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江苏贩卖、运输毒品犯罪案件的主要特点毒品种类以海洛因为主江苏登记在册的吸毒人员为25515名,绝大多数都是吸食海洛因。对2000年全省查获的6568名吸毒人员调查分析,吸食海洛因的占96.7%。吸毒人员90%以上集中在经济比较发达的南京、无锡、常州、苏州和镇江等市。贩卖、运输毒品案件也主要发生在这5个城市。近两年受国际和国内毒品违法犯罪形势变化的影响,江苏的毒品种类也向多元化发展。  相似文献   

目的 建立尿液中吗啡检验的方法。方法 利用固相微萃取头富集尿液中吗啡 ,经醋酸酐衍生后进行GC/MS分析。结果 利用此方法可检测到吗啡含量为 5ug/ml的尿样。结论 该方法可用于吸毒人员尿液中吗啡的快速检验。  相似文献   

目前,吸毒现象已成为世界上严重的公害之一,我国的吸毒人数也急剧上升,主要吸食的毒品有海洛因。为了配合“禁毒”工作,各种快速检测吸毒者尿样的方法也应运而生,但同时也存在着准确性、灵敏度方面的问题。本文应用GC/MS作对照,对我国现常见的V-11、AC、TI,C法,通过247个尿样分析作了比较。一、材料和样品1材料各种有机试剂均为分析纯;AC中所用A试剂由云南省公安厅提供;V叫1中所用试剂盒由HansonHongBiorndcalC().I。TD提供2.样品31例吸毒者进行连续5天的留尿。入院后即采集第一次尿样,隔12h后再收集1次,以后每…  相似文献   

犯罪嫌疑人粟某知道其丈夫扈某把大量毒品放在家中抽屉的三个香烟盒中并在家中吸毒.但对毒品的来源并不清楚且对扈某在家中吸毒也不干涉。在扈某被公安机关抓获后,公安机关又去搜查其住处。粟某为使其丈夫逃避处罚.将扈某放在香烟盒中的毒品海洛因藏匿在身上,并在民警带其上警车的过程中趁机把毒品扔掉.被民警当场发现。经依法鉴定,从粟某身上查获的毒品海洛因重82.3克。经审理,扈某涉嫌非法持有毒品罪。  相似文献   

据统计,2002年全国登记在册吸毒人员达到100万,全国2863个县(市、区)中有2148个存在毒品问题,一些地区甚至呈泛滥趋势。河北1997年全省登记在册吸毒人员为1700人,到2002年发展到7978人,6年增长了近5倍。2002年河北省共破获各类涉毒案件1059起,缴获毒品海洛因300千克。然而我们目前打击毒品案件的力度与毒品案件上升的  相似文献   

刘晓梅 《法治研究》2011,(12):70-76
基于对T市970名青少年吸毒人员的问卷调查和43例个案访谈,从人口特征、行为模式、社会身份与关系网络等方面对青少年滥用新型毒品和吸食海洛因状况进行比较研究。调查显示,两类吸毒人员构成在总体上呈现出男性多、未婚者多、社会闲散人员多等"三多"特点。与滥用新型毒品的青少年相比,海洛因吸食者的年龄结构偏大,受教育水平较低;吸食者的成瘾性较高;其朋友圈子较小,人际关系网络相对脆弱。  相似文献   

[文(令)号]公复字〔2006〕4号[公布日期]2006·8·29[类别]行政法·公安重庆市公安局:你局《关于因吸食阿片类毒品被强制戒毒或劳动教养后滥用盐酸丁丙诺啡舐下含片的人员是否可以劳动教养的请示》(渝公法〔2006〕152号)收悉。现批复如下:《国家食品药品监督管理局、公安部、卫生部关于公布麻醉药品和精神药品品种目录的通知》(国食药监安〔2005〕481号)已将丁丙诺啡列入《精神药品目录》的第一类精神药品品种,对因吸毒(包括吸食或注射阿片类毒品)被强制戒毒后,又非法吸食、注射盐酸丁丙诺啡舐下含片的人员,根据《全国人民代表大会常务委员…  相似文献   

吸毒死亡案例的特点及法医学鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吸毒者最常吸食的毒品为海洛因.海洛因是吗啡的衍生物(吗啡乙酸化成二乙酰吗啡),然而因较吗啡有更大的脂溶性、更易于通过血脑屏障以及对脑奖赏性刺激的敏感度较高而具有吗啡4-8倍的效价,比吗啡能够更加强烈地诱发欣快感以及对中枢神经系统、心血管系统、消化系统及皮肤等发生作用,B更快地产生耐受性(使得剂量一次次增大)和更强烈的戒断症状,海洛因的毒性因此而更加强烈。近年来在我们所受理的检案中,吸食毒品海洛因死亡的案例急骤上升.本文就其中8宗典型案例进行分析,并结合有关文献报道,对吸毒死亡案例的特点及法医学鉴定…  相似文献   

正[案情]公安机关在查获吸毒人员夏某后,了解到马某长期零包贩卖毒品,遂由夏某与马某取得联系,称要购买毒品,后将前往交易途中的马某抓获,当场从马某身上查获毒品海洛因。马某对自己贩卖毒品的事实供认不讳。后公安机关在马某家中查获一张吸毒人员向马某多次赊欠毒品打的欠条。经查实,马某先一次性购买数量较多的毒品,并以"低价购进,分装代售、电话  相似文献   

GC和GC/MS检验吸食"摇头丸"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨道兵 《刑事技术》2003,(Z1):35-36
1998年以前,武汉市的吸毒人员主要是使用海洛因、鸦片。但是近几年苯丙胺类毒品和国家管制的精神药品氯胺酮来势凶猛,公安机关查获吸食这类毒品的违法人员大幅增加,已经远远超过使用传统的海洛因毒品的人员。这类毒品在武汉市的一些“的吧”内已经泛滥成灾,一些人吸食毒品后随着强烈的音乐疯狂地摇着头。根据武汉市公安局缉毒处清查“的吧”的情况,查获的嫌疑人有时竟然有高达80%~90%的都吸食了这类毒品。目前黑市上“摇头丸”通常是指冰毒、MDA、MDMA、氯胺酮(俗称K粉)以及其中两种以上成分的混合物。常用的检验吸食苯丙胺类毒品的方…  相似文献   

A procedure has been developed for the simultaneous determination of heroin, morphine, and hydromorphone from postmortem tissues by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using electrochemical detection. This method permits the direct determination of unmetabolized heroin from antemortem or postmortem urine as evidence of illegal drug use. Presumptive confirmation of heroin was based on the ability to hydrolyze the HPLC heroin fraction to morphine. Heroin was also confirmed in urine by gas chromatographic/mass spectroscopic (GC/MS) analysis of the HPLC fraction. Analysis of postmortem blood, gastric contents, urine, and injection site tissues have revealed the presence of morphine and hydromorphone, while heroin has only been identified in urine.  相似文献   

固相萃取/LC-MS/MS测定尿液中吗啡类药物   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 建立尿液中吗啡类药物的固相萃取/LC—MS/MS方法。方法采用OASIS MCX3cc(60mg)固相萃取柱进行提取,应用LC—MS/MS方法进行检测,运用保留时间和MRM方式对尿液中吗啡类药物及其代谢物进行定性定量分析。结果磷酸盐缓冲液pH4.0时,海洛因、6-MAM、可待因、吗啡、M3G的固相萃取回收率分别达64.33%-70.21%,96.95%~117.57%,83.60%~123.63%,68.82%~91.03%,94.64%~107.33%;最低检测限(LOD)分别为5、10、5、5、2pg,线性范围0.005~10μg/mL;相关系数分别为0.9998、0.9958、0.9992、0.9994、0.9997。结论本文所建方法,适用于尿液中吗啡类药物的分析。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Death caused by heroin overdose is almost always the result of intravenous injection of the drug in Australia. We briefly describe a case where a heroin overdose was initially thought to be the result of oral ingestion of the drug, primarily as a result of higher concentrations of morphine in stomach contents than in blood. During the subsequent criminal trial and investigation, however, the issue of the entero-hepatic circulation of morphine was raised as a possible reason for the presence of morphine in the stomach contents. In this study, we report on the distribution of opioids in blood, stomach contents, urine, liver, and bile in 29 deaths caused by intravenous heroin overdose. The mean total and free blood morphine concentrations were 0.60 and 0.32 mg/L , respectively, and the mean stomach contents total morphine concentration was 1.16 mg/kg. All cases had detectable morphine in the stomach contents, and 24 of 29 cases (83%) had higher concentrations of total morphine in stomach contents than in blood. The mean total morphine concentration in bile was c. 100 times that in blood, and the liver total morphine concentration averaged twice that of blood levels. We conclude that the entero-hepatic circulation of morphine and subsequent reflux of duodenal contents back into the stomach can result in the deposition of morphine in gastric contents. Consequently, the relative levels of opioids in blood and stomach contents cannot be used to determine the site of administration of the drug.  相似文献   

A morphine to codeine ratio greater than unity (M/C>1) has been suggested as an indicator of heroin use in living individuals. The aim of this study was to examine the morphine to codeine ratio in a large population (N=2438) of forensically examined autopsy cases positive for 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM) and/or morphine in blood and/or urine. Blood and urine concentrations of 6-MAM, morphine and codeine were examined using GC-MS and LC-MS/MS methods. In 6-MAM positive samples, the M/C ratio was greater than unity in 98% (N=917) of the blood samples and 96% (N=665) of the urine samples. Stratification of 6-MAM negative cases by M/C above or below unity revealed similarities in morphine and codeine concentrations in cases where M/C>1 and 6-MAM positive cases. Median blood and urine morphine concentrations were 8-10 times greater than codeine for both groups. Similarly to 6-MAM positive cases, 25-44 year-old men prevailed in the M/C>1 group. In comparison to cases where M/C ≤ 1, the M/C ratio was a hundred times higher in both 6-MAM positive and M/C>1 cases. The range of morphine concentration between the lowest and the highest quintile of codeine in M/C>1 cases was similar to that in 6-MAM positive cases. This range was much higher than for M/C ≤ 1 cases. Moreover, linear regression analyses, adjusted for age and gender, revealed a strong positive association between morphine and codeine in 6-MAM positive and M/C>1 cases. The M/C ratio appeared to be a good marker of heroin use in post-mortem cases. Both blood and urine M/C>1 can be used to separate heroin users from other cases positive for morphine and codeine.  相似文献   

Recreational drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, are often adulterated with other pharmacological agents to either enhance or diminish the drug effects. Between April 21, 2006 and August 8, 2006, the Philadelphia Medical Examiner's Office detected xylazine (a veterinary sedative) and fentanyl (a synthetic opioid) in specimens taken from seven cases. Initial immunoassay screening was performed on urine and blood for fentanyl, opiate, cocaine, phencyclidine (PCP), and benzodiazepines. All tests reported positive were confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. All seven xylazine positive cases tested positive for fentanyl and six cases tested positive for 6-acetylmorphine (a metabolite and definitive marker for heroin). The seventh case was positive for morphine and had a history of heroin abuse. Xylazine was present in urine in all seven cases and blood levels were detected in three cases. The blood concentrations ranged from trace to 130 ng/mL. Fentanyl was present in the blood and urine in each case and blood concentrations ranged from 4.7 to 47 ng/mL. Adulteration of illicit drugs has become an epidemic health concern for drug users. Healthcare professionals need to be aware of this issue, so the patients can be treated in an effective, timely manner.  相似文献   

This work studies the distribution of cocaine and heroin metabolites in hair and urine of living polidrug abusers. Cocaine, benzoylecgonine (BEG), ecgonine methyl ester (EME), morphine, codeine and 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM) were simultaneously extracted and analyzed by GC/MS in SIM mode. The results obtained show a different distribution of heroin and cocaine metabolites in urine and hair. In urine, we generally find BEG and EME for cocaine abuse, and morphine for heroin abuse. In hair, we detect cocaine and MAM as major metabolites for cocaine and heroin abuse, respectively.  相似文献   

The relationship between ethanol and risk of heroin overdosage was studied. Statistical processing of the results of forensic chemical analysis (460 expert evaluations) carried out in Chelyabinsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Expert Evaluations in 2000 was carried out. The results of morphine and ethanol measurements in the blood and urine from corpses where deaths ensued from narcotic or ethanol poisoning, were analyzed. The concentrations of morphine in the blood and urine were measured on a gaseous chromatographer with mass-selective detector (Hewlett Packard HP 6890/HP-5972). Methods for measuring urinary and blood morphine are described. The results of statistical analysis demonstrated relationships between the age and ethanol concentrations in the blood and urine; blood ethanol and total urinary and blood morphine concentrations; blood concentration of free morphine and presence of 6-monoacetylmorphine in the blood. The authors conclude that the presence of ethanol in the blood together with morphine drastically augments the risk of rapid death from respiration arrest. It can also lead to a relatively high risk of overdosage in experienced narcomaniacs using heroin and ethanol.  相似文献   

血液和尿液样品中海洛因代谢物稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对尿液和血液中海洛因代谢物3-β-D-葡萄糖醛酸吗啡(M3G),吗啡,O6-单乙酰吗啡(O6)在180d内的稳定性进行研究。方法准备空白添加血液、尿液、染毒动物(大白兔)血液、尿液和吸食海洛因者血液、尿液样本,分别置于20℃、4℃、-20℃下,分别于0、1、2、4、7、14、28、56、112、156、180d时间点测定样品中M3G、吗啡,O6相对含量。结果在3种不同温度下,随保存时间的延长,血液、尿液中的O6含量均逐渐下降至零;血液中吗啡含量升高(空白血液添加组)或下降(染毒动物组),在尿液则均升高;血液样中M3G含量均升高,尿样中则略有下降。下降和升高的幅度均随保存温度的下降而缩小。结论海洛因代谢物在-20℃时保存稳定性最佳。  相似文献   

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