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日本对外直接投资的衰退及其前景展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪90年代以来,日本对外直接投资大幅度下降,回升乏力,投资结构也发生了变化.日本在国际直接投资中的地位急剧下降,在跨国购并中更处于落伍的状态.今后3~5年内,日本对外直接投资仍将继续处于下降和回升的调整之中.由于促进对外直接投资的有利因素依然存在,所以从长期看,日本对外直接投资仍有望出现新的发展.  相似文献   

国际直接投资活动是太平洋地区经济合作的主要内容之一.它对该地区经济合作和经济繁荣有重要促进作用。因此,对太平洋地区国际直接投资活动,尤其是对其特点进行分析探讨是很有必要的.  相似文献   

中国转型的国际动力:外国直接投资对制度变迁的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国转型的政治经济分析不应满足于将转型问题置于固定边界下的国家内部考察,应当对国际力量的作用予以充分的关注.在中国转型过程中,外国直接投资(FDI)一直是重要的变革力量,尽管它对中国制度变迁的影响更多地体现为问接的、结构性影响的性质.作为一种资本,外国直接投资通过重塑国内利益结构和利用自身跨国界自由流动的优势影响着国家的战略和政策;作为一种制度,它不仅为国内导入了一种新的制度安排,而且通过示范、关联和竞争等机制促进了现代市场经济制度的发展.对于转型中的中国,如何发挥外资作为制度变革推动者的积极作用,应成为政府决策中最重要的议题之一.  相似文献   

龚洁 《德国研究》2008,23(4):53-58
世纪之交以来,中小企业已日益成为继跨国大公司后经济全球化中的生力军,其海外直接投资活动亦备受瞩目。本文以德国中小企业在华直接投资的示范工业园区——太仓德资工业园区为例,概述全球化背景下德国中小企业对华直接投资特点。  相似文献   

跨国并购与山东经济国际化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跨国并购作为全球对外投资新的亮点,正逐渐取代传统的投资方式成为国际资本流动的主流.跨国并购既是经济全球化发展的产物,同时又是经济全球化发展的重要驱动力.山东实施经济国际化必须充分认识跨国并购对于山东利用外资、扩大对外开放的意义和必要性,针对山东经济国际化实际,利用跨国并购这一新的投资方式,带动山东经济国际化向新的高度迈进.  相似文献   

美国政府对本国企业对外直接投资和外商对关直接投资都进行了某种程度的干预,以服务于其战略目的、政治利益和经济政策目标。中美都是拥有独立对外战略和海外利益的大国,而中国正处于国内深化改革、对外直接投资格局初步形成、外资政策调整时期,为了更好地“走出去”和“引进来”,必须对跨国直接投资进行合理干预,以辅助对外战略和经济目标的...  相似文献   

国际移民研究的理论回顾及未来展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际移民一直以来是学术界的热点话题。本文在梳理以往古典移民学理论以及国际移民汇款理论的基础上,旨在对移民跨国主义及其所带来的社会影响进行探讨。文章指出,移民跨国主义的实践在不同程度地促进了移民家庭、家乡以及祖籍地区域性的发展,同时也给移民在移居国的族裔社区带来不同程度的影响。但是国际移民对于社会发展究竟产生多大或怎样的影响不能一概而论,这取决于祖籍国的社会经济制度、移居国移民/族裔社区的规模及其所拥有的各类资源的多少、移民群体中移居国的社会地位等一系列因素的互动。最后,文章从宏观、中观以及微观的层面就国际移民与社会发展提出了进一步研究的问题和设想。  相似文献   

本文分析了1985~1993年间美国对日本直接投资挑战的应对。文章借助国际政治经济学第二代学者创立的利益—制度分析框架,从国家、国内以及国际三个层面阐述了美国的应对之道。美国联邦政府、州以及地方政府在对待日本直接投资方面有着不同的目标函数。对联邦政府而言,保持国家安全与国家竞争力之间的相互协调的相对获益考虑,是其对日本并购性直接投资采取严厉措施的主要原因.而对州及地方政府来说,增加税收和扩大就业等经济方面的考虑,则是其欢迎日本直接投资的主要动因。在国际层面上,日美跨国公司有着广泛的共同利益,并由此在乌拉圭回合催生了国际直接投资制度。日美两国政府和各自的跨国公司试图通过国际制度来协调两国利益冲突,并通过建立国际性制度来扩展其利益。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中期以来,日本积极主动地加快引进外国直接投资的举动,扭转了日本对外资长期封闭的局面,其引进的外国直接投资不仅在规模上出现了新高潮,而且在引进外资的方式和领域上也有了新的变化。这说明,90年代长期低迷的日本经济要想重振雄风,不仅需要国内资金的大力支持,更需要外资的加入。为此,日本政府为外资的进入在各个方面创造了有利条件,世界经济一体化背景下的跨国投资的热潮对此也产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   

龚秀国  姚山 《欧洲研究》2015,(1):130-143,8
自2004年以来,随着欧盟东扩以及国际市场风险不断加剧,中国公司不断增加对欧盟的直接投资。本文认为,中国公司对欧盟直接投资的根本动因就是在欧盟获取或建立一种"真实选择权"以规避日趋扩大的国际市场价格风险与汇率风险。由于近年来人民币"对内贬值而对外升值"状况不断恶化,中国公司面临的国际市场风险也越来越大。在这样的背景下,获取欧盟"真实选择权"的价值增大,进而刺激中国公司扩大了对欧盟的直接投资。并购欧盟较先进企业也可以增加该"真实选择权"的价值含量,所以中国公司对欧盟直接投资大多选择了并购模式。文章使用2004-2012年间中国公司对欧盟直接投资的动态数据进行了实证分析与检验,相关结果证实了"真实选择权"理论分析的有效性。  相似文献   

路阳 《东南亚研究》2016,(3):91-101
新世纪以来,中国富裕阶层和知识精英正成为新一轮移民潮的主力军,越来越多的中国富裕阶层通过投资移民等方式移居海外,且大多前往欧美等西方发达国家。本文基于近年来国内外发布的有关国际移民和中国富裕阶层的相关报告,对当前中国富裕阶层以投资移民为主要方式的海外移民予以关注,着重从移民倾向、资产配置和海外投资等方面进行梳理和分析,并对中国富裕阶层移民海外的趋势和未来影响加以探讨。  相似文献   

This article promotes the idea that multinational corporations have independent agency in the process of economic reform in Latin American host countries. Through a number of pooled cross-sectional time series analyses, it shows that accumulated foreign direct investment can affect policy reform in ways unanticipated by earlier theories predicated on the obsolescence of firms' influence after initial investment. The influence of firms varies across different reform areas, and competitive pressures lead firms to press alternately for liberal and illiberal reform measures. The study also considers sectoral issues, and argues that a preponderance of natural resource–oriented FDI can alter the impact of multinational investment on policy reform. Indexes of economic reform are measured against stocks of FDI and a number of political and economic control variables. Evidence shows that the dramatic increase in FDI in the region in recent years has bolstered firms' bargaining power and concomitant policy leverage.  相似文献   

美国的世界秩序观与东亚国际体系的演变(1900-1945)(Ⅰ)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从美国的国际秩序观入手,通过考察20世纪上半期东亚国际体系的演变,尝试为这一时期的东亚国际关系建立一个多国的、宏观的分析框架。作者认为:美国从世纪之交就开始谋求在东亚建立一个不同于欧洲权力政治的新的国际秩序,这是美国从建国之初就萌生的改造国际秩序思想的延续;20世纪上半期东亚国际关系的演变过程是美国不断推行和实施其国际秩序思想的过程,美国新的国际秩序思想集中体现在华盛顿体系的建立上;从30年代初直至二战结束,东亚国际关系的演变可以被视为美国捍卫、中国认同、日本挑战华盛顿体系的过程;战后初期美国试图建立的东亚国际秩序不过是华盛顿体系的修正版;华盛顿体系并非仅仅是帝国主义的工具,相反在很多方面有助于中国国家利益的维护。  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact of direct foreign investment (DFI) on the foreign trade of China. It firstly presents a theoretical discussion of the impact of DFI on foreign trade from both macro and micro-economic views, and then provides an empirical study of the role of foreign-invested enterprises in the foreign trade of China. In particular, this article explores transfer pricing by multinational corporations (MNCs), probing their motivations and latitude to practice transfer pricing in the Chinese particular circumstances and examining empirical evidence.  相似文献   

This article analyses how foreign direct investment drives technological upgrading in the motorcycle industry in Vietnam. Using the analytical framework of rent management, the article evaluates the rent management mechanisms that provided the incentives and pressures for domestic firms to develop a local value chain by participating in the foreign supply network. This article offers a case study analysis of two periods: 1995–2000 and 2000–05. Two case studies examine the exchanges between lead firms and their suppliers; between multinational corporations and local firms; and among the state, private and foreign firms in the context of the value chain for motorcycle production. The analyses suggest that industrial upgrading has been predominantly driven by foreign direct investment starting in the early 2000s. In addition, market competition among Japanese and Chinese lead firms led to significant technical learning for domestic firms through collaboration with foreign firms despite the government’s failure to effectively monitor rents or implement industrial policies.  相似文献   

Although the study of federalism has become one of the most intensely studied areas in economics and political science, no consensus has emerged on the impact of fiscal federalism on macroeconomic performance. I focus on one specific element of the debate‐ the role of fiscally federal institutions in allowing a country access to international capital markets. In an empirical analysis of 60 countries from 1975‐1995 I find fiscal federalism has no clear impact on inflows of foreign direct investment. In an examination of the impact of federalism on sovereign debt ratings for 40 countries from 1980‐1998, I find that fiscal federalism is associated with lower levels of sovereign debt risk.  相似文献   

国际货币权力的历史经验与"第三世界货币区"的可能性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对已有货币国际化历史进程的回顾与分析,本文总结了国际货币权力更迭的一般规律,并得出人民币国际化有必要夯实区域基础等基本结论。研究发现,除亚洲之外,非洲、拉美的一些国家和地区与中国在贸易投资等方面有紧密的联系,甚至存在对中国的不对称依赖。这些区域均具备推行人民币国际化的器物基础和一定的制度基础,人民币区域化的视野应当超越亚洲一隅,兼具亚洲特色和世界器局。最后,本文提出并初步论述了指向第三世界货币区的人民币区域化路线图。  相似文献   


Education for sustainable development allows all to acquire the skills, attitudes, knowledge and values essential for a sustainable future. This article argues that there is an urgent need to include sustainable development aspects in teaching and learning at all levels of education. Implementing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) poses a new challenge for teachers and teacher educators. The role of international collaboration, partnerships and networking is increasingly becoming important in creating sustainable solutions towards green economies and programmes. The post-2015 global agenda for sustainable development should recognise the need for regional and international collaborations in forging lasting strategies for a sustainable future where education for all is relevant, reliable and accessible.

This article proposes a model for collaboration based on analyses conducted on a project on education for sustainable development programme involving key success factors for collaboration and focussing on the local and global stakeholders and their role in enhancing ESD among teachers. For this purpose, the four partner countries: South Africa, India, Mexico and India were examined to understand how ESD is implemented; how experiences are shared; and best practices incorporated into the programme. Local and global experts (ESD-Expert-net members) who developed an international core curriculum for teachers were involved. From the pilot, four country programmes, a conceptual model of seven levels of collaboration and partnerships for education for sustainable development to enhance teacher development among local and international partners was developed. This model is proposed to serve as a framework for education for sustainable development implementation in multinational collaborations and is discussed in relation to the post-2015 sustainable development perspective.  相似文献   

欧盟成员国各自签订了大量的国际投资保护协定,这些协定与欧盟法之间存在冲突,欧盟一直致力于解决该冲突,使这些协定和欧盟法逐渐统一。《里斯本条约》的通过和生效将极大地促进欧盟成员国国际投资保护协定的欧洲化。为此,欧盟一边努力将其成员国现有双边投资保护协定是否继续有效、成员国是否有权和第三国谈判签订新的双边投资保护协定的问题都纳入自己的控制范围,一边积极行使自己的新权能与第三国进行双边投资条约的谈判。  相似文献   

The possibility of regional cooperation in the Yellow Sea Rim (YSR) area has been discussed since the early 1980s. In recent years, Korean outbound foreign direct investment (FDI) has increased rapidly and it will be growing much further. In the new phase of the global economy and the post-cold war political environment, Korean firms consider the socialist countries, especially China, to be attractive new partners for trade and investment projects. Foreign investment contributed to economic growth in developing countries. In the early stage of industrialization in the 1970s, the share of foreign firms amounted to about one-tenth of the total manufacturing employment in Korea. Similarly, outbound Korean FDI could also play an important role in the industrialization of the LDCs in Southeast Asia and China. A case study of a Korean multinational corporation reveals that the direct employment effect of Korea’s FDI is extensive in terms of money invested. In spite of the complementarity in economic structure and the phase of development between Korea and China, the prospect of Korea’s outbound FDI is not all clear. However, one can safely assume that the unit scale of FDI projects will increase. Unlike in the past, the large Korean corporations are now preparing more than a few fair-sized projects in China. The positive impact of those FDI will be significant. The YSR cooperation, if successful, could create efficient economic cooperation based on complementarity between Korea and China. The Korean outbound FDI would pave a road to such regional cooperation. This article is the revised version of a paper prepared for the International Conference on Regional Development in the Yellow Sea Rimlands, held February 18–21, 1991. The conference was cosponsored by the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, the State Science and Technology Commission of China, and the East-West Center of Honolulu, Hawaii.  相似文献   

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