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在我国,未成年人刑罚替代措施是司法机关裁决免予刑罚或者实施犯罪行为时未达到刑事责任年龄而被免予刑事处罚的未成年人,适用刑罚以外的替代性措施和方法的总称,具有"教育矫治、促进复归"的目的。从刑事责任的角度来说,未成年人刑罚替代措施是基于犯罪对象特殊性承担刑事责任的一种新方式,是对刑罚措施的必要补充,具有非刑罚性、复合性、可谴责性等特征,兼具实体性与程序性措施,由司法机关共享适用,针对犯罪情节较轻的未成年人。通过对未成年人刑罚替代措施与保安处分、保护处分、社区矫正、免予刑事处罚等相似概念的辨析,加深对我国未成年人刑罚替代措施概念的理解,以期更好地在司法实践中进行适用。  相似文献   

我国在未成年人犯罪刑事政策上存在着一体化和独立化两种主张。从心理学的角度可以发现,未成年人犯罪刑事政策应当独立化。其中,未成年人犯罪原因的差异性是其独立化的前提,惩罚负效果的扩大化是其独立化的基础,未成年人心理发展尚未定型是其独立化的关键。我国应倡导对未成年人犯罪的非刑罚化、轻刑化和非监禁化,以促进未成年犯罪人的心理发展。  相似文献   

非刑罚处罚方法在未成年人犯罪中具有天然的优势和重要的理论根据,应当重视非刑罚处罚方法在未成年人犯罪中的适用。当前未成年人犯罪中非刑罚处罚的适用上还存在许多缺陷与问题,应当加以完善和解决。  相似文献   

为了更有利于违法犯罪青少年的教育改造,我国创建了社会帮教、治安处罚、收容教养等非刑罚的处置措施,但这方面的法律尚不健全,笔者认为应当建立我国违法犯罪未成年人非刑罚处置体系,并提出初步设想,主要包括建立统一的领导机构,建立从事该项工作的工作者培训中心,建立统一、全面的资料信息系统和研究中心等。  相似文献   

法国未成年人刑事程序法成型于二战后,系意大利实证主义犯罪学影响的产物。与普通的程序法则相比,法国未成年刑事程序法奉行独特的原则体系和制度框架,旨在强化对未成年罪犯的教育改造、促使其尽快回归社会。但近些年来,随着未成年刑事人案件的急剧增加,具有重大社会影响的恶性案件也时而有之,法国开始弱化未成年人刑事程序的特殊性,包括增设了程序速决机制、强化了强制措施和刑罚体系。制度的演进显然已超越了某些技术细节的调整,而可能动摇长期以来以未成年人利益保护为核心的刑事程序原则和体系。  相似文献   

我国《刑法》施行十六年,“罪刑相适应”作为刑事处罚基本原则,即刑罚是对犯罪行为的处罚,并一统适用于成年人和未成年人犯罪两个不同特点的司法空间,对未成年人犯罪的处罚基本上照套成年人犯罪的刑罚原则和指导思想,从而较难体现对未成年人的特殊司法保护.基于未成年人及其犯罪的特点和未成年人司法实践,笔者认为,应在未成年人司法领域内,确立“刑罚个别化”原则,即实现刑罚对罪行的处罚向刑罚对犯罪人的处罚之转化,以指导并制订出符合未成年人犯罪及其身心特殊性的刑罚方法、内容,这样才能实现对未成年罪犯科学、合理地适用刑罚,加速完善我国未成年人司法保护制度的进程.  相似文献   

对于未达刑事责任年龄的未成年人恶性犯罪的处置,虽然降低未成年人刑事责任年龄表面上是一种最为直接、快捷的解决方法,但它无法从根本上破解我国涉罪未成年人的非刑罚处置措施种类较少、司法适用率较低的难题。本文通过对我国未成年人刑罚替代措施立法现状以及司法困境的分析,提出以"三层四类"为体系框架,对我国未成年人刑罚替代措施进行重构,以解决我国未成年人刑罚替代措施在立法上的零散以及法律规定上的重叠,进而确保在未成年人刑事司法过程中更好地实现公平与正义。  相似文献   

未成年人犯罪非刑罚处理方法在司法、社会各领域具有的重要意义,而我国现行法律所规定的未成年人非刑罚处理方法在适用条件、程序、立法及转处等诸多方面存在缺失,导致其适用及功能受到了极大限制。借鉴英美法系、大陆法系以及国际立法在未成年人犯罪非刑罚处理方法方面的相关实践,在此基础上,作者结合广州中院少年审判实践,提出了我国未成年人非刑罚处理方法之重构的几点看法。  相似文献   

预防和治理未成年人犯罪是一项综合性的系统工程,但刑法第十七条第三款对其量刑规定的“应当从轻、减轻”的“必减主义”,不但与司法解释相矛盾,而且不能很好地应对实践中发生的形形色色的未成年人犯罪案件。在借鉴已有实证研究成果,本文从现有规定、刑罚的预防功能、刑罚个别化、被害人的认可度等角度,认为“必减主义”应当进行适当的修正,采取量刑上的“得减主义”,根据未成年罪犯的具体情况,对其决定是否减轻、从轻处罚及减轻、从轻幅度,从而更好地预防、减少未成年人犯罪的发生。  相似文献   

黑龙江省少年犯管教所是对未成年人罪犯执行刑罚和教育矫正机关。我们在各级政府和主管厅局的领导下,遵照《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》、《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》、《中华人民共和国监狱法》及《国际儿童权力公约》的宗旨和原则,充分考虑未成年人罪犯继续成长和回归社会的需要,坚持从矫正未成年罪犯的基本规律和实际需要出  相似文献   

President Barack Obama has extended the hand of engagement to the Muslim and Arab world, while warning Israel against new settlements in occupied Palestine and hedging his bets with remote drone strikes against Al-Qaida and the Taliban in Pakistan. The new CIA director, a military historian and the Somali-born feminist Ayaan Hirsi Ali assess his strategy.  相似文献   

It is argued that an understanding of the role and nature of the state and of processes of state collapse are vital for understanding Complex Political Emergencies for various practical reasons and for drawing general lessons from particular experiences: CPEs are often rooted in prior state collapse; humanitarian assistance may have to contend with a fractured, ineffective or nonexistent state; part of post-conflict recovery will involve reconstituting the state. Such lessons can only be generalised where there is some degree of shared context and experience. As a tool for facilitating comparisons of like with like and for understanding the inter-relatedness of several factors, a typology of situations is drawn up on the basis of the state and its dynamics and of the origins, forms and trajectory of the CPE and of interventions into it.  相似文献   

This article examines how the USA's growing ‘Holocaust consciousness’ has impacted on conservative interpretations of the transatlantic rift. Presenting the Holocaust as an antipode to US national identity has helped signal a moral divergence between the USA and Europe. The instrumentalisation of the Holocaust and anti-Semitism has allowed US conservatives to reframe norms of self-defence, victimisation, and liberation in justifying the invasion and occupation of Iraq. In the wake of Iraq claiming anti-Semitism as a ‘European disease’, and anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism as ‘twin brothers’, helps delegitimate European criticism of the war on terror. A new form of exceptionalism portrays the USA not only as the liberator of death camps and the protector of the Jewish people but, after 11 September, as a victim itself.  相似文献   

从宪法性条约到条约性宪法--欧盟宪法的进步与局限   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧盟宪法与以前的欧洲一体化重要条约的区别在于,它已经超越了"宪法性条约"而成为"条约性宪法".欧盟宪法主要是欧洲的联邦主义者借欧盟扩大之机推进欧洲政治一体化的产物.欧盟宪法既有其巨大进步的一面,也有其难以克服的局限性一面.相比于现实意义,欧盟宪法的象征意义更大.欧盟宪法在批准过程中遇到的挫折是可以克服的,但是欧盟领导人不应当把一体化仅仅当作目的,而忽略其他对欧洲前途来说更重要的政治任务.  相似文献   

Perry Anderson is a commanding figure within anglophone Marxism. Moreover, his position as editor of the English-speaking world's most authoritative Marxist journal, New Left Review , gives a unique influence to his strategic pronouncements. This article challenges Anderson's reading of the contemporary international conjuncture and argues that his outline of the present-day strategic position of the international left is unduly pessimistic. It is argued that his reading of that moment is based upon an understanding of Marxism that is heavily influenced by the thought of Isaac Deutscher. This interpretation of Marxism has led to an elision in Anderson's thought, as the focus of the struggle between capitalism and socialism has been displaced from the point of production to the tension between statist regimes of accumulation and laissezfaire economies. This article disputes both this approach and his suggestion that the victory of the laissez-faire economies in this conflict implies that the struggle for socialism is no longer a viable goal for Marxists.  相似文献   

Following the onset of the Asian Financial Crisis the world has witnessed a re-accommodation of the global financial system. In the particular case of middle-income countries they have disentangled themselves from the conditionality of the IMF and grown into more assertive actors in international forums, proposing new alternative mechanisms to become more financially independent and for the provision of development assistance. This article critically reviews the new reality by assessing the strategies deployed by developing countries to reduce the IMF’s influence, and explores the potential consequences of the rise of middle-income nations for Law and Development.  相似文献   

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