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耳纹痕迹的同一认定是一个较新的研究领域,虽然目前吸引了众多法庭科学专家的关注,但在同一认定的诸多方面还没有达成共识,研究者们仍处于独立探索和相互讨论之中。从耳纹痕迹同一认定的理论基础、认定程序、测量体系、计算机识别这四个方面入手,分别介绍了此项研究存在的问题及取得的进展。  相似文献   

现场勘验检查就是通过刑事案件现场上遗留的痕迹、物证认识和记录犯罪现场的过程,其中现场上遗留的手印痕迹是认识现场的重点特征,现场勘验检查人员在工作中应当注重发现和提取手印痕迹,这就要求现场勘验检查人员在勘验现场、检验手印时采用正确的方法,力求完整、真实记录现场手印。随着科学技术,尤其是DNA技术的进步,现场勘验检查时应当将手印痕迹检验技术与其他学科技术相结合,使现场手印痕迹的证明力更加直观、稳定。同时应当注重加强现场勘验检查人员人身防护,防止显现手印时使用的化学试剂和特殊光线造成人身伤害。  相似文献   

论犯罪现场遗留人体气味的证据能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现场遗留人体气味能否成为物证,其鉴别结论能否作为刑事证据的一种,关键在于其证据能力问题。本文对现场遗留人体气味是否具备物证的基本属性;人体气味是否具有人身同一认定方面的独特属性;对现场遗留人体气味是否有一套科学的发现、提取、保存和检验的方法等问题作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

寻找和提取犯罪遗留痕迹物证是现场勘查中的一项非常重要的工作,如何快速高效发现与提取犯罪遗留痕迹物证?本文利用废旧打印机彩色墨粉针对非渗透性客体上快速显现手印做一介绍.  相似文献   

根据现场遗留痕迹物品收集证据在实际工作中,侦查人员往往只是把现场上的痕迹物品提取了,没有围绕提取的痕迹物品进一步收集证据,证明现场上的痕迹、物品与案件联系的证据以及证明现场痕迹物品与作案人的行为有联系的证据,现场上的痕迹、物品本身不能说明它与案件的关系,要靠侦查人员收集证据来证明痕迹物品与案件与犯罪的关系。侦查人员赶到现场之后,对现场上遗留的各种物品,都要当成证据来对待。因为案件发生或者发现不久,案件事实并不清楚,现场遗留的物品与案件有无联系、有什么样  相似文献   

在犯罪现场勘查提取的手印中,排除与案件无关人员的手印,直接关系到侦察破案中的认定人身、审判中的定罪证据。如果将无关人员手印列为犯罪所留或者将犯罪所留手印排除在外,冤枉无罪的人,让真正的犯罪分子逃避惩罚。排除工作常用方法就是将与现场有接触条件的无关人员的手印进行比对逐一排除。但对于流动性较大的现场,技术人员根据现场手印具体遗留部位结合罪犯行为动作,和手印上特殊附着物的分析方法,在实践中利用现场手印新鲜程度,对不同显现方法的不同显现时效,结合罪犯作案时间来分析推断是否罪犯所留手印起着不可忽视的作用。…  相似文献   

根据现场遗留痕迹物品收集证据 在实际工作中,侦查人员往往只是把现场上的痕迹物品提取了,没有围绕提取的痕迹物品进一步收集证据,证明现场上的痕迹、物品与案件联系的证据以及证明现场痕迹物品与作案人的行为有联系的证据,现场上的痕迹、物品本身不能说明它与案件的关系,要靠侦查人员收集证据来证明痕迹物品与案件与犯罪的关系。侦查人员赶到现场之后,对现场上遗留的各种物品,都要当成证据来对待。因为案件发生或者发现不久,案件事实并不清楚,  相似文献   

犯罪现场勘查中显现潜指纹,最终需要用专业的照相器材和专门的照相方法将显现的潜指纹痕迹真实客观地固定提取下来,即利用刑事照相技术获得现场犯罪潜指纹证据,以揭露、证实犯罪行为。刑事照相有多种技术手段,但目的只有一个——增强灰度反差提取。现场情况的复杂性,使大多数现场潜指纹痕迹是模糊的,显现提取具有一定难度,常会遇到激发显现出来的指纹痕迹灰度对比达不到鉴定要求的情况,特别是对于一些介质色浅、指纹陈1日、承受客体表面粗糙等显现微弱的纹线痕迹,必须运用图像增强等新的科技手段和方法,使被拍物体影像和痕迹影像之间的明暗差别进一步增强,才能提取到灰度反差合格的潜指纹图像,否则会失去物证检验的实际价值,造成无法弥朴的后果。图像灰度反差是一个变量,与光照条件、激发光波长、承受客体及痕迹物质属性等因素皆有关系,提高图像灰度反差的显现效果可以有多种方法。那么,在案发现场进行微弱潜指纹提取究竟应使用哪种图像增强技术更为合适呢?  相似文献   

评价现场勘查工作搞的是"粗"还是"细",要有衡量的标准和尺度。"粗"和"细"是相对的,而不是绝对的。无论是"粗"还是"细",都包含着勘查人员的工作态度、敬业精神、业务能力(包括认识水平)、工作效果,是勘查工作的综合体现和评价。单从某一个方面评价是"粗"或"细"都是不客观的。在以往的现场勘查工作中总会出现这样几种情况:①痕迹物证提取了,综合分析评判也准确;②痕迹物证虽提取到了,在分析认识上出现偏差;③分析认识正确,但痕迹物证条件太差;④总体勘查上痕迹的提取以及分析认识上都较成功,但个别痕迹或情节有疏忽。为了使大家对现场勘查有一个客观的认识和评价,首先必须搞清楚以下几个关系:一、痕迹与环境条件的关系任何痕迹都是遗留在物体上的,由于物体的性质不同,表面光洁度、结构、质量、色泽不同,就决定了痕迹的遗留条件及遗留的难易程度。有些物体容易留下痕迹物证,有些物体不易留下。易留下的痕迹,人眼往往可以看清,也易提取,不易留下的痕迹人眼往往不易看清也不易提取。对于容易看清的痕迹物证,在现场勘查时,由于粗枝大叶却没有发现和提取,或者在犯罪分子必经之地,必拿之物上,虽然看不见或看不清,没有采取其他  相似文献   

作案人在作案过程中除了留下各种各样的物质痕迹以外,还会留下潜在的心理痕迹,通过现场勘查,提取遗留在现场中的各种痕迹物证,来分析作案人实施犯罪的心理过程,对于推断作案人的犯罪行为动机和目的,认定案件性质,明确侦查方向和范围,具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

As part of the Forensic Ear Identification (FearID) research project, which aims to obtain estimators for the strength of evidence of earmarks found on crime scenes, a large database of earprints (over 1200 donors) has been collected. Starting from a knowledge-based approach where experts add anatomical annotations of minutiae and landmarks present in prints, comparison of pairs of prints is done using the method of Vector Template Matching (VTM). As the annotation process is subjective, a validation experiment was performed to study its stability. Comparing prints on the basis of VTM, it appears that there are interoperator effects, individual operators yielding significantly more consistent results when annotating prints than different operators. The operators being well trained and educated, the observed variation on both clicking frequency and choice of annotation points suggests that implementation of the above is not the best way to go about objectifying earprint comparison. Processes like the above are relevant for any forensic science dealing with identification (e.g., of glass, tool marks, fibers, faces, fingers, handwriting, speakers) where manual (nonautomated) processes play a role. In these cases, results may be operator dependent and the dependencies need to be studied.  相似文献   

For all forensic disciplines dealing with identification -- e.g., of glass, tool marks, fibers, faces, fingers, handwriting, speakers -- in which manual (subjective, nonautomated) processes play a role, operator dependencies are relevant. With respect to earprint identification, in the period 2002-2005, the Forensic Ear Identification research project collected a database of 1229 donors, three prints per ear, and laid down a "best practice" for print acquisition. Repeatability and reproducibility aspects of the print acquisition are tested. The study suggests that different operators may acquire prints of differing quality, with equal error rates of the matching system ranging from 9% to 19%. Moreover, it turns out that "matching" earprints are more alike when taken in a consecutive row than when taken on separate occasions. This underlines the importance of (1) studying operator effects, (2) operator training, and (3) not gathering "matching" reference material at the same occasion.  相似文献   

The FearID research project is aimed at the individualisation of earprints for the purpose of forensic research. The study presented here was carried out within the framework of this project. It intends to combine a review of what is known from literature on the classification and individualisation of earprints with results from a preliminary study of earprints. Possibilities for, and limitations to, the use of earprints in forensic investigation are addressed. Differences between eliminating a suspect, placing a suspect at a crime scene, and linking crimes by prints left at different scenes are considered.  相似文献   

Previous research conducted into the use of the human ear in the field of forensic identification has focused upon the use of grids and manual methods to measure and catalogue the different anatomical features of the ear. To date, few have considered the importance of the presence of ear piercings and their possible role in human identification. This study aims to highlight the common distribution of piercings of both ears in both genders and to explore the effect of piercings on earprints. The presence of a piercing may, in part, help to explain why partial and not whole earprints are sometimes recovered from a scene of crime (suggesting that the offender's ears may be pierced). The presence of piercings through the tragus and the superior part of the helix are shown to be infrequent and thus may be used to assist the identification of a body, due to its relative rarity with respect to piercings found in other areas of the ear.  相似文献   

对邱兴华杀人案的司法鉴定学反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙大明 《犯罪研究》2008,(5):51-56,61
关于邱兴华杀人案(下称邱案)的各种学术讨论和争论似乎已经不少,但查阅文献发现,有关邱案的文章,分别是从刑事诉讼法学、刑事证据学、刑事心理学、精神医学角度,法制新闻学以及从人权保护,法治进步等角度对该案进行解读。然而既然这是一个涉及司法鉴定的个案(虽然实际上并没有进行任何实质性鉴定活动),那么从司法鉴定学的角度对与该案有关的几个最基本的问题进行理论阐述,或许能有些许不同的作用。这几个问题包括:精神病概念的辨析,是否患病与是否需要接受刑事处罚之间是什么关系,何时需要启动司法精神医学鉴定?应如何配置我国刑事诉讼中的司法精神医学鉴定启动模式?  相似文献   

陈如超 《证据科学》2014,(4):447-467
中国当今刑事鉴定争议频发。其中当事人与办案机关鉴定冲突最剧烈、不满手段最多样,且其社会影响最大者,目前主要聚集在部分死因鉴定领域。该类鉴定争议既滋生过度重复鉴定,更促使部分当事人上访、闹事,一度还以此衍生出暴力性群体事件。死因鉴定争议的发生,主要源于影响鉴定意见可信性的一系列因素,而非仅因为、甚或主要基于鉴定意见的客观可靠性。因此,为重塑中国刑事死因鉴定的公信力,必须走向从实践出发的法律研究与制度建构立场,以回应办案部门创建、并亟须理论提炼与立法改良的“过程导向信任”的鉴定争议解决机制。其关键措施,是通过死因鉴定程序的开放性与当事人双方(包括其聘请的法医专家)的充分参与性,从而实现鉴定意见的可信性或当事人可接受性;并以此领域的鉴定争议解决为突破口,进行鉴定制度改革,以提升中国整个刑事司法鉴定的公信力与可信性。  相似文献   

司法鉴定意见是司法鉴定人对诉讼涉及的专门性问题的个人认识和判断,不仅受到仪器设备、鉴定方法以及实验室条件等客观因素的制约,也会受到司法鉴定人的知识水平、业务能力和实践经验等主观因素的影响。因而,对于同一专门性问题可能会出现不同的鉴定意见,其可靠性和科学性也无可避免会受到当事人的质疑。通过对司法鉴定的属性、可诉性的审判实践、法理上的分析以及我国现行法律对一些法律行为的可诉性规定等方面进行探讨,以寻找司法鉴定意见是否可诉的答案以及司法鉴定意见争议的解决机制。  相似文献   

Performance of the FearID earprint identification system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Forensic Ear Identification (FearID) research project was started in order to study the strength of evidence of earprints found on crime scenes. For this purpose, a sample of earprints from 1229 donors over three countries was collected. From each donor three left and three right earprints were gathered. On the one hand, operators denoted contours of the earprints to facilitate segmentation of the images, on the other anthropological specialists denoted anatomically specific locations. On the basis of this, methods for automated classification were developed and used for training of a system that classifies pairs of prints as 'matching' or 'non-matching'. Comparing lab quality prints, the system has an equal error rate of 4%. Starting from a reference database containing two prints per ear, hitlist behaviour is such that in 90% of all query searches the best hit is in the top 0.1% of the list. The results become less favourable (equal error rate of 9%) for print/mark comparisons.  相似文献   

全国人大常委会《关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》主要规范的是司法鉴定管理体制问题,对于刑事诉讼制度中司法鉴定启动权配置的问题仍然未有明确的规定。在《决定》出台后刑事诉讼中仍存在的司法鉴定启动权配置的问题和弊端的基础上,对刑事诉讼中司法鉴定启动权改革进行一定的完善。  相似文献   

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