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监听是一种特殊的科技侦查措施,国外立法已对之进行了较为完善的规定,而我国目前还没有关于监听的明确立法。本文从比较法的角度对国外的通讯监听立法进行了分析,结合我国立法、司法实际,提出了完善我国通讯监听立法的具体途径。  相似文献   

在我国司法实践中,刑事司法机关为破获案件往往需要会采用一些秘密侦查措施,其中,电话监听即是一种常用的手段,这通常会与受法律保护的另一种权利——公民通讯秘密权产生冲突。但就目前我国状况而言,尚缺少相关的法律规制,这种缺少正当程序规定的侦查手段对于公民隐私权的威胁是巨大的。本文从监听的概念入手,对我国监听立法及现状进行详细论述,最后对其进行必要的完善。  相似文献   

论监听作为侦查手段的法律问题   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
刑事侦查中的监听虽然没有对犯罪嫌疑人的人权形成外在的、物理形式上的侵害 ,但却在实质上制约并妨害了当事人的隐私权和通讯自由权。监听属于一种强制性的侦查措施 ,应当在严格遵循法律程序并充分保障监听对象人权的情况下才允许实施。在我国目前尚缺乏监听专门立法的情况下 ,应慎重对待在侦查中大规模地开展监听活动。  相似文献   

彭勃 《犯罪研究》2002,(6):44-50
刑事侦查中的监听行为虽然没有对犯罪嫌疑人的人权形成外在的、物理形式上的侵害,但却在实质上制约并妨害了当事人的隐私权和通讯自由。监听行为属于一种强制性的侦查措施,应当在严格遵循法律程序并充分保障监听对象人权的情况下才允许实施。在我国目前尚缺乏监听专门立法的情况下,应谨慎对待在侦查中大规模地开展监听活动。  相似文献   

作为国际上环境公益诉讼制度典型代表的美国环境公民诉讼制度,其立法沿革及其相关规定有着独特之处.从美国环境公民诉讼制度立法沿革中探寻环境民事公益诉讼之嬗变;从环境民事公益诉讼主体资格、可诉范围及告知程序、诉讼请求、费用承担规则的相关规定中汲取其精髓之处,以期对我国有所借鉴.从立法之形式抉择、原告范围之考量、前置程序之设定、援助机制之建立等多维度构建具有中国特色的环境民事公益诉讼制度.  相似文献   

集团诉讼判决的既判力规则是集团诉讼制度的重要内容,也是各国集团诉讼立法中的难点。目前国外关于集团诉讼既判力规则的立法最为典型的有美国和巴西,美国的既判力规则依赖于英美法系的一系列诉讼制度逐渐形成,而巴西作为大陆法系唯一引进集团诉讼的国家,创设了独特的集团诉讼制度,其既判力规则颇具特色,被西方学者称为大陆法系国家集团诉讼的立法典范。完善我国的代表人诉讼制度,提高法院处理群体性纠纷的效率和社会效果,是能动司法的内在要求。美国和巴西的立法经验对于完善我国代表人诉讼制度无疑具有十分重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

近年来,我国爆发了几次非常严重的水污染事故,在具体诉讼实践中遭遇了立法和实践中的瓶颈。本文以美国的几个水污染判例为切入点,对美国的环境公民诉讼规则进行考察,希望能对我国的环境污染尤其是水污染的诉讼立法和司法方面提供参考。  相似文献   

监听问题立法研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李明 《法学》2004,(7):111-121
监听作为一种侦查制度比较典型地反映了公权力所代表的国家利益与公民个人基本权利之间尖锐的冲突。各国的监听立法及实践证明 ,监听手段在打击犯罪与保护人权之间所产生的张力可以通过对监听明确立法予以缓和消解。因此借鉴国外监听立法及实践经验 ,对监听进行立法 ,改变我国现行监听模式 ,使之运转有序 ,确保个人权利和自由不受无端侵犯是完全必要的。  相似文献   

美国监听立法史述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国堪称监听立法的母国。本文沿着宪法、判例法及制定法的轨迹梳理了美国监听立法的产生、发展及演变历程,重点介绍了合理隐私期待、令状和风险承担三大核心规则。纵观美国的监听立法史,科技与法律的互动,判例法与制定法的合力,公权与私权的博弈铸就了今天的监听法制,而注重程序制约才是合理运用监听的关键。  相似文献   

美国与德国从宪法或者基本法保障人权的立场出发,不仅对监听实行司法令状,而且对监听令状外获得的材料作为证据使用在立法上也作了严格限制.尽管立法与司法实践对监听措施保持审慎的态度,其例外在美国法院判例上仅限于“一览无余”原则和德国法院仅存“关联性”衡量标准,但因涉及公民的宪法性权利在理论和立法上仍颇有争议,从中折射出公民隐私权保障与监听技术有效性在侦查上的紧张关系.我国修改后的《刑事诉讼法》将技术侦查作为侦查措施仅采用了行政性内部审批制度,这种内控模式还需要从美、德监听令状外获得材料作为证据使用的观点分歧与立法争议中获得启示,继而建立起相应的限制使用规则并对其规定作出合理解释,以免实施之时成为滥用之日.  相似文献   

With increasing access to information and communication technologies such as the Internet, Ethiopia has recently taken responsive legislative measures. One such legislative measure is enactment of cybercrime rules as part of the Criminal Code of 2004. These rules penalize three items of computer crimes namely hacking, dissemination of malware and denial of service attacks. The cybercrime rules are however slightly outdated due to changes that have occurred in the field of cybercrime since the enactment of the Code. The surge of new varieties of cybercrimes previously uncovered under the Code and the need to legislate tailored evidentiary and procedural rules for investigation and prosecution of cybercrimes have recently prompted the Ethiopian government to draft modern and comprehensive cybercrime legislation, but the draft law still needs further work on cybercrimes in light of other major legislative developments at regional and national levels. This article closely examines major developments in cybercrime law and practice in Ethiopia since the enactment of the first set of cybercrime rules and proffers recommendations towards a unified cybercrime regime.  相似文献   

This article analyses the extent to which institutional rules constrain member behaviour in the United States Senate by examining the evolution of its parliamentarian. Interestingly, the US Senate parliamentarian has received surprisingly little scholarly attention given the important role she performs in the legislative process. The subsequent analysis thus provides a new understanding of the parliamentarian's role in the legislative process and the interplay between institutional rules and member behaviour in the Senate. To this end, the following analysis is situated within the context of the two primary theoretical approaches to understanding how institutional rules constrain member behaviour: path dependency and majoritarianism. These contrasting approaches provide expectations about the extent to which members will defer to the parliamentarian's interpretation of Senate rules rather than exercising their own discretionary control over those rules. Examining the evolving relationship between the parliamentarian and individual members affirms the centrality of institutional rules as a constraint on member behaviour over the past several decades. Yet such an examination also yields two surprising, and potentially contradictory, observations. First, individual senators in both parties have increasingly deferred to the parliamentarian to interpret the Senate's rules. This is surprising given that the Senate has simultaneously become more individualistic, partisan, and ideological over the same period. Second, the majority party has recently disregarded the norm of parliamentary constraint reflected in past practice and demonstrated a willingness to ignore Senate rules when doing so was necessary to achieve legislative success. This could signify a potential shift in how majorities view the constraints imposed by Senate rules if current trends of legislative dysfunction continue.  相似文献   

Scholars rely heavily on formal rules to classify legislatures, but parchment institutions may only tell part of the story about how the chamber works. Behind-the-scenes behaviour may counter-balance or temper the power distribution created by formal rules. To begin examining if formal rules are an accurate predictor of actual behaviour, we analyse standing committees in Costa Rica's Legislative Assembly. We find that despite the formal institutions that favour a majoritarian bonus, the opposition party is a full participant in the legislative process in committee sessions. Opposition deputies participate equally or more so than majority party deputies, and deputies of all parties work together to investigate bills and kill legislation evaluated to be flawed, which indicates that formal rules are only one component to understanding legislative behaviour.  相似文献   

本文从国际反垄断规则冲突产生的原因入手,分析了国际上相关冲突解决的理论实践,介绍了冲突规则间接调整反垄断法之途径,并结合我国《国际私法示范法》〔1〕及《民法典(草案)》第9编的相关内容,提出对我国未来国际私法在反垄断规则方面的立法建议。  相似文献   

WTO规则下完善我国反倾销立法的对策分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
WTO反倾销规则为各成员的反倾销立法提供了基本框架 ,我国有义务保证本国的立法与其一致。本文揭示我国在反倾销立法上的改进和仍存在的不足 ,并对入世后进一步完善我国的反倾销立法提出建议。认为完善反倾销立法 ,不能只是对原条例的简单修补 ,而应在更新立法理念的前提下 ,由最高立法机关制定既符合WTO反倾销规则又适合中国实际情况的反倾销法律。  相似文献   

2002年9月5日,重庆市人大常委会法制委就全国第一个委托律师事务所起草的法规草案《重庆市物业管理条例(草案)》举行了首次立法听证会。虽然在我国立法听证还没有发展为一项立法的基本制度和必经程序,尚处于探索阶段,但由于各方面准备充分,听证事项集中,保证了听证参与人的针对性、专业性强,整个听证程序规范、公正,为立法民主化、科学化进行了一些突破性、创新性的探索,取得了较好的实效。与此同时,听证事项的复杂性和程序的探索性都使得此次听证会在很多方面显得"心有余而力不足",还存在许多制度设计上的问题,需要我们进一步完善听证程序,使之逐步规范化、民主化、科学化,从而切实保障人民的切身利益,实现立法目标。  相似文献   

行政立法不作为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
所谓行政立法不作为,是指特定行政立法机关未依照上位法的规定,未尽到合理的立法责任,在合适时间以合适的方式或者程序,展开立法创制、修订或废止活动的行为。行政立法不作为危及了公民、法人或者其他组织的权益以及社会公共利益,行政立法机关因此应该承担相应的法律责任。在控制行政立法不作为上,应该强化授权行政立法规则的完善以及妥当地处理好立法裁量权的使用,并加强行政自制、各级人民代表大会常务委员会和社会公众对立法不作为的监督。  相似文献   

Abstract Four competing explanations have emerged regarding restrictive rules in Congress. Informational theory claims that rules reduce information costs and facilitate committee specialization. The distributional perspective suggests that rules enforce legislative bargains and help members achieve gains‐from‐trade. Another claim is that rules increase the Rules Committee's independent influence over policy. Lastly, partisan theory asserts that rules are used to increase the majority party's influence over policy. Abstract This analysis tests these claims during the 97th, 98th, 104th, and 105th Congresses. The findings demonstrate that theoretical constructs developed in earlier analyses of special rules are not robust over time and across legislative contexts. The results refute majoritarian assertions that rules are used as informational devices. Similarly, little evidence supports the claim that Rules Committee preferences independently affect rule assignment. Instead, a partisan principal‐agent framework emerges as the most useful construct to explain procedural choice in the postreform House.  相似文献   

尹西明 《法学论坛》2004,19(4):37-40
作为一种法律现象 ,法律期间之所以出现在众多的法律之中 ,是由其内含的制度功能决定的。现行立法尽管已对法律期间有所重视 ,但仍然存在着相当的立法缺陷。学界应当积极培育法律期间立法的理论资源 ,立法者对法律期间进行立法规制时 ,也必须遵循相应的设置规则  相似文献   

李康宁 《法律科学》2010,(5):131-140
民事法律立法语言失范是指民事制定法的语言表述违反语言科学规律和相应规则,造成语法错误、语义分歧、逻辑失恰、分类混乱、风格失调、混合交叉等多种谬误。立法语言失范的根本原因在于对立法表达技术的轻视和立法程序设计的不足。立法语言失范降低了制定法的质量,给立法活动、司法实践、法学教育、普法工作带来现实的困难与危害,损害了制定法的庄严性和权威性,同时对语言科学的发展造成破坏。立法机关应当设立立法语言审查机构,清理失范的立法语言,为新法制定设计立法语言前置审查程序,在每一部法律草案提交审议前先行作出立法语言审查,保证提交审议的法律文本语言正确,能够充分表达立法意图。  相似文献   

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