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The results of forensic medical investigations of 100 corpses of the persons who died from combined intoxication with two and more poisons are presented. They were compared with clinical observations and summarized uisng the methods of tanatogenetic analysis. The main variants of fatal combined poisoning and the underlying tanatogenetic mechanisms were categorized into cardiac (disturbances of rhythm and conductivity, progressive hypotension, flabby heart muscle, extensive fragmentation of cardiomyocytes), cerebral (coma and massive death of brainstem neurons), and pulmonary (of pneumonia- or pulmonary oedema-type with fibrin precipitation in the alveoli and formation of hyaline membranes). This classification was supplemented by a variety of combinations of the above variants with necrotic nephrosis and disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. It is concluded that the results of this study may be of use for forensic medical diagnostics of combined poisoning and the elucidation of the contribution of individual toxic substances to the fatal outcome bearing in mind the low informative value of the relevant forensic medical data.  相似文献   

法医精神病鉴定是一种经验型或技能型鉴定类型,大多数鉴定项目只能依靠鉴定人的经验进行判断,质量控制更显重要。遗憾的是,目前该专业并未像其他法医类鉴定那样实行认证认可制度,质量控制手段不多。为有效保障鉴定质量,必须围绕鉴定意见形成过程的各个阶段或环节进行过程控制与监督,重点关注“人、机、料、法、环”等要素。为此,建议在该行业内逐步恢复认证认可制度,完善质量体系建设,运用好各种内外部质量控制方法,严格把关鉴定人准入,实行鉴定人执业分类管理、强化鉴定人执业能力考核,以规范行业鉴定活动,维护行业司法鉴定的公信力。  相似文献   

鉴定留置指为鉴定被告心神或者身体状态,而将被告送入医院或者其他适当处所之处分。鉴定留置的存在是与法医学的发展休戚相关。从某种意义上讲,现代去医学发展的不成熟是鉴定留置制度存活的土壤。鉴定留置应定性为一种依附性行为。即依附于强制鉴定,其本身属于调查程序。而非强制处分。鉴定留置属于强制鉴定延伸的自然结果.而强制鉴定将在一定程度上限制被告人的行动自由。应当接受司法审查。强制鉴定作为一种独立的强制措施.对自由的侵犯程度不可与羁押同日而语,甚至其结果可能减轻或者免除被告人的刑事责任。因此在司去审查控制下的鉴定留置期间不应当计入羁押期间。  相似文献   

The author presents the analysis of the legal and forensic medical literature concerning currently accepted concepts and classification of expert malpractice. He proposes a new easy-to-remember definition of the expert error and considers the classification of such mistakes. The analysis of the cases of erroneous application of the medical criteria for estimation of the harm to health made it possible to reveal and systematize the causes accounting for the cases of expert malpractice committed by forensic medical experts and health providers when determining the degree of harm to human health.  相似文献   

Development of a new trend in forensic medical is discussed: organ and tissue serology. The author validates the need in development of the relevant taxonomy with consideration for specific terms and items. Data on tissue and organ antigens are classified and a scheme of their classification for forensic medicine is proposed for the first time.  相似文献   

Forensic issues in cases of Diogenes syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diogenes syndrome is a syndrome described in the clinical literature in elderly individuals characterized by social isolation and extreme squalor. A number of typical features are found in the forensic evaluation of these deaths as the cases usually initiate medicolegal investigations due to the circumstances and the lack of recorded medical histories. Examinations of the death scenes are often difficult as victim's houses are in a state of disrepair, with filth and clutter, and pet dogs may resent the intrusion of strangers. Bodies are often filthy, with parasitic infestations, and are often putrefied due to the social isolation of the deceased and the delay in the finding of the corpse. Bodies may be traumatized from postmortem animal depredation by rodents or pets (eg, cats, dogs), and injuries such as bruises and lacerations may be present from falls associated with terminal illnesses or alcoholism. Blood or putrefactive fluids may be spread throughout the house by pets. Treatable medical conditions are often present in advanced stages, and features of hypothermia may be found. Attending police may suspect robbery due to disarray of the house and homicide due to apparent "bleeding" around the body from purging of putrefactive fluids, injuries from falls, or postmortem animal activity and "blood stains" throughout the house from antemortem injuries and/or fluid spread by animals. Finally, the identification of the deceased may be compromised by decay and/or postmortem animal activity. Thus, in addition to having typical clinical manifestations, such individuals appear to form a distinct subset of forensic cases having characteristic death scene and autopsy features and presenting particular difficulties in postmortem evaluations.  相似文献   

The results are reported of a study to examine case factors associated with 732 wrongful convictions classified by the National Registry of Exonerations as being associated with “False or Misleading Forensic Evidence.” A forensic error typology has been developed to provide a structure for the categorization and coding of factors relating to misstatements in forensic science reports; errors of individualization or classification; testimony errors; issues relating to trials and officers of the court; and evidence handling and reporting issues. This study, which included the analysis of 1391 forensic examinations, demonstrates that most errors related to forensic evidence are not identification or classification errors by forensic scientists. When such errors are made, they are frequently associated with incompetent or fraudulent examiners, disciplines with an inadequate scientific foundation, or organizational deficiencies in training, management, governance, or resources. More often, forensic reports or testimony miscommunicate results, do not conform to established standards, or fail to provide appropriate limiting information. Just as importantly, actors within the broader criminal justice system—but not under the purview of any forensic science organization—may contribute to errors that may be related to the forensic evidence. System issues include reliance on presumptive tests without confirmation by a forensic laboratory, use of independent experts outside the administrative control of public laboratories, inadequate defense, and suppression or misrepresentation of forensic evidence by investigators or prosecutors. In approximately half of wrongful convictions analyzed, improved technology, testimony standards, or practice standards may have prevented a wrongful conviction at the time of trial.  相似文献   

杨天潼  尤萌 《证据科学》2014,(5):622-631
通用、统一的疾病分类就像是自然科学领域里的标准度量衡一样,不可或缺。疾病分类不仅可供医护人员使用,还可为司法鉴定、健康保险机构、国防卫生服务系统、公共卫生管理等作为评价健康状况的“度量衡”。受人类认识水平及科学发展的客观规律影响,疾病分类标准的制定与完善就注定不是一劳永逸的,它需要一代又一代的科研人员不断的进行修订与调整。作为国际通用的疾病分类,更加需要国际组织与各国家和地区的通力合作。随着我国经济、社会与医疗卫生事业的发展,对统一的疾病分类标准需求将更加广泛《,国际疾病分类》不仅在公共卫生领域,还将在司法鉴定领域发挥至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

The major issue in questioning the performance of general pathologists doing medicolegal or forensic autopsies is that they are very often without a firm basis for performing this task. With minimal training in medical school and minimal exposure during their residency, practicing general pathologists, although expected or even forced to do these cases, may face criticism after their performance in a case. The necessity for teaching forensic medicine and pathology in medical schools is obvious, and the necessity of there being more forensic pathology exposure in residency training programs in the United States and overseas is also obvious. Medical educators are responsible for all phases of medicine being taught to medical undergraduates and graduates and must be pressured to support the practice of all kinds of medicine in American communities, including legal or forensic medicine, in those cases in which questions arise that lead to the performance of postmortem examination.  相似文献   

The role of the forensic psychiatrist is described in this paper. This role is unique in that it applies the research findings of the neurologist, the neuropsychologist, the criminologist, and other behavioral specialists to courtroom proceedings. The possibility that medical malfunction such as brain damage, endocrinological problems, toxicity, infection, or neurological disorder may be associated with violent behavior is discussed. The forensic psychiatrist has several functions to perform in the courtroom. He or she must be able to assess the likelihood that any type of malfunctioning such as those mentioned may have had a part in the defendant's violent behavior, assess the defendant's state of mind at the time of commission of the crime, and determine whether the individual is competent to stand trial. The five phases of the criminal justice system are reviewed as they bear on the work of the forensic psychiatrist.  相似文献   

The difficulties of present-day forensic medical expert evaluation of poisonings in fires are explained by exposure of man to highly toxic compounds that form during burning of polymers. Analyzing forensic medical expert evaluations of a large number of victims dead in a large-scale fire, the authors emphasize the necessity of measuring not only dead people's blood levels of HbCO, but of some other toxic combustion products that may exert combined effects on human body. The authors think it desirable that criteria of forensic medical evaluation of combined poisoning in fire be defined.  相似文献   

Carotid artery (CA) dissection and/or thrombosis may occur in a number of medical and forensic relevant situations. However, post traumatic carotid artery dissection is considered rare, and often underestimated due to possible delayed presentation. We describe two cases of carotid artery dissection following strangulation with delayed symptoms as well as discuss medical diagnostic problems and their forensic implications.  相似文献   

法医工作者的职业暴露风险极大,案件现场及尸体上的有毒有害物质、高致病性微生物以及利器、骨折等因素均可能给法医带来身心伤害甚至生命危险。随着经济社会发展,法医的工作环境已经较过去显著改善,但是针对个人防护的重视程度仍需提高。近年来公共卫生事件频发,给法医职业防护带来新的挑战,迫切需要借鉴生物安全领域的先进技术和防护理念,以满足新形势下法医工作的需要。本指南立足当前法医职业防护的实际需求,从暴露风险、防护分级、应急处置等角度阐述,希望能为制定法医职业防护相关标准提供参考,以指导法医工作者开展个人防护工作,为提升法医职业化水平和身心健康提供帮助。  相似文献   

The supplementary designation "criminalistics" in the title of certain forensic medical institutes in the first half of this century is to be regarded as a reaction to faulty developments in our specialty, which almost led to the elimination of forensic medicine as an independent scientific discipline in the 1960s. The ability to think in terms of criminalistics and the corresponding working procedures has always been a crucial precondition for the forensic physician, since forensic medicine is the application of medical knowledge for juridical purposes. Forensic medicine originated with the appraisal of cases of violent death by doctors, i.e., reconstruction of the facts in the case. To use the term "criminalistics" in the form of a supplementary designation is thus not required. An attempt is nevertheless made to define "medical criminalistics" as a small but important component of criminalistics. They are subdivided into two phases: the first part begins at the scene of the crime or the place of discovery (local evidence). Here, the trained eye of the forensic physician is indispensable to the criminal investigation department and the prosecutor. Medical criminalistic thinking and working procedures continue at the autopsy. Here, forensic autopsy differs from that practiced by the pathologist. Without knowledge of the situation at the discovery location, the forensic physician runs the risk of not recognizing facts that are important for reconstruction and thus becoming a "destroyer of clues". The second part of medical criminalistics is the actual detection of medical clues, i.e., the investigation of medical clues with special methods, including histological and toxicological investigations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An original classification of dermatoglyphic features is proposed taking into consideration their inter-relations in conjunction with the new principles of comparative studies. A new and improved algorithm for the establishment of blood relationship has been developed based on the application of the dermatoglyphic technique. The method is recommended for the use in forensic medical expertise for the purpose of estimation of the probability of paternity, maternity, and substitution of children. Moreover, it may find application for the indirect (via establishment of blood relationship) identification of personality of an unknown subject.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a number of investigations into forensic medical aspects of bone tissue injuries and pathology that may be of value, both theoretical and practical, for the further studies in this field. The data obtained shed light on the influence of bone porosity on the mechanism of fractures and processes of reparation in the bone tissue. Moreover, they can be used for the purpose of forensic medical expertise.  相似文献   

Organizational aspects of the forensic medical expertise of fragmented corpses in cases of huge death-rolls are discussed. Algorithm of identification examinations; principle requirements applicable to expert's examinations in cases when the objects of examination are brought in within some time intervals; as well as peculiarities and methods of registration, of separate examinations and of classification of objects are under consideration.  相似文献   

眼眶骨折的影像学诊断及法医学评定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Liao YL  Qin QS  Qiu QH 《法医学杂志》2001,17(4):252-254
在眼眶骨折的法医学鉴定中常常出现漏诊和误诊。目前影像学技术在研究眼眶骨折的法医学特点和评价外伤的严重程度中有重要的意义。本文综述了眼眶骨折的分类、发病机制和影像学诊断的特点,对于眼眶骨折的法医学评价和鉴定有较好的帮助。  相似文献   

The palatal rugae have been used as a reference landmark and identification marker by orthodontists and forensic analysts. However, the reliability of palatal rugae as a forensic marker remains questionable once an individual is subjected to orthodontic treatment. This study aimed at evaluating the changes in the rugae pattern after nonextraction, extraction, and maxillary expansion orthodontic treatment. The lengths and shapes of palatal rugae were evaluated on the pretreatment and post‐treatment dental casts of 168 subjects using the Thomas and Kotze classification. Extraction treatment significantly reduced the second and third rugae lengths (p < 0.05), whereas the third rugae length was significantly increased after palatal expansion (p < 0.05). The shape of rugae remained consistent in all the study groups which may be used as a reliable forensic marker in subjects undergoing orthodontic treatment. However, the use of the lengths of palatal rugae in forensic odontology must be made with caution.  相似文献   

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