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美国联邦政府预算主导权的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在美国立法与行政部门的权力斗争中,国会拥有的"钱袋权"(power of purse)——即预算权一直是个焦点问题。2011年,美国民主与共和两党就年度财政预算、提高联邦政府举债上限,以及削减财政赤字等问题曾展开激烈争夺,显示国会在联邦政府预算制定和执行过程中的作用绝对不容小觑。一、联邦预算与国会的预算权预算,英文为budget,其原意指当时英国财政大臣到议会提请审批财政法案时携带的一个装有财政  相似文献   

韩国海洋产业的发展及其对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国海洋管理从最初的分散管理体制到1996年建立统一的海洋政策机构——海洋水产部(MOMAF),再到2008年成立的管理陆地与海洋事务的国土海洋部(MLTM)的发展轨迹,显现出韩国综合性、整体性的海洋国土意识。近年韩国重点发展海洋渔业、港口产业、海洋科技产业、海洋环保产业等具有相对竞争优势的海洋产业,突出了科技导向与绿色环保导向的海洋产业发展政策。韩国海洋管理与海洋产业的发展经验对中国海洋产业管理与开发有着积极的启示意义。  相似文献   

韩国经济自1997年末爆发金融危机并进入IMF管理体制后,便开始执行IMF的紧缩与结构调整政策。但是,IMF的处方很快便使韩国经济陷入了两难的选择:结构调整需要一定的景气复苏,而紧缩与结构调整又制约了景气的回升。最终,韩国政府与IMF还是倾向于执行适度扩张的财政与货币政策,以防止景气过度衰退,确保结构顺利调整  相似文献   

编制部门预算是发达国家及多数发展中国家的通行做法, 国外发达国家预算编制的做法, 既有不同 的地方, 也有共同的特征, 对我国预算管理改革具有重要的借鉴意义:一是注重经济形势和财政状况的预测;二是 预算编制期长;三是实行滚动预算;四是采用零基预算;五是预算的透明度高;六是预算的法律效力强。  相似文献   

印度1995—1996年度财政预算杨文武在每一财政年度(即从每年4月1日起至下年3月31日止)印度政府的财政预算是政府计划下一财政年度收支的一种政策措施。通过预算收入,集中财源,预算支出实现对国民收入的再分配。而90年代的印度正处在经济政策与结构调整...  相似文献   

韩国国有企业管理体制及其启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
韩国国有企业产生于二战以后,通过半个世纪的发展和演变,韩国国有企业在国民经济中占有相当重要的地位。与国有企业的发展和演变相适应,韩国建立了比较完善的国有企业管理体制,特别是通过80年代以来的国有企业管理体制的改革,新的国有企业管理体制已经建立并开始发挥作用。借鉴韩国国有企业管理体制及其改革的经验,会使我们受到启迪。  相似文献   

预算联邦制是俄罗斯对处理预算间关系(即中央与地方政府间财政关系)及其基本原则的概括,主要是指在联邦制多级预算管理体制下,在各个级次的预算间合理划分事权与财权,达到集权与分权的有机结合,并完善财政转移支付制度.通过发展并强化预算联邦制,调整和改革中央与地方政府间的财政分配关系,扩大地方自治的财政基础,形成符合公共财政基本要求的预算管理体制.  相似文献   

新加坡与韩国国有企业改革及管理体制的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪 6 0年代中期以后 ,新加坡和韩国的经济获得了巨大的发展 ,成为“亚洲四小龙”的成员。而国有企业在它们的经济发展中发挥了重要的作用。新加坡国有企业管理体制是以三个层次和两个分离为基本构架 ,韩国国有企业则是以经营绩效评估制度为核心和特点。通过对新加坡、韩国国有企业管理体制进行比较分析 ,从中得出对我国国有企业改革的有益启示。  相似文献   

建立预算联邦制模式是俄罗斯财政领域改革的一项重要举措。其微观内容是 ,在联邦制原则下协调俄罗斯联邦、地区和地方之间的预算关系 ;在不同预算间合理划分事权与财权 ,完善联邦转移支付体系。通过发展预算联邦制 ,俄罗斯形成了符合公共财政一般要求的预算管理体制 ,规范了处理中央与地方财政关系的制度约束。此外 ,本文还从比较研究的角度对现行模式下俄罗斯财政资金的分散水平以及转型经济的有关影响进行了分析  相似文献   

资金是经济建设的的必要条件。尼泊尔政府为加快经济建设的速度,不断增加建设投资,尼泊尔的经济建设是通过尼泊尔政府制定的五年计划进行的,由政府的发展预算规定建设资金。自1958年以来,尼泊尔政府的财政预算分为经常预算和发展预算两类。经常预算是在一个财政年度(头年7月16日起到下年7月15日止)内,政府各部门的经费收支预计,发展预算是用于五年计划建设的资金收支的预计。尼泊尔的第一个发展预算是在1958—59年度开始的[注]。本文就尼泊尔建设资金的来源与政府筹资政策的成效和问题作一简要的介绍和分析。  相似文献   

Many argue that the euro is handicapped as a currency because European governments are unwilling to pool responsibility for fiscal policy in common institutions. This argument is derived from the theory of optimum currency areas and fuelled by analogy with US experience. It is mistaken. A monetary union does not need a fiscal union to work. Worse, efforts to build European fiscal institutions are likely to distract European policymakers from a more important agenda. Europe needs a fully functioning banking union with a common risk-free asset if Europeans want to stabilise the euro as a common currency. Moreover, it would need these things even if the euro did not exist and all it had was the common market. Financial stability – and not fiscal federalism – is the key to Europe's future. European policymakers should focus their efforts on building the necessary institutions.  相似文献   

In response to the 2008 financial crisis, countries throughout the developed world widely embraced fiscal stimulus policies. But about one year later, with their economies still weak, a majority of these countries reversed course and adopted austerity measures, despite having the ability to maintain fiscal expansions. With little variation in domestic interests, institutions, or political ideologies over this short time period, theories of budgetary politics struggle to explain this policy shift. This shortcoming may be the result of the literature generally ignoring the international effects of fiscal policy. I argue that policymakers strategically consider their trade partners’ likely fiscal policies before setting domestic fiscal policy. If incumbents expect their major trade partners to enact fiscal expansions, they are more likely to pass expansionary policies of their own. But when incumbents expect their counterparts to enact contractionary policies, they are less likely to fund expansionary policies, as these policies may boost foreign economies with suppressed effects at home. I test this argument using spatial econometrics and a data set of OECD countries from 1998 to 2015. The evidence suggests that shifting expectations of fiscal policies abroad explains much of the move from stimulus to austerity over the short time span.  相似文献   

世界各国政府都注意到国家公务员是政府宝贵的资源。本文主要是从公务员的界定标准与范围、公务员的管理机构、公务员的考试录用制度、公务员的薪酬制度和公务员的离职制度这五个方面对老挝公务员制度进行探讨。  相似文献   

向市场经济的转轨使俄罗斯政府职能发生了根本性的转变,政府调控经济的工具也由计划经济时期的指令性计划、行政管制和所有权控制转变为公共预算。社会经济转型中出现的一系列社会矛盾和冲突,如社会公平、环境污染、医疗教育、社会保障等,都需要通过预算加以解决和保障。在这种情况下,实行预算制度改革,建立新的预算机制成为俄罗斯近年来政治经济改革的全新热点和中心。  相似文献   

This article explains the absence of a race to the bottom in capital taxation by analyzing fiscal competition under budget rigidities and tax equity constraints (fairness norms). We outline a political economic model of tax competition that treats the outcome of tax competition as one argument in the governments utility function, the others being public expenditure and tax equity. In accordance with previous theoretical research, tax competition tends to cause a reduction in taxes on mobile capital and an increase in the tax rates on relatively immobile labor in our model. Yet, our model predicts that governments do not fully abolish taxes on mobile capital. Instead, the government being least restricted by budget constraints and equity norms cuts tax rates to levels slightly below the lowest tax rates of those countries, in which governments are more constrained, where effective constraints are country size, budget rigidities and fairness norms. Analyzing data from 23 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries between 1975 and 2004 we find empirical support for the hypotheses derived from our theoretical model.  相似文献   

Vladimer 《Orbis》2006,50(4):657-667
The Rose Revolution opened a new chapter in the history of modern Georgia. The post-revolution government achieved a number of successes in areas such as dramatically increasing state budget revenues, fighting corruption, and setting up effective cooperative relationships with the international financial institutions. But it made some mistakes, too, in building a democratic state in general and in its economic policy in particular. Its relationship with Russia and its excessive exposure to Russian investments is particularly troubling. The country's policies need to be fine-tuned in order to protect its democracy and promote further economic growth.  相似文献   

Havertz  Ralf 《Asia Europe Journal》2021,19(2):209-226

In January 2019, the South Korean president Moon Jae In announced his plans for the transformation of the South Korean economy into a “hydrogen economy.” This involves the replacement of fossil fuels for the production of energy on a large scale. The government’s plan supports the use of hydrogen fuel cells (HFCs) for industrial and residential energy production and promotes the replacement of vehicles with internal combustion engines that burn fossil fuel by cars that are powered by HFCs. This study is primarily interested in the plans of the South Korean government to facilitate the production of hydrogen for mobile purposes and to promote fuel cell vehicles (FCVs); and it investigates whether this South Korean policy can be considered a case of ecological modernization. Ecological modernization is a concept that has been developed in a European context and was adopted by the European Union as its main principle in environmental policy making. The new South Korean policy is outlined in the government’s Hydrogen Economy Roadmap which specifies the measures that have to be taken to initiate the transformation of the South Korean transport system based on hydrogen and announces several ambitious goals which the government wants to achieve with this program until 2022, 2030, and 2040, respectively. At its center is an effort to build a nationwide network of hydrogen gas stations, to reduce the price of hydrogen by more than half, and to facilitate the purchase of FCVs. It was found that the overall environmental benefits of this program would be meager in the medium-term, but in the long term it could contribute to a considerable reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and of fine dust, depending on the technology that is used to produce hydrogen.


Through an interpretive research paradigm, we investigated the extent to which six local governments across three administrative regions of Ghana have complied with mandated climate change financing and budgeting guidelines. Five interesting findings emerged. First, there is enormous evidence of climate change budgeting compliance across all six local governments despite weak compliance incentives. Second, local governments that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change are more willing to comply and also allocate more resources for adaptation-related activities than those that are less vulnerable. Third, local governments that complied least are likely to take ad hoc adaptation actions which are often uncoordinated and poorly monitored. These local governments are least likely to attract auxiliary funds that could provide additional resources for adaptation financing. Lastly, the evidence of compliance is only quantitative, presented in various local governments’ fiscal documents, with no qualitative or other relevant explanatory factors on the extent of impact on adaptation.  相似文献   

The implementation and effective management of watershed-development projects is recognised as a strategy for rural development throughout the developing world. Several government and non-government agencies have launched watershed-development projects to tackle the challenges of soil conservation, improving land productivity, and economic upliftment of the rural poor for efficient use of natural resources. Participatory community-driven institutions of integrated watershed management are considered vital for the sustainability of natural resources. This study focuses on the impact of local institutions on watershed development in India and examines the degree of women's participation in relation to the effective management of natural resources and sustainable development.  相似文献   

韩国公有企业民营化及其效果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
韩国政府为了恢复和发展经济进行了 5次公有企业民营化运动 ,根据公有企业的性质和经营内容的不同 ,其民营化的方式也会有所区别。韩国的公有企业民营化既有成功的一面 ,也存在缺陷。今后 ,韩国政府在公有企业民营化中将会加强政策推进目标的设立、推进过程的管理和事后监管 ,利用法律的约束力和独立性的制度推进民营化。  相似文献   

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