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高校校园安全危机成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前我国的高校校园安全问题日益严峻,校园安全危机日益凸显,严重威胁高校校园的安全与稳定。文章从探讨校园内涵着手,探讨了高校校园危机的现状,从社会、学校、家庭及学生个人等四方面分析了高校校园安全危机的成因,对预防高校校园安全危机有一定的现实理论指导意义。  相似文献   

保卫处作为高校安全工作的主管部门,在学校危机管理工作中承担着危机预防和处置的重要职责,保卫处只有完善校园危机防控体系,才能在突发性事件来临时保持冷静,理智分析原因,避免带来重大损害。长远来说,建立完善完整的高校危机防控体系是必须的,保卫处应当依据安全保卫工作的特点及校园危机的特征,更新高校校园安全管理理念,建立科学的保卫工作组织领导体制,贯彻群防群治的原则,建立起多方联动、密切配合的校园危机预防处置体系;同时以上级主管部门为主导,政府部门和公安机关为核心,加强校园人防、物防、技防的科学防控体系建设,才能为学校的正常教学、科研的顺利发展创造良好的外部环境。  相似文献   

方伟康 《法制与社会》2012,(19):199-200
本文以大学校园危机现象为研究对象,深入到浙江省永康市的朱明村、四路村,桥下村三个村落,通过问卷调查和深入访谈,对校园危机的内涵、特征进行了探讨,得出校园危机隐蔽性、危害性、突发性、传播性、双刃性的特点、并对成因、类型、管理现状进行了论述.结合调查数据,根据调查结果,为如何处理校园危机,加强危机管理,以构建和谐校园提出了四点建议.  相似文献   

近年来,我国进入公共危机的高发、频发阶段,各类公共危机事件严重影响了我国的经济发展,作为社会组成部分的学校,由于人口密集、流动量大,是人们关注的焦点,也不可完全避免发生公共危机,因此,校园内公共危机研究也应受到重视。本文从“校园公共危机”的内涵出发,分析了其可能存在的时代性,并结合学校特征,提出了预防构建校园公共危机的具体措施。  相似文献   

近年来,随着和谐校园建设的日益深入,高校校园稳定问题一直是一个值得深思探讨的话题.高校是人群聚集密度较大的场所,各种矛盾和冲突时有发生.多种不稳定因素对高校的运作和发展有较大影响,在此情况下,高校的稳定问题应迅速提上管理者的重要议事日程.在校园危机管理中,不可或缺的、最有价值的组成部分就是危机预防.  相似文献   

汪飞奇 《法制与社会》2014,(10):198-199
随着高等教育改革的深入发展,高校扩招,校园规模不断增大,在校师生人数急剧增加,高校安全事故频发,校园安全问题日趋严重,严重威胁着高校校园的安全与稳定。本文从高校校园安全危机的成因着手,谈谈如何更好预防与应对可能出现的安全危机。  相似文献   

推动国际安全学校认证的学校确能有效降低校园危机的发生,但我国大陆地区至今仍无一所中小学或大学获得世界卫生组织的认证。本文从我国中小学校的安全现状出发,着力探讨国际安全学校的做法,和在认证标准下如何降低校园危机的频发,以推动校园安全建设。  相似文献   

章志图 《法制与社会》2011,(25):211-212
当前高校进入一个危机事件多发的时期,诸如公共卫生引发的危机、政治性事件引发的危机、校园治安案件引发的危机、高校师德滑坡引发的危机、师生合法权益受损引发的危机等层出不穷,究其原因主要有社会转型时期的矛盾、不受限制的网络、高校体制性障碍、日常管理服务瑕疵、大学生心理问题多发等因素造成。高校领导层树立危机防患与危机管理意识,积极向企业学习危机公关能力,建立固定的危机管理机构,设立新闻发言人制度保证信息畅通,建立党、政府、公安机关部门与高校联动制度,是预防与应对高校危机事件的主要措施。  相似文献   

本文就当前高校中不断发生由心理危机引发恶性事件的问题,阐述了建立大学生心理危机干预机制的必要性,分析了危机干预工作中的一些基本问题,以期对及时发现和有效干预大学生心理危机以及扼制由此引发的校园突发恶性事件有所帮助。  相似文献   

美国一家网站发表文章对当前的校园危机给予了恰如其分的评价:“突发性的校园暴力。近年来在全球如同爆米花此起彼伏,且日趋严重。”  相似文献   

行政中层是一个行政组织中处于中间位置的行政层次,由于行政职能过多、过细以及行政过程中存在较多的形式主义,导致行政领导不能把时间和精力用在行政事务上,而行政中层可以利用在组织内所处的承上启下的位置,通过掌控行政过程中的具体环节,在决策、执行过程中发挥决定性的作用,从而产生“中层行政”现象.“中层行政”现象启示我们要进一步深化行政体制改革,转变和精简政府职能,减少形式主义,改进行政方式和行政文化.同时,注重提高行政领导的专业化水平,保证行政领导权责相符,强化对行政中层的监督,避免负面问题的产生.  相似文献   

管理人在破产程序中承载着管理、协调与监督的职能,其职责的行使牵涉多方利益。因此,保证管理人身份上的独立、中立以及专业性显得至关重要。现有的中介机构可以分担管理人职责,应当设立管理人协会,负责管理人名册的编制、管理等工作。管理人的法律地位应为法定机构,由人民法院指定并决定其报酬,债权人会议享有异议权。对于"无产可破"的案件,建议设立专项基金作为支付管理人报酬的来源。  相似文献   

本文认为,新破产法对法院的职能定位存在着公权越位和私权错位的立法失误。当前破产法中法院职能应向"去行政化"与"去民事化"方向改革,以实现破产审判职能的理性回归。在"去行政化"改革方面,可以在现行司法行政体系内设置破产管理人监管处(科)的司法行政管理部门,并推行破产管理人执业许可制度;在"去民事化"改革方面,在破产管理人的选任和报酬确定上,则应实行以债权人会议决定为主、人民法院指定为辅的立法模式。  相似文献   

Prior knowledge of the likely or expected outcome of a forensic investigation has been shown to produce biases in the results obtained, reducing objectivity. The wide prevalence of such cognitive biases in many judgments has long been recognised by social psychologists, but its importance is only now gaining appreciation within forensic science communities. It is therefore timely to draw attention to the power of cognitive biases found in a study of the influence of administrator expectations on photographic identifications. Data are presented to show that when a line-up administrator knows the identity and position of a target within a line-up choice, in which the ‘witness’ is ignorant of the actual target, that target is more than twice as likely to be selected compared with when the administrator is kept ‘blind’. These findings, taken together with related studies, support the recommendation that all forensic analyses are made ‘double-blind’—a method that has proven to be effective in reducing such effects within the social sciences.  相似文献   

论规制市场监管者应遵循的法律原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照权力分工或者权力划分理论,政府作为国家管理社会文化经济事务的公共代表,管理具有公共性社会事务,这是无庸置疑的。在我国政府管理与规范市场的活动中,就市场资格、市场运行、市场秩序、市场走向以及特定的市场交易行为过程而言,无论是专业市场还是一般交易市场,监管者的权力可以说是无所不在;但是,当监管者行使监管权力偏离法律的正当预期时,对监管者的规制就成为一项不可或缺而且艰巨的任务。  相似文献   

Pairs (N = 234) of witnesses and lineup administrators completed an identification task in which administrator knowledge, lineup presentation, instruction bias, and target presence were manipulated. Administrator knowledge had the greatest effect on identifications of the suspect for simultaneous photospreads paired with biased instructions, with single-blind administrations increasing identifications of the suspect. When biased instructions were given, single-blind administrations produced fewer foil identifications than double-blind administrations. Administrators exhibited a greater proportion of biasing behaviors during single-blind administrations than during double-blind administrations. The diagnosticity of identifications of the suspect in double-blind administrations was double their diagnosticity in single-blind administrations. These results suggest that when biasing factors are present to increase a witness’s propensity to guess, single-blind administrator behavior influences witnesses to identify the suspect.  相似文献   

高等学校管理权的行使与学生受教育权的保护   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
高校管理者的自主权不是民事权利,而是法律授权和政府下放的准行政权力;学生的受教育权是 受法律保护的权利,剥夺这种权利(如开除)的理由应由法定,非依法不能被剥夺。  相似文献   

Confidence and other testimony-relevant judgments may be distorted when witnesses are given confirming postidentification feedback, and double-blind procedures-wherein the lineup administrator does not know the identity of the suspect-are a commonly proposed, but untested, remedy for this effect. In the current study, mock witnesses viewed a staged crime video followed by a target-present or target-absent lineup where the administrator was or was not presumed to know the identity of the suspect. After making an identification decision, witnesses were or were not given realistic, but nonidentification-specific, feedback, and then confidence and other judgments were assessed. A significant interaction was found between blind condition and feedback such that feedback inflated confidence and other judgments in presumed nonblind conditions only; feedback had no effect on participants in presumed blind conditions. As predicted by the selective cue integration framework-a theoretical model suggested to explain the interaction between presumed blind administration and feedback-this interaction was significant only for inaccurate participants. These results suggest that blind administration may serve as a prophylactic against the negative effects of postidentification feedback. In addition, the effectiveness of our subtle feedback in influencing judgments suggests that lineup administrators should take care not to provide any feedback to eyewitnesses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

Highly-publicized school shootings have heightened concern over school safety. This study examines the impact of school crimes on campus policy. The administrators of 336 Texas middle and high schools were surveyed. Policy changes were related to parental complaints about school crime policies and administrator perceptions that students felt less safe. School administrators should base safety policies on strategies that have been evaluated for their effectiveness in reducing school crime and fear. The authors wish to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

This document contains a final rule governing certain reporting requirements under Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) for multiple employer welfare arrangements (MEWAs) and certain other entities that offer or provide coverage for medical care to the employees of two or more employers. The final rule generally requires the administrator of a MEWA, and certain other entities, to file a form with the Secretary of Labor for the purpose of determining whether the requirements of certain recent health care laws are being met.  相似文献   

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