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法官在判例指导制度中的需求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多数法官有寻找司法判例解决裁判难题的习惯,但当前司法实践中的判例指导制度对法官裁判的辅助作用并不明显,法官需要指导性判例提供明确的裁判规则、充分的理论论证和有效的权威支撑。法官与指导性判例之间具有紧密的互动关系,法官是指导性判例创制和应用的主体,应当在客观评估法官创制能力、科学设置培养机制和激发法官动力的基础上,让法官参与指导性判例的创制。需要从解决及时发布、便利应用、裁判规则、应用规则和习惯培养五个方面保证法官应用指导性判例的实效。通过有效回应法官主体地位和司法实际需求,不断增强判例指导制度整体设计的科学性。  相似文献   

法官判决中的竞争性因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
法官判决是一个复杂的过程。规则、价值、压力与后果共同构成法官判决的竞争性因素。首先法官受到规则的约束,规则是法官判决的首选;当规则用尽时,法官要借助于价值、后果与压力来决断案件。三个要素在法官面前相互争夺优先权,或单独、或共同影响法官的判决。  相似文献   

中国法官制度的现状分析与制度重构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
法官制度是审判组织制度的重要组成部分。从总体上看,目前我国的法官队伍已基本上能够适应审判工作的需要,但在法官素质、法官独立、法官选任、法官薪金和待遇等方面存在的问题仍然制约着法官制度的建设,影响着法官独立公正地行使司法裁判权。审判长选任制的实施为法官制度的改革提供了一种可行的路径,但同时也隐含着一些负面效应。因此,法官制度的改革还需要更为宏观、更具整体性的措施,包括建立更为合理的法官选任制度、法官职能分类制度、法官考评和弹劾制度,进一步扩大法官在审判中的独立性和权威性,并且完善法官保障机制等。  相似文献   

法治国家,在赋予法官职权的同时,应给予法官相应的职业保障。法官豁免制度在保障法官独立,维护司法公正与权威等方面具有重要意义,而我国现行的法官豁免制度存在诸多缺陷,难以保障法官依法独立自主的行使审判职能。因此,应积极借鉴国外经验,尽快建立我国的的法官豁免制度,保障法官依法独立自主的行使职权,实现司法公正。  相似文献   

法官制度是法官独立裁判的基石,本文介绍美国法官的责任制度形成的基础,法官的弹劾制度以及法官的其他责任追究形式和程序,学习美国法官责任制度中的优点并用以建立中国的法官责任制度,对正在进行的审判制度改革意义重大。  相似文献   

浅论我国法官制度的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧超荣 《政法学刊》2005,22(4):68-71
法官独立原则是构建现代法官制度的理论基础,因历史传统及政治体制等原因,目前我国法官制度已不适应时代的要求。应更新我国法官制度的设计理念,改革法官选任资格、选任方式和保障制度,重构我国现代法官制度的设想。  相似文献   

一、改革法官的选用制度 1.改革法官资格取得制度。报考法官资格的最低学历条件应是高等院校法律专业本科毕业生。目前在全国影响最大的律师资格考试可演进为全国司法从业资格考试。国家设立全国司法考试委员会,委员会由最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、司法部和全国律师协会派员组成。考试合格者还不能当然地授予法官资格,必须接受专门的司法训练,重点培养其司法实践经验,尔后再经过考试、考核决定其是否有资格被任命为法官。还可直接从高等法律院校的法学教授以及优秀律师中遴选法官,以促进法官队伍的专业化。 2.改革法官任免程序…  相似文献   

法官是怎么样的一群人,法官职业有哪些独特性,担任法官需要具备哪些条件,掌握哪些知识,我们又应如何遴选合适的人出任法官?建设法治国家离不开一支高素质的法官队伍,了解法官的职业特性,进而建立一套规范化、科学化、专业化的法官遴选制度是法官队伍高素质的保障。  相似文献   

论中国的法官制度建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对法官违法违纪现象的分析,反思我国的法官制度建设,并从法官的任职选任制度,司法行政化、地方化及法官非职业化等三大问题及法官的保障及惩戒机制、法官职业道德建设及监督、反馈机制等五个方面进行理论探讨,以完善法官制度建设这个系统工程。  相似文献   

刘国华 《行政与法》2006,(9):112-113
2002年7月18日,最高人民法院发布了《关于加强法官队伍职业化建设的若干意见》,提出了法官职业化的目标,而法官职业化目标的实现,最关键的是改革和完善现有的法官选任制度,把真正高素质的法律人才选拔到人民法院。因此,提高法官任职的社会阅历条件、明确法官选任程序、建立严格科学的考核制度,建立起符合法官职业化特点的完备的法官选任制度十分必要。  相似文献   

王申 《法律科学》2005,23(4):13-23
法官在审判活动中既需要把握体现在法律规则和司法制度中的理念,又需要通过自己的理念进行事实判断和法律解释。法官之所以有智慧,并不是因为他有理性,可以掌握一些法律的原理并根据这些原理处置他们的纠纷案件,而是因为法官能依据情景的可能性并能根据这种案件的实际状况来采取措施。一名称职的职业法官不应再限于法律知识学习,他要的是用智慧去追求法律整体的逻辑一贯性和条文之间的关联性,注重对规范合理性涵义的推敲与综合操作,留心于确认法条背后的共同原则和指导原理。  相似文献   

事业单位型司法鉴定机构包括大专院校、科研院所设立的司法鉴定机构,其接受设立单位和司法鉴定主管部门的管理.具有鉴定硬件、软件、人才方面的显著优势.是我国司法鉴定主体发展的主要对象,也是司法鉴定实践、科学研究、制度研究的主要力量,对我国的司法鉴定发展具有举足轻重的作用。对其特点的探讨,目的在于确立其地位,发挥培养人才和科学技术创新的优势;规范质量管理,发挥在司法鉴定发展与实践的核心作用.  相似文献   

This ethnographic research addresses the control strategies employed by Norwegian guards in everyday interactions with inmates under institutional conditions in which the use of official negative sanctions is restricted. The article explains how a complicated informal system of favors develops that forms a new basis for punishment through the withdrawal of rewards. By distributing favors liberally, giving an inmate only what he is entitled to serves as a substitute for negative sanctions. Inmates are not opposing the informal system, and its effect on ensuring institutional control does not challenge the intentions of formal prison rules. Still, the informal system must be monitored and protected against overuse by inmates and must also be kept hidden from the officials making up the prison administration who oppose all departures from the official rules.  相似文献   

论数字时代的版权补偿金制度及其导入   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹世华 《法律科学》2006,24(6):143-151
版权补偿金制度是为了缓解模拟复制技术条件下版权人与使用人之间紧张关系而作的一项制度安排,并且在不同的国家、不同的历史时期其具体内容和作用也不尽相同。在数字复制时代,尽管这一制度面临着前所未有的危机,但它仍具有不可替代的制度价值。从我国版权立法和司法的实际来看,导入版权补偿金制度不仅具有必要性,而且也有可行性,应该得到进一步的研究和关注。  相似文献   

王妍 《北方法学》2013,(2):45-53
在制度经济学看来,制度可以作为一种规则、一种习惯,也可以作为一种组织。制度在人类社会生活中可以为人提供行为模式、为人的行为提供预期减少不确定性、能够降低交易成本。制度经济学关于制度的研究对法律制度具有一定的指引和省示作用。《农民专业合作社法》构建了我国农民专业合作社法律制度,但是以制度经济学关于制度的研究来分析就会发现,该制度具有建构理性主义的色彩,存在制度价值无法得到发挥、制度运行成本较高等问题。农民专业合作社制度的构建应当尊重非正式制度的影响和演进理性主义的积极作用,并尽可能降低制度运行成本。  相似文献   

制度差异与经济绩效存在着密切的关系.忽视制度的内生性特征和制度之间的相互依存性,是导致新制度效率低下的根源所在.青木昌彦提出的内生博弈规则制度观,阐明了制度差异和经济绩效的关系,揭示了制度之间应当如何相互协调和配合,可以帮助我们认识我国制度效率低下的主要原因.基于内生博弈规则制度观,应当正确选择提高我国制度效率的有效路径.  相似文献   

This contribution argues that the particular relevance of informal circles of ministers lies in their ability to routinise and communise the process of the interpretation of constitutional norms at the intergovernmental level. The informal setting triggers a particular mode of interaction—deliberative intergovernmentalism. In the case of economic policy coordination among the euro–zone countries, which is analysed in this article, this interaction produces common standards for the assessment of the economic situation in the member states and guidelines on appropriate policy responses in particular budgetary and economic situations. In a situation, in which there is growing need for closer policy coordination but European Union member states are reluctant to transfer further decision–making competences to the supranational level, the mediation between diverging interpretations of the rather 'thin' formal constitutional norms governing the coordination process is crucial in order to ensure the overall stability of the coordination framework. Informal circles of ministers can therefore be a way out of the current institutional dilemmas arising from the attitude of national governments to move towards new areas of common engagement while being increasingly reluctant to transfer further formal decision–making competences to the supranational level.  相似文献   

Correlates of informal social control in Guangzhou, China neighborhoods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Informal social control is a central part of contemporary social disorganization theory. While there are a few studies examining how community factors affect informal social control, they are limited to Western societies, particularly the United States. This study examined whether correlates of informal social control found in the West are applicable to China, where there is a long history of informal social control. Using data from 1,196 respondents from Guangzhou, China, this study found that residential stability increased informal social control at the neighborhood level, with residents who lived in a more stable neighborhood being more willing to take action to prevent deviant behavior. Furthermore, satisfaction with police was found to be related to informal social control at the neighborhood level.  相似文献   

The investigation of social mechanisms within social disorganization theory has led to the concept of collective efficacy. Collective efficacy has typically been measured as a composite of social cohesion and informal control; however, more work remains to be done with respect to the measurement of informal control and the modeling of the relationship between cohesion and control. The present study addresses this issue by using multiple operationalizations of informal social control. Results suggest that respondents rely upon their ability to call the police as a method, by which they exercise informal control over their area of residence. Moreover, the cohesion and control scales are distinct from one another, which adds to the literature showing that they are better treated as separate scales. In regression models, cohesion emerges as largely unrelated to individuals’ propensity to intervene in neighborhood problems, but enhances their perceptions of their neighbors’ likelihood of intervention. Future research should continue investigating different types of informal control and each one’s relationship with cohesion. Policy recommendations include the need for police to be prepared to respond to a variety of neighborhood problems, many of which are not directly crime related but, nonetheless, have important implications for informal crime-control efforts.  相似文献   

The comrades' courts of the East European socialist countries are considered by those who favor alternative means of dispute resolution to be admirable examples of informal courts in modern industrial societies. However, these courts have not been extensively investigated. This article presents the results of an intensive observational study of one kind of socialist alternative court, the Yugoslav Courts of Associated Labor, comparing them with an ideal model of informal courts and with the available data on comrades' courts in other East European socialist countries. We find that, in contrast with the latter, the Yugoslav courts are indeed workers' courts, in the sense that they are used by workers—over 90% of their cases are brought by individual workers. On the other hand, they are not workers' courts in the sense of being controlled by workers—they are instead dominated by legal professionals. We conclude that these Yugoslav courts are attractive to individual workers precisely because they are not informal, social courts, but rather are independent legal agencies from which workers may receive unprejudiced decisions and substantial remedies.  相似文献   

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