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当前“政府权力部门化,部门权力利益化”的现象,以部门利益冲突加大了政府机构运行的经济成本,同时加大了我国的社会和政治风险,公权力和经济利益挂钩与政府职能划分不清及其行政监督不力是其重要原因。只有建立公共财政制度和加快大部制改革同时转变政府职能,实现政、企、事相分离,开才能切断利益与权力的关系,只有加强公共行政立法和行政监督来消除本门利益冲突,才能防止政府的公共权力被具有私利的主体所分解,所以,“发展和谐服务型政府”,为社会公正提供有效保障,是以实现政府从“部门行政”向“公共行政”转变的必由之路。  相似文献   

腐败与权力主体在利益冲突中不中立、甚至直接成为利益冲突的一方有密切关系。由于非公共利益的驱动,权力必然会千方百计地摆脱监督和规范,从而形成腐败的温床。防范利益冲突,避免政府直接成为利益冲突的一方。应当坚持服从公共利益、维护社会利益、尊重私人利益三项基本原则。回避利益冲突,确保政府在各方利益冲突中保持中立,应当坚持依法处置、公平公正、公开透明三项基本原则。应当积极构建权力阳光运行机制、加强党纪政纪监督、强化人大监督、严肃行政诉讼制度,建立健全利益冲突防范与回避的监督机制。  相似文献   

政策执行中的政府部门利益研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共政策体现着公共利益,但一些政府部门出现"公共权力部门化、部门权力利益化、部门利益法律化"等部门利益膨胀、偏离公共利益的现象,致使政策执行在地方陷入困境。当前只有通过加强立法,完善公共财政制度才能扭转这一局面。  相似文献   

利益冲突的核心是对公共权力的非正当使用。工程建设领域利益冲突指工程建设主管部门掌握公权力的人员在开展工作时,个人利益与公共利益之间的冲突。工程建设领域公共权力的弥散性导致权力主体相对分散;利益冲突广泛存在于主要领导层面、中层干部层面、一般工作人员层面、执法队伍层面以及项目平台公司层面,不同级别、职务和岗位的公职人员群体所面临的利益冲突形态具有较大的差异性。要对工程建设领域利益冲突进行防范,需要从行政伦理教育、利益冲突防范制度体系建设以及组织机制的设计三个方面展开。  相似文献   

防止利益冲突:预防腐败制度安排的逻辑起点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“防止利益冲突”作为一个廉政概念在我国尚处于起步阶段,但西方对“防止利益冲突”问题无论是从理论还是实际的制度安排上都已经比较成熟.“防止利益冲突”概念是预防腐败制度安排的逻辑起点,更能给公共利益与私人利益一个合理对话的平台.我们应借鉴国际经验,以“防止利益冲突”为核心,建立完善我国的防止利益冲突制度,有效预防腐败.  相似文献   

公共资源交易领域利益冲突问题是近年来学术界和实践界关注的重要议题。文章从利益冲突的内涵、形成原因和防范策略三方面对国内外学者的研究现状进行综述,指出利益冲突是公共利益与私人利益相冲突时的行为选择困境和伦理选择困境,公共资源交易领域利益冲突的形成主要源于委托—代理运行失灵、利益冲突防范机制不健全、公职人员的自利动机引发公共责任缺失,对利益冲突的防范需要形成正式制度约束与非正式制度约束相结合的多元化策略体系。  相似文献   

随着我国政治和经济的发展,国家治理结构的转型,促进了公民生活水平的提高和自我意识的觉醒,催生了以维护公民利益和社会公共利益为己任,有别于政府和企业的“第三部门”组织,其产生将对政府职能的转变和公共政策的制定与执行带来影响。本文就此从我国政策制定主体——政府、政策制定、政策客体和政策执行四个方面分析了“第三部门”对公共政策的影响,并对其负面影响和改进措施作了分析。  相似文献   

法律的制定实质就是利益的平衡与分配。在政府信息公开中如何妥善平衡好各种利益关系,正确界定公开与不公开的范围,是各国立法的一个难点。政府信息公开中的利益冲突源于政府信息公开过程中的各利益主体对利益的追求。这些冲突包括个人利益与公共利益的冲突,公共利益与公共利益的冲突,个人利益与个人利益的冲突。信息公开中的利益冲突直接表现为信息主体因权利享有和限制不同而导致相应各方利益的冲突。在信息公开制度中,对不同的利益进行平衡,主要依据的原则和方法是:权利平衡原则、公共利益优先原则和正当程序的保证。  相似文献   

李东 《理论导刊》2003,(11):53-54
行政道德建设历来是公共行政领域所关注的焦点。在当前,这一问题显得尤为重要。行政道德建设的核心是利益问题,正确处理私人利益和公共利益的关系是建立良好的行政伦理与行政道德的关键。加强行政道德建设需从制度安排、加强道德自主性等多个角度入手,进行综合治理。  相似文献   

刘武俊 《团结》2011,(4):35-36
"地方立法工作要强调法规内容的公平性,政府部门特别要处理好公共利益与部门利益的关系,防止公共利益部门化,部门利益法制化。"这是湖北省武汉市人大常委会副主任张河洁在近日召开的该市人大常委会2011年立法工作会议上作出  相似文献   

公共管理的范畴及属性决定了公共管理的目标在于诉求公共利益,并成为公共管理的核心价值,因而公共利益在公共管理定式中具特定的内涵。公共利益与共同利益、国家利益、社会利益在概念上有许多相似之处,然则其内涵有差异,不能同一而用。比较、辨析、界分公共管理定式中的公共利益内涵,并从法治层面厘清国家利益与社会公益之界限,防止假国家利益之名侵犯社会公共利益发生,这对转型期中国社会发展有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

Occupational segregation in government employment is an important issue in public administration. Occupation determines pay and benefits, and when women have greater access to quality jobs—especially in the public sector—this promotes their economic, social, and political advancement. This research addresses two questions: (1) What changes have occurred to alter “glass walls” across departmental functions? (2) What impact does departmental function have on the salary of women? The findings reveal that although occupational segregation has decreased over the past two decades in Michigan’s bureaucracy, it is still prevalent. Gender‐based occupational segregation is linked to departmental function. Redistributive departments have much lower levels of occupational segregation than other functional categories. Mean salary is also linked to departmental mission, with distributive departments having both the highest mean salary and the highest level of occupational segregation. Salary differentials across departmental functions are becoming smaller over time. Overall, women appear to be most successful, both financially and career‐wise, in historically male‐dominated fields.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article considers the relationships between ministers and chief executives in the New South Wales Liberal-National government. It looks at how ministers have set about taking charge of the public service against the background of the new political and economic realities confronting the state government. Senior ministers have consciously sought to limit their dependence on public servants and they have used a range of strategies to do so. They have remoulded the public service in a new "managerialised" form. Policy-making has been further internalised into ministerial offices and party circles and away from departments. The role of cabinet has been strengthened to impose a new corporate purpose as a counterbalance to traditional departmental interests. New incentive systems, based on contract employment and performance agreements, have been introduced to focus public service loyalties on the goals of the government. Advocates of managerialism, usually career public servants, have been appointed to key positions. Ministerial advisers have been used as countervailing sources of advice and as extensions of ministerial authority. Many ministers themselves have assumed an involved style of ministerial management of departments.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study examines the ministerial staff in Australian commonwealth government to discover what they do and how they assist ministers in achieving political control of departments. The data consist of interviews with ministers, departmental secretaries and ministerial staff. The study finds that ministerial staff offer policy advice in much the same way as found by James Walter in his study almost a decade before this one. But there does appear to be more emphasis on monitoring departmental implementation of policy and brokering positions within government than was the case in the earlier study. The study concludes that the relationship between ministers and their offices and the departmental secretaries is characterised by a conditionally cooperative approach, which is similar to that recommended by several public administration scholars.  相似文献   

行政权力是公共权力,是服务于公共利益的权力。行政改革的目的是要校正行政权力对公共利益的偏离。但是央我国的行政改革过程中,出现了行政行为不规范的问题;提出了行政权力减少数人所窃取并服务于少数人利益的问题,出现了地方极限截留来自上面的分权,并运用这些权力搞地方保护主义和以权谋私,从而破坏了社会主义市场经济健康发展的2,行政权力之所以背离了公共利益,原因是复杂的,其中,旧的利益关系、权力格避的影响和新折  相似文献   

It is well established in the public management literature that boundary spanners – people or groups that work across departments or sectors – are critical to the success of whole of government and joined‐up working. In studying recent unprecedented change to central government agencies in the Australian context, our research identified that intra‐departmental boundary spanners also play a critical role in the functioning of government departments, particularly during restructuring. Although most contemporary literature in public management concentrates on boundaries across formal organisational entities (departments, agencies, sectors), boundaries also exist within departments. Our research has found that without dedicated intra‐departmental boundary spanners, significant role confusion and dysfunctional practices arise. In turn, this has serious implications for the quality of policy advice given to Cabinet. Further research needs to be undertaken into both the role of intra‐departmental boundary spanners and how to nurture and manage the practice of intra‐departmental boundary spanners. This is especially the case if changes in Australia represent a fundamental shift more broadly in the way central government agencies operate.  相似文献   

While a multitude of studies have investigated the link between opinion and policy, we have little knowledge of how and when organised interests affect this linkage. We argue that the alignment of organised interests affects opinion–policy congruence by influencing the weight decision-makers attach to citizen preferences. Moreover, we propose that alignment between majorities of groups and the public matters the most when status quo bias must be overcome for the public to obtain its preferred policy. We test our theoretical claims drawing on a comprehensive media content analysis of 160 policy issues in Germany and Denmark. Our results present a more sceptical picture of the ability of groups to suppress the opinion–policy linkage than the one frequently presented in the academic literature and public debate. We find that the capacity of groups to affect whether policy is congruent with the majority of the public is restricted to situations where the public supports a change in the status quo. In these cases, policy is less likely to end up reflecting public opinion if the majority of interest groups do not support the public position. In cases where the public is supportive of the policy status quo, the position of interest groups does not affect the likelihood that policy will eventually reflect the preferred position of the public. Our findings expand existing knowledge of organised interests in the study of policy representation and have important implications for understanding democratic governance.  相似文献   

在当前利益主体多元化、利益矛盾加剧的背景下,推进和完善行政决策听证需要解决的一个关键性问题,在于如何协调差异和矛盾,聚集民意,以便为政府决策提供价值前提。协商共识理论为深化行政决策听证的研究提供了新的指向;行政决策听证的功能在于为理性论辩提供建制化空间以集结民意,制约行政决策;在听证议题的形成、听证代表的遴选、话语规范的确立及其制度保障等主要环节中,通过制度程序的建构,排除权力和金钱的侵入,在平等协商对话中整合利益,集结公共意愿。  相似文献   

非直接利益冲突已经成为当前执政与治理的极大难题。它表现出冲突双方强弱差距越大,参与可能性越大;强势方态度行为越强横,参与的速度越快;政府部门的处置不及时,参与的程度越深等规律。预防非直接利益冲突的发生发展,需要加快建设促进社会良性运行的基础法律制度,加速完善提高执政权威与效能的行政法律制度,健全社会力量整合与引导的社会法律制度。  相似文献   

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