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在没有条约和互惠关系的情况下,美国联邦地区法院执行了中国湖北省高级人民法院的一起涉外民商事判决,是为美国法院执行中国判决第一案。在该案中,美国法院以不方便法院原则论证了中国法院管辖权的合理性,适用判决做出地国即中国的法律确认了判决的终局效力,并以开放的司法心态否定了互惠原则在执行外国判决中的前提地位。中国法院在面对外国民商事判决时也应秉持积极、灵活的态度,尽快填补外国判决在中国执行的空白。  相似文献   

大多数当事人和律师认为,中国法院的判决无法在外国得到执行,而外国法院的判决也无法在中国得到执行(离婚判决除外),但实际并非如此。截至2015年11月30日,中国已与37个国家签订了双边民事或商事司法协助条约,其中与33个国家的条约中约定了相互承认和执行法院判决的内容,意味着中国法院的判决有机会在这33个国家得到承认与执行,同样,这些国家的法院判决也有机会在中国得到承认和执行。下面笔者对这些条约的内容和适用做一简要分析。  相似文献   

海牙国际私法会议于2005年6月所通过的<选择法院协议公约>系迄今为止国际社会在法院管辖权和外国法院判决承认和执行方面意义最为深远的一个公约.本文首先介绍了本文公约产生的背景以及公约的结构.之后,作者就公约中关于统一管辖权的规定进行了较为详细的评述被选择法院行使管辖权的权利和应该行使管辖权的义务、未被选择法院不行使管辖权的义务以及临时保护措施不受公约约束的例外规定.关于公约中所规定的外国法院判决的承认与执行制度作者从六个方面进行了探讨承认与执行外国判决的一般义务、承认与执行外国判决的例外情形、不审查与事实认定、先决问题、损害赔偿问题以及承认和执行外国判决的法律适用问题.  相似文献   

外国法院判决的承认和执行条件中的互惠原则   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
许多国家均采用有条件地承认和执行外国法院判决的制度,其中互惠关系往往被作为条件之一。互惠原则意味着要求发出判决的国家同承认国规定的条件相一致,来承认和执行承认国法院的判决。如在我国,对外国承认和执行我国法院的判决与我国承认和执行外国法院的判决作比较,外国承认和执行我国法院判决的条件比我国严格的,我国亦拒绝该外国法院的判决。判断这种互惠关系的有无,是看两国之间有条约关系或事实互惠关系,还是承认法律的互惠,目前在我国尚有着不同的理解。就此,本文通过分析我国法院的判决来探讨互惠关系的意义。  相似文献   

李旺 《清华法学》2013,7(3):98-107
当事人协议选择外国法院而排除中国法院的管辖权在实践中时有发生,而中国法院认可该协议的条件如何是目前学术界和实务界关心的重点。本文结合我国的司法实践,通过对当事人选择外国法院的协议成立条件的梳理,重点分析外国法院判决的承认与执行的互惠原则与当事人协议管辖的关系,探讨互惠原则作为认可管辖协议的成立之条件。  相似文献   

欧福永  王岚岚 《河北法学》2004,22(3):118-120
在国际民事司法协助中 ,外国法院判决有其特定的含义。菲律宾《法院规则》明确规定了外国法院判决的效力。一位在判决的承认与执行方面倍受尊敬的菲律宾权威列举了承认与执行外国法院判决的要件。对外国判决的承认不需要提起任何诉讼 ,但一项外国判决的执行需要提起单独的诉讼  相似文献   

甄傑 《中国法律》2003,(3):39-40
当事人就同一争议已经在外国法院提起诉讼,能否再向中国法院提起诉讼?中国法律对这种诉讼与国内民事诉讼有什么不同的规定?  相似文献   

析德国法院承认中国法院民商事判决第一案   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
"德国柏林高等法院承认中国江苏省无锡市中级人民法院判决"案首开中、德两国在无国际条约的情况下,德国法院基于互惠原则承认中国法院民商事判决之先河,引发了法学理论界和实务界对国际民事诉讼法领域沉寂数年的关于国际司法协助中互惠原则的新一轮讨论。其实,在保证国家主权的前提下,中国法院亦可突破习惯做法,在与他国的司法合作中主动迈出互惠的第一步。  相似文献   

1968年9月27日由欧共体国家在布鲁塞尔签订的《关于民商事裁判管辖权及判决执行的公约》(以下简称“布鲁塞尔公约”或“公约”)就缔约国之间关于民商事诉讼管辖及法院判决执行事项创设了统一的制度和规则①。该公约的主要目的星在欧共体内实现“法院判决的自由流通”。在公约起草过程中,谈判者们认为确保“法院判决自由流通”最好的方法是规定一套统一的管辖原则,使争议与受理争议的法院之间毫无疑义地存在着紧密的联系,这样将会减少对外国法院判决的不信任。为此,公约详细规定了缔约国之间行使管辖权的规则,限制了拒绝承认和…  相似文献   

对我国而言,外国法院离婚判决是指中华人民共和国的人民法院以外的法院,对当事人的婚姻及子女抚养、财产等作出的有强制力的法律文书的总称。一国承认和执行外国法院离婚判决,完全是出于自身的利益,是为了保护本国或本国公民的正当权益。承认和执行外国法院离婚判决的依据主要是国内立法、国际条约和互惠关系。承认外国法院离婚判决是执行外国法院离婚判决的先决条件,但承认外国法院离婚判决并非一定导致执行。相对于外国法院其他民商事判决的承认和执行,我国法律在承认和执行外国法院离婚判决方面,作出了较为具体和宽容的规定。  相似文献   

United States' courts have proven willing to certify multi‐jurisdictional class actions which purport to adjudicate the claims of both American and foreign (i.e., non‐US‐domiciled) class members. This article contends, however, that a class actions judgment/settlement issued by a US court would not be recognised, and would not be given preclusive effect, in England, should absent English class members wish to re‐litigate the same grievance before an English court. Specifically, it is argued that two separate preconditions for such recognition and preclusive effect would fail, viz, a US court would usually lack the requisite ‘personal jurisdiction’ over absent English class members; and the necessary ‘identity of parties’ would be absent. The article seeks to anticipate the appropriate answer to a conundrum which is certain to arise for future English judicial consideration, whilst acknowledging the uneasy fit which currently exists between English private international law and multi‐jurisdictional class actions.  相似文献   

The call for court reform remains critical in the face of the growing complexity of burgeoning family law cases nationwide. Many states have restructured their court systems using the unified family court model, resolving legal, personal, emotional, and social disputes with the aim of improving the well‐being of families and children. Other states utilize the traditional approach, resulting in cases being handled in a fragmented, time‐consuming and expensive manner. In this article, Professor Barbara A. Babb presents the results of her nationwide survey regarding how each state handles family law matters. The survey is a follow‐up to her comprehensive 1998 survey and her 2002 survey update. The results of the recent analysis reveal that a total of thirty‐eight states now have either statewide family courts, family courts in selected areas of the state, or pilot or planned family courts, representing seventy‐five percent of states. The number of states without a specialized or separate system to handle family law matters has decreased from seventeen states in 1998 to thirteen in 2006. These changes are significant when one considers the complexities involved in court reform. The need for court reform remains an urgent one, as family law cases occupy a significant percentage of court dockets across the country. Families and children deserve a court system where justice is effective and efficient and where their legal, personal, emotional, and social needs are resolved in a therapeutic and holistic manner.  相似文献   

从当今各国准据法确定的立法与司法实践看,尽可能地采取客观中立的态度限制法院地法的适用范围以实现案件判决结果的一致性是发展趋势,但基于法院地法适用的实践以及国际私法的法价值目标,适用法院地法不论在理论上还是实践中都具有重要价值。因此,对于涉外非婚同居财产纠纷的法律适用而言,由于该涉外民事关系的自身特殊性,以及解决相关冲突规范可能存在的连接点不周延和实现国际私法实体正义的需要,法院地法的适用在涉外非婚同居财产案件中具有非常重要的地位。  相似文献   

The benefit of applying modern management approaches to court operations to ensuring access to justice, timely and transparent dispositions, and increased public trust in courts is recognized in many countries. In the USA, the art of applying modern management techniques to court operations has evolved over the past 30 years into a now solidly established profession. Since the underlying principles and techniques of modern court management, such as case flow management, goal-oriented performance measures, workload assessments, customer surveys, etc., are derived from general management concepts they are not tied to a particular legal system or framework and can be successfully applied in non-US systems if they are properly adjusted. Interested in the positive results of court management in the USA, researchers and practitioners in several European countries have been looking at the applicability of the approaches used in the USA to improve their own ability to manage court processes more efficiently.Since court management has become a main staple of reforming court operations in the USA, it is not surprising that US-funded development assistance in the Balkan states and other countries often involves transferring court management US-style into the newly evolving democracies as part of rule of law or commercial sector development assistance. These projects frequently introduce, among others, case flow management techniques that sometimes seem to be in conflict with underlying legal principles or procedural laws, and often defy the local legal culture. The US-funded assistance programs are often introduced parallel to efforts funded by European and other donors, which may take and suggest different approaches to the host country. As a result, confusion and insecurity about which approaches are appropriate for a particular country can arise and impede much needed reforms or lead to legislative and regulatory changes that do not mesh well or even conflict with other parts of the legal framework.This article reviews the role of US-based court management approaches in recent court reform efforts under way in Serbia, Bosnia, and Croatia and, in light of lessons learned there and in other countries, assesses the reform processes applied and their status. It also outlines how these court management approaches fit into non-US court systems, how they can be adjusted according to individual country needs and what the main obstacles are that such reform efforts generally face.  相似文献   

彭中礼 《时代法学》2010,8(6):78-86
古代中国,判官们在撰写判词时喜欢以文学化的语言叙事和修饰。这是一种修辞论证方式,目的是要说服当事人、说服听众,实现情理法的统一。文学化的修辞论证是古代中国人司法智慧的展示,可以用最低的社会成本和司法成本达到最大的社会效益,在一定程度上达到了“定纷止争”的目的。  相似文献   

我国民事诉讼证人制度缺失及修正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
证人制度是民事诉讼中的一项重要制度。我国民事诉讼法中规定了证人制度,但不完善。以我国民事诉讼法上的证人制度为中心,结合相关国家的立法例,提出作为证人的主体应当是自然人,法人不应当作为证人;无论证人年龄如何,均有作证的资格;我国证据立法中应当建立保障证人强制出庭作证的制度和证人拒绝出具证言和出庭制度,并提出了立法建议。  相似文献   

判决书中的法律论证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张霞 《政法论丛》2005,(5):14-18
在对法律公正的憧憬中,法律是值得信仰的,但在当下判决书中经常看到的多是武断与掩饰,八股式文体的判决书缺乏充分的论证,让人看不出判决或改判的理由。在走向依法治国的历史进程中,我们需要的是一份阳光下的判决书,一份有着严密论证、详尽说理的判决书,一份旁征博引、法理透彻的判决书。判决需要论证,据以形成判决的“法律”更需要论证,不经过论证的“法律”缺乏正确性和可接受性。裁判文书中对论证理论的运用,为裁判结论的达致提供技术性支持,为裁判结论形成过程中个体的价值判断提供规范性的规则与方法,在整个国家制度建构中有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Since the founding of New China in 1949, the land law system with Chinese characteristics has been formed based on various practices, inter alia, the evolution of the rural land law system from the agrarian reform to the cooperative and people’s communes and further to the household contract responsibility system, which made historical contributions to the development of Chinese social economy. However, with the development of the practices and the deepening of the reform, China’s land law system is facing great challenges under the new circumstances. Although many differences exist between English land law and Chinese land law in the areas of legal form, the regulated objects and contents, English land law can provide some beneficial enlightenment to China’s land law reform. Particularly, the “paradox of English land law,” which presents the way how the English land law, as the law adjusting the basic property relations with many traditional factors, responds to the process of social and economic development with leaps and bounds.  相似文献   

Unlike statutory and discretionary jurisdiction, jurisdiction by choice of court agreement concluded in foreign-related civil and commercial matters should be decided by the parties. As a special contract, the choice of court agreement is so independent that its validity is governed by the law chosen by the parties or by the law of the country where the chosen court is situated in case that the choice of law is invalid. Amendments to the Civil Procedure Law (hereinafter referred to as “CPL”) of People’s Republic of China (2012) should not only include the jurisdiction by choice of court agreement with foreign-related elements, but also stipulate it in a more standardized way, rather than simply refer to provision of jurisdiction by choice of court agreement in domestic cases. At the same time, the CPL should make the scope of application of choice of court agreement more clear, and provide choice of law clause and its confirmative elements when deciding its effectiveness.  相似文献   

蒋先福  陈媛 《时代法学》2008,6(6):50-54
判词是古代司法官员审理案件的具结文书。中国古代判词融情、理、法于一体,运用情感和道德的说理艺术,具有明显的伦理化色彩,但其注重寻求个案的实质正义和宣教意义,不失为中国传统法律文化中的一份值得珍惜的遗产。重新认识和评价古代判词的内在精神实质及其效用,有利于革除我国现行司法判决文书刻板化、程式化的弊端,推动司法文化的改革和进步。  相似文献   

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