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改革开放之后,政治权力尽管对学术的控制全面放松了,但其仍然时刻保持着侵入学术的可能。法学学术面对这种政治情势形成了一种既试图回避政治禁忌又试图迎合学术体制的犬儒主义生存策略,而民间法研究正好满足了这样一种生存策略,民间法研究者无疑对当下中国的政治现实有着一种清醒的意识,但其仍然回避了关键的政治性法律实践问题,而在比较安全的去政治化的法律实践领域大力挖掘学术资源。民间法研究者还在既中立客观而又具有现实意义的绝佳外表下不恰当地将这种片面化的学术研究放大到法治建设的全局性地位,为其进行精致的正当化辩护。民间法研究者最终通过各种似是而非的理论策略能够达到一种犬儒主义效果:对学术无能的不自知、对逃避政治现实的自我说服、对学术繁荣的自我陶醉。  相似文献   

论无效民事行为的法律后果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
祝传颂 《河北法学》2001,19(2):88-94
对无效民事行为的法律后果 ,理论上主要有两种观点 :一种观点认为该后果应该包括行为无效等 ,另一种观点认为只应涉及行为无效。大陆法系各国 (地区 )立法上也有两种体例。分析我国《民法通则》所支持的第一种观点的错误及原因 ,认为无效民事行为的直接后果只能是行为无效 ,即行为不产生拘束力。但事物是发展的 ,当行为人误认为行为有效而进一步行动时 ,就可能引起返还财产、赔偿损失的间接后果 ,这显然区别于无效民事行为本身。进而分析直接后果与间接后果的相关理论与司法实践。  相似文献   

论检察监督是依法治国的关键安徽省芜湖市人民检察院陈广计一、确立检察监督是依法治国的关键理论根据及意义目前,关于什么是依法治国的关键,理论和实践界一直存在争议,一种观点认为依法行政是依法治国的关键①,另一种观点则认为依法治国的关键是公正执法②。笔者认为...  相似文献   

刘萍 《行政与法》2005,(4):110-112
对于提单首要条款的性质,我国学界存在着截然不同的两种观点:一种观点认为提单首要条款是法律适用条款;另一种观点认为提单首要条款不是法律适用条款。本文针对第二种观点进行了深入分析,指出第二种观点是建立在传统国际私法理论基础之上的,随着国际私法传统理论的转型,第二种观点存在的理由和依据已经丧失。  相似文献   

一、关于个人在国际法上地位问题的各种理论关于个人在国际法上的权利与义务及个人在国际法上的地位问题 ,国际法学界引起了广泛的争论。在此问题上大致有以下三种较具代表性的观点 :第一种观点认为 ,国家承担的国际权利和义务最终的承受者都是个人 ,并由此认为只有个人才是国际法的主体 ,国家不是国际法的主体 ;第二种观点认为个人在国际法上不直接享有权利和义务 ,个人依条约取得国际法上的权利不过是国家间的权利义务。由此认为个人不是国际法的主体 ,甚至认为个人是国际法的客体。第三种观点认为在国际关系中 ,占主导地位的是国家 ,但个…  相似文献   

对刑事侦察学理论研究的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国刑事侦察学的理论研究,一如整个公安学的理论研究,近年来成绩斐然,令公安学界乃至整个社会科学界侧目.笔者欲通过本文对刑事侦察学理论研究中的几个问题一陈管见,以作引玉之砖.一、两个蕴意迥然的命题——刑事侦察学的“基础理论”与“理论基础”迄今为止,国内刑侦研究中仍未取得共识且一直争论不休的一个问题是关于刑事侦察学基础理论与理论基础的界定.比较近似的现象是认为应当有“一种”或“几种”其他科学成为刑事侦察学的基础理论.较有代表性的有以下几种:1、认为哲学或“侦察哲学”应成为刑事侦察学的基础理论;2、认为系统论、信息论、控制论等“现代三论”应成为刑事侦察学的基础理论;3、认为决策科学、科学方法论、同一认史理论等或单一或共同构成刑事侦察学的基础理论.(这些观点散见于近年来发表的论文或出版的教材中,在此不一一列举)  相似文献   

合理情绪疗法是美国心理学家埃利斯创立的一种心理治疗理论和方法,它以认知理论为基石,借鉴行为疗法的某些技术而自成一体。合理情绪疗法认为人们有正确的观念,就可能愉快地生活,反之,错误的、与现实不符的认知就容易使人产生情绪困扰。因此,必须帮助求助者建立起正确的理性观念。本文指出合理情绪疗法是适合年纪较轻、智力和文化水平较高的大学生的一种心理治疗方法,可以达到治标又治本的效果。  相似文献   

杨严炎 《清华法学》2011,5(2):167-176
大庆联谊案是我国一个有代表性且有重大影响的证券群体诉讼案件,对其诉讼形式、价值取向及其审理效果,理论与实务界有两种截然不同的观点:一种观点认为,本案的诉讼形式有利于受害人的权利救济,在我国群体案件的处理中具有划时代的意义;另一种观点则认为,法院分拆案件、拖延诉讼等做法,影响了受害人的权利救济,助长了上市公司、中介机构制假造假之风的蔓延。那么,我们究竟应当赞同哪一种观点呢?文章在对大庆联谊虚假陈述案以及我国其他群体案件诉讼形式和审理效果方面存在问题分析的基础上,提出了我国群体诉讼制度改革的价值取向。  相似文献   

元认知的观点在临床心理学中具有重要的应用价值,其理论建构的特色是强调元认知对情绪状态的监控。这种理论的认知框架的核心是:个人对自己的情绪状态作出标签,它被看成个人对特定事件、关系或对象的一种本能反应方式,生理唤起与认知评价之间的密切联系和相互作用决定着情绪。个人将其与目标状态相比较并通过实际行动让自己的情绪状态更加接近目标状况并加以监控。近年来,心理学家对精神分裂症和对不适当的过度愤怒研究的成功案例,证明了元认知模型在心理治疗中的应用价值。  相似文献   

尽管比较法在当代已经普遍受到重视,但是对于比较法的概念,比较法是不是法学部门的一门科学,目前还没有统一的看法。认为比较法不仅是一种研究方法,而且是一门学科的观点,是比较普遍的。持这种观点的著名法学家有法国的达维教授、西德的茨威格特教授等代表性人物;与此相反的意见认为,比较法不是一门学科,而只是一种法学研究的方法。持这种观点的以苏联的齐希瓦杰教授、英国的戈特里特教授等为代表。  相似文献   

It is often maintained that factors such as the multifarious and exigent nature of the police profession, the diversity of police personnel, and the dissimilar socioeconomic and political settings which surround the sphere of policing, fragment the shared values, beliefs, and norms of police officers. As a result, the spatiality and saliency of such values (police culture), is doubted, if not denied. Such being the case, the article sets out to examine whether or not police culture, as documented to exist in Anglo-American police organisations, is reflected in two disparate settings, namely the Croatian and Cyprus Police. For attesting the foregoing, quantitative research was undertaken in these two settings. Upon analysing the responses of novice law enforcers (n = 185), it was found that the core constituents of police culture (isolation, suspicion, brotherhood, and cynicism), besides cynicism – which was partially supported – manifested in both police organisations.  相似文献   


The paper seeks to determine whether indicators evincing attitudes of police culture themes of solidarity, isolation and cynicism amongst SAPS officials are gender neutral as well as change in relation to Van Maanen’s and Manning’s stages of police culture socialisation. Using a survey format, the researcher employed a longitudinal design. The study established that SAPS cadets that commenced their basic training at the six SAPS basic training institutes in January 2005, entered the organisation with predispositions in furtherance of solidarity, isolation and cynicism. The period of ‘college/academy training’ (January to June 2005) did not significantly counteract these tendencies, neither the subsequent ‘field training’ (July to December 2005). Nine years on, and these attitudes intensified. The study further found that for the duration of the project (10 years), female trainees and their conversion to fully-fledged police officials had mostly stronger values exhibiting solidarity, isolation and cynicism, compared to their male counterparts.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new analytical strategy, the canonical factor regression method (CFRM) is introduced as a tool for constructing indices and measuring reliabilities of those indices from items derived from Niederhoffer's police cynicism index. Data for the project were derived from the survey responses of 574 Illinois police chiefs. Analysis of the data in the present project suggests that CFRM is a useful tool for constructing composite indices. CFRM allowed us to provide a more powerful test of hypothesized relationships between dimensions of cynicism and theoretically salient predictor variables than has previously been possible.  相似文献   

Prolonged pretrial incarceration is a key issue facing the criminal justice systems of many developing countries. Detainees stay in jail for years while undergoing trial but are still unconvicted. However, little is known about the consequences of this troubling phenomenon. Informed by relevant prison and criminological theories, this paper analyses jail official data and qualitative interviews from detainees in a local jurisdiction in the Philippines to understand the magnitude and consequences of prolonged pretrial incarceration. Results suggest the emergence of a legally cynical view of the criminal justice system shared by the detainees. These sentiments likely serve as bases for popular opinions that justify use of violence and vigilante justice on offender populations. Implications on judicial and penal reforms in the Philippines are discussed.  相似文献   

Street gangs and organized crime groups pose a unique challenge to police departments across the globe. Given their penchant for public displays of affiliation through well-recognized signs and symbols, their presence is often associated with media attention and public scrutiny, which threatens the legitimacy of the police and creates added pressure to generate a specific and public response to the threat these groups pose. The current study documents how the Stockholm County, Sweden, police developed and maintained an anti-gang operation in response to an emerging gang problem. While police officials labeled the anti-gang initiative a success in the news media, analyses of prosecution statistics and internal police documents demonstrate a less than ideal effect of this operation. Potential reasons for the discrepancy in public pronouncements of programmatic success relative to evaluation of official data are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies have found that African Americans are more likely to perceive racial biases in the criminal justice system than are those from other racial groups. There is a limited understanding of how neighborhood social processes affect variation in these perceptions. This study formulates a series of hypotheses focused on whether perceived racial biases in the criminal justice system or perceptions of injustice vary as a function of levels of moral and legal cynicism as well as of adverse police–citizen encounters. These hypotheses are tested with multilevel regression models applied to data from a sample of 689 African Americans located in 39 neighborhoods. Findings from the regression models indicate that the positive association between structural disadvantage and perceptions of injustice is accounted for by moral and legal cynicism. Furthermore, adverse police encounters significantly increase perceptions of injustice; controlling for these encounters reduces the strength of the association between cynicism and injustice perceptions. Finally, the findings reveal that cynicism intensifies the association between adverse police encounters and perceptions of criminal injustice. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for research regarding perceived biases in the criminal justice system and neighborhood social processes.  相似文献   

In different theoretical traditions, negative social conditions, attachments, and interactions shape the way individuals view the law and its agents. Although most researchers acknowledge the conceptual distinction between different legal attitudes such as legal cynicism and police legitimacy, it remains unclear to what extent these attitudes stem from the same social sources. In the current study, therefore, we evaluate the social and individual factors that influence trajectories of legal cynicism and police legitimacy using a diverse community sample of youths in Zurich, Switzerland. Latent growth curve models were employed to examine patterns of change in legal cynicism and police legitimacy between 13 and 20 years of age. The findings show that legal cynicism and police legitimacy both decline into early adulthood and exhibit high rank-stability over time. Furthermore, we find that legal cynicism is closely related to individual characteristics that reflect one's inability to recognize or abide by their internal rules. By contrast, police legitimacy is shaped by socialization influences, particularly teacher bonds and police contacts. These results indicate a need to assess the measurement and interpretation of legal cynicism critically in relation to broader legitimacy beliefs and to investigate the shared and distinct sources of these different constructs.  相似文献   


Evidence suggests that positive experiences with the police can foster attitudes of respect towards the justice system that can reduce an adolescents’ propensity to commit later illegal behaviors. To advance prior work, we tested whether this association might be stronger for those adolescents who associate with deviant peers. Additionally, we tested whether the link between attitudes towards police and the justice system, and the influence of peer delinquency, would be weaker for those with elevated callous–unemotional (CU) traits. These predictions were examined in a prospective study using a sample (N?=?1,216) of adolescent males who were followed prospectively for 2 years following their first official contact with the juvenile justice system. Positive experiences with the police following the youth’s first arrest were associated with less self-reported delinquency 2 years later, which was partially mediated by reductions in adolescents’ cynicism about the legal system. However, this link was only significant for youth with low levels of peer delinquency. Although CU traits were related to less positive perceptions of experiences with the police and greater cynicism about the justice system, CU traits did not moderate the associations among experiences, attitudes, and later illegal behavior nor did they moderate the influence of peer delinquency.  相似文献   

Ethnographic evidence reveals that many crimes in poor minority neighborhoods evade criminal justice sanctioning, thus leading to a negative association between the proportion of minority residents in a neighborhood and the arrest rate. To explain this finding, we extend recent theoretical explications of the concept of legal cynicism. Legal cynicism refers to a cultural orientation in which the law and the agents of its enforcement are viewed as illegitimate, unresponsive, and ill equipped to ensure public safety. Crime might flourish in neighborhoods characterized by legal cynicism because individuals who view the law as illegitimate are less likely to comply with it; yet because of legal cynicism, these crimes might go unreported and therefore unsanctioned. This study draws on data from the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods to test the importance of legal cynicism for understanding geographic variation in the probability of arrest. We find that, in neighborhoods characterized by high levels of legal cynicism, crimes are much less likely to lead to an arrest than in neighborhoods where citizens view the police more favorably. Findings also reveal that residents of highly cynical neighborhoods are less likely to engage in collective efficacy and that collective efficacy mediates the association between legal cynicism and the probability of arrest.  相似文献   

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