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目前,提高政府执行力问题成为国内一些地方政府改革的热点问题。文章认为,应该从提高政策质量、改进执行机制、优化机构设置、创新人事管理四个方面进行优化,才能提高政府执行力。  相似文献   

公共政策的有效执行是政策目标得以实现的主要途径,政策执行力是公共政策有效执行的关键要素。政策执行力的构成要素包括政策执行主体、政策执行机制、政策执行资源、政策执行环境等。目前在政策执行的过程中,各级政府在不同程度上存在偏离政策宗旨的行为,利益错位和政策执行力要素缺失是影响政策执行力的主要因素。必须通过架构和开通各种路径以实现地方政府政策执行力的提升。  相似文献   

执行力之于政府具有十分重要的意义.有较强执行力的政府,能够有效地执行已制定的公共政策和决策,国家的意志能较有效地实现,统治阶级的需要和公众的要求能较好地得到满足.一个无能的政府往往是执行力短缺、执行不力的政府,也无法有效执行国家的公共政策和决策.政府执行力建设是加强党的执政能力建设的重要组成部分,也是实现更好更快发展、推进和谐社会建设的关键.  相似文献   

公共精神与政府执行力   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王春福 《理论探讨》2007,2(1):107-110
政府的执行力是保证政令畅通的首要条件,直接影响政府的公信力,甚至影响政府的合法性。提高政府的执行力仅仅从执行工具上作文章是不能奏效的。执行者的价值取向是影响执行力的关键性因素。公共精神缺失从根本上弱化了政府的执行力,要提高政府的执行力必须大力弘扬公共精神,使政府的行为真正以公平正义为宗旨,以公共利益为取向,以公共责任为依托,以公民参与为支撑。公民社会的发育、公共领域的发展和完善可以从根本上解决政府公共精神缺失问题,提高政府的执行力。  相似文献   

基层政府的政策执行力关系到整个政府的形象和公信力,探求基层政府政策执行力的动力机制是提高行政效率、构建简约高效的基层管理体制的题中应有之义。研究显示,鉴于基层政府及其公务员理性选择的多重利益诉求是其政策执行力的动力本质,认定与评价基层政府及其公务员工作业绩进而影响其多重利益诉求的干部考核,便成为基层政府政策执行力的重要动力作用机制。A省B市生态环保政策执行与考核案例进一步证明了干部考核的动力作用,也反映出由于干部考核存在不足而造成基层政府政策执行力提升梗阻的现实情况。所以,不断完善干部考核体系,有助于化解梗阻,调动基层政府及其公务员的政策执行积极性,并为基层政府政策执行力的提升提供强大的动力。  相似文献   

政府执行力是政府组织的核心要素之一,是政府组织生存和发展的决定性因素。政府执行力的强弱,关系到政府职能的实现、政府自身存在合法性、执政效率的高低。当前我国政府缺乏诚信,执行不力对我国社会秩序的正常运转产生了巨大的负面影响。由此拟从政府诚信角度,通过对我国政府执行力现状的阐述,分析了我国政府执行力低的原因,并提出提升我国政府执行力的对策。  相似文献   

对提高政策执行力的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王学杰 《行政论坛》2009,16(4):38-41
公共政策执行力是一种由内在品质决定的向外张力:它的内核是决定政府行动集中统一的意志力,内核之外是在政府意志统一基础上产生的行动力(包括规划力、组织力、文化力)和昭示政府行动正义性的公信力.目前对政策执行力的认识存在三种误区,一是把政策执行力看成机械操作力,二是对政策执行力标准解释双重化,三是对政策执行不力原因的分析"泛体制化".我国地方和部门权力利益化,政府官员执行政策中越来越严重的投机心理和功利算计,是危害政策执行力最烈的离散因素.因此,培育政府官员的政治忠诚、使命意识、对政策目标的坚定信念,形成高度统一的意志力,是现阶段提高政策执行力的关键所在.  相似文献   

提高政府公信力和执行力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公信力弱的政府,不能取得公众的足够信任,也就不可能有很强的执行力;而执行力弱的政府,一切规划和政策都难以落实,也就没有多少公信力可言  相似文献   

论政府执行力及其组织构建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
政府执行力是政府组织不可忽视的核心要素,决定着政府执行有关政策决策时能力的高低。构建政府执行力,必须要注意培育政府执行主体的执行力素质,优化政府的组织架构及运行机制,并建立规范有效的执行流程,同时,还要制定科学严格的执行监控手段。  相似文献   

作为一个多民族国家,民族政策是实现国家各民族团结、和谐有序生活的重要策略。民族政策执行是将民族政策价值目标从观念形态转化为现实形态重要过程。正视当前民族政策执行中存在利益冲突、行为失范、政策生态不良、政府执行力低下等困境,不断协调民族政策利益关系、规范主体行为、优化政策生态、提升政府执行力,就成为破解民族政策执行困境以及推进边疆民族地区社会和谐发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

Policy Sciences - Policy feedback research faces a potential pivot point owing to recent theoretical and substantive advances. Concerted attention now spans new scientific communities, such as...  相似文献   

政策网络:公共政策创新的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
引入政策网络分析的方法可以真实地认识到公共政策创新过程中的现实图景.我国某些公共政策创新失败的原因正是其忽略了政策网络的存在,忽略了政府对政策网络中个人和组织的依赖属性.我们应当重视政策网络在政策创新过程中的作用,通过培育网络主体的公共理性.构建协商民主与政策网络的良性互动,加强政策网络的学习机制等,从而形成合理、优良的创新政策,保证公共政策创新对社会的持续作用.  相似文献   

杨永峰 《学理论》2013,(32):25-26
政策认同是指一项政策在被政策主体制定出来之后获得目标群体接受的情况,在政策的制定和执行当中发挥了十分重要的作用,目标群体的政治社会化程度、目标群体的思想认识水平、对政策的合理性的看法、政策对目标群体利益的影响、政府权威性的情况以及社会环境的变化等,都可以对政策认同造成影响。  相似文献   

In policy analysis, studies on policy termination are rare. This article offers such a study. It presents the story of how, despite attempts by the government to terminate it, Dutch nature policy on ecological corridors continued to be implemented by regional governments and in the field. A case analysis is presented that integrates theories and insights not only from the termination literature but also from the literature on implementation. The different factors identified in the literature that enable or constrain implementation and termination have served as a basis for developing possible explanations of the case study. They cannot, however, serve as generic theories with predictive power. Policy termination as well as policy implementation are highly contextual processes and the question which factors will enable or constrain policy termination and implementation can only be answered on a case by case basis.
Esther TurnhoutEmail:

This paper articulates the disproportionate policy perspective and uses it to mount four challenges for the new policy design orientation. First, in contrast to the new policy design thinking, disproportionate policy options may be systematically designed, and at times, successfully implemented. Second, in contrast to the new policy design thinking, there are certain conditions under which policymakers may tend to develop effective response, with cost considerations becoming only secondary in importance if at all (read, policy overreaction), or cost-conscious response, with effectiveness considerations becoming only secondary in importance if at all (read, policy underreaction). Third, in contrast to the new policy design thinking, disproportionate policy options may be designed for purposes other than implementation (e.g., to be used as signaling devices or as context-setters). Fourth, in contrast to new policy design thinking, there are certain conditions under which the emotional arena of policy may be equally, if not more, important than the substantive one. The paper concludes that so far the literature on new policy design has not responded to the emergence of the disproportionate policy perspective, but a robust research agenda awaits those answering this paper’s call for action.  相似文献   

Abstract. Competition policy has become a salient issue in the last decade. The purpose of this article is to widen discussion amongst political scientists of an issue that has been dominated by the disciplines of economics and law. The concept of a competition policy is the foundation stone of the entire European Union. It lies at the very heart of efforts to establish a common market and within the EU competition policy arena the decision making powers have laid firmly with the supranational institutions. This article provides an overview of the issue; it traces the constitutive foundations of policy and discusses the functions of the core EU competition policy actors. It is primarily concerned with the European Commission, in particular, DGIV. The paper accounts for DGIV's metamorphosis in the 1980s and the myriad of problems now confronting its procedures and efficiency in the 1990s. Whether these defects can be resolved will ultimately determine the fate of DGIV. Arguments for institutional reform are raging through the European institutions and DGIV provides no exception. The paper concludes with a discussion on the plausibility of the creation of an independent European Competition Office, modelled on the role of the German Federal Cartel Office.  相似文献   

People with disabilities (PWDs) are often subjected to economic and social exclusion. Despite the Government of Botswana's efforts to uplift marginalised and vulnerable groups, PWDs remain disenfranchised as a result of social, physical, and legislative barriers. This paper assesses policy and institutional factors that contribute to and or hinder the implementation of Botswana's national disability policy. Data were collected using secondary data sources and analysed using thematic analysis. The analysis of determinants of policy impact (ADEPT) approach, which aims to explain and influence policy development and policy impact implementation with four determinants (goals, obligations, resources, and opportunities), was adopted. The study's findings show that 22 years after its adoption, the National Policy on Care for People with Disabilities has not resulted in the desired policy outcomes, let alone achieved its objective of improving the lives of PWDs. Although the policy has the potential to be an important tool in achieving social inclusion and protecting the rights of PWDs, implementation gaps remain, essentially limiting its effectiveness.  相似文献   

The welfare state concept hides an important aspect of modern industrial societies. In capitalist countries welfare is provided through a mixture of public and private initiatives. The author suggests that the concept welfare economy more fully captures the economic interpenetration of public and private sectors. The growth of fringe benefits illustrates the extent to which private enterprise performs the welfare function.Government increasingly intervenes through processes of mandating, stimulating, regulating, and supporting, using private enterprise as the vehicle for delivery of welfare services. Government's traditionally conceived role as welfare service provider is also changed through recognition that it is both an employer and purchaser, significantly impacting society's original income distribution.An earlier version of this essay was presented as a lecture at the University of Melbourne and published in Ronald F. Henderson, The Welfare Stakes: Strategies for Australian Social Policy, Melbourne: Institute of Applied Economics and Social Research, 1981.  相似文献   

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