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人工智能医疗影像诊断侵权损害赔偿法律问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工智能医疗影像诊断侵权损害是指临床医生根据人工智能医疗影像辅助诊断结论所实施的医疗行为对患者造成的损害。人工智能与医疗影像技术的融合应用,大大提高了疾病诊断的效率与质量,其诊断错误所引发的侵权损害赔偿问题也不容忽视。人工智能医疗影像诊断模式多样、责任主体多元、损害原因各异、责任份额不同,其引起的侵权责任错综复杂。人工智能医疗影像诊断侵权应定性为多数人侵权中的分别侵权行为。现阶段人工智能医疗影像诊断侵权损害赔偿的判定,应以人工智能医疗影像诊断设备的民事法律关系客体定位为逻辑起点,根据人工智能医疗影像诊断模式、侵权场景、错误发生原因等因素来判定责任主体,综合原因力大小、过错程度等因素来确定赔偿份额,并从“利益平衡”视角对侵权损害赔偿的责任范围进行适当限制,以促进人工智能技术在医疗影像行业的广泛应用和大健康产业的长足发展。  相似文献   
人口老龄化是中国当前及今后很长时期都必须面临的重要问题,充分认识到老年人力资源开发的重要意义,挖掘老年人口红利将成为经济社会发展的新动力。中国拥有规模庞大的老年人力资源,但老年人口实际就业率并不高。影响老年人力资源开发和利用的因素既有社会观念、强制的退休年龄制度等宏观因素,也有老年人的就业意愿、健康状况、受教育程度等微观因素。促进老年人就业,实现老有所为是中国积极应对人口老龄化的重要举措。研究提出如下政策建议:转变社会观念,营造老年人力资源价值观念;重点开发低龄健康老年人力资源;加强对老年人的教育和培训;重视对老年就业的法律保护;改革现有的强制退休年龄制度,实行弹性退休制度。  相似文献   
我国《刑法》和《刑事诉讼法》用三个不同的概念对不追究刑事责任作了规定。《刑事诉讼法》第16条所规定的不追究刑事责任可分为三种情形,但《刑法》第201条第4款中规定的不予追究刑事责任并未归属其中。现行刑事立法在不追究刑事责任的规定中概念不统一,《刑法》在规定不追究刑事责任方面不当缺位,已有的规定也较为粗糙,《刑事诉讼法》缺乏特赦令执行的程序规定,我们有必要完善不追究刑事责任的刑事立法规定。  相似文献   
刘燕 《法学研究》2020,(2):128-148
PE/VC与目标公司对赌的司法裁判要点从合同效力转入合同可履行性后,需要面对两个层次的追问:一是以什么样的实体标准来判断履行障碍,二是由谁来判断是否存在履行障碍。华工案和“九民纪要”仅处理了第一个层次的问题,且主要以资本维持原则作为实体判断标准。然而,我国现行公司法资本维持原则过于粗疏,且缺乏“大分配”概念和底线规制的思路,导致“对赌协议”下的回购只能通过减资的途径,徒增成本。域外以清偿能力标准替代资本维持原则,体现了另一种以债权人利益为导向限制公司资产单向流出至股东的规制思路,但其商业逻辑上的合理性却无法掩盖更大的操作成本。就第二层次的判断主体而言,以美国特拉华州为代表,法官的商业判断逐渐让位于公司董事会的商业判断,却进一步凸显了公司、不同类别股东、债权人之间利益冲突的复杂状态。立法层面的价值判断与政策选择将最终决定司法裁判的走向,未来我国公司法的修订需要回应商业实践的诉求,同时PE/VC投资者也需要直面投资失败的风险承担。  相似文献   
个人大病网络互助是目前我国应用最为广泛的个人求助形式,一定程度上能够弥补慈善组织社会救助之不足。实践中,个人大病求助互联网服务平台暴露出诸多问题。应从确立监管主体、明确权利义务、开立专门账户、设立第三方基金会、提高准入退出门槛等方面加强对个人大病求助互联网服务平台的行政规制,以营造良好的慈善氛围。  相似文献   
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) proposal for taxation of digital economy constitutes one of the most ambitious projects in the field of taxation and may lead to the most significant reform to international tax rules in the 20th century. Based on a two-pillar approach, Pillar Two of the proposal suggests the adoption of Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) provisions that are aimed at introducing a worldwide minimum tax. In this article, a critical analysis is based that the GloBE proposal suggests that it represents a shift in the OECD policy. As compared to base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS), it jeopardizes the tax sovereignty of jurisdictions and it raises fundamental challenges of implementation, both in terms of amendments to domestic law and conflicts with tax treaties.  相似文献   
The regulations of cross-border data flows is a growing challenge for the international community. International trade agreements, however, appear to be pioneering legal methods to cope, as they have grappled with this issue since the 1990s. The World Trade Organization (WTO) rules system offers a partial solution under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), which covers aspects related to cross-border data flows. The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) have also been perceived to provide forward-looking resolutions. In this context, this article analyzes why a resolution to this issue may be illusory. While they regulate cross-border data flows in various ways, the structure and wording of exception articles of both the CPTPP and USMCA have the potential to pose significant challenges to the international legal system. The new system, attempting to weigh societal values and economic development, is imbalanced, often valuing free trade more than individual online privacy and cybersecurity. Furthermore, the inclusion of poison-pill clauses is, by nature, antithetical to cooperation. Thus, for the international community generally, and China in particular, cross-border data flows would best be regulated under the WTO-centered multilateral trade law system.  相似文献   
Although the Great Depression has been the subject of much research, focus normally centers on the impact instead of the tactics developed by working-class organizations to tackle the problems it caused, specifically unemployment. Recent research has sought to fill this gap, but numerous areas remain uncovered. This paper covers two of these: the situation in Spain and the reaction of anarcho-syndicalist union – the Confederación Nacional de Trabajo. Spain presents an anomalous case; a country that saw the replacement of a semi-fascist dictatorship by a democracy in the 1930s. Furthermore, the fact that the initial government of the Spanish Second Republic included the Socialists provides an opportunity of comparing and contrasting the positions and policies of reformist and revolutionary workers’ organizations. The study is based on predominantly on articles appearing in the CNT newspaper Solidaridad Obrera. The conclusion reached is that for the CNT rising unemployment was a symptom of an irreversible trend in a failing capitalist system, which could only be solved by the revolutionary overthrow of that system. Nonetheless, the union had to present plausible solutions to ameliorate the conditions of the workers to attract the unemployed and thus, create a force strong enough to lead that revolutionary change.  相似文献   
《民法典》第787条以现行《合同法》第268条为基础,对定作人任意解除权作出了规定。该制度的规范目的在于保护定作人利益,并避免社会资源浪费,任意解除权应限于承揽合同的定作人,不应类推适用于建设工程施工合同的发包人。在时间要件上,该解除权只能在承揽工作完成之前行使;在主观要件上,定作人行使任意解除权时应排除承揽人违约的情形。定作人行使任意解除权应符合解除权的行使程序,但在行使效果上,应注意其与法定解除权的区分。定作人行使任意解除权在本质上是一种须承担对价的单方终止,对该条所定的赔偿范围,应采“报酬请求权”解释,即承揽人有权请求合同约定的报酬以及因合同解除而增加的费用,但其因合同解除而节约的成本应予扣除。  相似文献   
近年来,我国性犯罪出现的一些新情况令人堪忧,需要探索新的治理政策。有的国家采取性犯罪药物防治作为性犯罪的治理手段,值得借鉴。性犯罪药物防治是利用口服或者注射药物方式减少罪犯的雄激素、降低其性欲,达到控制性犯罪目的。有人认为这是残虐、不人道的,侵犯身体健康与性权利。而性犯罪药物防治相比起物理阉割更具人道主义精神,有利于保障基本人权,其尊重受者自由意志,具备一定的社会容忍度,执行方式高效经济。但此种手段需要加以本土化改造,需要规范法律术语,明确刑法性质与适用对象,细化执行程序。  相似文献   
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