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知识产权本质的多维度解读   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25  
吴汉东 《中国法学》2006,(5):97-106
从价值目标和制度功能的多维角度出发,可以对知识产权的本质进行不同的描述:在私人层面,它是知识财产私有的权利形态;在国家层面,它是政府公共政策的制度选择;在国际层面,它是世界贸易体制的基本规则。上述三个范畴并非是知识产权的全部品性,但或许是关于知识产权本质的基本认识。  相似文献   

This paper contends that law is in essence an evolutionary phenomenon that can, and indeed should, be studied in the light of biological mechanisms. Law can be seen as an extended phenotype of underlying genes. In addition, legal systems can be seen as congruous to genetic mechanisms. Properties of genes have an impact on legal systems in a fractal‐like manner. Hence, it is not surprising that notions of stability, replication, and reciprocity that are important in biological systems will also be important in legal systems. As a result legal systems can be constructed in a way that is congruent with the genetic advantage of group members. Law, exposure, and punishment can diminish deviant behaviour and restore balance. Law may not be particularly subject to natural selection, but it will certainly be built on the foundations of natural selection.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2014,54(5):356-362
Much information can be obtained from the chemical composition of a fingermark, which can be helpful in crime scene investigation. Immunolabeling can be used to extract information about the donor of the fingermark and it can also act as a fingermark development tool in sequence with the standard fingermark development techniques. However, before immunolabeling can be used in forensic practice more information on the possibilities and limitations of this technique is required. In this study, our aim was to investigate if immunolabeling is compatible with standard development protocols (indanedione-zinc, indanedione-zinc followed by ninhydrin spraying, physical developer, cyanoacrylate fuming, cyanoacrylate followed by basic yellow staining, lumicyanoacrylate fuming and polycyanoacrylate fuming). Immunolabeling was carried out successfully on all developed fingermarks, whereby dermcidin was selected as antigen of interest. We can conclude that immunolabeling is compatible with a wide variety of different fingermark developers. This finding in combination with previous findings, makes immunolabeling an interesting technique, which can be of great value in the forensic field.  相似文献   

HANS TOCH 《犯罪学》1981,19(2):185-194
Notorious scientific scandals leave the impression that a line between ethical and unethical research can be drawn, but routine examples show that an ethical penumbra exists. Breaches of ethics in science rarely surface. Most collegial charges of unethical conduct can be dismissed as being partisan; outsiders’ethical questions are more threatening, because they imply that violations are widespread. Such implications can be neutralized by “self-regulation.” Unethical behavior must be purposive. Technical violations can be attributed to ignorance. The downplaying of ethics preserves the “community-of-scholars” myth; highlighting the ethics issue would destroy this myth.  相似文献   

A small town solo gynecologist describes the process of starting a practice based on health information technology, how catastrophic it can be to lose data, how difficult it can be to try to exchange information, and yet how rewarding it can be to accomplish a "paperless" experience.  相似文献   

Postmortem molecular analysis in victims of sudden unexplained death   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Among several conditions that can be responsible for sudden cardiac death (SCD), an important role is played by long QT syndrome (LQTS). LQTS is a congenital electric heart disease that can be asymptomatic or have very severe clinical manifestation, leading to cardiac arrest. In fact, the first manifestation of LQTS can be hyperkinetic ventricular arrhythmias. The presence of LQTS should be considered in all cases of SCD where autopsy is negative for anatomic and histopathological findings. In these cases, after an accurate anamnesis, a genetic screening should always be performed. The screening on LQTS genes is performed on DNA extracted from paraffin-embedded tissues. Making a proper diagnosis in such cases can help to find new affected subjects among the family members of SCD victims and treat them. In these cases, if the pathologist does not make a correct diagnosis, can he or she be sued for malpractice?  相似文献   

在分析火灾发生概率规律性的基础上,可在一定的置信水平上,对火灾发生的起数进行区间估计和假设检验。通过区间估计将未来的火灾形势预测为一个置信区间,通过假设检验可排除随机干扰,确定火灾发生起数的变化规律,这些信息都能为消防规划的制定提供科学的数量依据。  相似文献   

A common assumption is that gender can be studied through the differences between men and women living in intimate partner violent (IPV) relationships. Mainly, that general gender behavior can be studied through IPV. This approach is examined and an alternative possibility for a broad agreement is suggested. Accordingly, gender motives reflecting status enhancement for men and risk reduction for women can be dominant in daily conduct and implemented in intimate relationships. The suggestions made in this article can be seen as an alternative agreed starting point for the study of IPV free of a priori premises and conventions. Theoretical and practical implications are suggested which can mediate between the approaches regarding gender and IPV and perhaps clarify the controversy so that different psychological interventions may be applied.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of a fingermark potentially holds a wealth of information about the fingermark donor, which can be extracted by immunolabeling. Immunolabeling can be used to detect specific components in fingermarks; however, to be applicable in the forensic field, it should be compatible with commonly used fingerprint visualization techniques. In this study, the compatibility of immunolabeling with two different fingerprint visualization techniques, magnetic powdering and ninhydrin staining, was investigated on fingermarks deposited on glass and on nitrocellulose membranes. With dermcidin as antigen of interest, immunolabeling was performed successfully on all developed fingermarks. We can conclude that immunolabeling is compatible with magnetic powdering and ninhydrin staining, which can be of great forensic value.  相似文献   

陈瑞华 《法学论坛》2005,20(5):5-10
刑事被告人的庭外供述笔录,也就是侦查人员在剥夺被告人人身自由的情况下所获取的有罪供述笔录,由于讯问过程的秘密性、封闭性和天然强制性,因此应一律被推定为非自愿的言辞证据.除非检控方能够提出证据证明其自愿性,否则,庭外供述笔录应一律被推定为非法的和不可采的证据,刑事法庭既不得准许检控方在法庭上提出该类证据,更不得将其作为定案的根据.经过这种证明责任倒置的技术性改革,侦查人员是否采取刑讯逼供的问题就可以转化成为庭外供述笔录是否具有自愿性和可采性的程序问题.  相似文献   

不法侵害是刑法中正当防卫的对象。不法侵害的范围应限定为,普通人针对一般法益、重大法益,或无责任能力人针对重大法益所实施的具有急迫攻击性、侵害性,并能够为防卫行为有效控制的违法犯罪行为。能够在客观上归咎于人的动物的重大侵袭,也可以成为不法侵害。  相似文献   

法医临床司法鉴定领域中,标准规定笼统、术语弹性较大以及技术规范差异等因素,使得鉴定人在一定程度上享有对某些特定问题的自主判断权。自主判断权的应用有其存在的必要性,但需通过必要的措施予以约束与制衡。否则,很难保证司法鉴定的科学、客观、公正,同时也会损害作为证据的司法鉴定意见的证明效力,妨碍司法公正的实现。  相似文献   

关于测谎及其结论的争议与评析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨旺年 《法律科学》2004,22(2):125-129
在关于测谎技术在刑事诉讼中的运用的讨论中 ,对测谎的科学性、准确性以及测谎结论能否作为诉讼证据使用方面存在着不同的看法 ,争论已久。从心理变化引起生理变化的角度看 ,测谎是有其科学根据的 ;现代测谎技术运用高科技手段和多学科原理 ,测试的准确性是有保证的 ;测谎结论由于不具备证据的关联性 ,所以不能作为诉讼证据使用 ,不能作为定案的根据  相似文献   

在法律之内寻求社会效果   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
从逻辑上说,社会效果既可以通过法律获得,也可以在法律之外获得,但在司法中寻求社会效果应当主要通过法律或法律之内实现;只有在特殊情况下,并在严格的规则和程序导向下,才可以"变通适用法律"。事实上,在法律之内存在着满足社会效果实现的巨大空间,只要本着良知,充分、正确地运用多种可行的方法,就可以将社会效果最大化,当然,这要具备一定的条件。  相似文献   

秦策 《北方法学》2015,(6):77-84
在审判中心主义的改革背景下,我国刑事诉讼应改变以往的"程序宽容"做法,通过庭审功能的实质性发挥,来强化审判对于侦查、起诉的引导制约作用,严格贯彻落实疑罪从无原则和非法证据排除规则,使法官敢于做出无罪判决、敢于排除非法证据,从而树立审判权威、提高司法公信、保障司法公正,实现从"程序宽容"到"程序倒逼"的转变,并最终逐步实现审判中心主义的改革目标。  相似文献   

动产他物权的善意取得探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶金强 《现代法学》2004,26(2):113-118
动产质权可经设定而善意取得 ,但在构成上有其特殊性。留置权的构成与善意取得的构成存在结构性冲突 ,故不可能经“设定”而善意取得。动产抵押权可经设定而善意取得 ,并且该取得不以取得占有为要件 ,但不可能因对占有的信赖经受让而善意取得动产抵押权  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(4):410-418
A data structure is proposed that can store forensic data obtained by experts from different disciplines and acquired using different instruments. This data structure, called TraceBase, is congruent with the forensic examination in the laboratory. We describe the design as well as its planned introduction in casework.The back-end of TraceBase is based on PostgreSQL and can be accessed by front-end applications such as the open-source LibreOffice office suite. The back-end regulates the flexible and robust storage of data, as well as the relation between items, samples, and analyses. The front-end applications allow the user to enter or retrieve data in an easy fashion, while the modular structure ensures that different aspects, such as the data entry, the processing and reporting of entered data, can be optimised individually. Additional analyses can be introduced and linked to items or samples already present.The database is designed such that data from several sources, different forensic disciplines and data acquired by different analytical techniques can be entered. When data needs to be retrieved for further analysis, a subcollection can be filtered for use in a specific situation.  相似文献   

逻辑艺术,它是逻辑方法、规律的运用技术,它将一些抽象的逻辑原理转换成具体的思维方法,并在解决实际问题中加以巧妙地运用。在政法实践中应用的逻辑艺术是适用政法实践各个环节的、体现政法实践具体特色的、能解决司法疑难问题的逻辑手段,对其进行研究和运用具有实用意义、普遍意义、特别意义和效率意义,能起到提高断定能力、推断能力、论辩能力、辨析能力和表达能力的作用。  相似文献   

以奥林匹克标志保护为契机完善我国知识产权保护制度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吕炳斌  胡峰 《河北法学》2006,24(3):43-46
奥林匹克标志的法律保护方式主要有三种:第一种方式是以注册商标的形式加以保护,第二种是以单行法规的形式加以保护,第三种是以"官方标志"的形式加以保护.应该对奥林匹克标志进行法律上的综合保护.目前,中国对奥林匹克标志的保护主要还是以注册商标结合单行法规的方式进行,中国应该注重以"官方标志"的形式对奥林匹克标志进行保护,我国也应该借此契机完善我国的官方标志的知识产权保护制度.  相似文献   

论刑事和解的适用范围——由权力到权利的解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刑事和解是当事人自行化解矛盾的一种方式,刑事和解权在一定领域内应当视为被害人的一项应有权利,国家在该领域内的部分权力让渡可以看作是被害人应有权利的回归。刑事和解只适用于涉及个体权益遭受侵害的犯罪,需要通过对故意与过失、轻罪和重罪的界分,来确定刑事和解的具体适用范围。  相似文献   

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