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公与私:中国行业协会的矛盾定位解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,随着市场经济的发展,行业协会作为一种同类企业间的联合互益组织在社会经济生活中起着日益重要的作用。但由于行业协会本身所蕴含的的市场性以及我国对行业协会的特殊定位,其公益性与私益性的冲突已经成为制约我国行业协会发展的首要因素,因此唯有在认真探讨市场化的主流趋势与非营利化的新兴走向之间的异同,才能重新定义我国行业协会的发展路径,以期实现行业的善治。  相似文献   

公益与私益冲突下的公权行使界限   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
公权的行使以促进公益的增加和保护私益为终极目标。当前,"公益"是一个不确定的法律概念,而在对公益与私益关系的理解上,人们也一直认为"公益高于私益"。在某些情况下,这为政府滥用公权提供了借口,最终导致了公权的异化。因此,必须对"公益"给予明确界定,政府必须依法行使公权,维护公益。同时,法律必须从行政程序等方面对公权的行使进行控制,坚持合理行政,减少对私益的侵犯。  相似文献   

尹猛 《学理论》2010,(18):141-142
随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展,公益诉讼正愈来愈多地受到广泛关注。公益诉讼在其目的、原告和前提等方面与私益诉讼存有不同之处。在国外,尤其是英美法系国家的公益诉讼制度发展较为完善。从我国社会发展的现状看,在经济发展、环境保护、民主建设、法治化进程等方面都需要建立起一套规范有序的公益诉讼制度。  相似文献   

支持起诉在法律文本中虽然始终被表述为基本原则,但在私益诉讼阶段其实已经丧失了实际效用。随着公益诉讼程序的建立,这种状况得到了转圜,支持起诉得以在公益诉讼中复兴。从宏观、中观、微观维度考察支持起诉的历史可以发现,其经历了一个从私益诉讼到衰落和公益诉讼再到复兴的历史。以支持公益诉讼的主体为标准,其类型主要包括:行政机关支持公益诉讼、社会组织支持公益诉讼和企业事业单位支持公益诉讼,这三种类型各有其特点和适用范围。检察机关支持公益诉讼的特别规则主要包括:检察机关是支持公益诉讼的第一责任主体,检察机关支持公益诉讼的范围不受限制,检察机关支持公益诉讼的主体身份具有双重性等。  相似文献   

目前我国理论界和实务界所言环境公益诉讼之“环境公益”,包括与环境相关之公众人身财产利益和纯粹环境公益,前者实为众多私人利益的相加,在本质上仍为私益,后者才是真正的环境公益。只有环境公益才能支持环境公益诉讼制度独立于传统的民事、行政诉讼制度,并成为环境公益诉讼制度的直接目的。  相似文献   

王丹 《行政论坛》2004,(5):82-83
公用事业民营化关键在于民赢,这一民赢包含着两方面的意思,即公众受益和民营企业受益.政府在协调公益和私益中应起的作用是既要促进民营企业发展,又要规范其行为,这些都是服务于实现公众利益的目的,有利于实现公众、政府、民营企业三方的共赢.  相似文献   

改革开放40年,行业协会商会的发展为我们观察当代中国社会组织发展特征具有重要意义。行业协会商会作为政府与市场之外的第三部门,在我国是得到优先发展、迄今发展最为充分的社会组织,它在市场经济发展、行业管理与社会治理、行业政策参与等领域发挥着重要作用。尽管如此,当前政会脱钩进展缓慢、风险尚存,政府职能转移与购买服务运作机制尚不规范,行业协会商会服务尚不充分,政策倡导能力有待增强,党建工作还较为薄弱,这些都表明行业协会商会发展任重而道远。解决上述问题也构成行业协会商会未来发展的方向。作为对改革开放40周年的纪念,回顾行业协会商会几十年来的发展固然重要,但更重要的是立足当下,创造未来。  相似文献   

施卉 《学理论》2012,(8):97-98
民事诉讼法修正草案将公益诉讼提上了议程,这说明我国在公益诉讼制度上已经走出了第一步,对比其他国家尤其是西方国家,我国的公益诉讼制度的立法不够完善,因此亟需改进,要在我国建立公益诉讼制度,需要解决许多问题,其中,如何确立公益诉讼起诉主体的范围是最为重要的问题,它对确立公益诉讼制度的其他内容具有决定性影响。我们可以借鉴美国与德国的相关规定,将检察机关、行政机关、公益性团体、行业协会和其他社会组织、公民个人确立为公益诉讼的起诉主体。  相似文献   

公益性社会组织的法律定位思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以公益、互益二元分类方法逐渐取代公益、私益二元分类方法成为当前社会组织分类的重要标准,各国立法对公益、公益性、公益事业等概念的界定为公益性社会组织法律地位的确立奠定了必要基础.公益性社会组织的服务对象应为不特定多数人,活动领域具有广泛性和灵活性,活动效果应具有正效应,服务方式应包括无偿和有偿两种情形.公益性社会组织在组织目的、开放程度、资产处置、自治程度和变动路径等方面均不同于互益性社会组织,同时,与慈善组织、公益信托也迥然有别.  相似文献   

善达舆情 《慈善》2021,(2):61-63
第一部2020年公益舆情形势分析及趋势2020年,注定会在人类历史上留下浓墨重彩的一笔,同样也是中国公益史上值得被铭记的一年。回顾被疫情笼罩的一年,中国公益行业在舆论场的肯定、赞誉、批评、质疑甚至反转中砥砺前行。近日,善达舆情梳理出了2020年26个公益舆情热点事件,总结不同舆情爆发的特点和传播规律,客观呈现公益行业中存在的问题,为行业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the development and adoption of governance modes in the field of human biotechnology. As the field of human biotechnology is relatively new, voluntary professional self‐regulation constituted the initial governing mode. In the meantime, with the exception of Ireland, all Western European countries have moved toward greater state intervention. Nevertheless, they have done so in contrasting ways and the resulting governance modes for assisted reproductive technology and embryonic stem‐cell research vary greatly. Instead of imposing their steering capacity in a “top‐down” fashion, governments have taken pre‐existing self‐regulatory arrangements in the field into account and built up governance mechanisms in conjunction with private actors and pre‐existing modes of private governance. Our analysis demonstrates that the form and content of the initial self‐regulation explain why the self‐steering capacity of the medical profession was largely or at least partially preserved through hybrid governance systems in Britain and Germany, while in France the self‐regulation was entirely replaced by governmental intervention.  相似文献   

杨朝继 《理论探讨》2020,(1):96-101
民营企业是我国市场经济的主体,激发民营企业的积极性和创造性有利于推动供给侧结构性改革、夯实实体经济基础、推动经济转向高质量发展.改革开放以来,我国实施了多次减税降费政策,对降低企业成本、减轻企业负担、增强企业竞争力发挥了重要作用.2019年以来,我国实施的新一轮减税降费政策的规模和强度都是空前的,全方位、多层次地支持民营企业发展,有力提振了民营企业发展的信心,极大提升了民营企业科技创新能力,大大增强了民营企业参与国际市场竞争底气,有效地巩固了民营企业市场主体地位.未来我国减税降费政策将更加注重引导民营企业把减税降费红利投向技术创新领域,加强对减税降费政策的评估和动态调整,着力克服伴随的负面影响以及做好配套改革等,使减税降费从扶持性政策向制度化长效机制转变.  相似文献   

Only recently have social insurance and private pensions, collectively, come to be thought of in terms of a total social security benefit package. The economic problems brought on by the 1974 oil crisis initially triggered consideration of a common, integrated role for the two systems. The second oil crisis reinforced the relative expansion in private pension programs, as a supplement to social security. Before these events, private and public pension programs interacted in only a limited number of ways, confined to relatively few countries. These interactions were largely confined to collective bargaining, whereby private pensions were gradually extended to nearly all employees in France and Sweden; mandating, or legally requiring private supplementation of social security, debated in several countries in the early 1970's, but postponed by the 1974 oil crisis; and contracting out, or covering a part of the social security benefit under a private plan, as in the United Kingdom. Overall, the tradition of private pensions was not very strong or broadbased. The current debate centers on which public/private pension mix is desirable from the point of view of an old-age income-maintenance program. A new element is the rising support for a "third pillar"--individual tax-encouraged savings--not only as a supplement, but as an alternative to social insurance.  相似文献   

The Securities and Exchange Commission, established in 1934, has achieved a uniquely high reputation for effective regulation. The SEC succeeded in large measure because of the initial strategy developed by its founders. Led by Joseph P. Kennedy, James M. Landis, and William O. Douglas, the SEC sought to restore public confidence in the capital markets and induce regulated interests to help enforce public policy. These interests included the accounting profession, the organized securities exchanges, and the brokers and dealers operating in the over-the-counter market. In each case, the SEC encouraged the strengthening of regulatory structures within the private sector, using its power and influence to promote what later came to be called the “public use of private interest”.  相似文献   

Mixed delivery of public services is gaining increasing attention as a way for public managers to avoid deciding between a purely public and purely private delivery system. The unusual coexistence of public and private operators in the urban bus market in Barcelona provides an interesting context in which to analyze the challenges and opportunities posed by this system. Competition for concessions among private operators and the regulation of concessionaires generate incentives to improve efficiency and quality. Furthermore, partial privatization increases the efficiency and feasibility of public operators. In fact, competitive bidding is effective in disciplining private operators and increasing the regulators' bargaining power over both public and private firms. The reform implemented in Barcelona offers an interesting insight into all metropolitan areas that are in a position to create a number of separate concessions large enough to benefit from economies of density.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the introduction of market principles has transformed public service delivery into a hybrid. However, little is known about how these changes are reflected in the attitudes of private implementing agents: The hybridization literature neglects individuals, and street‐level bureaucracy research has disregarded hybridization. This article extends Hupe and Hill's ( 2007 ) accountability regimes framework to introduce the market as an additional accountability regime alongside state, profession, and society. Using a configurational approach, the article explores how public and private food safety inspectors in Switzerland perceive the multiple norms for behavior stemming from their environment. Results suggest that the plural accountabilities of for‐profit street‐level bureaucrats can increase the dilemmas involved in their work. Under certain circumstances, for‐profit street‐level bureaucrats have particular difficulties reconciling rule pressure with market incentives and client demands. The extended accountability regimes framework fruitfully captures such dilemmas and helps identify suitable governance responses.  相似文献   

This paper examines a system of qualitative demand equations for public spending on education, welfare, housing, health, highways, and defense. The demand for public spending for a particular category is hypothesized to be a function of income, tax-price, private benefit measures, and tastes as well as demands for other public expenditure categories. Based on individual survey data, the conditional maximum likelihood estimates of the logit equations are obtained. The results indicate the significant role of tastes, private benefit variables, and tax-prices. In addition, positive rather than negative, demand interrelationships are found to exist. These findings question the validity of the median voter hypothesis as a model for public budget allocation.  相似文献   

This commentary explores the roles of planning and urban design in contemporary US urbanization following the global financial crisis in Fall 2008. We focus on the tendency to discuss the planning profession in recovery metaphors – a perspective that has been emphasized in establishing how the profession's past and future relevance may be asserted. In the recent past the planning profession has sought to recover its standing and policy relevance through its contributions to real estate development. In doing so, the profession has gravitated toward design and determinism in order to satisfy pluralist demands within the loosely regulated political economy of neoliberal urban growth. But while design determinism offered numerous practical advantages to the planning profession for the short term, it also served to preclude the profession from engaging with social justice, the social construction of place, and civil society.  相似文献   

Public–Private Partnerships (PPPs) are an increasingly common mechanism for the renewal of public sector infrastructure, although in the United Kingdom, these have been criticized as representing poor value for money. An inherent assumption of much of this criticism is that a corollary of detriment for the public sector is benefit for the private sector. This paper highlights the difficulty of objectively verifying the many criticisms and assumptions regarding risk and reward associated with PPPs. Public and private sector disclosure policies and systems are analyzed and we conclude that neither sector practices openness and transparency. This results in a democratic accountability deficit in the public sector and a lack of meaningful data being made available to stakeholders in private companies.  相似文献   

Little is known about the careers of parliamentarians after they leave parliament. We analyse the post-parliamentary careers of German and Dutch parliamentarians over the last 20 years and document the presence of a persistent and substantial gender gap. This gap exists regardless of party, country or political position and persists even when the status of the pre-parliamentary profession and achievement within parliament are controlled for. Aside from demonstrating our findings, we offer new insights into possible explanations for the dynamics behind them. Additionally, we show that parliament only serves as a stepping stone for a more successful career for a relatively small share of politicians: only 32 per cent of MPs obtain more attractive positions in the public or private sector after their legislative service.  相似文献   

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