制总是建立在一定社会基础之上。文章从经济体制基础、法律体系和行政体制基础及社会文化基础等方面分析了转型时期建立我国政府微观规制的制度基础及存在的问题,并相信随着市场经济的发展,我国政府微观规制的制度基础将越来越好。  相似文献   

Justifications for regulation are commonly based on the identification of market failures. This is however inadequate to account for much regulation, and sees regulation as inherently second best to market allocations. This article argues that, although some regulation will be based on market failure, other justifications can be found in the protection of rights and in the maintenance of social solidarity. Theoretical support for this last rationale can be found in the work of Durkheim and Duguit and the concept of public service. To accept this rationale for regulation has important implications both for regulatory policies and regulatory instruments.  相似文献   

Regulators in a number of countries are increasingly developing “risk‐based” strategies to manage their resources, and their reputations as “risk‐based regulators” have become much lauded by regulatory reformers. This widespread endorsement of risk‐based regulation, together with the experience of regulatory failure, prompts us to consider how risk‐based regulators can attune the logics of risk analyses to the complex problems and the dynamics of regulation in practice. We argue, first, that regulators have to regulate in a way that is responsive to five elements: (1) regulated firms' behavior, attitude, and culture; (2) regulation's institutional environments; (3) interactions of regulatory controls; (4) regulatory performance; and (5) change. Secondly, we argue that the challenges of regulation to which regulators have to respond vary across the different regulatory tasks of detection, response development, enforcement, assessment, and modification. Using the “really responsive” framework, we highlight some of the strengths and limitations of using risk‐based regulation to manage risk and uncertainty within the constraints that flow from practical circumstances and, indeed, from the framework of risk‐based regulation itself. The need for a revised, more nuanced conception of risk‐based regulation is stressed.  相似文献   

彭真明  方妙 《法律科学》2011,(1):162-169
管理者薪酬,不仅在于给什么,而且在于如何给,此即国有企业经营者薪酬的实体与程序规制两个面向。由于缺乏自治性与适应性,实体规制面临诸多困境甚至"失灵",为此,转换视角,引入和完善薪酬程序规制殊为必要,亦即基于正当程序原理完善程序规制立法以及救济与责任机制,保障程序规制得以实施。  相似文献   

王清 《政法论丛》2014,(4):27-34
制定《职务发明条例》在宏观和微观两个层面均不具备现实必要性.在借鉴国外立法例的时候,《职务发明条例草案》存在法律依据异质与借鉴过时国外立法例的瑕疵.颁行《职务发明条例》有可能导致过度的政府规制,以及导致企业商业秘密泄露、额外增加企业经营成本、引发“多任务委托—代理问题”和收入分配不公等其他问题.  相似文献   

This study uses public-domain documents to describe the complicity of government actors (including current and former environmental regulators) with organized criminals, in facilitating crimes against the environment within two waste industries of New York State. Qualitative analysis results indicate that a combination of changing market forces, inadequate environmental regulation, and various failed policies and practices of the New York Department of Environmental Conservation can explain the presence, activities, and resilience of organized crime in the construction and demolition debris disposal, and also medical waste incineration industries, as well as provide some preliminary recommendations for preventing further regulatory failure in that state.  相似文献   

In November 2007, the Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2007 (NSW) was passed to deal with a number of issues under the spectrum of reproductive technologies. The legislation was the outcome of a review conducted by the New South Wales Health Department and adopts a different approach to other Australian statutory regulation. This article considers the approach of the new legislation and whether there are some issues that require further consideration under the new regulatory regime. In particular, discussion is focused on the failure of the new legislation to address eligibility for reproductive treatments as well as the use of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for the creation of tissue-matched children.  相似文献   

This paper describes Otto Kahn-Freund's advocacy of the British 'collective laissez-faire' system of regulation of industrial relations, in which regulation proceeded autonomously of the state. It suggests that a weakness of collective laissez-faire as a normative principle was its failure to make adequate provision for the furtherance of the public interest. It links this failure to a more general reluctance, on the part of Kahn-Freund, to conceive of the state as representative of the public interest. And it seeks to explain this reluctance with reference to Kahn-Freund's experiences of living and working as a labour court judge in the Weimar Republic, and of moving to the UK as a refugee from Nazism.  相似文献   

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