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当前我国正处于社会转型期,存在多种诱发未成年人违法犯罪的不良因素,而未成年人正处于身体和智力的发展时期,他们什么都想知道,什么都想学,什么都想亲自去做,但由于他们的社会知识和生活经验所限,他们的认识能力具有很大的片面性和表面性,容易养成不良品质和恶习劣迹,最终导致违法犯罪。对于未成年人犯罪问题,考虑到对他们未来的发展,为了让他们既能改过自新又能健康成长,在对他们进行惩罚的同时,更重要的是对他们进行教育、启发、感化以教育为主,处罚为辅的政策,这就是所谓寓罚于教。在管理过程中始终贯穿教育、感化、挽救的精神,从而达到治其心、治其本的目的。  相似文献   

当前我国正处于社会转型期,存在多种诱发未成年人违法犯罪的不良因素,而未成年人正处于身体和智力的发展时期,他们什么都想知道,什么都想学,什么都想亲自去做,但由于他们的社会知识和生活经验所限,他们的认识能力具有很大的片面性和表面性,容易养成不良品质和恶习劣迹,最终导致违法犯罪。对于未成年人犯罪问题,考虑到对他们未来的发展,为了让他们既能改过自新又能健康成长,在对他们进行惩罚的同时,更重要的是对他们进行教育、启发、感化以教育为主,处罚为辅的政策,这就是所谓寓罚于教。在管理过程中始终贯穿教育、感化、挽救的精神,从而达到治其心、治其本的目的。  相似文献   

社会的不断进步,为未成年人的健康成长提供了良好的物质基础和精神财富,但是,由于受诸多不良因素的影响,未成年人犯罪也日益成为一个突出的社会问题。对于违法犯罪的未成年人,我国实行教育、感化、挽救的方针和教育为主、惩罚为辅的原则,刑法、刑事诉讼法和未成年人保护法等,都在诉讼权利、执行刑罚等方面作出了一系列有别于成年犯罪嫌疑人或被告人的具体规定。在刑事司法领域,如何对未成年人进行司法保护也一直是各方关注的焦点。早在1992年9月22日,最高人民检察院就发布《关于认真开展未成年人犯罪案件检察工作的通知》指…  相似文献   

我国正处于社会转型期,存在多种诱发未成年人违法犯罪的不良因素,同时,未成年人个体在生理、心理、品德等方面也存在诸多问题,免疫力下降,导致违法犯罪行为的发生。本文中,主要从未成年人个体品德心理原因进行分析,并提出相应措施。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》第三十八条明确规定了刑事司法保护的方针和原则是:对违法犯罪的未成年人,实行教育、感化、挽救的方针,坚持教育为主、惩罚为辅的原则。对未成年人犯罪案件的处理,就是刑事司法保护的体现。我国之所以对违法犯罪的未成年人实行教育、感化、挽救的方针和教育为主、惩罚为辅的原则,主要是因为  相似文献   

4月25日,市委常委、市人大常委会副主任孙海麟带队视察本市未成年人犯罪检察工作。孙海麟一行听取了本市检察机关探索创新未成年人犯罪检察工作的汇报,并围绕创新工作机制、完善保障措施、整合社会资源。共同做好未成年人犯罪教育、感化、挽救工作进行了座谈。孙海麟强调,要进一步提高认识,严厉打击侵犯未成年人合法权益的违法犯罪行为,探索未成年人犯罪规律,  相似文献   

未成年人是祖国的未来和希望。保障未成年人诉讼权益,预防未成年人违法犯罪,是关系社会稳定、同家前途的一项重要工作。近年来,山西省襄垣县人民检察院在办理未成年人犯罪案件中,立足检察职能,以贯彻宽严相济刑事司法政策为抓手,以有效化解社会矛盾为目标,坚持“教育、感化,挽救”的方针和“教育为主、惩罚为辅”的原则,尝试并建立了一套符合未成年人身心特点、具有教育保障功能的办理未成年人犯罪案件工作制度。  相似文献   

近年来未成年人违法犯罪呈上升趋势,预防未成年人犯罪需要家庭、学校、社会各方共同努力,加强对未成年人的保护、遏制严峻的未成年人犯罪发展态势。学校教育的缺陷对未成年人违法犯罪有一定影响。如何全面改进学校教育,预防和减少未成年人违法犯罪无疑是一项重要课题。  相似文献   

2006年1月23日公布施行的《最高人民法院关于审理未成年人刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》(以下简称《解释》),本着未成年人可塑性较强的特点,对违法犯罪的未成年人,实行教育、感化、挽救的方针,坚持以教育为主,惩罚为辅的原则,从法律效果和社会效果的有机结合,进一步明确了未成年人犯罪的刑事责任追究标准。该解释共20条,无  相似文献   

未成年人刑事责任问题探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
未成年人刑事责任问题探究□丁卫强我国法律规定,对违法犯罪的未成年人,实行教育、感化、挽救的方针,坚持教育为主、惩罚为辅的原则。我国1979年刑法关于未成年人刑事责任的规定和最高人民法院《关于办理未成年人刑事责任案件适用法律的若干问题的解释》(以下简称...  相似文献   

Hate/bias crimes, according to what we may call the literal interpretation, are crimes distinguished by their connection to a certain kind of motive. Hate crime laws and sentencing provisions state that such motives may result in penalty enhancements. According to the standard objection to hate crime laws, this position is problematic: first, criminal law should not be used to pass moral judgments on motives. Its concern should be with actions as modified by intentions, not with the values and reasons of perpetrators. Second, our motives are not directly responsive to the will, so we should not be held responsible for them. In reply to the second part of the objection, this article defends a version of the literal interpretation of hate crime that conceives of it as acting on a bad reason. Hate crime laws add punishment not for motives/thoughts, but for the decision to treat a patently bad reason (such as racism) as a reason to commit a criminal act. If the act itself is reason-responsive, we can be held responsible for what reasons we act on. Given that the truth or falsity of hate/bias on these grounds is not a disputed matter, we can justify using the criminal law to recognize the moral status of such motives.  相似文献   

论一般没收财产刑应予废止   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
由没收财产刑的体系地位与适用对象可以看出 ,没收财产刑是我国刑罚体系中最重的附加刑。但如果从罪刑法定原则的要求来看 ,没收财产刑如果作为一种剥夺部分财产的刑罚 ,在已经有罚金刑规定的情况 ,没有存在的必要 ;作为对危害国家安全罪和其他严重犯罪适用的判处没收财产 ,难于看出其特殊的性质 ;作为判处死刑、无期徒刑的附加刑 ,违反刑法的基本目的 ,其存在具有一定的超刑事责任范围的任意处置的违反罪刑法定原则基本精神的倾向。因此 ,笔者认为 ,一般的没收财产刑应予废止。  相似文献   

The article argues for a conception of the justification of punishment that is compatible with a modern, politically liberal regime. Section I deals with what some have thought are the obvious social interests society has in punishing criminals, and tries to develop those possible interests somewhat sympathetically. Section II suggests that many of those reasons are not good ones if punishment is regarded (as it should be) from the perspective of political philosophy. Social responses to bad things happening to people cannot be grounded in controversial metaphysical views about what is good for people or what people deserve, but many reasons proffered for punishment are in fact grounded in such views. This constraint, accordingly, limits what individuals can expect in terms of a societal response to crime. Section III develops the appropriate reasons for punishment in a modern, liberal regime. Here the article relies on a—largely undefended—conception of public reason as the most plausible theory of what reasons for punishment are available to liberals. Section IV offers some closing thoughts on why people might adopt a politically liberal view about punishment as their own, personal view about how they should relate to others.  相似文献   

Innocent victims of crime are often blamed for what happened to them. In this article, we examine the hypothesis that victim blaming can be significantly reduced when people mimic the behavior of the victim or even a person unrelated to the crime. Participants watched a person on a video after which we assessed the extent of their spontaneous mimicry reactions (Study 1) or participants were instructed to mimic or not to mimic the movements of this person (Study 2). Then, they were informed about a rape and criminal assault and judged the degree to which they thought the victims were responsible for the crime. One of the crimes happened to the same person as the person they previously did or did not mimic. The other crime happened to a person unrelated to the mimicry situation. Results of both studies revealed that previously mimicking the victim or an unrelated person reduced the degree to which victims were being blamed.  相似文献   

康均心  李娜 《现代法学》2005,27(6):138-144
未成年人犯罪刑罚执行制度的基本理念在于保护和教育,对此,我国目前的体制虽然取得了一定成效,但仍存在具体操作性不强、执行主体不清、责任主体不明等缺陷,缺乏系统化。而社区矫正恰是完善我国未成年人犯罪刑罚执行制度的优先选择,应对原有项目加以改进并进行整合,同时在立法上应进一步完善刑事法、构建特别法体系,完善慎逮制度、充分发挥暂缓起诉制度的保护和帮教作用,重构未成年人缓刑制度、取消对未成年人的劳动教养等。  相似文献   

朱华 《河北法学》2008,26(4):182-187
在我国短时间内废除死刑并不现实,当务之急是规范死刑适用。抢劫犯罪的死刑主要适用于致人重伤、死亡的抢劫犯罪和其他情节极为恶劣的抢劫犯罪。在认定主要刑事责任人时应全面考察罪中、罪后、罪前等多方面情节。自首、立功等法定从宽处罚情节一般只及一罪;"先杀后抢"、"先抢后杀"的宣告刑应基本一致;在抢劫犯罪中一般不存在被害人有过错的情形;"赔偿免死"的前提是犯罪分子真诚悔罪。酌定从宽情节的适用亟待规范。  相似文献   

构成要件的历史考察——从诉讼概念到实体概念的嬗变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国刑法学中所使用的构成要件一词是从德语的Tatbesand (犯罪类型 )翻译而来 ,而德语Tatbesand又起源于拉丁语corpusdelicti (犯罪的根本的事实 ,简称罪体 )。构成要件经历了从诉讼概念向实体概念嬗变的这一发展历史表明 :无论是作为诉讼概念还是作为实体概念 ,构成要件自身都不能保障罪刑法定原则的实现 ,相反 ,罪刑法定原则是构成要件存在的价值基础 ;构成要件和犯罪论的联系不是必然的 ,而是罪刑法定原则使两者联系在一起 ;同时 ,构成要件的内容也是随着它所追求的价值目标的变化而不断变化的。  相似文献   

Abstract In recent years, the transfer of juveniles to adult courts has been seen as one way of “getting tough” on juvenile crime. This study examined juvenile cases transferred to adult court, and compared them with a random sample of delinquents adjudicated in juvenile court for conduct that would constitute felonies if committed by an adult. The results indicated that juvenile cases transferred to adult court were far more likely to be pending and unresolved, as compared to the sample from the juvenile justice system. Furthermore, the results did not support the proposition that juveniles transferred to adult court would receive greater punishment than they could expect in juvenile court. Except for a small number of offenders, the prospect of transfer did not appear to provide a deterrent to crime.  相似文献   

Turning points, between‐person differences, and within‐person changes have all been linked to desistance from crime. Nevertheless, the means through which between‐person differences are frequently captured in life‐course criminology makes them intertwined with, and perhaps confounded by, turning points in life. We propose that a new way of capturing the between‐person effect—the baseline between‐person difference—could benefit theoretically informed tests of developmental and life‐course issues in criminology. Because they occur at one time point immediately preceding a turning point in life, we demonstrate that baseline between‐person differences establish meaningful theoretical connections to behavior and the way people change over time. By using panel data from the Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative, we estimate models capturing within‐person change and baseline between‐person differences in social bonds (family support) and differential association (peer criminality) at the time of release from prison. The results demonstrate that baseline levels of family support protect people from postrelease substance use but not from crime. Baseline between‐person differences and within‐person changes in peer criminality, however, are robustly related to crime and substance use. Collectively, baseline between‐person differences seem critical for behavior and within‐person change over time, and the results carry implications for reentry‐based policy as well as for theory testing in developmental criminology more broadly.  相似文献   

Investigated how accused delinquents' admission/denial of their crimes affected adjudication and disposition decisions. An archival analysis of 2,043 adjudication decisions in 16 Georgia counties found that juveniles who admitted committing their crimes were treated more severely than juveniles who denied committing their crimes. Whites were more likely than Blacks to admit committing the crime, and, after controlling for this and other legal factors, race did not have a significant effect. In the second study, 67 judges, 53 probation officers, and 126 court service workers made adjudication and disposition decisions about three juveniles in an experimental simulation in which race of juvenile, length of prior record, and the juvenile's reaction to the crime (admitting or denying it) were systematically manipulated. Consistent with the archival study, juveniles who admitted committing their offense were treated more severely than juveniles who denied committing their offense. Possible reasons are discussed for why admitting a crime leads to more punishment.  相似文献   

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