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凌岩 《检察风云》2005,(23):12-14
前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭、卢旺达国际刑事法庭和近日开审的伊拉克萨达姆法庭,并列为近年三大国际大审判。本刊特约了联合国国际刑事法庭法官凌岩教授,就萨达姆世纪大审判的合法性和发展趋势给我们做权威的解读。  相似文献   

前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭(以下简称前南法庭)在二战后的纽伦堡和东京国际军事法庭之后,由国际社所设立的第一个追究个人包括国家领导人刑事责任的设国际刑事法庭。由于其最近首次对一位前国家元首米舍维奇进行审判,该法庭也是国际媒体和民众所关注的点之一,而法律界对此案甚至对法庭本身的合法性等的论也从未中断。法庭运作10余年来,在惩治战争罪犯和他违反国际人道法和严重违反人权的犯罪,为被害人伸正义,威慑未来的罪犯,促进国际法尤其是国际人道法国际刑法的发展,强化国际法治等方面,发挥了重要作,也为其后10余年来国际刑事司法的发展…  相似文献   

朱奕锋 《法制与社会》2012,(21):269-270
近年来国际辩护律师在国际刑事司法机构上履行辩护职能而遭国家干涉的情形日益增多.卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭的法庭规约中均未明确包含国际辩护律师豁免问题的条款,这为国际刑事司法机构的正常运作留下不确定因素.通过分析国际性与区域性国际法律文件,探讨该问题的人权保护法理基础,国际辩护律师职能豁免应该得到承认.  相似文献   

前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭的设立,开创了由国际法庭审判国内战争罪犯的先例。尽管该法庭的设立已十年有余,并且已经审判了一批罪犯,但是,时至今日,该法庭的合法性仍受到质疑和批评。本文对通过国际刑事法庭追究个人刑事责任的依据进行了充分的阐述,认为违反国际法是追究个人国际刑事责任的依据;进而,在此基础上对设立前南国际法庭的法理根据进行探讨,并认为国际组织暗含权力是联合国安理会设立前南国际法庭的法理根据,设立这样的法庭作为安理会的一项执行措施乃是源自于安理会根据《联合国宪章》第七章而具有的暗含权力。  相似文献   

目前,各国司法机构都为了提高审判效率,节约有限的资金与投入而在探索有效的解决途径。国内也有不少法院在高科技与审判工作的结合方面做了尝试,如网上立案、电子证据的使用等等。这些无疑都会大大促进审判效率的提高。但是如何处理好公正与效率的关系,电子高科技与法院审判管理之间还有许多问题值得关注和研究。最近,联合国前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭(以下简称"前南国际刑庭")开始采用高科技电子法庭的审判方式审理案件。为此,记者采访了去年在联合国大会举行的前南国际刑庭法官选举中以高票连任的刘大群法官(以下简称刘法官)。请他介绍了前南国际刑庭电子法庭系统的应用现状。  相似文献   

前南法庭:1991年,南斯拉夫发生了剧烈动荡。在国家解体过程中,武装冲突先在斯洛文尼亚爆发,继而在克罗地亚,最后在波黑全面展开。战火使成千上万平民流离失所,雪上加霜的是,冲突各方都曾无视国际人道主义法,实行种族清洗,任意杀害无辜平民、捣毁房屋庙宇,进行恐怖主义袭击,扣留人质。为了制止这些罪行,并将这些犯罪的责任人绳之以法,联合国决定设立前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭,以审判前南斯拉夫境内严重违反国际人道主义法的罪犯。顺利当选前南刑庭法官的选举,如同国际法院法官的选举一样,要在联合国大会和安理会的选举中分别获得多数票才能当选…  相似文献   

审判中心主义及其对刑事程序的影响   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:32  
审判中心主义是法治国家公认的一条基本刑事司法原则,它是民主社会公正彻底地解决政府与个人之间利益冲突的客观需要,对于两大法系的侦查、起诉、法庭审理和上诉程序以及刑事证据法则都有重要的影响。我国诉讼法理论通说承认这一原则,但在现实司法中审判尚未成为刑事诉讼的中心,应当采取有力措施逐步由侦查中心主义向审判中心主义转变。  相似文献   

卷宗笔录是中国刑事法官主要的裁判依据,是法庭审判流于形式的主要原因。比较研究发现在欧洲大陆国家,卷宗笔录的使用并没有阻碍现代刑事诉讼审判中心主义的实现,卷宗笔录已然成为整个诉讼运行机制的一环。比较研究的结果为我国卷宗笔录正当化提供了进路——侦查行为合法化的司法审查,辩护律师及时全面的阅卷权利保障,包括证据规则在内的直接、言词原则的法庭审判,卷宗笔录便仅仅是用于记载侦查过程,固定依法形成的证据信息,辅助法庭审判的材料。  相似文献   

李彬  张韫 《中国司法》2010,(2):105-108
进入文明时代的近百年来,国际形势动荡变革,和平发展与战祸冲突并行。世界各国面临着新的机遇与挑战。为应对这种形势,国际社会运用法律武器来遏制战争与罪行,用和平的方式寻求国际争端的解决。从纽伦堡国际军事法庭审判、远东国际军事法庭审判到前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭审判、卢旺达国际刑事法庭审判、海牙常设国际刑事法院的设立,历经沧桑、众志成城,许多国家达成了共识,形成了一套比较完备的解决纠纷、处理争议的方案,总结了较为体系化的国际法原则和诉讼法规则。国际刑事诉讼法应运而生。  相似文献   

赵建文 《法学研究》2005,27(5):133-148
《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第14条确立了国际社会公认的公正审判权的一般国际标准。公正审判权适用于刑事诉讼,同时也适用于民事诉讼、行政诉讼及其他可能的实际上的“诉讼案”。为实现公正审判权,人人都应享有在法庭前的平等权利、由独立和无偏倚的法庭进行审判的权利、被无罪推定的权利、在刑事审判过程中享有最低限度程序保证的权利、上诉或复审的权利、被终审误判时获得赔偿的权利和不因同一罪行受双重处罚的权利等。  相似文献   

Several Jewish persons designated as concentration camp guards (Kapos) during the Holocaust were subsequently tried in Israel in the 1950s and 1960s for allegedly committing grave crimes. This article examines these trial judgements and considers their significance to international criminal law jurisprudence and customary international law. First, this article will delineate the trial judgements’ purpose, relevance and previous contribution to customary international law. Secondly, a comparative narrative of the judgements with recent case law from the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Court will illuminate their potential contribution, specifically to the principles of modes of liability, criminal intent, and the defence of duress. The Kapo trial judgements may therefore continue to offer an extreme case example and a worthy source of common law for international criminal law jurisprudence and customary international law.  相似文献   

洪永红 《河北法学》2007,25(1):161-165
卢旺达国际刑事法庭在1994年的建立和12年的审判实践经验为国际刑事法的发展作出了一定贡献.主要表现在:卢旺达国际刑事法庭是历史上首次建立专门审理非国际性武装冲突的国际刑事法庭;丰富了国际人道主义法的内容;扩大了对在非国际性武装冲突中犯罪的管辖权,进一步积累了国际刑事法院的审判经验,对国际刑法中的三大罪行的界定作出了新的阐释;推动了非洲国际法学的发展并在一定程度上促进了常设性国际刑事法院的建立.  相似文献   

大量证据显示国际刑事审判的展开促进了国际刑法的发展,而在国际刑法发展的进程中,出现了一系列新的观念和原则并逐渐得到国际社会的广泛认可,诸如灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪和战争罪的定义,以及合法性原则、补充性管辖原则、个人刑事责任原则和国际合作与司法协助原则等。国际刑事法院的建立在国际刑法制度发展中具有里程碑式的意义,联合国、联合国宪章以及联合国大会的一系列决议为国际刑法的发展发挥了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

The drafters of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court were presented with a unique opportunity to shape the future of victim participation in international criminal legal proceedings. They were also faced with a critical dilemma – how can the International Criminal Court promote the interests of victims while simultaneously protecting the accused’s fair trial rights? In many respects the final draft of the Rome Statute left the task of defining the parameters of these potentially competing interests to the Court. As a result, a body of case-law has emerged, highlighting textual ambiguities in the Rome Statute and giving rise to novel developments in sphere of victim participation. Amongst the most prominent of these developments is the recognition of the right of victims to introduce evidence at trial. However, viewing this procedure simply as a fixture of the International Criminal Court’s regime of victim participation masks its true significance and potential. This article explores the idea that the Court’s approach to the evidentiary procedure regulating victim participation has given birth to quasi-investigative powers that have the potential to dramatically reconfigure the future of international criminal litigation.  相似文献   

While Nuremberg constitutes a watershed in the evolution of international law with its establishment of the fundamental principle of individual criminal responsibility under international law it has not left much else by way of precedent for the subsequent international criminal tribunals. The adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 827 establishing the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, and Resolution 955 (1994) establishing the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, set the groundwork for a new model of hybrid tribunals, with the establishment of the Special Court for Sierra Leone in 2002, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia in 2006, and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon in 2007. Perhaps one of the greatest legacies of these ad hoc and hybrid courts and tribunals has been paving the way for the establishment of a permanent international criminal court. However, they have also brought about the development of international criminal law through judicial interpretation, elaborating, inter alia, the elements of the crime of genocide as detailed in the 1948 Genocide Convention, the judicial recognition of the concept of joint criminal enterprise and the principle that national arrangements for amnesties in respect of international crimes are no bar to prosecution for such crimes at an international tribunal. In view of the completion strategies of the ad hoc Tribunals, as well as of the SCSL, this article delves into some of their legacies and outlines some of the difficulties and challenges they have faced, while identifying areas of best practice in order for the newly‐operational International Criminal Court to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past or even reinventing new wheels.  相似文献   

在国内刑法中确认和体现国际刑法规范是缔约国应尽的国际义务,也是有效打击国际犯罪的需要。国际刑法公约中有关国际犯罪的实体法规定、程序和证据规则的规定、刑事合作的规定、预防性措施的规定等,应当成为国内立法体现国际刑法规范的主要内容。在中国,国内立法确认和体现国际刑法公约的主要途径有制定单行刑事法律、修改补充现有法律条款、立法解释和司法解释等。  相似文献   

随着社会政治经济的变革 ,俄罗斯的法律制度完成了根本转型。在刑事诉讼领域 ,经过前后 1 5年的修改和补充 ,颁布了新的《俄罗斯联邦刑事诉讼法典》。转型后的新法典 ,在刑事诉讼目的、结构、价值等基本理念方面发生了重大变化 ,除了将某些重要的宪法原则刑事诉讼法典化以外 ,进一步确立并完善了诸如证据规则、平反程序、和解法官审理程序和刑事诉讼国际合作程序等能够适应变化了的国内和国际形势的刑事诉讼制度。  相似文献   

This article is a critical reading of the contemporary international legal regulation of warfare and an analysis of war crimes trials as ``sovereignty-producing practices'. Whereas proponents of international law optimistically presume that the advent of war crimes tribunals signifies a humanitarian-inspired erosion of sovereignty in the international system, this article shows that legislating violence in war exemplifies an international commitment to structures which normalize war and violence while individualizing, dehistoricizing and depoliticizing criminal acts. This analysis focuses on the first trial of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia which convicted Dusko Tadic of war crimes and crimes against humanity.  相似文献   

构建刑事诉讼缺席审判制度的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘柏纯 《政法学刊》2003,20(6):25-27
在我国三大诉讼法中,民事诉讼法和行政诉讼法都规定了缺席判决制度,唯独刑事诉讼法没有规定缺席判决制度,目前在刑事案件的审理中是禁止缺席判决的。由于我国法律没有关于刑事缺席审判制度的规定,所以在打击跨国犯罪惩处潜逃境外的经济犯罪分子、打击单位犯罪等方面往往处于不利的地位。从目前刑事诉讼理论的发展和司法实践的需要的角度看,我国建立刑事缺席审判制度,不仅是必要的,而且是可行的。  相似文献   

This article looks at the work of the United Nations War Crimes Commission (UNWCC), and its influence on the development of international criminal law. It examines the role the UNWCC played in prosecuting war criminals, and notes the similarities between the UNWCC’s mission and the current structure and role of the International Criminal Court, particularly its focus on the principle of complementarity. The article reviews fair trial standards at the time of the national trials, and provides that many of them are present in current international human rights instruments. Still, the author submits that many trial records are still inaccessible and, as a result, there is not enough evidence to fully analyze the Commission’s efficiency in providing for a fair and impartial trial.  相似文献   

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