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目前,虽然各级政府采取了相关措施保障流动儿童的初等教育权,但是由于受现行教育体制和教育财政制度等因素的制约.流动儿童与城市当地儿童的初等教育权在入学机会和教育过程上仍然存在不平等的待遇,这显然与作为宪法权利的受教育权相悖。因此政府应当通过逐步建立以居住地为主入学的教育体制、完善教育财政体制等措施来实现流动儿童初等教育权的平等保护。  相似文献   

当前,我国城市化和工业化进程不断推进,农民进城务工人员剧增,随之而来的是大批义务教育适龄儿童跟随父母来到城市,导致农民进城务工带来的流动儿童受教育问题日益突出。本文以流动儿童受教育权为研究对象,对流动儿童受教育权现状进行了阐述,探讨了流动儿童受教育权的困境和制约因素,并尝试提出流动儿童受教育权的法律保障措施。  相似文献   

高静 《行政与法》2009,(4):40-42
流动儿童是随着城市化进程加快、农村剩余劳动力转移而出现的特殊群体.他们既不是城市孩子,也不是纯粹意义上的农村孩子,他们生活在城市与农村之间,因其所处的社会地位、家庭背景影响了受教育情况,其心理受到了现有生存环境的冲击与挑战.流动儿童如何与整个社会融合在一起,确保其在义务教育阶段享受到公平的教育资源,以利于他们今后的健康成长,是各级政府部门应当面对和解决的问题.  相似文献   

龚春艳 《法制与社会》2013,(14):231-232
流动儿童义务教育问题受到社会广泛关注。在流动儿童义务教育政策执行过程中,流入地政府、公办学校、家长等方面基于不同的利益诉求做出的不同选择,大大削弱了政策的执行效果。解决流动儿童义务教育执行难问题,需要各方共同努力,积极寻求利益结合点,建立互适机制,方能从根本上得到有效解决。  相似文献   

很长一段时间,政府有关部门和媒体在讨论农民工子女教育问题时,关注的重点是如何解决与父母一起流动的孩子在城里上学的问题。而对于那些"留守"在农村的孩子们的教育,生活问题却鲜有人予以足够的重视。农村留守儿童问题的解决是社会主义新农村建设和构建和谐社会的重要组成部分。因此,要构建和谐社会,解决留守儿童问题势在必行。  相似文献   

我国城市在独生子女政策施行以来出现的“少子化”趋势必将对城市基础教育产生深远的影响,由此带来的为城市解决流动儿童、少年的在城就学问题提供了巨大发展空间和契机。城市政府可以在应对“少子化”对教育冲击的框架下适当考虑流动儿童、少年的就学问题,获取“双赢”的结果。这也是城市适应自身“少子化”趋势和快速城市化过程中城乡大量人口迁移情况的一种必然趋势。  相似文献   

翁芳洁 《法制与社会》2013,(16):221-222
城市流动儿童平等受教育权问题的产生是随着我国社会转型期工业化、市场化和城市化进程的日益加快,农民大规模的涌向城市而产生的。目前,虽然政府已经采取一定措施保障城市流动儿童的平等受教育权,但不平等现象仍在一定程度上存在,需要采取措施进一步保障。  相似文献   

流动儿童接受义务教育的权利兼顾了自由社会权利的一项基本权利。流动儿童接受义务教育的权利具有可诉性。然而就我国的流动儿童接受教育的现状而言,这些流动儿童受教育的机会以及接受教育的过程等方面存在不平等现象,并且由于我国并未建立宪法诉讼制度,民事诉讼和行政诉讼在保护流动儿童教育权利方面并不完善,由此导致了流动儿童接受教育权利的缺损,为了保护流动儿童接受义务教育的权利,应增加宪法当中的相关条款,同时实现宪法的司法化,同时完善审查制度等等,充分保障流动儿童接受义务教育的权利,实现义务教育的补偿价值。  相似文献   

于曦乔 《法制与社会》2012,(33):219-220
随着社会发展和经济的进步,城市化进程的飞速推进,流浪乞讨人员的大量出现、流浪乞讨问题的日益严重已经逐渐成为社会发展的一大威胁。为此,我国政府出台了一系列政策,或是规制犯罪的流浪乞讨,或是保护流浪乞讨中真正的弱势群体。然而纵观之,随着流浪乞讨儿童现象的日益普遍,对于流浪乞讨儿童的受教育权的保护则显得非常不足。这便要求我们加快出台一系列政策、法规,真正解决流浪乞讨儿童的受教育的相关问题,真正把保护流浪乞讨儿童的受教育权的问题落到实处。  相似文献   

当流动人口成为不断庞大的群体时,其受教育权的实现需要依赖政府的行政职能予以保障,我国制定了一系列与受教育权有关的教育管理法律法规,试图对政府行为予以规范以实现公民基本权利的维护。从现有的法律制度安排而言,与流动人口受教育权有关的行政法律制度从主体权力的划分、责任的承担到行政经费的财政支持等诸多方面均有所欠缺,不能很好地解决跨区域的人口流动教育问题。行政给付作为一种二次分配手段可以成为地域界限的突破口,在既定制度的范围内,对流动人口教育问题进行一定程度的改善。  相似文献   

鄢广 《中国卫生法制》2020,(3):31-33,49
农民工从乡村到城市后,面对就业收入、子女教育、人际关系等剧烈变化的陌生环境,往往承受着较大的心理压力。过高压力可能带来诸多社会和医学问题,导致事故、酗酒、意外伤亡、自杀和家庭破裂,使社会蒙受巨大损失。解决农民工心理健康问题牵涉到社会保障、城市管理、工业发展等工作,需要政府及卫生部门、安监部门、社会保障部门等密切配合,供给有效保护农民工心理健康的社会政策。  相似文献   

民工子弟学校的外来教师,作为城乡结合点在个人层面上的一种突出体现,在心理上向往着城市,肉体上蛰居在城市,但却在真正意义上敲不开城市的大门,在城市扎不下根来.这一特殊的生活经历和体验,使他们的生活世界充满了"流动"的变数,而这一流动性,为人们认识民工子弟学校,理解民工子弟学校中展开的教育,提供了一个非常有教育社会学意义的独特视角.本文尝试通过对一所民工子弟学校外来教师的访谈调查,描述他们在城市边缘建构起来的生活世界以及教育实践过程所展现的特色,并借用齐美尔"异乡人"的概念,从无根的漂泊感以及与货币的联系这两个维度,对生活世界与教育实践之有机关联进行解读.  相似文献   

This study explores international domestic workers’ response to employer abuse and exploitation following changes to Canada’s Live-in-Caregiver Program in 2014. This research followed an interpretive policy analysis research design, using feminist, participatory, and action research methods. University-based researchers, advocates, and peer researchers collaborated to develop and implement the project’s research and advocacy goals. Thirty-one caregivers in Toronto and Calgary participated in individual and/or focus group interviews to discuss access to permanent residence, working conditions and forms of support. Many shared examples of labor exploitation and psychological hardship due to precarious work conditions and long periods of family separation. Barriers to accessing services and fear of losing status led the majority of caregivers to rely primarily on informal networks for mutual aid and support. This paper identifies how changes in Canada’s temporary foreign worker program for live-in-caregivers exacerbates the structural violence of migrant care work, where the risk for abuse, exploitation, and risk of losing status is normalized. Migrant caregivers accept the precarious work conditions with the promise of permanent residence and the chance to improve their lives for themselves and their children. Towards envisioning improvements in social service delivery, our research highlighted the need for social services to increase outreach and safety planning for migrant workers who are vulnerable to abuse, exploitation, and the loss of legal immigration status. Our research also supports grassroots advocacy to call for all migrant workers to be granted permanent resident status upon arrival to ameliorate the structural violence of migrant labor.  相似文献   

李大光 《行政与法》2013,(12):88-91
作为城市化进程中的特殊群体,新生代农民工已经成为我国经济社会建设中的主力军.本文分析了新生代农民工在就业方面遇到的问题,并提出应从建立健全法律法规体系、完善和健全社会保障体系、改革户籍制度、搞好教育培训工作等方面来解决新生代农民工就业问题.  相似文献   


The former migrant camp at Benalla (1949–1967) is one of the least publicly remembered of twenty-three similar centres which provided temporary housing for non-British arrivals in post-war Australia. One of Benalla’s keenest observers saw it as ‘a sad and tragic camp where widows and single mothers were sent’. Another claimed that, as a consequence, it had ‘peculiar difficulties’. The camp ended miserably with the forced relocation of several widows and their families who had been resident in Benalla’s ‘short-term accommodation’ ever since their arrival in Australia seventeen years before. Migrant camps, like Benalla, are difficult heritage places. They raise embarrassing questions about discrimination against the non-British, family separation, forced movement and the inadequacy of support services for the most vulnerable. Benalla has hitherto seen no grand camp reunion, plaque, memorial, public history or heritage listing which raises questions about the perceptions and experiences of the facility while it operated and broader questions about remembering and heritage-making. Benalla was a unique migrant centre and as such provides rare insight into the place of single refugee women and their children within the frames of national/state, local and migrant family heritage.  相似文献   

Promoting industry-wide innovation is a particularly difficult problem of technology transfer because of issues of proprietary information and competition. A promising approach to this problem is network-building through mission-oriented conferences that facilitate communication among those involved in the transfer of technology. This paper defines basic concepts of networking and views mission-oriented conferences as temporary systems. It describes how one mission-oriented conference, the Footwear Technology Symposium, was designed to promote networking. The paper also provides examples of other mission-oriented conferences (including a number of what have been called “research utilization conferences”). The article concludes with a set of recommendations for planners of mission-oriented conferences.  相似文献   

In the past decade, the number of rural-to-urban migrant adolescents in urban China has soared. Official criminal justice statistics point to their higher level of deviance compared to urban adolescents. This study examines whether rural migrant children are more delinquent than their urban peers in the school sample. It provides explanations for the gap by linking Hirschi’s social bond theory with the literature on migration in China. Moreover, it formally tests which elements of social bonds mediate the relationship between migrant status and delinquency. Based on a large-scale survey in Guangzhou involving 470 rural migrants and 838 urban junior high school students, our analysis shows that migrant adolescents engage in slightly more delinquent behavior and have weaker social bonds than local adolescents. Attachment to parents and school, commitment to education, and belief in law fully mediate the positive relationship between migration and delinquency. Such findings indicate that within China’s dual urban–rural structure, rural-to-urban migration can increase these adolescents’ exposure to risk factors that undermine their social bonds to conventional society and thus lead to higher levels of delinquency.  相似文献   

统筹城乡发展,解决农民工问题是关键。本文通过对农民工进城就业安居情况的调查和研究,分析了农民工进城就业安居中存在的问题,指出了农民工进城就业安居中的各种制度障碍,提出了破解这些制度障碍、构建农民工进城就业安居法治环境的建议,希望对促进农民工进城就业安居和统筹城乡发展的理论研究与实践有所裨益。  相似文献   

Research on ethnic minorities in Malta is relatively infrequent. Research on ethnic minority women is even scarcer. However, there is consensus in the literature that migrant women can face additional disadvantages when compared with minority men and women in the host country. More specifically, migrant women are at risk of the most extreme forms of poverty and social exclusion, in many if not all dimensions of life: housing, education, employment, health care, and multiple discrimination. This paper presents a critical overview of the socioeconomic situation of migrant women in Malta as a first and crucial step toward a better understanding of the disadvantages and specific needs faced by this vulnerable group. It then goes on to discuss the role of the state for evidence-based decision making and policy responses. I finally argue for active inclusion policies that redress social inequalities, and that encourage the full integration of migrant women living on the edge of Maltese society.  相似文献   

"民工荒"问题的法学思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马跃 《河北法学》2005,23(4):6-9
农民工的权益保障一直是法学、经济学和社会学所共同关注的热点问题.以"民工荒"问题在我国引起的强烈反响为契机,分析造成该问题的原因,得出我国相关法律制度建设的滞后是一个重要根源.尝试从法律视角对这一现象进行分析与思考,希望在理论上得到解决这一困惑的钥匙,并引起更多的人关注这一问题.  相似文献   

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