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There has been a shifting meaning of the right to self-determination, since World War Ⅱ, from territorial decolonisation into other meanings such as the right for indigenous people, minorities, ethnics groups and women's rights in the territories of independent states. Furthermore, the new phenomenon signifies that it is also used implicitly in the world trading system by states in maintaining their sovereignty from trade liberalization. This has been a dilemma in understanding the right to self-determination within international law. This paper, however, critically evaluates the potential applicability of the right to self-determination in the world trading architecture. It begins by examining the origins, evolution and current struggle to the right to self-determination in the world trading system. It then addresses in General Exceptions, Safeguard Measures and Special and Preferential Treatment as existing and applied principles in the World Trade Organization. It is highlighted that the real world still needs the right to self-determination as a means of struggling for economic justice. The right to self-determination has shifted from the right to transfer territory politically into the right to the transfer of welfare economically and in particular, the right to self-determination of people into the fight to self-determination of states.  相似文献   

China's latest Marriage Law amendment illustrates how tradition contributes to China's modernity. Traditionally, a house was a necessity for a marriage in China. This is because in ancient China, marriage secured the continuation of the family line and provision for ancestors. In modern China, the one child policy and soaring housing prices collectively force the "three families" to buy a house for the new couple. However, what happens when the couple divorces? Shall the house then be considered community property? The 2011 Judicial Interpretation of the Supreme People "s Court of Several Issues on the Application of the Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China, provides that where real estate is purchased by the parents of one party, and after the party's marriage is registered under the party's name, such real estate shall be deemed as a gift given by the parents to the party and the party's personal property. This interpretation represents a compromise between tradition and modernity.
The article will firstly introduce the marriage system in ancient China, illustrating that under the doctrine ofli, the real purpose of marriage was to be a bond of love between two (families of differenO surnames. Retrospectively, this secured observance of ancestral rituals in the ancestral temple, and prospectively, continuation of the family line. The house was a necessity for marriage because one of the six ceremonies required for marriage under li was the procession, and then welcome of the bride at the groom "s home. (Other ceremonies involved a matchmaker securing a proposal, matching auspicious birthdates, exchanging gifts between the bride's and groom's families, setting an auspicious wedding date, honoring ancestors and deities, and having an elaborate banquet).
The article will then analyze the marriage law in the of Republic of China, in which even the post-dynasty marriage law adopted the western marriage system, the strong resistance of the old tradition forced the law-  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of informal groups, such as "Contact Group", in modem-day practice of conflict prevention, mediation, and settlement. It further aims to examine the legal status of this ad hoc grouping of states under international law, analyzing the Contact Group's involvement and operation in cases of Namibia (formerly South West Africa), Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. This empirical survey is instrumental to delimit and define the relationship that is created between formal and informal processes and institutions at the planetary level, as a result of the emergence and proliferation of informal ad hoc groupings of states. The bases of authority, political effectiveness, and the place and position of the Contact Group within the existing UN system of collective security are used to understand the rationale behind the formation and existence, as well as contribution and utility of such informal structures.  相似文献   

The European Union in its task of coordinating the different social protection systems recommends member countries to take steps to prevent economic imbalances caused by ageing populations. Spain and other European countries-such as Sweden, Italy or Germany, follow the trends marked by the European Union with regard to pensions. In recent years, these countries have carried out reforms to be entitled to benefits, increase the proportionality between contributions and benefits and introduce formulas similar to private funded systems. These reforms will lead to retirement pensions linked to contributions becoming an airtight system, thus excluding the most vulnerable workers from them. This work aims to show that this type of restrictive measures despite being formulated in a neutral way, fail to correct-and actually increase-the differences between women and men in employment, since women are more affected by unstable working conditions than men. Lower wages for women and higher incidences of their careers being interrupted to attend to family duties will make access for women to retirement pensions even harder. The shortfalls in the protection of retirement pensions contrast sharply with a common European employment policy which aims to raise the employment rate of women. Having examined the incidence of this type of reforms from a gender perspective, the final aim of the work will be to show whether the European directive against discrimination regarding Social Security, headed by Directive 79/7 and displayed in the European Court of Justice's case law, constitutes an adequate regulatory tool to neutralize those reforms which lead to indirect discrimination.  相似文献   

The global spread of the recent financial crisis reveals the crisis of the social model at the base of Western societies. This can be seen from the increased social inequality and poverty, linked to increasing rates of unemployment levels within the so-called advanced capitalistic society. These societies, particularly the European ones, are interested at the same time in the migration and acquire the status of multicultural society. The mixture of the two phenomena, the economic and social crisis on the one hand, the increasing of migration flows on the other, led to deep divisions in that societies, whose consequences are felt by the most vulnerable groups: migrants and women. The associations complain of the increased exploitation of migrant labour, which creates resentment in the population, the unions complain the most violent fallout of the crisis of the labour market on women than men. In the Italian context occur that the two forms of discrimination have been dramatically intertwined: the public was captured by a sequence of shocking rapes of women by neo-communitarian citizens. The panic induced by the media has prevented a proper reflection on what was happening, crediting a model of criminalization of foreigners and increasing perception of insecurity in women. The scenario problematic from a legal standpoint, to which this article addresses, is a dangerous polarization between the protection of freedom of women and the respect for the social dignity of migrants. In relation to this scenario highly critical, in which is erroneously included women as a minority in conflict with another minority-migrants, the article aims to identify in a comparative way the best tools to prevent the ethnicization of gender violence.  相似文献   

A growing number of armed conflicts are ending in negotiated and mediated settlements. While mediation has been acknowledged as an effective means of dispute resolution in many areas, such as family law, medical law and commercial law, it has only quite recently been employed for the resolution of armed conflicts. It is the aim of this article to analyze how mediation was successfully employed in resolving conflicts in the region of Aceh in Indonesia. After 25 years of armed conflict, a peace deal was signed in 2005 between the government of Indonesia and an armed Acehnese group, the Gerekan Aceh Merdeka(GAM). This article will detail the history of the conflict and the mediation process, focusing on the mediation strategies and characteristics.  相似文献   

On 25 April 2014, the second Renmin University International Virtual Workshop (RUIVW), also the inaugural Renmin-Duke Law Workshop, was held in the Renmin Law School. Professor Zhang Taisu from Duke Law School delivered a talk based on his latest work "Kinship, Property, and Agricultural Capitalism in Pre-Industrial China and England." By comparing the two types of land transactions, the dian in China and the mortgage in England, Zhang analyzed the cultural norms leading to the differences of the above property rights and its influence on China's macroeconomic decline (referred to "decline"). Scholar participants spoke highly of Zhang's work and raised several questions on it. Gao Yangguang emphasized on the distinguished differences between the psychological needs of social groups behind the above property rights and therefore doubted their comparability in this regard. Guo Rui, the host of this workshop, commented on Zhang's work from company law perspective. Jiang Dong discussed the definition of "capitalism" and its role in the causation to decline. Xiong Bingwan put forward another prospective sub-connections between cultural norms and economic outcomes. You Chenjun suggested evaluation the decline from social functions of the property transactions beyond the economic level by giving the example of tan qi, a unique kind of contract in Ming and Qing China. Pan Weijiang, from Beihang University Law School, compared the concept culture in Zhang's work to "social structure" and suggested more explanation for the impact of the Confucian on it.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the challenges faced by the Commission for the promotion of Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities. This is one'of the Chapter 9 institutions in the South African Constitution with a mandate to guard democracy. Languages play a crucial part in promoting and attaining the goals of building democracy and nation. It also protects and develops South African uniquely diverse culture. The use and development of languages is closely linked to the development of culture and identity. This paper also refers to other relevant Acts passed by the state which regulate culture and languages. This paper further endeavours to thoroughly scrutinise the relevant provisions of the South African Constitution which either expressly or impliedly refers to the use of languages, and further examines whether the exclusion of the Selobedu language an official language in the Constitution violates or triumph upon those rights. It further makes comparative study with other countries, especially with countries where the constitution stipulates the official languages of that country, and also differentiates between an official and national language.  相似文献   

Lower labor costs and realization of profits have been key components in the expansion of the global market. As we continue to witness the prolific liberalization of the global market, it is essential that we remember the importance of human capital. Workers play a paramount role in the realization of continued and sustained global market growth. Paradoxically, sustained growth in the global market is also fueled by the absence of workers' rights and the resulting reduction of labor costs. Thus, multi-national companies and workers employed by multi-national companies, have encountered a seeming contradiction of workplace realities. From a capitalistic economic perspective, it is necessary for multi-national companies to compete for market share and realize profits. However, in order to promote social harmony and ensure against large-scale social unrest, workers must be given basic rights ensuring economic security and workplace justice. China has enacted the Labor Contract Law to address challenges surrounding these issues. This paper will discuss the efficacy of China's embracing the rule of law so as to effectively enforce the Labor Contract Law. The paper will also give an overview of the concepts forming the foundation of the rule of law. Further, the paper will offer a brief comparative analysis of the United States' use of the rule of law in relation to resolving post-slavery labor issues. Finally, the paper will recommend a model system for use by China in enforcing the Labor Contract Law.  相似文献   

Since the Reform and Opening period commenced, lawmaking in China has made great achievements, constructed a lawmaMng institution composed of constitution, laws, administrative and local rules and regulations as the source of law, and a legal system composed of constitutional and related law, administrative law, criminal law, civil and commercial law, economic law, social law, and procedure law. However, lawmaking in China faces new issues needing resolution. This paper focuses on the relation of lawmaking between the National People's Congress (PC) and its Standing Committee (SC), between the NPC and the administrative and local organs. Because most laws are enacted by the SC with a small number of elites, but not the NPC with a large number of deputies, the challenge lies in how to represent the people and ensure the people's character of the laws. As the administrative and local organs enact the rules and regulations, how can their conformation to the Constitution and laws be ensured? Is it enough to only depend on an original deliberative mechanism? China needs to create and develop new mechanisms to resolve these issues.  相似文献   

This essay explores the emergence of Muslim feminism and its rationale, and offers a brief overview on Muslim feminists' approaches to the notion of gender equality. It also navigates through Muslim feminists' diverse contributions to both feminist discourse and to Islamic scholarship by discursively engaging with Islamic faith and jurisprudence. Through this journey, Muslim Feminists have vigorously engaged themselves with historical methods, a strong understanding of power relations, and the cornerstone of religion -- the question of ethics -- to enrich their hermeneutical approaches to the sacred text and Islamic Canon. The abovementioned scholarly works empower Muslim feminists to engage in effective intra-religious dialogue. However, while Muslim Feminists' intra- religious scholarship has developed immensely in the last 30 years, their communication with transnational feminism suffers from a huge gap that needs to be filled with a mutual language. By acquiring the extra-religious mode of communication not merely founded on Islamic thoughts and methodologies, Muslim feminists will be enabled to communicate within a broader scholarly landscape. To reach out for universal and comprehensive interface among believers and non-believers, I will explore this potential for extra-religious communication by offering postmodern terminologies and themes, including deconstruction, the undercutting of a singular narrative and the infinite semantic nature of text. Such dialogue will serve as a hermeneutical tool to pave the way to diversity and openness in feminist discourse. Such openness will enable feminists from all walks of life to explore and create new possibilities that can be channelled toward a more meaningful inclusion for more marginalised feminist voices in the global arena and, ultimately, build coalitions among them to overcome sexism, racism.  相似文献   

The traditional Liangshan Yi society was strictly stratified, and Yi law reflected this by stipulating the rule of marriage within the same rank, the violation of which would be forced to commit suicide. The rank system was abrogated in the Democracy Reform, the rule of marriage within the same rank has been criticized and abolished in the following Political Movements, however, it still predominates Yi people's marriage life. The radical political measures to abolish the traditional institutions have met failure in spite of the fact that the Liangshan Yi law has transformed due to both the political power relationship and market economy.  相似文献   

Customary law is often criticized for being in conflict with human rights norms, mainly on the grounds that it tends not to emphasize gender equality and discriminate against women. Although customary law has not in the past emphasized equality between men and women, it cannot be regarded as completely in conflict with human rights1. As already stated, one of the principles of human rights is equality between the sexes. Customary law has the same aim as human rights, which is the protection of human dignity2. The conflict may be largely caused by the fact that, ideologically, African customary law is communal or socialist in approach, whereas human rights are based on the premise that a person has rights by virtue of his or her being an individual human being. Now that we in South Africa have a bill of rights and yet we will still have customary law, the question has been and is still being posed whether customary law is not in conflict with universal human rights. The reason for this is that one of the values that underpin our Constitution is equality.3 Customary law on the other hand does not insist on complete equality in every respect. In particular section 9 of the 1996 Constitution provides for equality before the law and for equal protection and benefit of the law, which entails the full and equal enjoyment of all the rights and freedoms. It further proscribes unfair discrimination based on the listed grounds although it allows steps to promote or advance people or categories of persons who have been disadvantaged by unfair discrimination.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) recognises that future development largely depends on its ability to advance the digital economy. Copyright 'fuels" the knowledge based sector and the digital economy, making it a fundamental component in any strategy to create sustainable economic growth. EU copyright legislation acknowledges the exclusive rights of authors to reproduce or authorise the reproduction of the work he or she has created, make available or communicate it to the pub#c, and distribute it. It also establishes one mandatory and 20 optional exceptions or limitations to those exclusive rights. The acknowledgement of the importance of the creative sectors in the digital economy has resulted in several EC initiatives, such as stakeholder platforms aiming at developing practical solutions for user access to copyright works based on current legal and other frameworks, and proposals for new EU legislation, including a draft directive on collective rights management, which focuses on governance of collective management organisations (CMO) and cross- border and multi-territorial licensing of musical works. It has also led to requests, including from within the European Commission (EC), that it be considered whether a review of the current EU system of limitations to the exclusive rights is still appropriate; does it address adequately challenges posed by the digital economy? The system of exceptions and limitations to the exclusive rights is a crucial element in the EU copyright framework. This paper argues that the fundamental principles of copyright, which grants excusive rights to copyright holders, combined with the possibilities of introducing exceptions and limitations to those exclusive rights in national legislation based on the internationally acknowledged principles of "the three-step'" test, are still valid tools and the most appropriate approach to the establishment of a legal framework for user access to copyright materials.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate service utilization and satisfaction with service delivery among victims of rape and sexual assault. The victims completed a questionnaire comprising questions about whether they felt they received the appropriate help following an assault and whether they were met with positive staff attitudes within the public treatment system. The victims completed the questionnaire at three different time points: one month, three months and six months following an assault. Results showed that a high number of victims were satisfied with the support and treatment they received from psychologist and other part of the public help system. However, a high number of victims also reported receiving insufficient help from the social service and the police. Results are discussed in terms of consequences for victim recovery and the importance of receiving feedback from the victims in order to improve public service provision for victims of rape and sexual assault.  相似文献   

Violations of human rights and genocide in Burundi are among the most contentious issues which continue to attract the attention of academic discourse. This paper is concerned with the question of human rights violations in Burundi from a historical and comparative perspective. It seeks to trace the root causes of Burundi's sullied human rights record over 52 years since independence from Belgium in 1962, the role of the military in human rights violations, including mass killings of civilians and extra-judicial executions of political opponents and the fact that the post- conflict constitutional architecture has not succeeded in establishing accountability and responsibility for these violations; in providing truth, justice and reparations to the victims and in putting an end to the culture of impunity which seems to be entrenched in Burundian society. Moreover, by analyzing critically the results from interviewing 113 Burundians and 16 non-Burundians, this paper argues that there will be no political stability enduring peace without addressing these issues in a comprehensive manner.  相似文献   

Nowadays, sexual orientation is a cause of discrimination with its own autonomy in laws of European Union. The Treaty of Amsterdam, which came into force on May 1, 1999, marks a significant milestone for homosexual, bisexual, and transsexual persons. In this process, the rich experience of the European Union in combating discrimination due to gender in the workplace is very important. The great opportunity created by article 13 of the Treaty of Amsterdam was the extension of protection to a much wider range of discrimination, including sexual orientation. On the other hand, if we consider the situation of lesbian, bisexual and transsexual women in the workplace, it may be very difficult to ascertain if the discrimination is due to their gender or their sexual orientation. In fact, cases of double discrimination are very common. For example, The Commission's 1991 Code of Practices on Sexual Harassment states that lesbian women are disproportionately at risk of sexual harassment. This is revealing the potential overlaps between gender and sexual orientation, with a great difficulty to adapt anti-discrimination protections to deal with these situations.  相似文献   

The legal reform of the late Qing Dynasty that took place more than one hundred years ago has usually been considered as the starting point of the transformation and modernization of Chinese legal culture. Following that, both the Republic of China's legal system, and the Chinese legal system drawing on Western experience since the opening-up, have been (to a large extent) developed by the purpose of pursuing modemity. Hence, the relationship between modernity and Chinese legal culture is the crucial point in understanding the development of Chinese legal system in modem times, and also a point in comprehending the ongoing legal system construction in a global perspective.  相似文献   

Legal scholar James Boyd White has challenged both lawyers and rhetoricians to imagine the law as an enterprise of language. In contending that members of the legal profession should see law as an activity of speech and imagination occurring in a social world, he has urged lawyers to view the legal profession as an interaction of authoritative texts and as a process of legal thought and argument instead of thinking of law as a technical system of regulations and applying its rules in a mechanical way. By asking members of the legal professional to consider law as rhetoric, White has encouraged them to recognize the socially constitutive nature of language, which runs contrary to a perspective of law as machine or, rather, the law as only a mechanistic system of rules and regulations. His ideas have inspired the "law and literature" movement, which has motivated other scholars to analyze the texts of judicial opinions, for example, according to White's theories. However, this essay takes White's concept of imagining the law and applies it public address and, specifically, to the 1965 "Crime and the Great Society" speech given by former Los Angeles Police Chief William Parker. Chief Parker's address reveals a vision for the City of Los Angeles in which Parker, himself, asks his audience of citizens and civic leaders to share for advancing a specific agenda for law enforcement's role in society.  相似文献   

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