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近年来,我国生育政策进行了几次调整,体现了国家对人口再生产在社会发展中重要性的认同,但是生育率未能得到有效提升,而女性在劳动力市场遭受歧视的现象依然广泛存在.研究认为,生育与工作家庭的冲突是我国生育现状的主要影响因素,而"全面三孩"政策可能加剧这种冲突.研究建议:应以人口再生产与物质生产理论为基础,重新审视人口再生产在...  相似文献   

随着社会生产力水平的不断提高,随着资本原始积累的基本完成和资本主义制度的日益完善与成熟,资本主义社会特别是一些发达的欧洲资本主义国家,劳资关系在经历了十八、十九世纪针锋相对的激烈对立与冲突之后,在当代,越来越趋于寻求"合作"与"共生共存".  相似文献   

近年来,我国民营企业中的劳动关系出现了一些问题,对企业发展和社会稳定产生了不利影响。基于和谐管理理论,构建劳动关系和谐管理模式,是实现民营企业劳动关系和谐的有效途径。我国民营企业应该明确"和谐主题",采取"和则"与"谐则"的管理对策,通过二者的"和谐耦合",实现劳动关系的稳定与和谐。  相似文献   

在当前社会转型时期,出现了很多新问题、新矛盾,能否正确认识和解决它并最大限度地争取职工群众支持和参与,决定着企业改革的成败。同时也是一个事关全局的大问题。一、转型时期职工问题的表现形态由于改革开放和发展市场经济,我国的经济体制、政治体制和社会结构发生了显著变化,从而引起了一些利益调整、观念冲突和社会震动,产生了各种各样的问题。(-)分配不公、贫富悬殊引起的问题。多种经济成份和经营方式的出现,拉开了劳动者的收入差距,一些人通过诚实劳动发家致富,另一些人通过非法行为牟取暴利,另外地区间、行业间收入差…  相似文献   

企业文化是有中国特色社会主义文化的重要组成部分,是凝聚和激励职工、促进企业发展的重要力量。党的十五届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于国有企业改革和发展若干问题的决定》中明确提出,要发展企业文化。工会工作与企业文化建设有着密切的联系。本文将通过对企业文化的研究,阐明工会在企业文化建设中的地位、作用等问题,并就工会如何推进企业文化建设提出意见建议。   一、企业文化的产生与发展   1企业文化产生发展的背景。   企业文化,作为一种企业管理的理论和实践,是随着社会经济的发展而产生的。它首先是社会经济发展和…  相似文献   

当今中国客观上存在着各种形式的农民工自力维权组织,表明了农民工对维权“组织性力量”的需要.自力维权是农民工解决纠纷或冲突的一种有效方式,以“老乡会”形式组成的民工帮、“民间工会”等自力维权组织采用“潜规则方式”来维护自己的权益,形成了潜在的社会不稳定因素.农民工自力维权中的“尴尬”不仅仅是法律意识问题,而应研究其更深层...  相似文献   

近代中国劳资争议曾长期作为劳工问题研究的"伴生物"存在。改革开放以来,它逐步成为学者独立研究的对象。30年来,学者对近代中国劳资争议的概况、引发劳资争议内外部因素以及劳资争议的调处等问题展开了研究,取得了较为丰硕的成果。但当前的研究也存在明显不足:对处于劳资争议主体地位的工人和资本家自身的行动与动机缺乏应有的关注;对劳资争议调处的研究注重于南京国民政府的调处,北洋政府和非政府组织在劳资争议调处中的作用很少进入研究者的视野;在劳资争议与社会环境的互动方面,研究者注意了社会政治、经济环境对劳资争议的影响,而劳资争议对社会的影响则未被关注。  相似文献   

郑华 《重庆工运》2009,(5):18-21
伴随着社会主义市场经济体制的确立和发展,我国的劳动关系出现了新的变化,劳动纠纷大量涌现,对社会的发展和稳定产生了巨大的影响。我们需要从构建和谐社会的大局出发,探索新时期劳动关系的特点,分析冲突的原因,坚持科学有效的原则,从工会建设、集体合同立法、劳动监察等方面去化解劳动关系中的矛盾与冲突,促进社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

社会管理的概念内涵与格局构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会管理是一个相当有中国特色的概念。对当前"四位一体"的社会管理格局可作如下理解:四位一体是一种社会管理的总体格局;四位一体明确了各类主体在其中的地位和角色;从中国现实出发,应发挥党和政府在社会管理中的主导地位;四位一体格局中应大力加强社会组织的建设。  相似文献   

从"郭美美事件"可以看到一个网络谣言的完整产生和传播过程。通过观测和分析"郭美美事件"发现,网络谣言的发展过程一般可以分为孕育、高潮和衰退等3个基本阶段。网络谣言的产生以及在网上迅速发酵、快速传播需要一些基本条件;复杂的社会背景是影响网络谣言传播的关键因素;网络媒体的发展使社会谣言的民众动员力、社会影响力无限制放大;不良社会心理是网络谣言发酵的深层基础。遏制网络谣言的产生、扩散,应当针对网络谣言产生、传播的不同阶段,形成系统的干预体系。  相似文献   

目前 ,城镇人口下岗失业问题日益突出 ,引起全社会的普遍关注。然而 ,关于失业的原因、失业现状对社会稳定的影响以及解决就业的政策等方面仍存在着一些认识上的误区 ,值得我们反思。  相似文献   

This paper explores conservative Christian demands that religious-based objections to providing services to lesbians and gay men should be accommodated by employers and public bodies. Focusing on a series of court judgments, alongside commentators’ critical accounts, the paper explores the dominant interpretation of the conflict as one involving two groups with deeply held, competing interests, and suggests this interpretation can be understood through a social property framework. The paper explores how religious beliefs and sexual orientation are attachments whose power has been unsettled by equality law. But entangled with this property is another—that held in workers’ labour and public bodies’ resources. Arguing against the drive to balance competing interests, the paper uses social property to illuminate the agonistic character of the stakes. At the same time, it questions property as a normative framework for sexual orientation and religious beliefs.  相似文献   

自二战结束以来英国的劳资关系模式独具特色,其发展变化也引人注目.同其他西方国家相比,英国解决劳资冲突的方式有几个特征:自愿主义的传统;法律体制的薄弱;政府作用的不断加强;工会自身的结构对劳资关系良性发展带来的不利影响.20世纪90年代以来英国的劳资关系有了较大变化,而变化的主要因素来自于工会自身的变化.英国职工大会提出了新合作主义的政策,开始强调与资方建立"社会伙伴关系".此举表明英国工会在劳资关系的处理中力图放弃过去"战斗性"十足的政策,而准备同资方进行合作.  相似文献   

There has been considerable recent debate about prostitution in Europe that reflects concerns about health, employment and human rights. Legal changes are being introduced in many countries. We focus on two examples in order to discuss the likely implications. A new law in The Netherlands is normalizing aspects of the sex industry through decriminalizing both workers and businesses. In Sweden, on the other hand, prostitution is considered to be a social problem, and a new law criminalizes the purchasers of sexual services in an attempt to reduce demand.Both reforms appear to have had their desired effect at one level; in The Netherlands, health and safety regulations will be introduced as in any other job, and EU sex workers gain full social, legal and employment rights; in Sweden there was initially a tenfold decrease in the numbers of women working visibly on the streets, and some workers have left the industry. However, in both countries, the new legislation has also driven some sex work underground. Many sex workers are excluded by the Dutch system and move underground to become effectively invisible to the authorities. In Sweden sex workers and their clients also become less visible in order that the latter can avoid sanction. Social and economic changes, such as increased migration and the growing use of the Internet will also render the sex industry less visible both to state regulation and to health care workers.The major problems of prostitution for the workers remain exploitation, stigma, abuse and criminalization. These are not unique to the industry, and can only be tackled effectively by the self-organization of sex workers into unions and rights groups, along with full decriminalization. An alternative vision is promised through self-organization and anti-racist actions by sex workers in Germany; normalization and workers’ rights are tackled alongside training programmes for those seeking alternatives. Policy makers throughout Europe would do well to look at their experience and not simply at the clash of legal reforms.  相似文献   

国有企业内部各不同职工群体的行为取向具有差异性。工人工作状态的“饱满性”特征高于管理人员和技术人员 ,其原因主要是前者受制度和岗位规章的刚性约束较多 ,而后者的工作弹性化特征较为明显。管理人员工作状态的饱满性则随职务的提高而提高。在以正式方式对待不公正待遇方面 ,工人选择更多的是“找领导”或“依靠企业工会” ,管理人员和技术人员到企业之外寻求解决问题的多于工人。在以非正式方式对待不公正待遇方面 ,选择“忍耐、接受现实”的 ,在各层级人员中均占首位 ,相比之下 ,管理人员善于“找领导恳谈” ,技术人员则惯于“另谋高就”。  相似文献   

关于企业改制过程中职工安置问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
职工安置往往是国企改制最棘手的问题,同时也是决定改制成功与否的关键因素。目前职工安置仍存在一些问题,比如部分企业职工生活无着落、一些企业大规模下岗引发的动荡、改制过程缺乏透明度等,对这些问题不能掉以轻心,否则会影响改革进程与和谐社会的建立。  相似文献   

Greig Taylor 《Labor History》2018,59(2):162-184
Internal conflict in trade unions has been the subject of considerable academic interest. Often described as intra-union tensions, the basic divergence in priorities and concerns between union officialdom and their members on the shop floor has inspired a multiplicity of pioneering workplace studies and theoretical frameworks. However, while these hierarchical divisions in trade union organisations have received concerted attention, another manifestation of intra-union discord remains relatively under-explored. Inter-sectional or ‘horizontal’ conflict can be described as two sets of workers from different trade groups within the same union which are embroiled in competition or rivalry, usually in the same workplace. Although the loosely associated concept of sectionalism was identified as a re-emerging trend in British trade unionism in the 1960s and 1970s, there has been little attempt to document how conflict can occur between two sections of workers working side-by-side. This article will present a case of horizontal conflict from the British dock industry and consider under what circumstances and pressures the phenomenon is likely to occur. The two sections featured historically had an uneasy relationship and rationalisation of the industry, allied with the neoliberal restructuring of the British economy in the 1980s, exacerbated this. In these contexts, workers began to exhibit greater levels of group self-interest which amplified inter-sectional tensions further.  相似文献   

The impact of alcohol-related violence on individuals and society continues to receive attention from both media and policy makers. However, the longitudinal relationship between alcohol consumption and violence is unclear, with findings from prospective studies producing mixed results. The current study utilized Australian data from the International Youth Development Study to examine longitudinal relationships between alcohol consumption and severe interpersonal violence across the developmental periods of early adolescence to late adolescence/emerging adulthood. The full sample comprised 849 adolescents (53.8 % female) who had been followed up over a 5 year period, from Grade 7 secondary school (age 13) until Grade 11 secondary school (age 17). Cross-lagged path analysis was used to examine reciprocal relationships between alcohol consumption and interpersonal violence; analyses controlled for a range of covariates considered to be common risk factors for both behaviors. Alcohol use during early and mid adolescence was found to predict violence 2 years later, whereas a bi-directional relationship between adolescent heavy episodic drinking and violence was observed. Some of these relationships were not significant when covariates such as family conflict and affiliation with antisocial and drug using friends were included in the models. These findings suggest that risk processes begin in late childhood or very early adolescence; efforts to reduce one problem behavior are likely to reduce the other. Further, the role that social and family contexts have in influencing the relationships between alcohol use and interpersonal violence should be considered in future research to better inform preventive efforts.  相似文献   

Intergenerational cultural dissonance (ICD)—a clash between parents and children over cultural values—is a frequent issue for Asian American youth. Using longitudinal data from the Cross Cultural Families Project, this study examines the mechanisms by which ICD contributes to problem behaviors, including whether ICD predicts parent–child conflict, whether parent–child conflict then has a direct effect on youth problem behavior, and whether positive bonding with parents mediates the effects of such conflict on youth problem behaviors among Vietnamese (n = 164) and Cambodian (n = 163) families with adolescents [average age = 15.2 years (SD = 1.05)]. The results from the path analyses show that, in both groups, ICD indirectly predicts problem behaviors by increasing parent–child conflict, which in turn weakens positive parent–child bonding. Interventions that target youths’ perception of intergenerational cultural gaps, help them manage conflict, and help strengthen bonds with parents may prevent problem behaviors among Cambodian and Vietnamese families. This study contributes to inform how to effectively prevent problems and difficulties among these families.
Yoonsun ChoiEmail:

Parents compare their children to one another; those comparisons may have implications for the way mothers and fathers treat their children, as well as their children’s behavior. Data were collected annually for three years with parents, firstborns, and secondborns from 385 families (Time 1 age: firstborns, 15.71, SD?=?1.07, 52% female; secondborns, 13.18, SD?=?1.29, 50% female). Parents’ beliefs that one child was better behaved predicted differences in siblings’ reports of parent-child conflict. Additionally, for siblings close in age, mothers’ comparisons at Time 1 predicted youth’s problem behavior at Time 3 through siblings’ differential conflict with mothers. The results support and extend tenets from Social Comparison and Expectancy Value theories in regards to social comparison within families.  相似文献   

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