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Occupational research often emphasizes the importance of workplace characteristics for understanding job stress and employee well-being, but the role of personal characteristics and having a good match with the job is mostly neglected. We explored how job crafting and feelings of being authentic at work were related to work engagement, work engagement of performance, and procrastination. A structural equation model analyzed self-reports from 380 Dutch office employees. Job crafting and authenticity were positively related to work engagement, and high work engagement predicted? better in-role and extra-role performance and less work procrastination. Moreover, performance and procrastination were negatively related. Results emphasize the importance of having a “good fit” between the employment settings and employees to promote engagement. By improving employee’s work engagement, organizations might improve the likelihood that personnel respond favorably with organizational goals and reduce the chances of engaging in workplace procrastination.  相似文献   

Traditional methods of analyzing the physical and psychological demands of the job have been criticized as potentially biased against female sex‐typed jobs. This poses a potential problem when information about the job is used to develop safety training programs or injury prevention programs. In this paper, the problem of measuring safety‐related aspects of jobs is explored from a perspective which incorporates attention to gender issues. Potential problems are identified in the measurement of characteristics such as physical safety, responsibility for the physical safety of others, and psychological safety. A shortcoming in the literature deserving of further research is also identified in terms of the relative paucity of measures of responsibility for psychological safety. The failure to pay attention to gender issues may lead to problems in safety training, due to deficiencies in assessment, evaluation, and design.  相似文献   

Two hundred and two undergraduate participants (134 female, 68 male) completed both the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO‐PI‐R) and self‐report measures of prior workplace accident involvement. Significant inverse relationships were found between the factor of Agreeableness and the total reported number of work‐related accidents and between the factor of Conscientiousness and the total reported number of not‐at‐fault work‐related accidents alone, as well as the total reported number of work‐related accidents. Further, regression analyses indicate that both Agreeableness and Conscientiousness factors may be useful for predicting certain types of workplace accidents. Implications and potential future directions for research are discussed.  相似文献   

Typically, safety‐related driver education programs are aimed at changing knowledge of vehicle operation rules and regulations. However, vehicle crashes are as likely to be related to driver personality variables as they are to the knowledge of vehicle operation and rules and regulations. In a study with 48 licensed drivers, crashes were found to be significantly correlated with conscientiousness, a five‐factor model personality dimension, but not with scores on a driving knowledge test. It would appear that prevention efforts should also be directed at changing conscientiousness‐related behaviors, including an emphasis on goal‐setting, and following rules and regulations.  相似文献   

Because work‐related injuries are infrequent and often poorly documented, injury event operationalizations beyond recorded rates would be beneficial. This study describes a method that uses self‐reported and recorded events.

Researchers interviewed workers and obtained recorded events from personnel files to develop the near miss and unreported injury events measures. The self‐reported event measures, with other safety variables and demographics, were then administered to two groups of plant workers (N = 115 and N = 120). Results indicated that self‐reported events differed from recorded events and are related to other work injury variables (e.g., work hazards, overtime). An expanded safety protocol such as this one may provide additional tools to investigate the injury event process.  相似文献   

社会存在一定的风险。现代社会中的风险具有不确定性以及多样性、广泛性和人为性的特点。与风险相对应的是安全,尤其是备受关注的公共安全。其中,与民生有着密切联系的食品安全由于发生的频次高、危害范围广、原因复杂、后果严重,更是考察政府职能的一个参照。在如此的背景下,相关部门应当建立并完善风险预警机制、食品安全信息公布与通报机制、食品安全检验和检疫机制以及重大事故处置机制,以应对风险。  相似文献   


Little is known about principals’ perceptions and their links to how school safety practices operate. Using data from School Survey on Crime and Safety from 2,009 public schools in the US, the current study examines the extent to which principals/administrators’ perceptions of academic climate and crime risk are related to school practices regarding safety and discipline. Results show that principals’ perceptions directly relate to school safety practices when controlling for school characteristics, and also explain how selected school characteristics relate to safety practices.Overall, the present study highlights the importance of principals’ perceptions of crime risk and academic climate in school safety practices. Policy implications and potential limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

The work environment in Chinese factories is a unique combination of elements in socialist central planning, traditional kinship ties, and market competition. These factors have varying consequences on employees’ job satisfaction, work commitment and workplace interest articulation. Market reform changed the social contract between the government and workers. It brought higher wages, but less security and more market whip. The changing social contract had a mixed effect on work satisfaction and commitment, and resulted in increased managerial authority and declining bargaining power among workers. Data are drawn from a 1991–1992 enterprise employee survey in 100 firms.  相似文献   

China has an appalling record of workplace safety in its coalmining industry. This article first traces the long-term trends of fatality at different types of coalmines, then analyzes why the number and rate of fatalities in the industry have remained so high, and finally discusses how the government has gradually overhauled its regulatory system to cope with the dreadful state of safety. Based on the case study, the article concludes that China's transition from state socialism has not resulted in a Hayekian night-watchman state but in a new regulatory state, which exerts controls over a wide range of economic and social affairs via standard setting, supervision, monitoring, and enforcement.  相似文献   

职业安全与健康政府管制研究在发达国家已形成比较完善的理论体系。本文在深入分析国外职业安全与健康政府管制相关文献的基础上,对有关研究者的观点进行提炼,并按照职业安全与健康政府管制必要性、管制对象与方法、管制绩效评价三个方面进行综述。国外学者总体上对职业安全与健康政府管制绩效持肯定态度,但也指出管制的负面性,强调:应对政府管制权力加以制约;注重政府管制的方式方法,提高管制效果;加强政府管制绩效评价,树立成本—收益理念。这些可以为我国政府的安全生产管制实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

电动自行车以其节能、环保、轻便、价廉的优势进入千家万户,成为人们的主要交通工具之一,但同时随着电动车的激增,出现了日趋严峻的交通安全问题。本文在对影响电动自行车交通安全主要因素进行分析的基础上,提出了推行标准化生产、严格登记上牌、加强立法、执法及宣传力度等相关对策,以期为缓解电动自行车交通安全提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

落实以人为本的安全发展观,构建有效的煤矿安全监管长效机制,保证煤矿安全工作持续稳定健康发展,是摆在我国政府及煤矿安全监管部门面前的一项重大课题。本文从分析煤矿安全监察激励因素的划分入手,重点论述了安全监察激励机制的内涵。在此基础上,构建了以组织目标体系、诱导因素集合和个人因素集合为支点的煤矿安全监察激励机制设计模型。  相似文献   

位于城市周边城乡结合部地区的治安形势日趋严峻。其深层次原因在于城市化进程中城乡结合部地区社会资本的下降,其原有的“熟人社会”变成了新的“陌生人社会”,人们相互之间缺乏一定的互动网络与信任,行为容易“失范”。促进城乡结合部地区社会安全的基本策略是建立规范、构建网络、建立组织、重建信任,以增进这些地区的社会资本;这已经初步为北京城乡结合部地区的实践所证实。要更有效地维护好城乡结合部地区的社会安全,就必须适应城市化快速推进的形势变化,加快城乡结合部地区的社会管理体制变革,加强社区建设,促进政府管理力量与基层组织的合作,推进社区警务战略,形成警察与基层组织的良好合作关系,努力建立规范,促进常住人口与流动人口的互动,建立相互之间的信任关系,努力增进这些地区的社会资本。  相似文献   

食品安全问题始终是涉及民生的大问题,文章从案例分析入手,归纳出政府存在监管主体滥用职权,多头监管导致监管空白,行政主管部门不作为,追惩结果不透明,监管部门推诿扯皮等问题,并进一步分析指出食品安全政府监管制度的完善应从加强信息公开、严惩政府不作为、明确监管职能、完善相关立法等几方面入手。  相似文献   

构建监狱安全长效机制是监狱系统一项十分重要的基础性工作,其根本着眼点是监狱安全制度、监狱安全监测监控、监狱安全评估预警及监狱安全应急处置等实施效能的稳定与不断提高。构建监狱的安全长效机制,应在统一的安全制度的控制和指导下,综合运用各种监狱安全监测监控措施对监狱进行防护,同时通过监狱安全评估预警机制来评估和调控监狱的安全状态,并通过适当的监狱安全应急处置机制,将监狱调整到相对“最安全”和“风险最低”的状态。  相似文献   

多部门食品安全监管的必要性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国的食品安全究竟以哪一种方式进行监管最为合适,这一问题一直是学界和政府关注的焦点。本文尝试从不同的角度回答这个问题。研究发现,"单部门"监管模式在中国不可行,食品安全监管的历史沿革和行政生态决定了我国应采取"多部门"监管的模式,它适合食品安全风险监控的客观需要,总体上利大于弊,存在正效益。  相似文献   

责任边界是落实监管安全责任的基础,是与监管安全工作相关的岗位,所应当清晰与明确履行监管安全职能的一种可具体性、可规定性、可操作性的岗位职责。其责任的边界可以区分为领导与被领导、外延与内涵、绝对与相对、作为与不作为、刑事与行政等类型,其责任边界的清晰、规范和有效可以通过法治化、专业化、精细化、流程化和权利化的路径来实现。  相似文献   

计算机实验室是高校信息化人才培养和计算机课程实验、科研的场所,计算机实验室的安全问题已关系到整个校园的安全与稳定。文章针对公安院校计算机实验室存在的安全隐患及其原因进行了分析,提出了"以人为本、预防在先"为核心的理念以及关于公安院校计算机实验室安全管理的若干对策。  相似文献   


Child welfare organizations throughout North America have expended millions of dollars to develop, implement, and institutionalize formal risk assessment models to improve decision making for maltreated children and their families. This article summarizes findings of the risk assessment literature and concludes that many risk assessment protocols currently in use may not improve either the consistency or the accuracy of protective service decisions for maltreated children. The article recommends strategies to improve decisions that promote child safety by utilizing a continuum of empirically supported decision making tools, each designed for a specific purpose during the life of the case.  相似文献   


In a climate of continued national concern over school safety, school personnel are faced with a flood of statistics and advice about the prevalence of youth violence, and recommended responses. In the spring of 2000, a school safety survey (Sprague, Colvin, & Irvin, 1995) was sent to all public school principals in Oregon to assess their perceptions of risk and protective factors affecting school safety. We also asked questions about school safety concerns and intervention programs. We compared the results of the present survey with those found from administering the same survey in 1995. Results indicate that protective factors were rated higher than risk factors in 1995 and 2000. Bullying and harassment, poverty, and transiency were top rated risk factors in 2000 and these were different from results found in 1995. Principals rated response to conflict, suicide prevention, and staff training as top protective factors in 2000 and these also differed from the 1995 ratings. Regarding priorities for change, principals rated improvement of the academic program as their highest priority, followed by school safety and discipline improvement. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for local and state-level policy planning in education and government. We also address limitations of the current study and directions for future research.  相似文献   

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