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正常人蓝/黄颜色刺激事件相关电位的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究正常人等亮度蓝/黄颜色刺激电生理反应及其头皮分布,探讨大脑处理蓝/黄颜色视觉信息的特征及其法医学价值。方法对20名正常人(40只眼)进行等亮度蓝/黄颜色刺激,同时记录其脑电反应。结果事件相关电位(Event-related potentials,ERP)早期成分显示:与蓝色靶刺激相比,黄色靶刺激引起广泛脑区N1和P2潜伏期显著缩短;此外,黄色靶刺激较蓝色靶刺激诱发出较大N1及P2,且P2振幅右半球优势效应显著。ERP晚期成分显示:与早期成分相似,与黄色靶刺激对比,蓝色靶刺激引起广泛脑区N2和P3潜伏期显著延长,以及较小的N2和P3,同时,P3表现出显著的左半球优势效应。结论以上ERP结果提示,等亮度模式下,大脑对黄色反应更敏感,黄色刺激不仅引起ERP早期成分N1和P2潜伏期的缩短及振幅的升高,同时还引起ERP晚期成分N2和P3潜伏期缩短及振幅升高。颜色ERP可能在未来法医学基础研究及临床鉴定实践中发挥很大的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的研究不同视敏度水平的事件相关电位(event-related potential,ERP)成分特征,以期为视敏度的客观评定提供理论依据。方法选取16名被试进行单眼刺激。要求被试眼平视前方屏幕,注意屏幕中央的视觉刺激并对朝向不同的刺激进行计数。屏幕的中央会显示3种不同视敏度水平所对应的视标刺激图片,分别记录其ERP结果。结果 (1)阈上视敏度水平一致刺激的P_1振幅高于阈值、阈下视敏度水平一致刺激的P_1振幅,阈值和阈下视敏度水平一致刺激的P_1振幅差异无统计学意义,冲突刺激与一致刺激在3种视敏度水平的趋势类似。(2)阈上和阈值视敏度水平都出现了潜伏期在340~500 ms内的P300成分;阈下视敏度水平在相应的时间窗内无P300成分。3种视敏度水平的P_(300)振幅差异有统计学意义,振幅由大到小分别为阈上、阈值、阈下视敏度水平。结论 ERP技术可以成为法医学客观评定视敏度的新手段。  相似文献   

付翠 《政法学刊》2008,25(2):37-40
事件相关电位测谎技术(简称ERP)作为近年来兴起的心理测试方式与传统的多道心理测试技术相比有很大的不同:在基本原理方面,事件相关电位测谎是根据被试对相关刺激的脑电反应来判别他与所调查事件的关系,而多道心理测试技术则是根据被试对相关刺激的呼吸和血压的变化来进行评判;在测试内容和程序方面表现为行为样本、评分标准和测试结论上的差异;在效度、信度方面,多道心理测试技术具有优于事件相关电位测谎的信度和效度研究成果。  相似文献   

付翠 《政法学刊》2005,22(5):69-71
事件相关电位(简称ERP)是近三十年来在医学、心理学领域中得到广泛应用的特殊诱发电位,其中它的内源性成分P300是出现在刺激后300-800ms之间的正向波,反映了大脑对刺激信息的认知加工过程,也是ERP用于测谎的最主要的指标.在刑事案件测谎时,根据案件的关键情节、情境以及涉案物品选择靶刺激和非靶刺激,并按照30%和70%的比例组成刺激序列,比较嫌疑人在接受靶与非靶刺激后的P300波面积、波幅的差异,并根据结果判断其是否说谎.  相似文献   

创造性与道德的关系问题不仅是心理学中尚未解决的基本问题,而且是现代社会需要面对的现实难题。研究首次采用认知神经科学方法对创造性与道德的关系问题进行了实证研究,采用道德词汇分类任务将被试分为高道德组(高德组)和低道德组(低德组),并在控制智力、自尊以及记忆等干扰效应的基础上,借助脑事件相关电位技术记录了被试在解决顿悟字谜任务时的脑电活动。结果发现,高、低道德组被试在解决表征创造性思维的字谜任务时均表现出相似的脑电波形,但高德组被试较之低德组被试采用顿悟方式解决的字谜在200~360ms在额叶的广泛区域诱发了更低的脑电波幅。根据创造性的前额叶低激活理论,研究结果表明高道德组在解决创造性思维任务时表现出更高的创造性,也就是说,高道德意味着高创造性。  相似文献   

目的采用隐瞒信息测试(concealed informationtest,CIT)模式和多通道事件相关电位(event related potential,ERP)技术,对人类大脑在不同刺激下各脑区域活动情况和活跃程度进行对比,从神经电生理学层面揭示CIT模式隐瞒信息状态下视觉刺激人类大脑认知相关脑功能区特征。方法参考犯罪知情测试模式(GKT)的CIT模式,选用传统扑克牌,对17名被试人员进行视觉刺激,包括:靶、探测、无关和中立刺激,获得29通道ERP波。结果靶、探测和无关刺激平均按键反应时间:775ms、774ms和720ms;探测和无关刺激各通道P300峰潜伏期配对t检验,有统计学意义(P0.05)的通道有4个;探测和无关刺激各通道P300平均波幅(400~700ms)进行配对t检验,有统计学意义(P0.05)的通道有19个。结论隐瞒知晓信息是一个由多个脑功能皮质共同完成的复杂过程,与诚实反应抑制有密切关系,与额叶前部和上部皮质、前扣带回皮质(ACC)和缘上回等脑功能皮质特异相关。  相似文献   

加工速度、工作记忆与心算能力的发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以243名10-18岁儿童为被试,研究了加工速度和工作记忆与儿童心算能力发展的关系.验证性因素分析表明,加工速度、工作记忆与心算能力之间存在显著的相关.结构方程建模表明这种显著相关的实质在于三者之间可能存在一个递进式发展过程,即工作记忆能力几乎可完全解释儿童心算能力的发展变化,而加工速度可解释2/3的工作记忆能力的发展变化.这表明工作记忆是心算能力发展的基础,而加工速度可能是工作记忆能力发展的基础,但后者尚需要进一步验证.  相似文献   

图片再认ERP在重型颅脑损伤后记忆障碍鉴定的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨图片再认事件相关电位(ERP)对重型颅脑损伤(sTBI)后记忆障碍法医学鉴定的应用价值。方法采用韦氏记忆量表(WMS—RC)和Neuroscan ERP仪,对74例健康志愿者(对照组)及需评定精神伤残等级的29例重型颅脑损伤后记忆障碍者(sTBI组)进行记忆能力和图片再认ERP检测。结果sTBI组WMS-RC各分测验量表分及记忆商数(MQ)均值均明显低于对照组(P〈0.01);完成ERP任务的反应时、正确率明显延长和降低(P〈0.01)。对照组在靶与非靶刺激呈现后170ms和500ms左右均可记录到潜伏期无显著性差异的二个正向波(P170和P500),但靶刺激诱发的P500波幅明显高于非靶刺激(P〈0.01);sTBI组可记录到相似的ERP波形,但各成分的波幅、潜伏期均明显降低和延长(P〈0.01)。sTBI组P500潜伏期与WMS—RC的记图、再认、再生分测验量表分和MQ值均呈高度负相关(r=-0.73~-0.83,P〈0.01),而与伤残等级呈明显正相关(r=0.65,P〈0.01)。结论图片再认诱发的Psoo潜伏期与WMS-RC反映的短时记忆功能及鉴定的精神伤残等级明显相关,可为sTBI后记忆障碍的伤残鉴定提供一项较客观的神经电生理依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨事件相关电位在道路交通事故精神伤残评定中的价值。方法以进行精神伤残评定的被鉴定人为研究对象,进行常规精神伤残评定的同时采用视觉P300检测事件相关电位,分析行为学表现数据及P300潜伏期、波幅等在不同精神伤残等级和颅脑损伤程度组之间差异。结果纳入272例被试,其中13例(4.8%)未能有效完成测试,51例(18.8%)图谱无法识别,2例因按键缺失导致行为学数据未能采集,205例为7级以上精神伤残者。靶刺激和标准刺激平均反应时在不同精神伤残等级组之间具有差异,但区分度并不明显。F4、C4、P4位点不同伤残等级之间P300波幅有差异外,其他各指标在各组之间无差异;ERP异常程度在不同精神伤残等级之间的构成比无差异。结论 ERP检查主要适用于轻度精神伤残者,当前检测结果尚不能成为有效划分精神伤残等级的重要指标。  相似文献   

作者身份既是行为人原始取得著作权的前提,也是智力创造性活动这一事实行为的结果.因此界定作者资格必然是从著作权主体和客体的角度来进行.从主体角度,作者范畴表现为自然人和法人,与法律主体一致,但实际上单纯从权利主体角度界定作者资格并不能完整解释缘何法人在被确立为法律主体之后仍不被作者资格所认可.而从客体角度,作者资格作为独创性的内在要求,只可能是血肉之躯的自然人.但随着主观独创性标准不断瓦解、客观独创性标准又无力从结果的表现形式上识别创作者的情况下,作者资格作为独创性的内在要求已经难以维持.无论从主体还是客体角度对作者资格作本体论上界定的尝试,均难以完全解释作者范畴的二元结构,而只能寻求资格论的解读.作者资格并非仅停留于本体层面的“是什么”,而是表现为作品与作者之间的特定联接,反映“应该是什么”的价值判断:即受社会环境、立法政策的影响,在不同时期有不同的表现形式,如创作事实、必要投入、作品署名等.  相似文献   


Assessing the implicit attitudes and beliefs of offenders has proved difficult over decades of work and research with offender samples. The purpose of this paper is to outline the research related to the use of the emotional Stroop task and to encourage researchers and practitioners to use it as a measure to assess the implicit attitudes of offenders within their assessments. We consider the factors that may influence Stroop results along with the research considerations that need to be taken into account when using an emotional Stroop paradigm. Currently, a significant limitation of the emotional Stroop task is a lack of standard word stimulus sets that are able to distinguish between offender types. This limitation could seriously impede further development of this tool. Suggestions for future research are proposed.  相似文献   


One of the strongest predictors of sexual recidivism is sexual deviance [Hanson, R. K., & Bussière, M. T. (1998). Predicting relapse: A meta-analysis of sexual offender recidivism studies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 66, 348–362. doi:10.1037/0022-006X.66.2.348]. Phallometric testing, the most commonly used method of assessing sexual deviance, has elicited methodological and ethical criticisms, while self-report is vulnerable to social desirability and poor insight. To overcome these limitations, researchers have utilised cognitive measures, including a modified Stroop task, to measure deviant sexual interests among sex offenders using victim selection as a comparison measure. However, the results have been inconclusive. The current study explored the validity of the modified Stroop task as a measure of deviant sexual interest among a non-offending sample of 570 females and 223 male participants, using self-report as the comparison measure. The results indicated a significant gender difference in concurrent validity; there was a significant relationship between self-reported deviance and deviant word Stroop performance for male but not for female respondents, suggesting the Stroop is a viable option for assessing sexual deviance among males. Implications of these findings are discussed relative to sexual recidivism risk assessment.  相似文献   


Cognitive–behavioural treatment of sexual offenders assumes that sexual offenders are motivated by deviant attitudes, perceptions and values. Although aspects of deviant schema can be assessed by questionnaires, self-report measures are limited by the respondent's willingness to be forthright and by the fact that, typically, these cognitive processes occur quickly, revealing signs of automaticity. Recent research by Smith and Waterman has suggested that the deviant schema of sexual offenders could be assessed using a version of the Stroop colour-naming task. Long latency periods to sexual colour words imply a longer information-processing route and evidence of pre-established (deviant) sexual cognitive schema. Stroop techniques may offer the advantage of eliminating limitations that arise when using self-report techniques, such as fakeability and social desirability concerns. The current study replicates and extends Smith and Waterman's results using samples of sexual offenders, non-sexual violent offenders and non-violent offenders. The cumulative results of the two studies suggests that Stroop techniques have promise, but that further work is required before measures are available that have sufficient reliability and validity to be used in applied contexts.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the effect of different attentional conditions on the event-related potential (ERP) components generated by the visual information stimuli related to visual acuity, and provide a theoretical reference for clinical forensic visual objective evaluation. Methods: With visual acuity optotypes as normal form of visual information stimuli, 15 volunteers as study subjects were supposed to account the visual acuity optotypes under the attentional condition of visual stimuli. Furthermore, the subjects were required to listen to the storytelling carefully under the non-attentional condition of visual stimuli, and after the examination, they needed to answer the story-related questions. All the EEG results of two different attentional conditions from the subjects were recorded by 32 channel ERP system. Results: Under two attentional conditions, P1 and P300 components were evoked by the visual acuity optotypes on supra-threshold and threshold visual acuity levels, while only P1 component were evoked by the visual acuity optotypes on sub-threshold levels. In the ERP waveforms evoked by the visual acuity optotypes on supra-threshold, P1 and P300 amplitudes under attentional condition were larger than that under non-attentional condition. Conclusion: Attentional conditions can influence the detection of visual acuity. P300 component can be used to distinguish the visual acuity levels with supra-threshold and subthreshold under non-attentional condition. © 2017 by the Editorial Department of Journal of Forensic Medicine.  相似文献   


Tasks that can measure sexual interest successfully have utility in forensic settings. Prior to use with problematic sexual interest, however, work is needed in validating such tasks. This study focused on the measurement of non-deviant sexual interest. Eleven gay and 14 straight participants each completed a pictorial Implicit Association Test (IAT), a pictorial modified Stroop task (P-MST) and a Choice Reaction Time (CRT) task. Each task was designed to tap into the sexual interest of participants. Stimuli were of males and females in bathing suits, along with control images and sexual and non-sexual words. The IAT was most successful in differentiating between gay and straight participants. The P-MST also performed well, although the task's position within the battery of tasks seemed to affect the results. The CRT task did not show group differences successfully. Theoretical and methodological implications of the effectiveness of the three tasks in tapping into sexual interest are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 根据ERP理论和韦氏智力量表内容建立数字计算ERP范式,探讨正常人与重型颅脑损伤患者数字计算ERP特征及与智商的相关性.方法 采用Neuroscan-ERP仪和韦氏智力量表对29名重型颅脑损伤患者(外伤组)和46名正常人(对照组)进行ERP及智商检测,比较引出的ERP成分特征及与智商的相关性.结果 数字计算范式的题目、正确、错误答案3类刺激引出的ERP波形包括外源性成分N1c、P2c及内源性成分N2c和P3c;对照组引出的N1c和P2c波幅和潜伏期相近,但N2c和P3c有明显差异,其中正确答案的P3c波幅最高,错误答案的P3c潜伏期最长;外伤组引出的各ERP成分波幅降低、潜伏期延长,N2c和P3c具有显著性差异(P<0.05);对照组错误答案引出的P3c潜伏期与言语智商和总智商呈中度负相关,高于题目和正确答案;外伤组P3c潜伏期与言语智商、操作智商和总智商的相关系数分别为-0.64、-0.46和-0.60(P <0.05),明显高于对照组.结论 数字计算ERP范式可引出特征性ERP波形,其P3c潜伏期与智商有一定相关性,可作为评价重型颅脑损伤后数学能力损害程度的参考指标.  相似文献   

Liu YQ  Zhang LL  Zhao XH  Liu ZL  Mei ZH 《法医学杂志》2007,23(2):108-109,113
目的研究重型颅脑损伤患者认知功能的改变以及事件相关电位(event-related potential,ERP)中的P300成分与智商的关系。方法对40例重型颅脑损伤患者进行听觉P300检查并用中国修订韦氏成人智力全量表测定智商,另外用40例正常成年人作为对照组也进行P300的检查。结果病例组P300潜伏期较正常组明显延长(P<0.01),病例组P300的潜伏期与操作智商和总智商之间呈显著负相关(r=-0.335、-0.344,均P<0.05)。结论ERP是测定重型颅脑损伤患者认知功能变化的一项客观指标。  相似文献   

颅脑损伤是导致精神损伤的重要因素,其中情绪障碍是最常见的精神症状,目前一般采用量表进行评价,缺乏可靠的客观指标。近年来采用事件相关电位(ERP)技术对情绪相关的脑电活动特征进行的研究逐步增加,该技术可能是揭示大脑的情绪加工机制的有效手段。本文综合介绍情绪相关ERP检测范式,及与情绪加工相关的N170/VPP、P2、P300、LPP、EML等ERP成分的特征与意义,希望能为在法医学鉴定中采用ERP检测情绪障碍提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

A simple microfluidic device (MFD) has been developed to perform multiple color and crystal tests for controlled substance analysis. The MFD method uses less sample and reagents and generates less waste than traditional spot plate methods while performing several tests simultaneously. This methodology provides significantly more analytical information for a single sample analysis. The current generation device is the size of a microscope slide with four analytical channels: one for microcrystal tests and three for color tests. The optimized devices were subjected to a rigorous validation study using comparative replicate analyses and several operators. Target analytes were methamphetamine, amphetamine, cocaine, and oxycodone and color test reagents used were the Marquis, Simon, and cobalt thiocyanate. For the crystal tests, platinic chloride was used. The validation study showed the MFD's limits of detection to be in the picogram range. Positive tests results were observed in complex mixtures in which the controlled substance was present at concentrations of 5-10% (w/w). The microcrystal reagents showed greater sensitivity than color test reagents when used in the device. Reagent use and waste generation using the devices was 95% less that that used and generated using the traditional methods. The device performance was also shown to be operator independent.  相似文献   

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