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第二届国际刑警组织DNA用户大会概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2001年11月7日至9日第二届国际刑警组织DNA用户大会在法国里昂举行,现将会议情况简要概述如下:1会议概况会议在法国里昂国际刑警组织总部举行,来自40多个国家和地区100余名代表参加了本次会议,与会代表大部分是各国DNA技术的应用部门,包括技术、调查、法院以及立法部门的人员。本次大会的目的是交流各国在开展DNA检测技术和建设DNA数据库当中取得的经验,并讨论和 确定DNA检测技术今后的发展方向。通过国际交流,以达到和协调DNA数据的国际交流,最大程度发挥DNA分型技术的应用效益,以认定和打击罪犯。主要…  相似文献   

法医DNA始终在国际法医物证检验领域中占据核心地位,技术应用早已广泛成熟。近年来,诸多学者开始关注法医DNA伦理学方面的研究,目前该研究还处于初步探索阶段。本文是在伦理学已有学术基础上,从DNA数据库建设和亲子鉴定两个方面对法医DNA伦理学思想应用现状进行了初步探讨,并且参考国内外文献资料对伦理学思想在法医DNA实践中的应用原则进行了阐述,目的在于衡量法医DNA工作是否达到伦理方面的要求,其实践意义将在DNA数据库建设和亲子鉴定中起到重要作用。  相似文献   

近几年来,法庭科学DNA分析技术及其数据库建设在国内发展迅速,各类刑事案件的侦破及法庭举证中该技术的应用日趋广泛。各地法医DNA实验室检验量持续增加,专业技术人员长期超负荷工作,鉴定质量难以保障,已成为普遍面临的问题。因此,尽快开展法庭科学DNA实验室的规范化建设显得尤为重要。现将本实验室开展规范化建设情况及工作中的体会介绍如下,供同行交流、参考。1天津市法医DNA实验室规范化建设情况本实验室自1990年组建以来,历经RFLP、VN-TR、STR等法医DNA分析技术各个发展时期的磨砺,逐步走上了标准化、规范化的发展轨道。针对…  相似文献   

法庭科学DNA数据库是打击犯罪的一柄利器,但是,对DNA样本的提取和使用却会带来很大的风险。提取公民DNA生物样本的行为可能侵犯身体完整权,分析和储存DNA分型结果会侵犯公民的资讯决定权,储存DNA生物样本可能严重侵犯公民的隐私权。为保护公民权利,西方国家要求建立和运用DNA数据库应当遵循合法性原则、司法审查原则、比例原则以及分散管理原则。我国法庭科学DNA数据库在筹建和运行过程中还存在一些问题,西方国家在这方面的成功经验对我国DNA数据库的改革与完善提供可贵的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

综述了线粒体DNA的遗传特性,线粒体DNA分型技术发展历程以及线粒体DNA分型技术相关质量控制、命名原则、异质型影响、结论诠释、数据统计,并展望了线粒体DNA分型技术的未来发展.  相似文献   

建立法庭科学DNA数据库(以下称DNA数据库)为刑事侦查工作提供又一个主动进攻的新手段,其重要性和必要性已经得到了广泛深入的论述,一些地方已经开始了DNA数据库的建设工作,其强大的破案效益正日益显现出来.本文研究了DNA数据库在实际应用、建设过程、技术管理、信息安全和技术发展等方面的需求,全面阐述了江苏省公安机关DNA数据库的构成,并对其实现方法加以研讨.  相似文献   

目的 探究不同无损取材方式及DNA提取方法对棉织物上洗涤血斑DNA分析成功率的影响。方法 采用棉签擦拭法、植绒拭子擦拭法、脱落细胞粘取器粘取法富集洗涤棉织物上的血痕。分别采用Chelex 100法、过柱法和磁珠法提取DNA。采用常规PCR和复合PCR技术扩增目标片段并分别运用琼脂糖凝胶电泳和毛细管电泳技术检测目标产物。结果 植绒拭子擦拭法取材的效果最差,通过脱落细胞粘取器粘取法获得的DNA浓度、STR分型成功率均高于棉签擦拭法,且粘取法操作较简单,实践中优先推荐选择粘取法作为该类检材的取材方式。此外,DNA浓度和STR分型结果均表明过柱法提取DNA的效果优于Chelex法,而磁珠法在3种DNA提取方法中效果最差,建议实践中选择过柱法作为此类检材DNA提取的首选方法。结论 针对棉织物检材上洗涤血痕无损取材及DNA分析,优先推荐选择脱落细胞粘取器粘取法和过柱法分别进行样本取材以及DNA提取。  相似文献   

法庭科学DNA检验技术是上世纪80年代发展起来的一项新型检验技术,该技术自应用于刑事案件侦查领域以来,因其能够进行个体认定而倍受关注,成为提供法庭证据的主要技术之一。我国公安系统DNA检验技术研究紧跟国际先进水平,研究人员在最短时间内完成了实验室技术研究和实际办案技术转化,相继研发出DNA指纹图技术、PCR技术、STR技术、DNA数据库技术、国产DNA检验试剂、DNA提取纯化试剂与仪器等,并陆续在侦查办案工作中应用,为打击各类刑事犯罪提供了大量证据和线索,发挥了突出作用。  相似文献   

2000年6月16日至30日,公安部DNA技术与管理考察团对美国、加拿大DNA技术及数据库管理进行了考察。通过对美国联邦调查局(FBI)、弗吉尼亚州的法庭科学实验室和加拿大安大略省政府法庭科学实验室的DNA检验技术及数据库管理的实地考察,使我们对处于世界领先水平的美、加两国DNA技术应用和数据库建设与管理有了比较全面的了解,也正确认识了我国DNA检验技术和在数据库建设方面与世界先进水平的差距。1美国、加拿大DNA技术应用和建库管理情况美国FBIDNA实验室、弗吉尼亚州DNA法庭科学实验室和加拿大安大略省政府DNA…  相似文献   

法医DNA数据库初见成效   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着DNA检验技术的发展,它在法医工作中的应用越来越广泛。从亲子鉴定到同一认定,这一技术不断为公安侦查和法庭审判工作提供可靠的证据。伴随该项技术的不断完善及其标准化程度的提高,建立我国的DNA数据库已经提上议事日程。DNA数据库是将DNA分析技术、计算机自动识别技术、网络传递技术相结合的一项高科技产物;输入DNA数据结果,计算机即可对其进行自动比对,通过网络技术实现异地查询、跨地区协作。自20世纪90年代以来,国际上就开始了对DNA数据库的研究,并取得了良好的效果。目前,美、英、法、澳等20多个国家均建立…  相似文献   

South Africa has recently been at the epicentre of a spate of horrific violence, with reports of rape and murder making headlines almost daily. Disturbingly regarded as the ‘rape capital of the world’, South Africa has never before required a more urgent need for the effective use of DNA profiling in aiding investigations as now. Although South Africa has conducted DNA profiling since 1998, there has been no supporting legislative framework for its use thus far. The ‘DNA Bill’ has recently been passed by Parliament and we reflect on the key events that have brought us to this milestone.The DNA Project, a non-profit organisation, has long been lobbying to pass such legislation, as well as providing free DNA awareness workshops to a variety of first-on-the-crime-scene personnel. As with all new DNA legislation, there arises an essential need to intensify training and awareness around the DNA process, from the crime scene to the court room, in order for the value of DNA evidence be realised. Enacting legislation is only a step on a journey to effectively utilise DNA profiling resources in a more intelligent manner and it is necessary that significant investment be continually made towards the improvement and advancement of this exceptional technology and tool.  相似文献   

DNA IQ磁珠法结合Maxwell~(TM) 16自动仪提取接触DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究DNA IQ磁珠法结合MaxwellTM 16自动仪对接触DNA提取的应用价值。方法 151份案件接触DNA检材95℃裂解后,采用DNA IQ磁珠法结合MaxwellTM 16自动仪提取DNA,然后进行DNA定量和STR分型检测,统计各种类型的接触DNA含量I、PC CT值和STR分型成功率。结果 151份案件接触DNA检材中,除果核平均DNA获得量为9.51ng以外,其它接触检材的平均DNA获得量均大于10ng,烟蒂检验成功率最高为93%,果核检验成功率较低,为60%。所有DNA样品的IPC CT值均在27左右,纯度高。结论大部分接触DNA检材采用DNA IQ磁珠法结合MaxwellTM 16自动仪可提取到足以进行STR分型的DNA。  相似文献   

A central question is ‘how did DNA get there’? To help answer this, we visually monitored and recorded DNA transfer from one substrate to another. When an individual touches a substrate, traces of their DNA are transferred (primary/direct) which can then subsequently be transferred to a second substrate (secondary/indirect). Currently DNA transfer and how much remains can only be determined by collecting the biological material from the substrate, isolating the DNA and quantifying the amount recovered. However, Diamond™ Dye (DD) enables such DNA transfer events to be visualised by monitoring the movement of cellular material.We examined primary and secondary DNA transfer using aluminium as a primary substrate with cotton, polyester, aluminium and plastic as secondary substrates and four contact types between two substrates (passive, pressure, friction and friction with pressure). Participants pressed their index finger against the aluminium for 15 s and then DD was applied to the area of contact; cellular material was detected via a fluorescence microscope. Contact between that substrate and a second substrate was performed, using one of the four contact types. After this contact between substrates each was viewed microscopically and transfer of cellular material was recorded.Cellular material could be recorded as having transferred from one substrate to another. Substrate and contact type had an effect on the extent DNA transfers. DNA transferred at a high rate with aluminium as a primary substrate and cotton, polyester and aluminium as secondary substrates when pressure with friction was applied. This information expands our understanding of how DNA transfers and which factors affect it, thus assisting greatly with activity level reporting as to how DNA came to be where it was found.  相似文献   

In this study, 252 trace DNA samples (from handled surfaces) from 201 burglary, robbery and drugs cases were compiled to assess success rates and to interpret the value of trace DNA evidence in volume crime investigations. The average amount of DNA recovered from the trace DNA samples collected was 1.7 ng. Full or major (12 or more alleles) profiles were recovered from 14% of samples. Samples from firearms and burglary points of entry were the least successful. Mixtures were recovered from 21% of samples, presenting a case for the collection of more elimination profiles to enable more samples to be used for database purposes. The research highlighted the difficulties in collecting data relating to the success rates of samples. Computerised automation of this process would be extremely beneficial in the assistance of policy development, method application, training, and investigative usefulness.  相似文献   

Successful mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) forensic analysis depends on sufficient quantity and quality of mtDNA. A real-time quantitative PCR assay was developed to assess such characteristics in a DNA sample, which utilizes a duplex, synthetic DNA to ensure optimal quality assurance and quality control. The assay's 105-base pair target sequence facilitates amplification of degraded DNA and is minimally homologous to nonhuman mtDNA. The primers and probe hybridize to a region that has relatively few sequence polymorphisms. The assay can also identify the presence of PCR inhibitors and thus indicate the need for sample repurification. The results show that the assay provides information down to 10 copies and provides a dynamic range spanning seven orders of magnitude. Additional experiments demonstrated that as few as 300 mtDNA copies resulted in successful hypervariable region amplification, information that permits sample conservation and optimized downstream PCR testing. The assay described is rapid, reliable, and robust.  相似文献   

As DNA technology becomes increasingly sensitive, forensic laboratories are receiving more low-template DNA samples. These samples, already low in DNA content, become even more challenging to process as the available DNA becomes further reduced during the extraction step. In this study, two extraction modifications were tested to determine if the cause of DNA loss could be identified and mitigated. A double lysis technique was used to test for DNA loss in the sample collection substrate, and lysate eluates were re-extracted to determine DNA loss from inefficient binding to the silica column. Both modifications showed DNA was lost at these steps. However, resulting STR profiles from these samples had fewer peaks and lower peak heights when compared to samples processed with no extraction modifications. Overall, the potential benefits of adding these extraction modifications for low-template DNA sample processing are not enough to justify the risk associated with additional manipulation.  相似文献   

法医DNA实验室的DNA污染和防范   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
陈松 《刑事技术》2007,(3):16-20
DNA污染是产生DNA鉴定结论错误的重要因素,法医DNA实验室要努力去解决这一问题。DNA污染有自身污染、交叉污染、PCR污染3种。法医DNA实验室要采取实验室分区、严格检验操作步骤、对试剂及消耗材料进行质量控制等方法防止发生DNA污染,采取设置对照样本、核查DNA结果、建立DNA排查数据库等方法监测和发现DNA污染。  相似文献   

In recent years, jurisdictions across the United States have expressed a growing interest in aiding criminal investigations through the use of familial DNA searching (FDS)- a forensic technique to identify family members through DNA databases. The National Survey of CODIS Laboratories surveyed U.S. CODIS laboratories about their perceptions, policies, and practices related to FDS. In total, 103 crime labs completed the survey (77% response rate). Labs in 11 states reported using FDS, while labs in 24 states reported using a similar-but distinct- practice of partial matching. Although the majority of labs had positive perceptions about the ability of FDS to assist investigations, labs also reported a number of concerns and challenges with implementing FDS. Respondents reported using either practice a limited amount with modest numbers of convictions resulting from both FDS and partial matching. The article reports on varying practices related to official policies, training, eligibility, the software search, lineage testing, requirements for releasing information, and subsequent investigative work. Finally, the article discusses what can be learned from this survey, accompanying limitations, and implications for decision-makers considering using FDS.  相似文献   

法医DNA分析的其他应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了法医DNA的多种用途,如人死后根据体内DNA变化情况推断死后时间间隔,利用线粒体DNA4977bp的缺失以及端粒的长度推断年龄;利用昆虫mtDNA的细胞色素氧化酶亚基I进行昆虫种属鉴定,以帮助确定人的腐尸死亡时间;利用一些食血昆虫体内的人DNA帮助了解与案件的关系;利用DNA标记进行动物如犬、牛、马及猪等个体识别与亲子鉴定,解决因动物引起的纠纷,或者利用DNA分析嫌疑人周围的动物毛发、植物及土壤微生物等,确定嫌疑人与案件的关系。  相似文献   

目的探讨国产磁珠Wawasye试剂盒在法医DNA检案中的应用效果。方法利用475份各类常见生物检材测试其效果,并与M48磁珠试剂盒作比较。结果国产磁珠Wawasye试剂盒与M48磁珠试剂盒在检验各类常见生物检材的结果无显著性差异。结论国产磁珠Wawasye试剂盒适用于公安机关DNA实验室。  相似文献   

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