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行政重复处理行为是指行政相对人及其利害关系人在行政救济时效届满之后向法定机关再次提起处理的请求,行政主体重申原行政决定的行为。通过对程序重开制度和行政信访制度的分析,行政重复处理行为有多种表现形式,《司法解释》中驳回当事人对行政行为提起申诉的重复处理行为只是其中的一部分。并且行政重复处理行为的救济应当视具体情形来决定,行政主体依照法定申诉作出的行政重复处理行为应当具有可诉性。  相似文献   
当前我国正处于社会转型期,各种社会矛盾交织,从公安工作实践来看,各类涉法涉诉信访凸显,信访所引发的矛盾与冲突成为警察公关危机最集中的表现。公安机关要以涉法涉诉信访为突破口,运用危机公关的策略和方法,将危机消灭在萌芽状态。为此,公安机关要从源头上预防和减少危机的发生;建立信访危机预警机制;妥善应对与处置各类危机。  相似文献   
信用证在国际贸易货款结算中是最常用的一种方式,它以银行信用取代商业信用,大大降低了国际贸易中的风险。然而,由于在信用证业务中,银行只负责审查单据,而不考虑货物的实际情况,即只要“单单相符,单证相符”就应付款。因而,出现了诸如非单据性条款、单证不符、信用证修改等亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   
本文赞同当事人、意思表示一致和标的共同构成合同成立要件。无视标的作为合同的元素会带来不小的负面后果。意思表示一致即合意,对其判断和把握,在绝大多数的情况下,客观说/表示内容的一致论对双方当事人的利益平衡得更好,在合同欺诈、胁迫等场合采主观说/内心意思的一致论较为妥当。中国法及其理论也应当如此区分类型,确定有所差异的法律后果。在通常情况下,沉默不构成承诺,因为要约人没有理由因为受要约人的沉默而相信受要约人做出了承诺。而且,要约人无法通过约定沉默构成承诺以免受要约人不经意间做出承诺。但在特殊的情况下,可以将沉默视为承诺,如双方当事人之间已经形成如下交易惯例,或当地业已存在着如下交易习惯:一方当事人向相对人发出要约,相对人未在要约指定的期间内答复也视为接受。在这种背景下,受要约人在收到要约后沉默,视为已经承诺。关于确认书的地位及效力,本文认为,在有确认书的场合,合同何时成立,首先由当事人的意思表示来决定,由于于此场合不涉及公序良俗的问题,应当贯彻意思自治原则。如果通过解释当事人的意思这条路径仍难得出妥当的结论,则有必要借鉴德国和美国的立法、判例和学说所形成的规则或意见,丰富中国民法的理论,服务于中国民法的实践。  相似文献   
公安信访工作是保障人民民主权利的重要形式,为促进改革开放、经济发展和社会稳定发挥了极为重要的作用.但是,随着我国民主政治的发展,公安信访工作运作体系暴露出了一些问题和薄弱环节.在新形势下,完善公安信访规范,进一步畅通信访渠道,对促进社会主义政治文明有着重要的意义.  相似文献   
太史公是官名,司马迁出仕是由于父亲的保举;司马迁与李陵交往始于太初二年之前,司马迁遭祸是因为武帝的私欲、多疑和喜怒无常;征和二年,《史记》已基本完成;《史记》他作主要集中在司马迁受刑以后的七八年间,作始终坚持作史“至太初而讫”。  相似文献   
谈谈自荐信和求职信的写作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自荐信和求职信是为求得某一职务而突出介绍自己与职务相关的学识、才能和经历的一种专门书信。因此,目标明确、层次清楚、行文简洁、针对性强是其基本特征。  相似文献   
比利时联邦监察专员制度被视为一剂针对行政国家"大政府"的"解毒药"。向联邦监察专员申诉作为一种便捷、可信赖的行政救济,相对于行政复议和行政诉讼是一种补充性的非正式法律救济机制。其对申诉处理的有效性得益于机构独立、程序公正和责任有效的制度保障。当下这些成功的制度条件难以系统移植,但其技术性规则可供借鉴。最为重要的是其成功经验背后蕴含的制度理念能够作为检视和反思信访救济的线索。  相似文献   
This paper explores the issue of fraud in letter of credit (LC) transactions in Malaysia. We explore the common modus operandi used by fraudsters in LC transactions and highlight the various actions taken by banks when dealing with forged LC documents and fraudulent goods. We find that although the phenomenon of fraud in LC arrangements in Malaysia is marginal, banks have indeed experienced fraud in LC dealings. Banks actions are firmly guided by the Uniform Customs and Practice (UCP) for Documentary Credits, which clearly affirms that banks must honour payment to the seller upon full compliance of the LC requirements. Findings reveal that banks adhere to the UCP guidelines despite being presented with falsified documents that cannot be fully proven or even when there is a possibility that substandard goods are being transacted. Finally, recommendations on how banks can mitigate these problems are offered.  相似文献   
Beginning with an examination of the process whereby punishment turns its point of application from body to subject, and its scene of application from public to private -- as Foucault outlines in Discipline and Punish -- this paper attempts to complicate Foucaults thesis of a shift from corporeal visibility to invisibility as it appears in his account of the withdrawal of punishment from a public, spectacular domain into the no less public yet private sphere of the prison by attending to the transformations of spectacle itself which accompanied this process of disembodiment. The embodied spectacle of punishment -- the states theatre of cruelty -- gave way to a disembodied discursive explosion of images of crime and punishment, and this process can be traced through the texts of Bentham (Panopticon Letters, Fragment on Ontology) and Dickens (Great Expectations). Foucaults dichotomy between the spectacle of public punishment and the disciplinary, non-spectacular prison overlooks the importance of images of crime and punishment which come to pervade public discourse and imagination as part of the installation of the disciplinary régime. Spectacularizing entails a move from the specific, embodied singularity of spectacle to the condition of a generalized, disembodied, and continual insistence: it is this that constitutes and characterizes the shift from spectacular sovereignty to disciplinary surveillance. This spectacularizing is akin to the spectre: some thing that remains difficult to name: neither soul nor body, and both one and the other (Derrida). The spectre haunting the nineteenth century was the criminal, and that centurys rationalizing of crime and punishment was based upon a fear of the spectral itself.  相似文献   
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