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韩国通过侦查程序的改革,确立了警察的侦查地位,在侦查程序上注重人权保护,确立了公审中心主义。为提高警察侦查的专业性,韩国警察引进了“侦查警科制”,确立了按犯罪类别区分案件侦查的侦查专务体制,推进了地方警察厅直属的广域侦查组织的扩大改编,使韩国警察在组织、业务方面有了很大的改善,并进一步推进了韩国侦查程序的科学化进程。  相似文献   

在全世界范围内,现代侦查活动主要由警察机构负责。在我国,公安机关则承担了绝大部分的犯罪侦查工作。与两大法系国家警察承担的侦查职能相比,我国公安机关主要在作为侦查主体的身份定位、内部分工合作、与法官和检察官之间的关系方面存在很大差异。通过比较分析这几方面的差别,我们可以发现我国侦查体制自身存在的问题,厘清国外侦查体制可借鉴之处,为进一步完善我国侦查体制提供思路。  相似文献   

张宏伟 《人民公安》2008,(22):40-42
香港警队成立于1842年,其体制和运作模式深受英国的影响。经过一百多年的发展和完善,如今香港已经拥有一支专业、高效、成熟而有特色的现代化警察部队,在全球拥有较高声誉,被称为亚洲“最优秀的警队”。  相似文献   

香港警队组织架构与职务管理给我们的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕涛 《公安教育》2004,(7):45-48
香港警察是世界上历史最悠久但又最具现代化的警队之一。香港警队于1842年成立时只有35人。经过近一个多世纪以来的发展,已由一支兼顾消防、监狱及移民管制等多项任务的队伍,发展成为当今世界效率卓越、训练有素、装备精良的最优秀的警队之一。“为使香港继续是世界上其中一个最安全及稳定的社会而努力”是香港警队致力追求的不懈目标。为达到这一目标,香港警队始终把建立一支致力提供优质服务至精益求精的精干、高效、廉洁、为民的警察队伍作为警队管理的至高目标,形成了一整套独特高效的警队组织架构管理机制和职务管理模式,有力地保证了…  相似文献   

香港警察训练的体制和特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
香港警察是世界上历史最悠久、最专业、最有效率的现代化警队之一。香港警队于1842年成立,1997年香港回归后,改为香港警务处,是香港六个纪律部队之一。香港警队始终以“使香港继续成为世界上最安全及稳定的社会之一”为抱负,以“服务为本,精益求精”为宗旨,严格警队管理,规范运作机制,为香港特区社会经济的持续进步和发展提供了强有力的保障。香港能够成为全世界最安全最稳定的国际大都市之一,与香港警队科学严格的训练是分不开的。香港警队视人才为最宝贵的资产,因此,对训练工作非常重视,除建立分工明确的训练组织机构外,在训练的场地、设…  相似文献   

警察巡逻的由来、发展、现状及作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
第十八次全国公安会议明确提出了建立我国城市警察巡逻体制.1993年6月,公安部在天津召开了城市人民警察巡逻工作会议,以推动城市警察巡逻体制的建设.巡逻作为警察勤务的一种方式,早为世界各国警界普遍采用,但对我国公安机关来说,还是一个新鲜事物.为了配合我国城市警察巡逻体制的建设,本刊从今年第一期开始,将连续编发警察巡逻的专题研究文章和各地公安机关巡警体制建设的经验.专题研究文章的主要内容有:1.警察巡逻的由来、发展、现状及作用;2.警察巡逻的体制、规划与实践;3.警察巡逻的战略战术原则与手段及巡警的职责、权力,4.巡警的素质、教育训练、装备与勤务保障等.本期编发的研究文章和福建省公安厅1993年1—7月建立城市巡警体制的经验总结和福州市、厦门市、三明市及沙县组建巡警队伍执勤巡逻的经验.诚望这些研究文章和经验对加速我国城市警察巡逻体制建设能有所裨益,同时也希望各地公安机关向本刊编辑部取得联系,提供这方面的经验材料,以便选载,起到互相交流、借鉴,共同为开创我国的巡警勤务作出贡献.  相似文献   

"警察圈套"这种被我国公安部门称之为"小点子"的东西早在20世纪60年代就被 我国扬弃.侦查机关为了破案的目的,依法采取一些秘密侦查手段,是由犯罪的隐蔽性所决定的, 但秘密侦查手段与警察圈套有本质不同.非法的"警察圈套"不仅不应搞什么"程序正义",相反,应该严厉禁止.  相似文献   

德国卧底侦查制度:侧重于制度缺陷的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邓立军 《求索》2007,(11):89-91
德国警察的卧底侦查工作长期缺乏法律的规制。1992年德国刑事诉讼法的修正终于使该国警察的卧底侦查工作走上了依靠成文法规制的轨道。从总体来看,德国的卧底侦查立法较为简约。也因此存在不少疏漏之处,有待于进一步完善。  相似文献   

警察出庭作证的理性思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
警察出庭就自己所感知的案件事实或是侦查行为的合法性问题作证无疑具有多方面的积极功用。目前在我国建立警察出庭作证制度存在司法体制、法律规定、思想观念上的障碍。因此,构建警察出庭作证制度尚需综合设计,分步实施,有一个渐进的过程。我国警察作证制度的设计应包括作证程序、作证范围两方面。  相似文献   

2008年1月16日至17日,辽宁警专党委书记暴若雁随辽宁省公安厅赴港考察团参观考察了香港警察学院、香港警察机动部队总部和大埔警察署,并与其负责人进行工作交流。其间,暴若雁书记还观看了港警部队处理凶暴性群众事件演练和常规武器装备,并对香港警察培训工作进行了深入学习考察。  相似文献   

加强公安机关执法规范化建设是践行"三项建设"的重要环节。目前我国公安机关在执法工作中仍存在着执法理念不正确、执法程序不规范、执法素质不高、执法监督不到位等问题。从比较法的视角,从执法理念、规章制度、警队管理、执法监督四个方面介绍我国香港地区警察规范化执法的基本状况,通过比较分析,为我国内地公安机关执法规范化建设的未来发展提供宝贵的经验借鉴。  相似文献   

香港警察部队是一支在世界上享有较高声誉,并为香港市民所普遍爱戴的香港纪律部队。它在警察人员招募制度方面有着独特的优势。分析和探索香港警察招募制度以及与我国内地警察录用制度进行比较,对我国内地警察招募制度的改革和发展具有积极的借鉴和推动作用。  相似文献   

China's policy toward Hong Kong in the period 1949-1997 was primarily driven by utilitarian calculations of national interests and the interests of the Chinese Communist Party. The Hong Kong policy of China, as an integral part of its foreign policy, was distinctive in that ideological fervor and nationalist passions had limited influence. The goals to be achieved by the Hong Kong policy remained unchanged throughout the period; the strategies adopted, however, changed in accordance with the changing international situation and the national interests as defined by the Chinese leaders. The primary goals of the Hong Kong policy were to secure a less threatening external political environment for China and to make calculated use of Hong Kong for China's economic development. By tolerating Hong Kong as a British colony, China also depended on Britain to control the potentially threatening anti-Communist Chinese population there. The 'over-dependence' on the British to control the Chinese people in Hong Kong on the eve of Hong Kong's reversion to China, however, alienated the Hong Kong people as well as impeded the formation of local political leaders in the territory. As a result, the acquisition of Hong Kong by China in 1997 has not been accompanied by political rapport between the Chinese government and the Hong Kong people, thus sowing seeds for lingering friction between them.  相似文献   

This paper considers the transition and handover processes in Hong Kong in terms of constitutional development. It is argued that the Sino‐British Joint Declaration effectively promises Hong Kong a liberal constitutional system and that this system has been implemented in part and eroded in part. It considers the health of Hong Kong's constitutional system in the first year‐and‐a‐half of the handover. The paper then identifies the three central threats to Hong Kong's continued constitutional health: a Chinese and SAR policy vision that favors economic over political liberalism; the threat of mainland intrusion upon Hong Kong's autonomy; and any mainland failure to respect Hong Kong's viable international status to the extent guaranteed in the Joint Declaration. The history of Chinese policy calls into question its appreciation of these threats.  相似文献   

内地和港澳之间的跨境网络犯罪主要包括通过网络实施的传统非跨境犯罪、传统跨境犯罪以及新型经济犯罪。这些网络犯罪主要以牟利为主,数额巨大;犯罪形式多样,有组织化;犯罪成本小,打击难度大。为了惩治跨境网络犯罪,内地和港澳警方采取了一系列合作措施并取得了一定成效。但是,由于内地和港澳三地在法律、技术和协作程序方面存在缺陷,三地警务合作仍然面临挑战。深化三地警务合作必须缩小各方的立法差距,增强对网络犯罪的调查、取证技术能力,建立跨境网络犯罪的协查机制。  相似文献   

Niu Tiehang 《当代中国》1997,6(16):487-512
The Hong Kong Stock Exchange currently ranks sixth in terms of trading volumes in the world while China's fledgling securities industry at Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges combined is barely more than 7 years old. With 1997 handover of Hong Kong to China, the securities industries of the two sides ought to integrate into one market. However, the Basic Law governing Hong Kong maintains unchanged British Common Law system as well as the life style of Hong Kong capitalist society, at least for the next 50 years. To understand how the stock exchanges operate under such a situation and how they cooperate in the future is the theme throughout this paper. This paper first describes the market backgrounds separately in Hong Kong and China. It intends to answer how, what and why China needs Hong Kong market and how, what and why Hong Kong, at a different level, needs China's. Then it deals with the interactions or cooperation in the primary market operations. The paper also deals with broader issues such as the RMB convertibility with respect to the integration of the stock exchanges and tries to forecast the future trend in the regional as well as international perspectives. It concludes that as part of the ‘one country, two systems’, the SEHK will be stronger as it has an added value to China's financial window to the world.  相似文献   

On 1 July 1997, Hong Kong was returned from British colonial rule to Chinese rule under the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China (PRC). The change in political status of Hong Kong has great impacts on the triangular relationship between Hong Kong, the mainland and Taiwan, in which the mainland and Taiwan are still in a state of intense political conflict and competition. This paper examines the policy possibilities and directions for Hong Kong as a Special Administrative Region of the PRC in handling its relations with Taiwan. It argues that both Beijing and Taipei want to preserve the existing Hong Kong‐Taiwan relations for political and practical purposes but at the same time will try to avoid being forced into a suspected political trap—for Beijing the recognition of Taiwan as an independent political entity and for Taipei the subordination of Taiwan to PRC sovereignty. Between these two baselines, the paper points out that Hong Kong should pursues its own Taiwan policy built upon the interests of Hong Kong and depoliticization of Hong Kong‐Taiwan relations.  相似文献   

香港警察迄今已有164年的历史,主要的职责是维持香港成为世界上最安全及稳定的地区之一。香港警察的工作效率及专业表现一直备受市民推许,并且在履行国际警务责任方面也同样享誉世界。历史上香港情报部门的职能主要是反恐怖活动、反间谍及搜集有关国家驻港机构和有组织犯罪社团的情报资料等。现在香港警方的刑事情报机构是各级警务部门的"神经中枢",统筹和指导各总区、警区开展情报工作。  相似文献   

从清末到南京国民政府时期,中国的警察制度经历了从无到有的发展历程,警察法在这半个世纪里得到了长足的发展,到了南京国民政府时期,警察法律规范数量空前,形成了较为完备的警察法律体系。选取当时的《警长警士服务规程》予以分析研究,意在摒弃糟粕的同时,探索能否为当下警察法治的发展带来些许的启示。  相似文献   

This article contains an examination of the way in which the largely British model of professional comprehensive housing management became important in Hong Kong. It shows how a comparatively small number of pioneers, mainly women who were followers of the principles of Octavia Hill, a philanthropic social reformer who developed her ideas in 19th century London, had a considerable influence in the very different environment of Hong Kong. An examination of the comparatively small amount of literature on the housing management profession is followed by a detailed analysis of the way in which the housing management profession has developed in Hong Kong. A review of the origin of public housing programmes in Hong Kong highlights the influence which housing professionals had when the housing administration was radically restructured at the time of the formation of the Hong Kong Housing Authority in the early 1970s.  相似文献   

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