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The Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) concluded during the past decades have established complex interlinkages between the institutions established by MEAs and institutions such as UNEP, UNDP and the World Bank and the funds administered by the Bank, in particular the GEF. Questions regarding the effectiveness and legitimacy of this system of global environmental governance have arisen both in practice and in research. This essay explores the manner in which these questions have arisen, how they have been addressed in recent research and provides the context for the subsequent contributions to this special issue. Steinar Andresen is professor of political science at the University of Oslo, Ellen Hey is professor of public international law at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam.  相似文献   

徐崇利 《现代法学》2006,28(6):3-13
从“负责任的发展中大国”这一基本定位出发,以国际关系理论中“权力”、“利益”、“正义”、“观念”等要素分析中国应对WTO的战略,得出的基本结论是:首先,中国应积极参与WTO的“造法”活动,力争在其间发挥倡导者和组织者的作用;其次,对待WTO法律体制,中国应务实地处理“绝对收益”与“相对收益”之间的关系;再次,对于WTO中国际“分配正义”的诉求,中国应注意缓解“应然”目标与“实然”状态间的张力;最后,中国应利用自己独特的身份,重视在WTO中充当南北国家之间“桥梁”的角色。  相似文献   

The notion that the abuse of human rights leads to conflict has been recognised by commentators and international legal instruments. Human rights activists in Northern Ireland have long argued that the failure on the part of the government to comply with its international obligations to protect rights has exacerbated the conflict. This essay is predicated on the thesis that, as issues of justice and the abuse of rights were central to the genesis of the conflict, they must also be the seminal strands in the search for peace. By way of an audit measured against the proposals of human rights activists and the recommendations of international institutions charged with assessing UK compliance with human rights treaties, the essay examines the changes in the human rights situation in Northern Ireland since the declarations of the ceasefires. The discussion draws on the experience of other jurisdictions to support its central thesis. Finally, the reasons for the UK reluctance to adopt a more rights-centred approach to peace negotiations are outlined, and the practical benefits which would result from such an approach is considered. Committee on the Administration of Justice The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of CAJ.  相似文献   

本丈归纳了我国食品安全标准的基本制度,从TBT协定角度阐述了"技术法规"的概念,分析了食品安全标准的法律属性及其应当遵守的规范:从SPS角度阐述了食品安全风险评估的规范及其应当遵守的原则.在WTO框架下考量食品安全标准,有利于强化食品安全,增进国际交往.  相似文献   

WTO法律体系是在少数发达国家主导下制定的,包含了大量不合理、不公正的规定。WTO法律体系要实现科学发展就必须协同发展,这主要归因于WTO法调整领域、运行机制、区域差异、与其他国际机构的密切合作。WTO法律体系协同发展应当遵循公正原则、科学原则、民主原则以及法治原则,并且要在观念、制度、行为、利益上实现协同。中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,既是WTO法律体系不合理、不公正规定的受害者,又是WTO法律体系协同发展的推动者、参与者、捍卫者和实践者。这是中国加入WTO的世界性意义。  相似文献   

Environmental financing is one of the crucial issues of international environmental law and its implementation. From an environmental perspective a prerequisite for success is that financial resources are used in an environmentally effective way. Whether the World Bank, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF) can be perceived as effective environmental actors has to be measured by their objectives, their potential to promote accepted environmental standards and their relevant funding practices. After significant improvements of their environmental policies, the World Bank must be considered the most important institution for environmental financing due to its involvement in environmental trust funds but also in regard to its regular lending practices. The GEF remains exceptional due to its institutional structure and scope, whereas the PCF is an example of public–private partnerships that might be a model for future financing via trust funds. Since acceptance of institutions can only be created if they are considered to be legitimate, legitimacy is closely tied to effectiveness. The main criteria for legitimacy are state consent and the equality of states as well as supplementary considerations such as transparency and public participation. From this perspective the World Bank, GEF and PCF structures of voting and participation have come a long way, and despite their particularities and deficiencies they reflect to a varying degree elements of legitimate decision making.  相似文献   

IMF、WB和WTO的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郑玲丽 《河北法学》2004,22(9):57-61
被誉为世界经济三大支柱的国际货币基金组织、世界银行和关贸总协定 ,自成立以来 ,已走完了半个世纪的风雨历程。它们都对二战后世界经济的复苏和振兴起到了举足轻重的作用。然而 ,关贸总协定及世界贸易组织发展更为迅猛 ,从三大支柱中脱颖而出。展望世界经济发展前景 ,惟有加强三大支柱自身的改革和彼此之间的协调与合作 ,世界经济才能鼎足而立。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the conflicts of international law on genetically modified (GM) food labeling and explains possible methods to harmonize these conflicts. One way is to interpret the treaties of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Biodiversity Convention, and the International Court of Justice (ICJ); the other way is to enhance cooperation among international institutions and treaties, such as WTO, Biodiversity Convention, Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), International Law Commission (ILC), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). These methods cannot form an international standard on GM food labeling accepted by most countries. The difficulties with this issue concerned illustrate that GM food labeling shows off conflicts between trade law and environmental law, which lead to legal chaos that is faced with uncertainty of technology, fragmentation of international law and diversity of domestic law, and complexity of national interests on environmental labeling and process labeling.  相似文献   

发展权是作为个体的人和作为人的集体的国家和民族自由地参与和增进经济、社会、文化和政治的全面发展并享受发展利益的一种资格或权能,是全体人类对全面发展的本质要求。发展权已超越国际人权法的特定范围,成为指导包括WTO在内的国际关系各领域的一般国际法原则。WTO规则的实体规范和程序规范均包含了有利于发展中国家和人民发展权实现的因素,但其在整体上有利于发达国家而不是发展中国家。将发展权这种综合性的人权纳入WTO,可以在整体上矫正GATT/WTO运行以来所奉行的传统发展理论对人权的漠视和侵害,并按照人权的要求对WTO进行民主化改革,强化WTO以人为本的精神,以人权的规尺推进全球公平正义的实现,而不是将其作为已有特殊和差别待遇的辅助措施。  相似文献   

The transitional justice literature highlights various trade-offs involved in the choice and implementation of lustration as a transitional justice measure in Central and Eastern Europe. This article examines how international legal body rulings on lustration laws have interpreted rule-of-law versus justice concerns. The European Court of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization have explored possible information problems, due process violations, employment discrimination issues, and bureaucratic loyalty concerns within the context of lustration. Three findings emerge from their legal rulings. First, contrary to popular notions, international legal bodies are not antilustration. The institutions are engaging with questions regarding the fair implementation, not the legality, of lustration laws. Second, the prioritizing of justice concerns during the transition efforts is highlighted as a way to lay a strong democratic foundation. Third, the organizations have emphasized the importance of placing rule of law in historical context, thereby situating post-Communist societies within other posttotalitarian regime-building narratives.  相似文献   

环境污染很大程度上是在生产过程中产生的,PPMs标准就是对产品的加工和生产过程所制定的特定的环境标准。PPMs标准作为国际环境保护的一个重要措施,同时又成为影响WTO规则下自由贸易的一种壁垒方式,日益成为国际社会关注的重点。本文在对WTO法规内外PPMs标准研究的基础上,提出了对PPMs标准需客观地看待的观点,并对我国应当采取的法律对策提出粗浅建议。  相似文献   

Abstract Although the European Central Bank (ECB) is only an observer in the International Monetary Fund (IMF), its membership in the IMF will spark constitutional changes for both the EU and the IMF. The ECB's participation in IMF activities has so far been undertaken pragmatically, and is likely to evolve over time. This arrangement will limit the ECB's ability to fully develop in international monetary cooperation. This paper reviews what kinds of constitutional challenges the ECB faces in its bid for membership in the IMF. The research is based on the legal method and assesses the relevant provisions of both the EC Treaty and the IMF's Articles of Agreement. It also suggests some feasible approaches for ECB membership in the IMF.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(3-4):407-427
Criminal-States and Criminal-Soldiers present unique problems for contemporary international political theory. This essay examines the applicability of the theory of war developed by Carl von Clausewitz to Criminal-States and Criminal-Soldiers. As modified by Aristotle's idea of justice as the basis for the political community, this essay proposes that Clausewitz's famous connection between politics and war holds where such states and soldiers evince political behavior. Some contrasting implications for states and state leaders are examined when such entities evince — and do not evince — political behavior.  相似文献   

古祖雪 《法学家》2012,(1):145-156,179,180
TRIPS作为由发达国家主导、发展中国家被动接受的一种制度安排,体现了发达国家的秩序主张,忽视了发展中国家的正义要求和利益关切,从而给发展中国家带来了负面社会后果。发展中国家一直没有停止过改变TRIPS的努力:首先推动在人权、公共健康、生物多样性等国际体制中制订与TRIPS相左的知识产权规范,然后试图在WTO体制内通过对TRIPS的解释和修订消除TRIPS与其它国际体制知识产权规范之间的冲突。这是一条从体制转换到体制协调的国际知识产权制度变革之路,关乎WTO成员之间利益关系的重新调整,因而势必遭到TRIPS既有秩序的受益者———发达国家的抵制,使其充满着艰难、曲折。对此,包括中国在内的发展中国家必须要有清醒的认识,做好因应准备。  相似文献   

This paper examines key dimensions of justice in post–war Afghanistan. These areshari'a(Islamic law), traditional institutions of informal justice (jirga), the Afghan interim legal framework, and human rights principles. It is argued that despite their apparent incompatibility, these various dimensions of justice could be integrated within a coherent framework of a new justice system in post–war Afghanistan –– a framework that would promote interaction between local institutions of informal justice and a district level court of justice, on the one hand, and between these two and a proposed human rights unit, on the other. On the basis of this analysis, an experimental model of a system of justice is proposed, which integrates local jirga and human rights units into the existing formal justice (based on shari'a and positive law) and law–enforcement institutions. This experimental model provides a multi–dimensional framework that both reflects the cultural and religious values of Afghan society, and at the same time, has the capacity to draw on human rights principles. It is maintained that the model has the capacity to deliver justice expeditiously and in cost–effective ways; it also has a strong potential to act as a channel of communication between ordinary people and a modern participatory state in post–war Afghanistan. However, in order to test the applicability of this model in the real world, it needs first to be thoroughly discussed among Afghan and international legal experts as well as among ordinary Afghan people, and then piloted in selected districts in Afghanistan.  相似文献   

知识产权国际造法新趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
刘笋 《法学研究》2006,(3):143-160
在 TRIPs 协议产生后十余年的时间里,知识产权国际造法活动明显加快。在WTO 体制之外,不少国际组织、机构和论坛围绕着如何处理保护知识产权与维护生物多样性、合理开发植物基因资源、促进公共健康、维护人权之间的关系等问题,对 TRIPs 协议所确立的一系列高标准的知识产权规则提出了批判,探讨和制订了一系列软法性质的、倡导人权和维护社会公共利益的知识产权新规则。这些活动打破了 WTO 和 WIPO 在国际法层面上对知识产权立法权的垄断,反映了国际社会对知识产权私权利之外的人权、公共健康等社会权益的日益重视,势必对未来知识产权国际立法和国内立法产生深远影响。  相似文献   

Liberal legalism noncontroversially advocates procedural fairness and due process in institutions such as the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). The visible conflicts come with the ebb and flow of international jurisdictional claims, suspicions of racial/ethnic and cultural biases in deliberations and decisions, prioritization of purposes in sentencing decisions, and the intrusion of institutional and international political debates into the liberal legal agenda. These conflicts threaten to create a legitimacy deficit in diffuse support for the ICTY. We examine these conflicts within the context of two surveys about the ICTY conducted in Sarajevo in 2000 and 2003. The results indicate that the citizens of Sarajevo increasingly believe that the ICTY is politically influenced by internationally appointed judges, peaking with the sentencing of Stanislav Galic for the siege of Sarajevo. This conflict focuses on issues of substantive rather than procedural justice and is increasingly articulated as a rejection of international political intervention that subverts the need for a local sense of justice. This may be a sequence of political conflict and disillusionment that is as inevitable as it is unavoidable.  相似文献   

论国际法在WTO体制中的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
国际法中的WTO规则以及国际法在WTO争端解决机制中的作用都是我们急待研究的问题。WTO规则是国际法一般规则的一部分。WTO争端解决机制是WTO体制中具有核心作用的机制。WTO争端解决机制不仅仅是适用WTO规则 ,而且还会涉及适用国际法的其它一般规则 ,如国际人权法、国际环境法、国际劳工法等。也就是说 ,WTO的内涵及外延已经超出了经济和贸易的范畴。中国加入WTO就意味着接受国际司法管辖。  相似文献   

朱淑娣  周诚 《北方法学》2011,5(5):100-108
国际经济行政法是调整跨国经济行政关系的国际、国内公法规范与原则的总和,换言之,国际经济行政法是政府规制市场的国际协调法。权利平等保护原则与正当程序原则分别从实体和程序两方面体现了国际经济行政法中的公平正义价值。从法理基础看,这两项原则既是理性精神的反映,也是市场经济发展和全球化趋势的必然要求,以及长期法律实践的结果,它对国际经济行政法领域提出了全新的标准。从实在法角度考察权利平等保护原则与正当程序原则在国际经济行政法领域的具体体现主要有国民待遇、最惠国待遇原则及反补贴制度,WTO对国内程序法的要求及WTO争端解决机制等。需要进一步完善这些制度,旨在从形式的平等过渡到实质的平等,建立平等互利基础上的国际经济法治与宪政规则。  相似文献   

The dominant world political theory for international engagementhas long been Realism, where state power and state interestsare viewed as determining the limits on state relations. Increasingly,however, new theories have emerged to assist our understandingof how and why states interact in a global setting dominatedby international institutions and their antecedent agreements.This is no more apparent than in the field of internationaleconomic relations under the control of the World Trade Organization.Using political and legal theories, this essay explores whetherWTO security exceptions are legal doctrines or political excusesand how this informs our present, and possibly future, understandingof international state interaction.  相似文献   

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