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以哈贝马斯为代表的协商民主论已经成为西方一种与自由主义和共和主义民主理论鼎足而立的新型理论,协商民主理论以其力图超越自由主义和共和主义民主理论的鸿沟而将二者融合的努力而显得格外引人注目。西方的协商民主理论,对我国社会主义民主建设而言,同样具有重大的意义,本文试图探讨博客这一新兴的媒体在实现哈贝马斯民主理论所起的促进作用以及对我国的影响。  相似文献   

人民民主是社会主义民主的核心要义,是中国共产党和当代中国的理想和追求.我国设计了以人民代表大会制度为标志的一系列制度措施来实现人民民主,但在具体的政治实践中却面临种种问题.协商民主是强调讨论对话和审议的民主形式,恰好在某种程度上弥补了目前我国人民民主实践的不足.  相似文献   

许敏 《法制与社会》2013,(25):206-207
协商民主是一种具有巨大潜能的民主形式,自其作为学术研究的专业术语开始,学者们从政府体制、决策机制、治理形式三方面构筑了协商民主的内涵框架。以协商民主为理论基础,重构网络群体性事件治理范式,有助于促进公民有序参与、防止社会矛盾激变、彰显治理合法性。当前,新社会阶层的形成与壮大、网络技术的发展与普及、基层协商民主的创新形式为拓展协商民主在网络群体性事件治理中的实践领域奠定了基础。  相似文献   

论协商民主广泛多层制度化发展——从场域理论的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
协商民主的广泛多层制度化发展是鼓励公众有序政治参与的新形式。它既与中国社会的多样性、复杂性相适应.也与发达国家的代表性理论具有一定的契合性。场域理论为协商民主广泛多层制度化发展提供了新的理论分析视角。本文根据实践场域客观存在的协商民主形式,从协商主体、主题、具体形式、方法、程序等方面对协商民主的广泛多层制度化发展提供经验支持.进而说明这一协商民主形式是当代中国民主政治发展的新观念和新实践。  相似文献   

协商民主是西方民主思想发展的最新成果,标志着西方民主政治发展的新阶段.西方协商民主与中国政治协商在基本概念、实践基础、协商主体、协商内容以及形式等方面都存在差别,但二者在很多方面都存在契合之处,我们在充分认识二者的区别及相同之处的基础上,要积极借鉴西方协商民主,不断加强、完善我国的中共领导的多党合作和政治协商制度,从而进一步推进我国的民主政治建设.  相似文献   

程竹汝在《领导科学》上撰文认为,选举民主、议会民主、参与民主、协商民主等不同民主实现形式,各有其自身独特的意义。在一定意义上讲,现代社会的所谓政治发展特色也就是上述民主实现形式表现出的不同的结合方式。因此,对于当前中国的政治发展而言,重要的是民主实现形式的发展,要寻求民主实现形式的最优次序和各自重心。  相似文献   

协商民主相对于参与民主而言,通过理性的协商对话消除冲突等不和谐因素,实现公共利益,更强调参与的深度。加拿大特有的国情为协商民主的实现提供了良好的氛围,公众参与环境法律实施是其环境法制革新的民主化方向,公众以政府与公民社会新型关系的参与路径确保协商主体的平等性;公众以环保专业知识、传统生态知识参与路径促进理性协商;公众以环保社团参与路径为主确保协商的团体优势;公众的全方位救济途径确保协商民主的有效性。当前我国在协商民主大环境下,公众参与环境法律实施路径应该变"被动参与"为"主动实施";变"松散参与"为"社团参与";变"无为参与"为"专业参与";变"单一救济"为"多元救济",从而实现积极、有序和有效的公众参与环境法律实施。  相似文献   

民主是法治的重要价值因素,虽然现代国家民主进程呈现出多样化的形态,但各国依然选择以维护公民的民主权利作为政治生活的重要路径。马克思法兰克福学派的哈贝马斯在提出交往理论的基础上发掘了较有新意的协商民主论,希望通过交往行为来达到一种和平稳定的社会状态。  相似文献   

论协商民主在行政决策机制中的引入   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国现行“公众参与、专家论证、政府决定”的行政决策机制由于“公众参与”之规定停留于一般要求,造成公众在机制中的“结构——过程”两阶段中角色断裂,进而使机制所追求的民主正当性目标落空。而强调公众参与的广泛与平等、重视理性与真诚协商、注重偏好转向的协商民主有助于修复行政决策中公众参与可能遗漏的民主性,美国行政决策中的协商民主在实践层面上验证了此种功能取向。由是,在我国行政决策机制中引入协商民主可成为一种增强决策过程民主性的选择性方案,更为重要的是,我国政治协商制度为此种引入提供了政治与制度基础。而协商民主要在行政决策中获得稳定性并持续发展,必需借助法律媒介使其制度化。  相似文献   

正一、问题的提出自从19世纪中叶,民主的含义实现了由贬义向褒义的转换后,〔1〕民主就成为世界各国的主导价值观。民主政治衍生出了直接民主、代议制民主、协商民主等多种形式,民  相似文献   

哈贝马斯的合法性理论中的现代性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王恒 《现代法学》2002,24(3):35-44
本文对哈贝马斯的合法性理论进行了分析和检测 ,指出了其与自由民主秩序的内在关联。在深入分析了合法性证明水平的现代性蕴涵及哈耶克的知识观后认为 ,宗教对自由民主秩序的形成及合法性的证明仍有积极的功能和实质的意义 ,自发 (自由民主 )秩序的内在规则的正当性先于交往对话而存在 ,哈贝马斯提出的交往对话的形式条件无法承当合法性证明的重负  相似文献   

In this article we consider certain elements of the normative theory of Jürgen Habermas in the light of the proposals of Bruce Ackerman, with a view to strengthening a concept of deliberative democracy applied to the legitimation of juridical rules. We do not construct a hierarchy of the two positions, but seek to bring together certain elements to achieve a common project. As the starting point for examining the work of the two authors, we take the scheme proposed by Habermas in Faktizität und Geltung. In this connection, through the work of Ackerman, we intend to fill in some of the gaps that Habermas appears to have left in the theory of radical democracy applied to the law. The work of Ackerman can make a significant contribution to deliberative democracy, to the discourse principle that Habermas defines, and to the contractualist theories from a liberal perspective. The study of these contributions makes possible a critical judgment that enables the legitimation of juridical rules carried out by Habermas to acquire greater practicity. In examining the epistemological status of juridical science and law, we attempt to determine the weight and the performance of normative democracy. In Tarr's view, it is a matter for philosophers to examine direct democracy and its desirability.  相似文献   

The practice of supervision by the procuracy over exact and undeviating implementation of collective farm legislation shows that subsequent to the adoption of the Model Charter of a Collective Farm, the local Party, soviet, and agricultural agencies have carried out important measures for the development of collective farm democracy in the management of social production.  相似文献   

Because of the globalisation of social life, various scholars are developing models for the globalisation of democracy. The need for this lies in the increasing inability of governments to rule. National politics reacts rather than acts. This article does not dispute the misfit of social, political, legal, economic and environmental structures, and its related problems; it does dispute, however, the idea that a solution can be found in scaling up democracy to international proportions. The signifier 'democracy', although increasingly flouting, had become predominant in International Relations discourse. For serious application beyond rhetoric in international relations, this notion of democracy should be split up in concrete indicators, such as transparency, accountability and respect for Human Rights. Moreover, aspiring international democracy ignores that the presence of a central authority (that can be held accountable and responsible) is a precondition inherent to the concept of democracy. Creating this precondition may be worse than the perils of globalisation.  相似文献   

Kenneth Avio 《Ratio juris》2000,13(2):148-161
This paper contains a critique of Habermas' discourse theory of law and democracy from an economic perspective. An example drawn from Klaus Günther's work on discourses of application suggests the failure of discourse ethics to adequately account for the problem of scarcity. This blindpoint is reflected in Habermas' legal theory through the latter's inadequate recognition of the internal connection between markets and law. Discourses of implementation are introduced as a discourse‐relevant procedure to account for the problem of scarcity. Consensus, as defined by Habermas, cannot be the agreement mode applicable to discourses of implementation.  相似文献   

戴激涛 《时代法学》2008,6(2):35-42
作为当代西方民主理论和实践的最新发展,协商民主强调公民通过自由而平等的理性对话、辩论、推理和审议等方式来参与公共生活,赋予立法和决策以合法性,从而保证公民自治和真实民主的实现,推动民主政治的发展。协商民主的价值理念契合了当代宪政国家人权保障的核心追求,其宪政功能突出表现在通过制约和监督国家权力以整合多元社会共识,赋予立法和决策以正当合法性,凸显宪政国家人权保障的终极目标。当前各国的乡村社会和地方城市产生了许多新的协商制度形式,为人权保障事业作出了独特贡献。  相似文献   

在当今世界的大多数国家,民主成为各种国家权力运行的普遍原则。基于此,本文提出了检察民主的概念,分析了其特征和内容,并对现行的人民监督员制度进行了概评,以求为检察民主的理论发展尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

Under the conditions of developed socialism, the general problem of informing the population, and that of its knowledge about matters of state and law in particular, becomes increasingly more pertinent. "The development of socialist democracy," said L. I. Brezhnev at a meeting with voters of the Bauman Electoral District in Moscow on June 10, 1966, "demands the solution of many problems that the Party has placed on the order of business." One of these tasks is "providing fuller information to the people about everything happening within the country and on the world scene, and increasing publicity [glasnost'] about the work of the agencies of Soviet government." The Communist Party associates improvement of socialist democracy particularly with the level of society's information "about the policies of the Party and state." (1) Therefore, the Soviet government pays much attention to the solution of questions associated with informing the citizenry about the work of governmental agencies and also about their regulation by law. Thus, for example, in the RSFSR law "On the District Soviet of Working People's Deputies of the RSFSR" (June 29, 1971), we read about the responsibility of the executive committee to inform the population about questions placed on the order of business of the soviet (Article 33), to bring decisions of the district soviet to the knowledge of the citizens (Article 38), and to report on its work at meetings of the working population and at citizens' places of employment (Article 55). Article 93 reads: "The district soviet of working people's deputies is responsible for informing the population about its functioning. …" Presidiums of the supreme Soviets of union and autonomous republics monitor observation of provisions of the law, assuring that the population will be widely informed on the work of state agencies. (2) In this connection, examination of the question of the content and forms whereby the population of the USSR becomes informed about the activity of state agencies is of interest.  相似文献   

以思考如何在存在社会分裂的国家中保持政治稳定为目的,本文首先讨论了李帕特提出的区别于英美多数主义民主的协商联合民主理论,然后重点借助宪法实例分析该理论的特征与制度实践形式,并在全面比较荷兰、比利时和瑞士三国在实践协商联合民主不同成败结果的基础上,对在分裂社会中求得政治稳定的前提条件、宪法设计应当注意的事项进行了讨论.  相似文献   

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