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四川开拓南亚市场的现状与前景   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
四川省在开拓南亚市场方面具有地利之便和多方面优势 ,但目前的进展状况表明 ,四川开拓南亚市场还有很大潜力 ,应当加大工作力度 ,扩大与南亚的经贸往来。  相似文献   

试论四川与南亚经贸合作机遇、挑战及对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
无论从四川与南亚区域经贸合作发展的历史和现状,还是从其合作发展的变动趋势来看,四川与南亚区域经贸合作均面临着一系列机遇和挑战。为此,本文分析了四川与南亚区域经贸合作发展所面临的机遇、挑战及其主要对策,为四川进一步拓展南亚区域经贸合作奠定了理论指导意义。  相似文献   

本文从中印双边贸易发展对西藏开展与南亚贸易往来的促进和西藏对南亚商品贸易潜力两个层面 ,分析了西藏开拓南亚市场的前景问题 ,提出了作者的看法。  相似文献   

印度对华政策与中印关系发展对西藏开拓南亚市场的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国加入WTO和实施西部大开发战略,为西藏开拓南亚市场提供了机遇。西藏开拓南亚市场的过程中,面临印度对华奉行两手政策的积极和消极影响,需要针对性较强的政策措施予以应对。  相似文献   

四川与南亚区域贸易合作发展现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要就四川对南亚区域贸易规模、年增长率及其变动趋势,四川对南亚区域贸易规模占当年四川对外贸易总规模的比重及其它们的其变动趋势,四川对南亚区域贸易规模年增长率与四川对外贸易总规模年增长率的比较及其变动趋势,以及四川对南亚区域贸易规模占中国对南亚区域贸易总规模的比重及其变动趋势等问题进行了深入浅出的分析与研究,以期达到认知四川与南亚区域贸易合作发展的内在的、本质的规律性之目的。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,伴随中国南亚经贸合作领域不断拓宽、层次不断提升的良好机遇,具有天时、地利、人和等比较优势的四川也自觉不自觉地融入到了对南亚开放的经贸合作浪潮中,四川正逐渐演化为我国面向南亚,走向世界,构建中国西部大开发与大开放战略格局最终形成的新引擎。因而,对四川与南亚开放合作成就与问题、机遇与挑战、潜力和战略构想,以及如何进一步促进四川与南亚开放合作的对策建议等相关论题的研究具有十分重要的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

随着经济稳定增长,俄罗斯建筑市场迅速发展,对建筑材料和建筑工程承包的需求量持续扩大,从而为我国建筑企业和建材生产企业进入俄罗斯建筑市场提供了前提条件。与此同时,俄罗斯的投资环境不断改善,为我国企业对俄开展建筑领域的合作提供了可操作性。可以预料,我国建筑企业在俄罗斯建筑市场上将大有作为。  相似文献   

TCL集团在越南投资建厂,生产彩电和VCD、DVD等家用电器产品,不到两年时间已经具备年产30万台彩电的生产能力,同时以优异的产品质量、合理的价格和周到的售后服务逐步开辟和扩大越南市场,取得了很好的经济效益和社会效益。为此,记者于近日采访TCL越南公司的董事长兼经理易春雨博士。 TCL集团是伴随中国改革开放而迅速崛起的现代化新型国有企业集团,是一家以家电产业为主,业务涵盖家电、通讯、电工、电脑及信息四大产品系列的大型国际化企业集团,是中国最大的5家电子集团企业之一。国际市场已经成为TCL的主营业…  相似文献   

南亚是四川的近邻,自古以来,中国和南亚国家都有经贸、文化往来。南亚国家土地辽阔,总面积约416.8万平方公里,为四川的7倍多,人口约11.3亿(1990年),是四川的近10倍。因此,南亚是一个大市场。80年代以来,南亚各国纷纷进行了经济调整与改革,进入90年代以后,随着世界格局的变化,加快了对外开放的步伐。1991年南亚国家先后采取了一系列经济自由化政策,放松对经济的控制。积极引进外资,努力扩大出口,不断取消进口限制。1991年7月印度拉奥政府执政后,宣布了一系列经济改革措施;巴基斯坦谢  相似文献   

我国加入WTO和实施西部大开发战略 ,使西藏经济社会发展面临新的机遇和挑战 ,以大开放促大开发 ,是西藏实现跨越式发展的战略选择。积极开拓南亚市场是扩大西藏对外开放的重要内容 ,具有历史的必然性。  相似文献   

蒲奕江 《东南亚》2011,(1):32-36
自独立以来,印度与斯里兰卡历届政府高度重视发展两国友好关系,而印斯关系的发展也深受中国因素的影响:出于自身安全考虑,印度试图通过加强与斯里兰卡的关系制衡中国在南亚拓展影响力;而斯里兰卡则希望利用“中国牌”改善印斯关系并提升其在印斯关系中的地位。  相似文献   

In rural Sri Lanka, remittances from housemaids working in the Middle East figure prominently in household livelihood strategies. This article examines the impact of housemaid remittances on living standards and suggests measures to maximise the benefits of remittances for recipient households while minimising the personal and financial costs of migration. The effectiveness of migration as a household strategy depends on a decent overseas job with a reliable income, a reduction in the costs of migrating and remitting, and the responsible management of household welfare and finances by recipients, including the maintenance of local income sources while the migrant is away.  相似文献   

The Sri Lankan economy has achieved remarkable growth ever since the end of civil war, but it has been perplexed by mounting external debt, which is deeply rooted in the country's history and mainly caused by structural constraints of its economy. While Sri Lanka's debt anxiety toward Chinese investment is ill-grounded, there is room for improvement in specific investment and cooperation models of Chinese enterprises.  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to examine the causes and pattern of political violence waged by the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Sri Lanka. It is the argument of the article that the origin and development of the JVP and the LTTE relate more closely to the social expansion and the lack of economic and political development in Sri Lanka since the beginning of the 1960s. Basically, both groups are more action‐oriented than ideology‐oriented and dominated by youth with a similar socio‐economic background. Their ideology is a mixture of ethno‐nationalism and various interpretations of Marxism. The strategy of the JVP was based on an objective of launching a short‐term armed insurrection. The LTTE's aim is to overthrow the forces of the Sri Lankan government through a protracted armed struggle. Although the left‐wing insurrection of the JVP was crushed by the government security forces, it is evident that there is a possibility of its re‐emergence in its violent form. The on‐going separatist guerrilla warfare by the LTTE seems to be an unwinnable war. In the presence of youth insurrections in Sri Lanka, the utmost requirement is a sound counter‐insurgency policy accompanied by political reforms.  相似文献   

战后国民政府的外汇政策与侨汇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战后,国民政府为吸收侨汇曾几度调整外汇政策,然而,由于恶性通货膨胀加剧,财政经济濒临崩溃,国民政府无法维持一个稳定、合理的外汇汇率,对汇率的调整往往只有暂时的效果,当官价汇率与市场汇率接近时,侨汇数量就增加,反之则减少。战后侨汇呈逐年递减之势,由于官价汇率与市场汇率往往背离,因而无法阻止侨汇大量流入黑市。  相似文献   

For decades, a number of developing countries have been adversely affected by terrorism, with little sympathy or support from Western governments, in particular. The attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, DC, on 11 September 2001, however, have made the world's sole superpower and its allies painfully aware of the devastation caused by such action. This article analyses how the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LITE), a terrorist group seeking to create a separate state in northeastern Sri Lanka, has been pushing the limits of international tolerance in this regard for almost two decades. While increased international action against terrorism is necessary to stem this destructive menace, the Sri Lankan state must also put forward a durable political solution to the ethnic problem. Ultimately, it would be a mistake for Western governments to allow their frustrations with the slow pace of reform in Sri Lanka to be interpreted as empathy with a terroristic cause.  相似文献   

1946-49年国民政府对侨批局的政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1946-1949年,南京国民政府采取各种政策,企图大力吸收侨汇,加强对侨汇的控制,以巩固国民党政权,进行内战。在这一阶段,国民政府一方面改善自身的侨汇经营,一方面极力打击侨汇黑市以解决侨汇流失问题,对于侨批局采取既限制,又利用的政策。但是由于官营行局的先天不足,始终无法替代民间侨批局,加上为从事内战而开支巨额军费,导致全国出现恶性通货膨胀,侨汇大量进入黑市而无法控制,最终导致政策的失败。  相似文献   

基于以人民安全为宗旨的总体国家安全观和“以人为本、外交为民”的领事保护理念,受冲突影响和高风险区域的海外机构、企业和公民的安全是中国海外安保供给体系的首要关切。后疫情时代的安全环境、安全威胁和安保内容的新变化凸显了海外安保的供需落差,如何通过完善海外安保供给体系来应对后疫情时代的挑战,成为总体国家安全治理不得不重视的紧迫性议题。根据风险/焦虑-威胁/恐惧-危机/恐慌的升级过程,可将海外安保区分为预防、震慑、应急三种类型,政府、军队、国际安保公司、社会组织和海外企业能够发挥各自不同的作用。在明晰中国海外安保“阶段-类型”及对应的多元供给主体职能的基础上,中国海外安保供给体系的完善需要在总体国家安全观理念指导下,遵循“预防-震慑-应急”一体化的供给模式,建构多元供给主体联动体系,从而弥补现有供给体系的不足,全面推进“海外中国平安体系”建设。  相似文献   

社会适应,主要是指人生的特殊时期或特定的社会群体在社会环境发生变化后,通过对自身的心理和言行进行调整,培养自己的能力和素质,以便为主流社会所接纳的过程。  相似文献   

The decisive, albeit different, endings of armed conflict in Sri Lanka and Nepal and subsequent post-war developments challenge key assumptions about conflict that have informed post-Cold War international efforts to produce peace in such conflict zones. International intervention—including in Sri Lanka and Nepal—characterises armed conflict as sustained by specific political economies that can only be stably resolved by establishing liberal democracy and market economics. This paper examines liberal peace engagement in Sri Lanka and Nepal to challenge a crucial assumption of the persistent conflict thesis, namely the separation between political contestation and armed conflict. It argues that the divergent post-conflict outcomes of continuing ethnic polarisation in Sri Lanka and constitutional reform in Nepal reveal strong continuities in the dynamics of pre-war, war and post-war politics. This continuity challenges the presumed separation of politics and violence that drove international engagement to produce liberal peace and suggests that such engagement, far from encouraging reform, may have (inadvertently) sustained conflict in both cases.  相似文献   

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