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我国彩票的公信力久为社会所诟病,多数论者认为根本症结在于彩票经营与监督合一的体制,即政府机构直接经营彩票并自我监督.然而,美国等发达国家与我国采取同样的体制,其彩票信誉却并未受损.事实上,奉行市场经济的美国之所以选择政府机构直接经营彩票的机制,目的之一正是为了防止彩票弊案的发生.这至少说明经营与监督合一的体制本身不是导致彩票弊案的主要因素.与美国相比较,我国彩票的真正不足在于法律制度的粗疏以及执行方面的随意性.保证我国彩票公信力的正确方向是学习美国严密细致的法律制度,并采取措施落实,而不是把重点放在体制改革上.  相似文献   

The United States will be entering into force the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption by the end of 2007. At this time, all intercountry adoptions that occur between the United States and one of the 70 other countries that also have entered the Hague Convention into force must be done according to Hague protocol. Guatemala has entered the Convention into force but its adoption practices do not currently align themselves with Convention requirements. The U.S. State Department has threatened that intercountry adoptions between the United States and Guatemala will come to a complete stop if Guatemala's conditions are not reformed. One out of every 100 children born in Guatemala is adopted by an American family and in the 2006 fiscal year, the United States adopted 4,135 Guatemalan babies. This high number placed Guatemala as the second country from which the United States adopted the most children in 2006 second only to China. A structured compromise must be established between the United States and Guatemala in order to ensure the continued provision of homes to Guatemala babies in America while Guatemala reforms its malignant adoption practices.  相似文献   

In this article I discuss the failure of most democratic countries to accept or properly implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, despite, except in the case of the United States, having ratified it. I consider the domestic implementation of treaties. I discuss, from an Australian perspective, that country's failure to enact a Bill of Rights and argue that children in Australia have suffered as a result. I also discuss judicial approaches to international law and compare the situation in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand and suggest that even in those countries that do have a Bill of Rights, it is not oriented toward children and therefore does not properly recognize their rights.  相似文献   

高洁 《政法学刊》2013,(2):118-123
2012年《刑事诉讼法》关于辩方阅卷范围的规定引发了关于控方是否有义务将其掌握的全部证据,尤其是有利于被告人证据提交给辩方问题的讨论。鉴于控方在证据获取中的绝对优势地位,从维持控辩平等、实现有效辩护、维系检察官客观义务、探求实体真实的角度出发,由辩方掌握全面阅卷权有其理论正当性,而不同法系国家中辩方从控方获取有利于被告人信息的比较法考察也印证了这一判断,目前关键在于如何通过制度设计保障辩方这一阅卷权的实现,其他国家的制度设计可以给我们一些启示。  相似文献   

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is believed to affect up to 90% of women of reproductive age. A small subset of women have been identified who actually experience psychotic symptoms in the premenstrual phase of their cycles. Not surprisingly, PMS has made it into the courts where it has been offered as a defense for criminal acts. The defense has generally fared poorly in the United States, although it has been successfully used as a factor in supporting diminished capacity in Great Britain. The following paper sets out to review the medical literature on premenstrual syndrome with a particular focus on premenstrual psychosis. Available literature from both medical and legal sources is then utilized to investigate instances in which premenstrual psychosis has been invoked as a defense in the courts.  相似文献   

证人保护与被告人权利保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刑事诉讼法修正案草案规定了更加完善的证人保护制度,但证人保护与被告人知悉权、对质权可能发生冲突,各国为此采取了不同的措施予以平衡,包括限制披露证人身份信息和采用视频技术或设置屏障的方式出庭作证等。刑事诉讼法修正案草案有必要在平衡证人保护与被告人权利保障的基础上完善证人保护制度。  相似文献   

<联合国反腐败公约>是目前反腐败方面最重要的国际法律文件,它筑起了一道强大的国际反腐法律强网.实现对腐败犯罪的引渡是国际反腐败的一种自然延伸.而<联合国反腐败公约>关于引渡的规定既是对缔约国的要求,也是各国进行国际合作的有效路径.为了实现对腐败犯罪的引渡,接受"死刑犯不引渡原则"则是我国的上上选择.  相似文献   

何佳馨 《现代法学》2011,(6):161-169
在现代保险法制中,健康保险是一个新兴的领域。与欧洲、日本等以国家为主导的健康保险法制建设不同,美国采取的是一种公私混合的多元化模式,即以商业健康保险为主,以政府主办健康保险为辅,并为此制定了一系列的法律、法规,形成了一个比较完善的健康保险法律体系。而在政府主办的健康保险事业中,1965年推出的医疗保险照顾计划(Medicare)处在核心的地位。本文就医疗保险照顾计划的由来、主要内容、实施效果以及对中国的启示作了详细论述,对借鉴美国医疗保险照顾计划、克服我国在老年人和残疾人健康保险上的问题以及如何改进等,提出了思路。  相似文献   

The controversial issue of corporal punishment of children is now before the Supreme Court of Canada. Whether or not Canada's highest court rules that the "reasonable chastisement" defense to charges of assault on children by parents and teachers is unconstitutional, it is likely that Parliament will move forward with reforms. Social science evidence on the negative effects of corporal punishment has been accepted by the federal government, and it seems likely that Canada will soon join the list of countries that prohibit the practice.  相似文献   

王荣珍 《现代法学》2004,26(5):142-146
侵害债权制度已为许多国家的判例、学说所确认,有其存在的理论基础,具有保护债权人利益、制止不正当竞争、维护市场竞争秩序的功能,亦为我国社会主义市场经济发展和司法实践所需。我国应在民法典中确立该制度,笔者就其立法设计提出了构想。  相似文献   

In 1967, the United States Supreme Court ruled that children facing delinquency charges have a constitutional right to defense counsel. Despite that mandate, state assessments of juvenile defense systems have consistently found high rates of waiver of counsel. Children are facing harsh punishments with potentially lifelong consequences without the benefit of a trained defense attorney at their side. Given the severity of the consequences of juvenile court involvement and society’s understanding of the developmental science behind adolescence, this article argues that to meet constitutional requirements, juvenile courts must automatically appoint defense counsel for all children facing delinquency charges.  相似文献   

论信用卡格式合同不公平条款的法律规制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘颖  李莉莎 《现代法学》2004,26(2):162-167
对信用卡格式合同中的条件变更信息披露之排除条款、冒用风险分配条款和抗辩切断条款这三种不公平条款进行法律规制 ,是控制发卡机构的优势滥用 ,维护持卡人的合法权益 ,促进信用卡交易乃至现代信用经济发展的必要举措。我国法律应借鉴外国和我国台湾地区的立法 ,提高立法层次 ,开展小额电子资金划拨的专门立法 ,开展消费信用的专门立法 ,颁布信用卡格式合同范本 ,以保护持卡人的条件变更知情权 ,合理分配冒用风险 ,并在一定程度上保护持卡人的抗辩权  相似文献   

析美国反对常设国际刑事法院的理由和举措   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
喻贵英 《法律科学》2006,24(4):121-131
2002年国际社会期待已久的常设国际刑事法院开始运作,它标志着一个历史性时刻的到来——侵略罪、灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪、战争罪的犯罪人不再能够逃脱国际刑事责任。然而,作为国际社会的唯一超级大国美国却也因此对常设国际刑事法院开始了强烈反对,一切可以想到和做到的阻挠措施均已被采取。美国反对常设国际刑事法院,旨在维护其自身利益和世界霸权地位,其理由和举措不符合联合国宗旨和正义原则。  相似文献   

Users of intravenous heroin, cocaine, and amphetamines risk the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through the sharing of contaminated injection equipment. Although most users are aware of this risk, the scarcity of sterile needles and syringes, combined with various social and cultural factors, fosters dangerous sharing practices. This paper examines the legal and political contexts of proposals to ease access to sterile needles and injection equipment. The author seeks an explanation for the continued reluctance to institute such programs in the United States, while similar programs have been instituted in other countries where intravenous drug use has also contributed to the spread of HIV infection and AIDS.  相似文献   

张鹏程 《时代法学》2012,10(2):108-119
陪审团的一致裁决原则起源于14世纪的英国,作为一项普通法的传统,它在美国确立后经历了一个联邦强制适用与各州选择适用并存这一局面被明确和强化的过程。虽然饱受质疑,但是从一致裁决原则对陪审团司法工具价值和政治民主价值的发挥及对审判成本控制的影响这三个角度出发综合考虑,其在一定时间内还将继续存在下去。  相似文献   

Arts education in the United States, especially in public schools, has been neglected and its public funding has decreased. This is partly due to the difference in the conception of public education policies and the arts. The theory of economic goods and an analysis of two current education policies demonstrate that public education is treated as a public good that is needed by all people, and therefore funded with tax dollars. Because the arts are common goods that different people value in their own terms, education in the arts is treated as nonessential and funded sporadically in public school settings. Based on the theory of the commons, the author suggests that nonprofit arts organizations are equipped to deal with the common good and diverse nature of the arts and can provide sustainable arts education that fills the gap of arts education in public schools.  相似文献   

Parenting coordination is emerging in numerous countries around the globe as a response to the need to protect children in families whose parents experience high conflict following their separation or divorce. This article describes the different trends in the implementation of parenting coordination programs in Canada, Spain, and Italy and the socio‐legal contexts in which they have evolved. An analysis will also be presented of the unique challenges faced by these countries and the ensuing debates on issues related to the referral process, legal procedures, decision‐making authority, judicial immunity, confidentiality, and professional requirements and training for the appointment of parenting coordinators. The authors will present what has been learned from their respective experiences and make recommendations to promote continued development.  相似文献   

死刑案件实行三审终审制改造的构想   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
死刑复核程序有一定价值,但存在诸多弊端。即便最高法院收回死刑核准权,但死刑复核程序自身的弊端依然存在。应废除死刑复核程序,实行死刑案件二审强制上诉制度,增加三审并原则上设定为法律审。实行合议庭法官一致(或绝对多数)同意时才能对被告人判处死刑的原则,并应对死刑案件合议庭的组成方式进行改革。死刑案件还应充分发挥辩护律师的作用,实现被告人辩护权的最大化。  相似文献   

Several insurgent groups have financed their arms procurement through drug trafficking, explaining in part the long duration of conflicts in drug producing countries. Incomes generated from this trade do not however automatically translate into improved military capabilities, since access to military-grade weapons typically requires tacit or active state support. Hence, two groups with similar types of funding can still have access to very different types of armaments, impacting their operational capability. This paper compares the arms procurement of the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) and the United Wa State Army (UWSA) in Myanmar. Both insurgent groups have procured arms through networks and with finances from the drug trade. The UWSA's 20,000-strong force and significant armaments, including Man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS) believed to be provided by China, is largely supported by these illicit activities and the networks they provide. FARC has ample access to small arms, the acquisition of which has been financed by taxation of the drug trade. In spite of significant incomes, FARC however until very recently lacked access to MANPADS, a fact which has significantly hampered its ability to withstand the Colombian counterinsurgency campaign, specifically targeted aerial assaults. The exploratory comparisons drawn in this paper offer insights into how insurgent groups can pass a crucial threshold of arms procurement, funded by illicit activities, that renders their dissolution far more difficult, while also highlighting the continued importance of state support in explaining rebel group resilience.  相似文献   

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