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实施组织、领导、参加黑社会性质组织犯罪又有其他犯罪行为的,我国《刑法》第294条第3款规定应当数罪并罚。这一规定与禁止重复评价原则相冲突,是禁止重复评价原则的例外规定。根据最高人民法院的相关司法解释,《刑法》第294条第3款规定的其他犯罪行为不应当包括敲诈勒索罪、聚众斗殴罪、寻衅滋事罪和故意伤害罪(故意伤害致人死亡或者以特别残忍手段致人重伤造成严重残疾的除外)。  相似文献   

黑社会性质组织犯罪的司法认定根据我国刑法第294条和最高人民法院《关于审理黑社会性质组织犯罪的案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》以及全国人大常委会  相似文献   

黑社会性质的组织犯罪定罪量刑之浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜树政 《山东审判》2007,23(1):93-96
黑社会犯罪作为一种理性化的高级犯罪形态,是国际上最为严重的犯罪之一,是有组织犯罪最为典型的一种形式。我国刑法第294条对黑社会性质的组织犯罪作出了专门规定,即组织、领导、参加黑社会性质的组织罪,入境发展黑社会性质的组织罪,  相似文献   

黑社会性质组织犯罪司法认定中若干疑难问题探讨(上)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黑社会性质组织犯罪是一种严重危害社会治安的有组织犯罪。在近期全国开展的“严打”整治斗争中,黑社会性质组织犯罪被列为打击重点。1997年修订后的我国刑法第294条规定了组织、领导、参加黑社会性质组织罪,入境发展黑社会组织罪,包庇、纵容黑社会性质组织罪。为了更有力打击黑社会性质组织犯罪,2000年12月15日最高人民法院发布了《关于审理黑社会性质组织犯罪的案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》(以下简称《解释》),这无疑对于司法实践中审理此类案件,正确适用法律是非常有帮助的。尽管如此,  相似文献   

目前各国的有组织犯罪的危害都是日趋严重,我国的社会治安也受到了严峻的挑战,虽然我国97年的刑法对有组织犯罪及其惩罚作了较明确的规定,但是随着我国黑社会性质组织的快速发展,在打击该犯罪时仍然不能尽如人意,本文具体分析我国《刑法》第294条所存在的缺陷,以求完善我国关于打击黑社会(性质)组织犯罪的立法  相似文献   

张惠芳 《时代法学》2004,2(2):38-43
黑社会性质组织有四个特征 ,即组织结构特征、经济实力特征、行为特征及地域与情节特征 ;针对现行刑法第 2 94条立法之缺陷 ,特建议 :一、界定黑社会 (性质 )概念 ,方便司法 ;二、进一步严密刑事法网 ,增设有关新罪 ,对现有罪名罪状予以补充修改 ;三、提高现行刑法中黑社会性质组织犯罪的法定刑 ,增设没收财产刑 ;四、刑法总则增加规定“黑社会组织犯罪不得适用缓刑”。  相似文献   

根据党的政策和宪法规定,各部门法应当平等保护不同性质企业的合法权益。但《刑法》在保护民营企业合法权益方面未充分贯彻党的政策和宪法中的平等精神。《刑法修正案(十二)》对《刑法》第165条、第166条和第169条的规定做了修正,将民营企业的人员纳入相应罪名的犯罪主体,并且法定刑的配置上不再因企业性质的差异而有不同。这是刑法贯彻落实党的政策和宪法中平等保护精神的重大进步。但刑法总则关于刑法任务和犯罪概念的规定中仍有不平等因素,刑法分则有数个罪名因企业性质差异而出现构罪条件和法定刑配置上的不同。应当全面审视《刑法》的规定,删除因企业性质不同而出现的不平等规定,实现民营企业与国有企业权益保护的平等。  相似文献   

黑社会性质组织犯罪是修订后的刑法新设立的罪种,但由于我国有关犯罪组织称谓的多样性,以及相关特征的混乱性,给实践中对黑社会性质组织的认定带来了不确定性和随意性。2002年4月28日,第9届全国人大常委会第27次会议通过了对《刑法》第294条第1款的解释,这是继2000年12月4日最高人民法院对黑社会性质组织作出解释后,对“黑社会性质组织”有次进行的界定。而司法机关要想在实践操作中真正解决这一问题,笔者认为必须以刑法和立法解释为依托,明确黑社会性质组织的法律性质和法律特征。  相似文献   

在形式逻辑上,《刑法》第149条第1款具有注意规定和法律拟制的双重性质。但从犯罪属性和犯罪构成层面进行实质分析,《刑法》第149条第1款应当是注意规定。将《刑法》第149条第1款定性为法律拟制,违反《刑法》第3条前段的规定,与《刑法》第140条规定的犯罪构成不符。基于《刑法》第149条第1款注意规定的性质,援引该款并适用《刑法》第140条应当具备两个条件:一是涉案对象是《刑法》第142—143条、第145—148条规定的伪劣商品,二是涉案对象又属于《刑法》第140条和司法解释规定的伪劣产品。因此,"依照本节第一百四十条的规定定罪处罚"是"可以型"规范,而不是"应当型"规范。  相似文献   

针对黑恶势力日趋滋生曼延的态势,如何遏制黑社会性质犯罪迫在眉睫. 一、加强法制建设,进一步严密刑事法网 (一)完善黑社会性质犯罪立法 一是增设黑社会犯罪罪名.当前,我国对于黑社会性质组织犯罪的法律规定仪存在于<刑法>第297条以及<最高人民法院关于审理黑社会性质组织犯罪的案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释>中,且可操作性都不强.因此,从有利于打击和遏制黑社会犯罪和解决司法实践中遇到的问题出发,应当及时增加新罪名,使其具有适度的超前性,也使执法者有法可依.  相似文献   

This paper uses historical content analysis to examine the implementation ofthe Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). It is argued thatthe historical events leading to the definition of organized crime as an alienconspiracy still affect RICO's use some 30 years after its passage. This paper applies state-centered theory to the theoretical frameworks of sociology of knowledge and innovation diffusion. This approach is used to relate the current implementation and controversy of RICO to the alien conspiracy view. Thought of in this context, legal implementation is the result of a knowledge creation and diffusion process. This paper demonstrates how one knowledge diffusionprocess (the acceptance of organized crime as a national conspiracy in 1970) leads to a new knowledge diffusion process (the use of RICO).  相似文献   

ANDREW SZASZ 《犯罪学》1986,24(1):1-27
This paper explores the relationship between legitimate corporations that generate hazardous waste and elements of organized crime with whom they contract for the removal, treatment, or disposition of those wastes. The scope and importance of hazardous waste as a social problem is first described and the variety of organized crime participation in waste handling is summarized. The paper then explores the factors that enabled organized crime to become active in this sector of the economy. Lax implementation and en forcement, the most common explanations, are discussed. The formation of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 is analyzed to show that there was a prior and more fundamental factor: large corporate generators of hazardous waste fought for a regulatory structure that would prove to be highly vulnerable to organized crime intrusion. This fact is then used to discuss and critique two current explanations of the relationship of corporate generators to organized crime waste handlers: “ignorance” and “powerlessness.” Finally, it is argued that although generators did not consciously intend to facilitate organized crime entry into hazardous waste hauling, they did subsequently enjoy tangible benefits from that entry.  相似文献   

Since the enactment of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, there has been an increase in both media and scholarly discussions of human trafficking. Although most of these discussions have framed human trafficking as a crime committed primarily by organized crime groups, there has been very little empirical research examining the link between human trafficking and organized crime. In an effort to start to address this gap in the research, we conduct an exploratory study to determine if there is a link between human trafficking and organized crime in one of the Southeast’s human trafficking hubs – Atlanta, Georgia. We collected data on 24 federal human trafficking cases that were indicted in metropolitan Atlanta between 2000 and 2013. Then, we conducted a content analysis of the court documents for each federal human trafficking case and classified the relationship between organized crime and human trafficking using one of three categories: nonexistent, organized criminal network, organized criminal syndicate. For the majority of the human trafficking cases (n = 16), we found that there was no relationship between organized crime and human trafficking. For the cases that did show a relationship between organized crime and human trafficking, we found evidence of organized criminal networks in eight of the cases and evidence of an organized criminal syndicate in only one case.  相似文献   

Since the mid-1980s, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act of 1970 (RICO) has been used against traditional organized criminals (i.e., Mafia) operating within various waste-trade industries. Recent civil and criminal RICO cases brought in New York City and State, provide current examples of the overall limited success of using RICO against criminal actors situated within the waste-trade industries. Although the traditional form of organized crime (i.e., Mafia) appears to be on the wane, corporate forms of organized crime have already entered into the waste-trade industries to fill the void created by the extraction of their predecessors. These corporate racketeers closely mimic the old traditional form of crime they have replaced, but may prove to be even more intractable, because, as the literature on corporate crime has clearly shown, corporate entities are extremely resistant to labeling as illegitimate organizations. One result of addressing “environmental-organized crime” as strictly organized crime, rather than as environmental crime, is that little change will be forthcoming in our current environmental regulations, laws, strategies and policies. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper uses historical content analysis to examine the developmentof the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). It is argued that certain historical events led to the definition of organized crime as an alien conspiracy and helped shape the RICO law. The theoreticalframeworks of sociology of knowledge and innovation diffusion are used to relate the development of RICO to the alien conspiracy view. Thoughtof in this context, law is the result of a knowledge creation and diffusion process. This paper demonstrates how one knowledge diffusion process (the acceptance of organized crime as a national conspiracy)affected a new knowledge creation process culminating in the RICO law.  相似文献   

李洁 《北方法学》2011,5(6):80-86
有组织犯罪作为犯罪的高级形态,其组织严密,危害严重。由于其具有很强的自我保护能力,导致发现不易,查处困难。有组织犯罪的组织化程度愈高,形式也日趋公司化、企业化,手段日趋现代化,犯罪的领域也愈趋扩大。因此,选择最优的手段治理有组织犯罪势在必行。无论是历史的经验还是现实的选择,打击有组织犯罪都要"打早"、"打小",从一般违法开始,力求将其遏制在萌芽之中。这既可以避免或减少危害,又可达到投入少,效果好地遏制有组织犯罪的目的,而这尚需相关法律规则的完善与观念的支撑。  相似文献   

The authors discuss the phenomenon of organized crime and why it appears to be a uniquely American problem. Comparing and contrasting ten cultural and/or socio-political variables, the authors demonstrate that American organized crime is uniquely related to its historical heritage, and that the inability of British society (inclusive of the media, researchers, and police officials) to officially recognize organized crime may be a result of “perceptual impairment” as opposed to its non-existence. The authors conclude that the study of the organizaion of crime deserves increased emphasis among criminologists, particularly with respect to the phenomenon of organized crime.  相似文献   

Organized crime scholars have paid scant attention to gender and stereotyped roles of women in the commission of organized crime activities. Traditionally, organized crime is seen as a form of criminality perpetrated by men only. Women are usually portrayed as victims of organized crime or as “mean girls”, girlfriends, wives, lovers of brides of notorious gangsters and mobsters. In the southern African context, little historical or comparative data is available on the role of women in organized crime. Existing data is basic and proceeds on the assumption of gender-neutrality or the implied male composition of organized crime groups. The link of women to organized crime is one of suffering and exploitation. However, in reality women fulfill varied roles and functions within transnational organized crime networks in the region. In some instances, they are the foot soldiers of drug and human trafficking syndicates. Sometimes they are the intermediaries or powerful matriarchs at the apex of transnational organized crime networks. Reliant on empirical findings undertaken for a regional 3-year project on organized crime trends in southern Africa, this paper will examine the dynamism of the role of women in organized crime in the region and argues that women play a multifaceted role with implications for themselves, their families, society and organized crime. Gender mainstreaming within scholarly literature and policy research is in nascent stages, this paper pleads for a more gender-sensitive approach to organized crime analysis.  相似文献   

张开骏 《北方法学》2017,11(2):86-97
聚众哄抢财物行为通常成立聚众哄抢罪;哄抢使用中厂房的物资设备的,是聚众哄抢罪与破坏生产经营罪的想象竞合犯,以聚众哄抢罪定罪处罚;聚众是与哄抢并列的行为或者是哄抢行为的方式或状态,说明了聚众哄抢罪的必要共同犯罪特征;成立聚众哄抢罪未必要有首要分子组织、策划或纠集;聚众哄抢罪的对象是他人占有的动产或者不动产中可以分离的部分;哄抢的本质是公然抢夺或盗窃;不符合聚众哄抢罪的哄抢财物行为可认定为抢夺罪或盗窃罪;聚众哄抢罪与抢夺罪、盗窃罪的共犯有差异;哄抢人采取对人暴力或胁迫等方式,压制被害人反抗而哄抢财物的成立抢劫罪,聚众哄抢罪可以成立事后抢劫;聚众"打砸抢"是聚众实施某些寻衅滋事行为的特别规定;"致人伤残、死亡"应限制解释为聚众"打砸"人所致;"毁坏或者抢走公私财物"是抢劫罪的法律拟制,首要分子以外的人成立寻衅滋事罪(或与敲诈勒索罪、聚众哄抢罪、故意毁坏财物罪等的想象竞合犯)。  相似文献   

有组织犯罪目前已成为各国普遍关注的热点问题.本文通过对各国关于有组织犯罪刑罚的具体规定比较,建议我国刑法对有组织犯罪的刑罚规定从以下几方面予以完善:扩大财产刑的适用范围;增加规定其他附加刑;并且,对有组织犯罪的犯罪分子在刑罚执行过程中应予以一定的限制,以贯彻对有组织犯罪从严打击的刑事政策.  相似文献   

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