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审前程序中的律师权利不但得到了我国《律师法》与《刑事诉讼法》的广泛体认,而且,其实现还有最高人民法院、最高人民检察院以及公安部、国家安全部、司法部与全国人大法工委等权威部门的多个单独或者联合性规范性文件提供了较为具体而详细的保障.然而,现实中,或此或彼地妨碍律师在审前程序中的权利的实现的现象总是时有发生.因此,为律师在审前程序中的权利的实现的改善提供切实可行的路径,应该是刑事司法中所面临的一个现实而迫切的问题.  相似文献   

一、律师辩护从审判向审前程序扩展是大势所趋 从世界各国刑事司法改革的趋势看,刑事辩护制度中律师的作用不断得到强化,律师辩护不仅从审判程序向审前程序,特别是侦查程序前伸,而且从实体辩护向程序辩护扩展,突出地表现在:1.赋予犯罪嫌疑人在侦查程序中获得律师帮助的权利;2.赋予辩护律师在追诉机关对犯罪嫌疑人进行讯司时有权在场并向犯罪嫌疑人提供法律咨询的权利;3.赋予辩护律师在侦查程序中向侦查机关获悉犯罪嫌疑人涉嫌犯  相似文献   

辩护制度是我国刑事诉讼中一项重要制度。近年来,司法改革为刑事辩护提供了更为广阔的空间。2012年《刑事诉讼法》修订(以下称新《刑事诉讼法》),规定律师可以充分介入审判前程序,律师介入刑事审前程序的法律规定使刑事辩护制度发生了重大的变革。一、新《刑事诉讼法》确立的审前辩护权及程序保障机制(一)刑事审前辩护权的发展1996年《刑事诉讼法》的修改,使得我国法律第一次允许律师介入刑事审判前的程序,辩护律师可以参与审  相似文献   

逮捕对于审前程序中的犯罪嫌疑人人身自由权利的剥夺是最为彻底的,且持续的时间最长,使得审查逮捕程序中律师的介入成为必要。刑事诉讼法及其司法解释虽为审查逮捕程序中律师的介入提供了法律基础,但仍存在操作性不强、权利救济不完善、检方应对程序不明确、律师介入后的实体权利未落实及法律援助范围有瑕疵等问题,很有必要构建听证式逮捕程序及相关配套制度,以避免律师介入审查逮捕程序的虚置。  相似文献   

《律师法》修改内容中,关于律师在刑事诉讼各阶段的权利、义务变更较大,包括律师与当事人的关系、律师的诉讼角色、审前阶段的各项权利保障措施等。本文指出通过针对这些具体问题的分析可以展示此次《律师法》修改中的进步,也可以发现在刑事诉讼程序中,特别是律师权益保障方面所存在的问题和缺陷。  相似文献   

近年来,司法改革为刑事制度提供了更为完备的空间。2012年《刑事诉讼法》修订,进一步规定律师可以介入审判前程序,特别明确了在侦查程序中,律师拥有辩护人的地位,并且律师可以向侦查员、审查批捕及审查起诉的检察官发表辩护意见,这些规定对刑事司法制度具有积极的意义,使刑事辩护制度发生了重大的变革。一、审前程序简论(一)审前程序的特点。按照我国学者普遍接受的观点,审前程序包括立案、侦查、起诉程序。①根据刑诉法的规定,刑事审前程序在我国主要指刑事案  相似文献   

辩护制度是刑事司法制度的重要内容,在检察环节保障律师充分依法行使执业权利,能够有效加强对检察机关办案工作的外部监督和制约,以维护司法公正和保障基本人权。检察环节属于刑事案件的审前阶段,这个阶段较审判阶段而言,律师介入无论在时间上还是在帮助的范围上都受到严格限制,犯罪嫌疑人的合法权利更易于受到侵犯,在这个阶段保障律师行使权利对实现诉讼程序公正具有十分重要的意义。本文分析了检察环节律师介入诉讼活动的实然状态,同时提出实现从实然到应然的跨越的现实途经。  相似文献   

新修订的我国《律师法》扩展了律师在审前程序中享有的辩护权利,然而,辩护权运作的实践效果却不甚理想,长期存在的会见难、阅卷难以及调查取证难等问题依然没有真正解决。从立法的角度来看,其原因在于新《律师法》尚存在不足,主要体现为侦查阶段律师的地位不明确,缺失合理的辩护权利救济机制以及与刑事诉讼法存在冲突。为解决这些问题,需要完善《律师法》,明确赋予侦查阶段的律师以辩护人的地位,建构合理的救济机制,协调与《刑事诉讼法》的内在冲突。  相似文献   

荷兰刑事司法受到了现代人权法律的深刻影响。在荷兰刑事诉讼过程中,诉讼权利保障主要依据国际性和地区性的人权条约以及相关国内法。荷兰刑事诉讼程序运作体现了对人权的真切关怀:荷兰签署加入了多部国际公约和欧洲区域公约,国际条约、欧洲人权法院的判例法都对荷兰刑事诉讼中的人权保障起到了重要作用。在国内法体系中,荷兰的《宪法》、《刑事诉讼法》以及其他法律也规定了刑事诉讼程序权利保障。荷兰的法院、检察机关组织运作体制和诉讼制度设计较为完备,保障了诉讼参与者在刑事诉讼程序中的权利。在刑事审前程序中,检察机关发挥了主导作用,但参与其问的侦查法官则对检察官和警察的侦查权形成了有效制衡。从刑事诉讼权利保障法律体系的整体而言,荷兰审前程序权利保障的体制属于适度的职权主义诉讼模式,而审判程序中的权利保障体制则兼采当事人主义和职权主义的混合式诉讼模式。  相似文献   

审前程序在刑事诉讼中为案件的深入审理及人权的切实保障提供了坚实的准备。审前程序是否合法关系到整个刑事诉讼程序的正当性以及刑法目的的实现。它对公、检、法三机关的权利配置及行使有重大的影响,具有重要的理论和实践意义。然而,审前程序立法的缺失等诸多因素导致这一刑事诉讼阶段在实现刑法目的上存在较大误区和不足,本文针对上述情形进行了分析,并提出了重构审前程序的思路。  相似文献   

Public attitudes towards law-breakers shape the tone and tenor of crime-control policy, and the desire for retribution seems to be the main motivation underpinning punitive attitudes towards sentencing. Yet, there is some confusion in the research literature over what retribution really means. In this paper we distinguish between retribution as revenge (as the desire to punish criminal offenders to retaliate a past wrong by making the offender suffer) and retribution as just deserts (as the preference to restore justice through proportional compensation from the offender). Results from an online survey (n = 176) provide evidence of two distinct dimensions of retribution. But we also show that these two dimensions have different ideological and motivational antecedents, and have different consequences in terms of the treatment of criminal offender. We find that retribution as revenge is associated with the motivation to enforce status boundaries with criminal offenders, as well as ideological preferences for power and dominance (as expressed by social dominance orientation) and in-group conformity (as expressed by right-wing authoritarianism). Endorsement of retribution as revenge also predicts the support of harsh punishment and the willingness to deny fair procedures. By contrast, retribution as just deserts is mainly predicted by a value restoration motive and by right-wing authoritarianism. After controlling for revenge, retribution as just deserts predicts support for procedural justice in the criminal courts. We conclude with the idea that beliefs about proportionality and compensation work as a buffer against the negative effects of revenge.  相似文献   

我很喜欢雪,但却长久地不知道自己为什么会喜欢雪。终于有一天,突然悟出,我之喜欢雪并不是因为我是道地的北方人,从小习惯了雪的气息,血液和神经里有雪的深刻记忆,而是因为雪有玉般的纯洁,有冰样的清透,而且从来到去自始至终都是平静 的。想想看,当你行走在这尘俗之  相似文献   

Stone DA 《Public policy》1979,27(2):227-254
Illness or disability is often used as an eligibility criterion by public programs that distribute money, services, privileges, and exemptions. Physicians then play a central role in the allocation process. But physicians are caught between a large pool of applicants who want some benefit, on the one hand, and an organization with limited resources to distribute, on the other hand. Three conflicts are engendered in this gatekeeping role: the tension between trusting and mistrusting information provided by the patient, the tension between erring on the false positive side and the false negative side in diagnostic decision-making, and the tension between doing everything possible for each patient and allocating limited resources among several needy clients. Several non-medical factors influence the ultimate outcome of this allocation process, which, in theory, rests on clinical decision-making: the specificity and restrictiveness of the formal definitions of illness and disability used by a program; the structure of the determination process; the overall policy of the organization on distribution of benefits; and the ability of the organization to use administrative review, direct incentives, and written standards to control the certifying behavior of physicians.  相似文献   

The more comprehensive our DNA database, the more useful it is for identifying perpetrators and lifting suspicion from innocents. By excluding persons never arrested, our database will come to hold DNA profiles of nearly seventy-five percent of adult males and ninety percent of black males. Privacy is threatened not by the database but by government retention of tissue samples after analysis of the tiny fraction of DNA that yields the uniquely identifying profile. Public safety and privacy would best be protected by routinely destroying samples while deliberately constructing a comprehensive database.  相似文献   

McLeod  Owen 《Law and Philosophy》1998,17(1):61-75
Law and Philosophy -  相似文献   

In the Netherlands, the prostitutes' rights movement emerged with the formation of an influential coalition of feminists and policy-makers who devoted themselves to an improvement in the juridical and social position of prostitutes. By seeking to connect into the priorities of the government's emancipation policy, this coalition succeeded in placing the issue of prostitutes' rights onto the political agenda. This paper addresses the question why this policy has failed to strengthen the position of prostitutes. By analyzing both the factors which enabled the initial prosperous development of the prostitutes' rights campaign as well as the conditions under which the turning-point arose, it is concluded that everything went smoothly as long as professional prostitutes monopolized image-formation. The process failed at the moment that policy-makers incorporated multi-problematic categories of prostitutes. In place of the intended social integration of all categories, the prostitutes' rights campaign led to a strengthening of the stigma that is attached to prostitution.  相似文献   

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