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司法鉴定的使命是为诉讼提供科学、可靠的鉴定结论,为此,司法鉴定机构的改革必须遵循中立、公正、具备较高的鉴定能力、高效、人性的基本理念.为完成司法鉴定的使命与实现其理念,中国当今的司法鉴定机构有必要进一步完善其改革,从而在科学真理与市场利益之间进行恰当的平衡.  相似文献   

对司法鉴定领域开展科学、有效的分类,进行统一规范的能力范围表述,有助于建立完整的司法鉴定标准化体系,能为司法鉴定机构合理规划组织结构、准确定位发展方向提供指引,也能为司法鉴定行业管理部门的规范化管理提供帮助。对该领域分类和能力表述开展国内外比较分析,是实现上述目标的基础性研究。目前我国在司法鉴定领域的分类方法尚未统一,与国外法庭科学认可分类方法相比,尚有部分项目未纳入分类范围之内;国内能力范围表述在目的、方式、详细程度上与国外相比亦有不同。本文对国内外行业管理组织和国际权威认可机构司法鉴定领域分类及能力范围表述进行了比较分析,研究解析其内容及差异,并提出了制定司法鉴定领域分类国家标准、扩展司法鉴定领域分类内容、适时调整司法鉴定能力范围表述内容等建议。  相似文献   

司法鉴定作为证据形式的核心内容,同时也是我国司法制度的重要组成部分,其特殊性和重要性是显而易见的。然而司法鉴定所存在的缺陷和弊端却严重制约了其作用的发挥,如:立法的不完善使得司法鉴定缺乏有效的监督,多头鉴定、重复鉴定等问题得不到解决。本人通过对司法鉴定现状的分析,在借鉴国外司法鉴定相关经验的基础上,期望通过一系列的措施来构建我国的司法鉴定制度,使司法鉴定活动能够科学、公正地进行。  相似文献   

司法鉴定技术准入标准问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
司法鉴定科学的发展史表明,鉴定科学的产生是以一般科学技术的发展为前提的,司法鉴定科学的发展也是以一般科学技术的发展为条件的。没有自然科学、技术科学的飞速发展,现代司法鉴定技术也不能得到真正的发展。而司法鉴定中所应用的科学技术必须是稳定成熟并已被证实为科学的,才能被吸纳。然而,由于我国司法鉴定制度的不完善,  相似文献   

王公义 《中国司法》2006,(11):17-19
对全国司法鉴定工作的政府管理,1998年国务院三定方案曾规定为司法部的职能,2005年全国人大常委会通过的《关于司法鉴定管理的决定》以立法的形式再一次明确为司法部统一管理。至此,司法部成了国家管理司法鉴定的唯一国家机关,其责任的重大可想而知。对司法鉴定的管理虽不是新生事物,但到目前为止并没有真正形成科学的统一的司法鉴定管理体制,在实践中还有不同的意见和争论。所以,认真研究我国司法鉴定管理体制的改革与完善问题仍然是我们的重大任务。一、司法鉴定活动是科学的证明活动司法鉴定是鉴定的一种。鉴定本身是一种科学技术活动,他…  相似文献   

诉讼活动的公平、公正、民主、科学是诉讼民主化的标志,也是建设民主法治国家的基本要求,诉讼的民主化要求案件证据证明方式的科学与理性。伴随着刑事诉讼制度的改革深化,司法鉴定制度的改革也应相应的深化进行,笔者在此主要对混合式司法鉴定制度中的司法鉴定人资格选任制度,司法鉴定人诉讼地位,司法鉴定启动制度进行论述探讨,以期望有助于我国的司法鉴定制度的完善。  相似文献   

《国家司法鉴定人和司法鉴定机构名册》是全国人大常委会《关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》(以下简称《决定》)中一项重要的规定,也是司法鉴定管理的工作基础。根据《决定》对已列入名册的司法鉴定机构进行有效管理,对实现司法鉴定管理工作的独立、科学、客观,公正具有深远意义。  相似文献   

尹巍 《天津检察》2009,(5):30-30
刑事司法鉴定结论被称为“科学的判决”,是七种刑事证据之一,是司法机关认定犯罪事实和情节的关键依据。而由于现行法律法规和体制机制的欠缺,使刑事司法鉴定过程缺少适时、有效、有力的监督,逐渐失去了其应有的神圣性。笔者认为,有必要将监督机制引入刑事司法鉴定领域,增强刑事司法鉴定的公平性和透明度,重铸刑事司法鉴定的权威。具体说来,主要应加强三个方面的监督:  相似文献   

司法鉴定是打击职务犯罪的重要手段之一。随着人类活动智力含量的提高,违法犯罪活动技术性也大大提高,因此,司法鉴定对于查明案件事实真相发挥着越来越重要的件用。如何科学、规范、客观、真实地做好司法鉴定工作,依法保护无罪者,严厉打击犯罪嫌疑人,促进司法鉴定的权威、公正、高效,显示出了其重要性和必要性。  相似文献   

司法鉴定科学的范式的研探,主要说明司法鉴定和司法鉴定学的基本概念、基本原理和基本方法、对明确司法鉴定的性质、地位、作用和任务有着重要的意义。本文针对目前我国司法鉴定尚未建立科学的系统和独立运转机制的现状,通过对司法鉴定科学的范式的探讨,建构我国系统科学的司法鉴定体系,确立司法鉴定制度的法律地位、初步提出了司法鉴定和司法鉴定学的基本概念,司法鉴定的基本原理、并运用系统原理分析了当前我国司法鉴定系统的特征和司法体制改革的必要性。  相似文献   

近年来,在法庭科学领域中,遇到越来越多的非人类DNA分型的问题,特别是来源于动物本身或者是动物的分泌物。作为证据,通过对犯罪现场非人类DNA的分型,不但可以知道在何地对何人或何物实施犯罪,而且,如果犯罪的实施方是动物,也可以知道其来自哪里。目前,在法医学领域,有关动物DNA分析方法的标准较少。根据国际法医遗传学会最新的研究成果,综述动物DNA在法庭科学中的应用现状和相关建议。  相似文献   

完善司法鉴定制度是科学证据时代的呼唤   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
司法鉴定是现代司法证明活动中查明案件事实的一种重要方法和手段.现代司法鉴定是司法证明方法进步的结果和体现.科学技术的进步使司法证明方法发生了两次重大的转变.以物证及其相关的鉴定结论等证据构成的"科学证据",应该成为司法证明最主要的手段.物证虽然是客观实在的,但其自身不能直接证明案件事实,需要人们的认识.司法鉴定是人们认识物证的途径.司法鉴定水平的提高可以帮助发现更多潜在的证据.科学技术是司法鉴定的生命.科学技术的进步是促进司法鉴定发展的最重要因素.司法鉴定制度改革应与审判体制改革相适应.司法鉴定制度改革应与证据法律制度相协调,既要赋予法官对鉴定结论的自由裁量权,又要对司法鉴定制度进行规范.司法鉴定制度改革应以提供"科学证据"为出发点,需要鉴定人出庭、技术方法标准化和建立行业协会等措施.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(2):108-119
Forensic criminology examines the use of forensic science in society. Justice can be hampered, for example, if the communication of forensic scientific findings is unclear or misleading, even if unintentionally. Although various recommendations guide the communication of forensic science, it is unclear whether they are reflected in practice. This study explored the communication of forensic biology in 10 cases of major crimes against the person heard in the Tasmanian Supreme Court, where the standard practice is to issue brief summary reports in the first instance. The content of expert reports and corresponding testimony was analysed to determine its adherence to recommendations outlined in standards, practice notes, and research. While reports were found to be very brief, testimony elaborated on all major elements. Mostly elicited by the prosecution, some elements were volunteered by expert witnesses, or raised by defence. Overall, expert evidence in courts—but not reports (due to the use of brief summary reports)—largely adhered to recommendations. Further research is needed to determine the prevalence and effectiveness of alternative approaches to communication that were identified in certain cases.  相似文献   

邢学毅 《证据科学》2011,19(4):445-456
美国科学院国家研究顾问委员会2009年2月发布的《加强美国法庭科学之路》明确指出目前美国法庭科学领域的很多学科存在严重缺陷,不能很好地为司法审判服务。本文通过对该报告出台背景和一年多来的争论和反响进行分析,对其披露的问题和提出的建议进行了详细解读。目前其主要争议存在于设立独立的国家法庭科学研究院和隔离法庭科学机构与执法...  相似文献   

Sidney Kaye, Ph.D. Internationally renowned forensic toxicologist   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of Dr. Sidney Kaye's contributions in the field of forensic science cannot be over-emphasized. He can be called a pioneer in the field of forensic science and forensic toxicology because of the many contributions he has made to analysis, the literature and poison control, as well as activities in alcohol and drug analysis. He has been fortunate in being a part of history through his relationship, as a student, to Dr. Alexander Gettler, the founder of modern-day forensic toxicology, and by working with Dr. Gradwohl in Saint Louis, Missouri in the 1950s, when the American forensic sciences were being organized. Dr. Kaye is one of the founders of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, the foremost and largest forensic science organization in the World. It is for these reasons that he received the Alexander O. Gettler Award by the Toxicology Section of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, for outstanding analytical achievements in forensic toxicology, at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, in Las Vegas, Nevada, on February 14, 1985.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(4):369-377
There is a body of published research that has evaluated the contribution of forensic science to the criminal justice system, but many disciplines of forensic science remain unexplored in this regard. The aim of this study was to examine the contribution that forensic fire examination services provide to criminal investigations and court processes in arson cases. Forensic fire examination services differ in a number of ways to the disciplines covered in previous research on the impact of forensic evidence on justice outcomes. Forensic fire examinations involve a combination of scene examination and laboratory analyses, and the results can provide critical evidence of whether an incident that has occurred is a criminal offence (i.e. whether a fire has occurred as the result of an act of arson). Forensic fire examination is also a discipline that has faced challenges and undergone development in recent decades regarding its scientific basis and the issue of contextual bias. In this study, data were collated for 273 structural fires that were examined by the forensic fire services in Victoria, Australia. In this jurisdiction, scene and laboratory forensic services are delivered within short time frames with a focus on providing impartial scientific and investigative services to assist criminal investigations conducted by police. The current dataset was highly skewed in terms of criminal justice outcomes and was not suitable for conducting the planned statistical analyses. Nonetheless, the pattern of findings obtained suggested that the inclusion of forensic evidence which supported the prosecution of arson may be associated with an increased likelihood of suspects being charged and defendants found guilty. Examination of the decision-making process of the forensic fire examiners has provided insight into the variety of evidence that is considered by forensic experts in reaching the important conclusion about the origin and cause of structural fires.  相似文献   

The profession of forensic odontology can make a significant contribution to the field of forensic science in the identification of people both dead and living. The opinion of this author is that this profession is often neglected. This article is a non-technical review of the basic methods that can be used to gather scientific evidence through the use of forensic odontology. Because of the uniqueness of bite patterns, bite marks can identify a person with enough accuracy to result in conviction by the courts. In cases where an unidentified body is skeletonized or visual identification or fingerprint identification is not possible, identification can be established by dental identification. In cases of mass disaster such as airplane crashes or fires, dental identification can be the most useful method not only of determining identity but also of determining the number of victims involved in the disaster. Dental examination can establish characteristics unique to an individual which can be useful as aids in establishing identity. There are several significant obstacles to overcome including lack of standardization and computerization before dental identification can be better utilized. Neglect by the dental profession and dental colleges of this contribution to science should be addressed.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Dr. Kim is currently Chairman of the Department of Biomedical Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry, King Saud University in Saudi Arabia. Dr. Kim has also served as the Associate Editor on Forensic Dentistry for this journal for the past five years.—Editor.]  相似文献   

A blind quality control (QC) program was successfully developed and implemented in the Toxicology, Seized Drugs, Firearms, Latent Prints (Processing and Comparison), Forensic Biology, and Multimedia (Digital and Audio/Video) sections at the Houston Forensic Science Center (HFSC). The program was put into practice based on recommendations set forth in the 2009 National Academy of Sciences report and is conducted in addition to accreditation required annual proficiency tests. The blind QC program allows HFSC to test its entire quality management system and provides a real-time assessment of the laboratory’s proficiency. To ensure the blind QC cases mimicked real casework, the workflow for each forensic discipline and their evidence submission processes were assessed prior to implementation. Samples are created and submitted by the HFSC Quality Division to whom the expected answer is known. Results from 2015 to 2018 show that of the 973 blind samples submitted, 901 were completed, and only 51 were discovered by analysts as being blind QC cases. Implementation data suggests that this type of program can be employed at other forensic laboratories.  相似文献   

Forensic science is crucial for the administration of justice and case investigation.in China,political-legal organizations,including the courts,public security,procuratorate,and judicial administration,developed their own forensic practices before 2004.As a result,the frequent and repeated appraisals undermined judicial authority and credibility.Thus,a law was published in 2005 to improve the uniform forensic management system by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,leading to the establishment of the Forensic Administration of the Ministry of Justice in 2006.During this process,the increased accreditation and interflow highlighted the role of consensus in forensic standards for forensic service providers to avoid uncertainty regarding the methods used and interpretation of results.in 2017,a policy document was promulgated again to strengthen the importance of the uniform standards,which also proposed to establish a new national technical committee for the standardization of forensic science by the General Office of the State Council.in 2018,despite the continuing problems concerning uniformity,the Forensic Administration of the Ministry of Justice was merged into the Public Legal Services Administration.Yet,there is still a long way to go for the national technical committee for the standardization of forensic science.This paper analyses the evolution of forensic standards internationally and nationally,discusses the existing problems,and proposes relative solutions.Moreover,it discusses the future of standards development with the deepening of the reformation of both the national standardization and judicial system.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2014,54(2):170-179
In this paper the insights and results are presented of a long term and ongoing improvement effort within the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) to establish a valuable innovation programme. From the overall perspective of the role and use of forensic science in the criminal justice system, the concepts of Forensic Information Value Added (FIVA) and Forensic Information Value Efficiency (FIVE) are introduced. From these concepts the key factors determining the added value of forensic investigations are discussed; Evidential Value, Relevance, Quality, Speed and Cost. By unravelling the added value of forensic science and combining this with the future needs and scientific and technological developments, six forensic grand challenges are introduced: i) Molecular Photo-fitting; ii) chemical imaging, profiling and age estimation of finger marks; iii) Advancing Forensic Medicine; iv) Objective Forensic Evaluation; v) the Digital Forensic Service Centre and vi) Real time In-Situ Chemical Identification. Finally, models for forensic innovation are presented that could lead to major international breakthroughs on all these six themes within a five year time span. This could cause a step change in the added value of forensic science and would make forensic investigative methods even more valuable than they already are today.  相似文献   

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