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大都市区是城市化发展到较高阶段时的城市空间组织形式。近年来成都市人口、产业和城市空间布局变化的情况表明,大城市向大都市区发展,能够对一个特定区域的产业、人口和基础设施进行有效配置,防止产业和人口向中心城区过度集中,促进区域和城乡协调发展、全面发展。  相似文献   

京津冀大都市区人口跨地区流动的现状与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张捷 《学理论》2010,(20):71-73,124
随着京津冀大都市区经济的发展,人口跨流域流动的规模不断扩大,京津冀大都市区日益成为中国在21世纪的第三增长极。本文详细阐述了此地区人口跨地区流动的现状及形成原因,并运用极化一涓滴理论和增长极理论分析了此地区人口跨地区流动的趋势,最后提出了通过产业调整、转移和城乡统筹发展来合理引导人口流动的政策方向。  相似文献   

阳光灿烂的五月,北京首部机场,一个由十二位市长组成的高级代表团登机启程,他们将飞往西班牙的巴塞罗纳,代表中国参加“人口与城市未来”国际会议。率领这个代表团的,是中国最大都市——上海市市长江泽民。 在将要飞往国外的时候,江泽民对记者说,“上海是中国的上海,也是世界的上海。这当然不光是指上海人口已超过墨西哥城、东京,成为世界人口最多的大都市,  相似文献   

改革开放30年,我国取得了人口有效控制和经济快速发展两大奇迹.上海作为全国经济社会发展基础较好的城市在全国率先实行计划生育,最早出现人口转变,在改革开放发展进程中,率先探索统筹解决人口问题,努力推进上海国际大都市建设发展.  相似文献   

改革开放30年,我国取得了人口有效控制和经济陕速发民两大奇迹。上海作为全国经济社会发展基础较好的城市在全国率先实行计划生育,最早出现人口转变,在改革开放发展进程中,率先探索统筹解决人口问题,努力推进上海国际大都市建设发展。  相似文献   

葛根塔娜 《侨园》2013,(8):25-25
<正>最近,我们在美国访问期间,对于美国的犯罪率进行了深入探讨和研究。让我们看看这个世界上唯一的超级大国其10个犯罪率最高的城市。密歇根州底特律底特律一直是美国犯罪最严重的大都市区之一,其中一个重要的原因是,由于郊区化的发展以及三大汽车公司步履维艰,该市人口和就业率急剧下降,使该市缺乏资金投入到教育和公众安全等服务领域。还有,该市人口大量流失也是造成底特律高犯罪率的原因之一。田纳西州孟菲斯去年,孟菲斯大都市区平均每10万居民的暴力犯罪记录是1006起,长期贫困  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程的快速推进,大城市数量不断增加,城市人口空间结构问题凸显.本文在京津冀城市群的视角下验证了区域经济重心与人口重心之间的相关性及人口重心转移的滞后性,并运用洛伦茨曲线对北京市人口空间均衡度和集中度进行测量,探讨了其全局和局部的人口空间关联模式,即人口空间分布不均衡性加剧,流动人口强聚集圈层、弱聚集圈层、中间过渡圈层的分布特征明显.最后,结合东京都市圈和多伦多大都市区人口空间模式的历史演变,提出不同发展阶段下城市人口空间结构由线性到非线性、由"倒U型"向"M型"双峰曲线转变的特点,明确了30公里圈对大城市人口分布的重要作用.  相似文献   

德国慕尼黑郊区的创意农业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于雪梅 《团结》2009,(1):41-43
慕尼黑位于德国南部,面积310平方公里.人口126万,人口密度每平方公里4277人.所辖25个区,是德国的第三大城市.仅次于柏林和汉堡。与其他世界级大城市相比,无论是从人口数量上看还是从土地面积上看。慕尼黑都像是一个小村庄,但是这丝毫也没有减弱慕尼黑作为国际大都市的重要性.相反.被许多人称为“百万村庄”的慕尼黑不仅在战后迅速发展成为德国南部重要的政治、经济、交通和文化中心.而且以其独特的人文景观和田园风格在国际大都市中独树一帜。  相似文献   

汉城是一个国际化的大都市,人口1200万,拥有276万辆汽车。以汉城为中心的首都圈,人口则多达2700万,汽车拥有量达570万辆,人口和车辆几乎占全国的一半,交通压力可想而知。然而,凡是到过汉城的人都有一个共同的感觉:虽然车流如水,但四通八达,堵车现象除上下班高峰和周末等特定时间外,则很少发生。  相似文献   

一城市的出现,是社会分工扩大和生产力发展的必然结果.早在1000多年前的唐、宋时代,我国已经出现了类似长安、开封这样拥有几十万人口的大都市.星罗棋布的城市群的形成.是与资本主义工商业的高度发展密切相关的.解放前,我国处于半殖民地半封建社会,长期遭受战乱的破坏,社会生产力发展缓慢,但由于地  相似文献   

本文从分工和企业内部经济的角度,结合相关理论,对产业结构的质变和量变机制进行了探讨,提出了一个分析产业结构变动机制的理论框架.  相似文献   

本文从"智慧资本"、"表征资本"和"产业资本"三个方面论述了北京文化创意产业的概念,提出以创新为"智慧资本",以文化为"表征资本",以产业为"经济资本",构建以"创意"为本体,"文化"和"产业"为资本构架,"智慧资本"为自主创新动力的文化创意产业。  相似文献   

The evolution and achievements of population studies programs at El Colegio de Mexico since the 1964 founding of the first master's program in demography in Latin America are described, and topics of interest for future research are identified. In 1995 the master's program and the doctoral program in social sciences with specialization in population studies were combined into a single program. Students are trained in demographic analysis, the methods of demographic research, the processes of development, and demographic theory. The program seeks to develop multidisciplinary orientations regarding links between population processes and social and economic factors. 67 students have obtained master's degrees and 8 the doctorate. The aging of the Mexican population resulting from its relatively rapid fertility decline suggests crucial topics for future research. The survival of 3 or even 4 generations, the reduced number of siblings, and other changes in family structure and relationships may generate research. Topics related to old age security for women, the effects of AIDS, internal and international migration patterns, and the demographic processes of the indigenous population are other significant topics. New employment opportunities in addition to the two traditional areas, academia and the public sector, should be sought for demography graduates in business and industry and in regional educational and planning centers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to ascertain how certain important changes in Finnish society in the 1990s altered the national elite structures and affected democracy. We examine how the patterns of recruitment, interaction and cohesiveness among the elites changed in the period 1991–2001. The data for the study were drawn mainly from postal surveys conducted among the elites and a sample of the population in 1991 and 2001. The first research task was to establish how recruitment to various elites has altered in terms of social stratification and education. The second was to analyse changes in patterns of interaction between various elites as far as physical contacts and attitudes were concerned. The third was to study the relationship between the elites and the general population on the basis of attitudinal affinity. The conclusions were based on theoretical models characterising various elite structures and their interconnections with democracy. The concept of a responsive elite is developed on the grounds of the theory of democratic elitism. The changes in the Finnish elite structure have meant a passage towards an inclusive structure compatible with democracy rather than towards an exclusive elite configuration. Finnish elites have become more open and more diverse.  相似文献   

This article discusses housing and the welfare state in Norway in 1980 and 2005 by applying Esping‐Andersen's theories of welfare state regimes to this sector. How should Norwegian housing policy be understood in light of Esping‐Andersen's conceptual framework, and what is the impact of post‐industrial change? In 1980, Norwegian housing policy was mainly characterised by social‐democratic traits such as market regulation, substantial public expenditure and universal subsidies for both renters and a large owner‐occupied housing sector. The effects of post‐industrial changes, including deregulation of the credit and housing markets, marked a major turn in housing policy and the housing market in Norway. By 2005, Norwegian housing policy was mainly characterised by traits that are typical of a liberal welfare regime: market economics, low public expenditure and subsidies for small, targeted groups, while other segments of the Norwegian welfare state remain characterised by social‐democratic traits. Esping‐Andersen's claim that the effect of post‐industrial transformation was different in different welfare regimes is thus not supported by the case of the Norwegian housing sector.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper examines the political and organizational presuppositions of industrial policy-making. Empirical evidence about the structure of government-industry relations shows that fears of an authoritarian corporate state are unfounded, and that the institutional conditions described in neo-corporatist analyses of industrial policy-making do not exist, at the national level, or in most sectors of British industry. Organizations and interorgani-zational relations have evolved piecemeal and not as components of a system of economic management. The British economy is undermanaged rather than overmanaged. Moreover, organizational weaknesses represent a major deficiency because structural changes in the pattern of economic activity are urgently needed. A series of political economy models is presented and used to specify the characteristics of structural problems on the supply side of the economy, and the institutions needed to resolve them. It is proposed that, in order to deal with recurring structural problems, effective and democratic policy processes for the macro management of supply are required.  相似文献   


The abiding motif of election campaigns in the USA is not the spot ad, nor the candidate debate, nor even the campaign Web site, but instead remains the campaign button. It should be consigned to history by fast paced development of campaigns into modern technologies, but there are still hundreds of designs produced quadrennially for national campaigns, and many more for races at all levels. Even if the life of the campaign button is coming to a close, it has been a long run, from the brass buttons of 1789, to the tiny framed daguerreotypes of the mid-19th century, through the celluloid buttons of the 1890s, to the chip implanted versions of today.

But the campaign button is just the most ubiquitous example of the material culture of the US election. It has been modified by changes in artisan skills, industrial production, bulk availability, the changes in inexpensive materials and manufactures, and cost effectiveness and profitability. Over the same period of time many other artefacts have been used by entrepreneurs and campaigns to bring the candidates and their public together at the same time as making a profit-either financial or political. This article discusses the role of entrepreneurship, changing industrial technology, and the emergence of newly cost-effective materials, as contexts for the creation of the wealth of campaign ephemera that has adapted to change and maintained its place in the campaign for over 200 years.  相似文献   

中国处于经济体制转型、产业结构调整、劳动关系重组、利益格局变化的特殊时期,在劳动者面临诸多困境的情况下,传统意识形态所坚持的工人阶级的主人翁地位空心化,造成民主管理和职工合法权利的缺失。本文提出创新工作场所的民主参与形式,并从重构工人参与的理论、挖掘本土化的民主管理资源、政府要对工作场所中劳动关系进行积极的干预、加速工会组织内部的民主化进程等几个方面探讨了工作场所的民主参与的路径。  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the role of international production networks (IPNs) and industrial clusters (ICs) in the upgrading process with a view to gain a better understanding of their upgrading experiences. This can shed some light on the ongoing debate regarding the relative importance of IPNs and ICs and their implications for prudential industrial policy. The automotive and hard disk drive (HDD) industries in Thailand are chosen as case studies because their outstanding export performance in the world market in the past two decades suggests their success in industrial upgrading. Nonetheless, these two industries differ in their modes of networking. In the former, industrial clustering has been observed and has reached a level where the local content of a locally manufactured vehicle is approaching 100 percent. For the latter, industrial clustering has naturally occurred and reached a certain level, while IPNs still play a crucial role. This result suggests the possibility of coexistence between IPNs and ICs. The observed industrial clustering in the HDD industry in the later stage also shows that ICs would be a developmental outcome rather than a precondition of technological upgrading. The choice between IPNs and ICs should be a private sector decision, driven by the economic fundamentals.The public sector should focus on strengthening the supply‐side capabilities of local firms as well as creating an investment climate to further promote upgrading activities.  相似文献   

社会作为一切人和社会关系的总和,无时无刻不在发生变迁。农民工是中国从传统农业社会向现代工业社会转变时期的产物,反映了社会变迁的特性。社会变迁有两种类型:一种是放任主义的自然变迁,一种是体现人的意志的规划性变迁。将农民工纳入规划性变迁中,有助于改善其生存状况,使之成为社会变迁的有机组成部分。纵观改革开放以来的历次五年规划/计划,农民工在规划性社会变迁中由消极限制到积极保障,一方面反映了农民工为我国现代化建设做出了巨大贡献,另一方面也要求通过国家规划创造条件,逐步实现农村转移人口市民化,使农民工作为一个特有的过渡性社会群体最终趋于消失。  相似文献   

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