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动车运行过程中发生车窗玻璃破碎的情况具有突然性,对铁路运输安全有一定影响,并极易受到公众高度关注。动车玻璃破碎有的是人为因素引起,有的是非人为因素引起,判明玻璃破碎的原因,确定案事件性质,是采取有效措施,消除安全隐患的前提。笔者结合海南环岛高铁2010年以来发生的89起动车玻璃破碎案事件现场勘查实践以及广深线48起动车玻璃破碎案事件资料,对玻璃自爆、飞砟、弹弓弹射钢珠、抛石击打造成玻璃破碎的形成机制和痕迹特征进行了分析总结;针对抛石击打与飞砟形成玻璃破碎痕迹的区分难点,对两者因击打角度和方式不同、击打物的体积和质量的不同而形成痕迹的差异进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

今年以来,在中央部门公开“三公”经费、红十字会“郭美美”事件、蓬莱19—3油田溢油事故、温州“7·23”动车相撞事故、故宫瓷器损坏事故等一系列热点事件中.社会公众对信息公开的质疑和批评不绝于耳。  相似文献   

目的通过一起交通事故车辆转向器总成损坏与事敞关系鉴定的案例,介绍如何对车辆部件损坏情况与事故发生是否有关进行技术鉴定。方法从痕迹学、车辆工程学等方面,对提供的检材进行检验,根据检验结果,结合转向器总成构造及工作原理,对事故车辆转向器损坏与事故关系进行综合分析。结果排除了事故车辆因转向器故障而诱发事故的可能性。结论道路交通事故车辆部件损坏与事故关系鉴定需要多学科、多专业的技术支撑。  相似文献   

若干年后人们再回头看看今天,也许7月23日晚20点34分发生在温州的动车追尾事故会是某个转折和反思的分水岭。在该事故中,就像崩解的动车(含高铁),人们对于铁道部的信任体系也在崩解。  相似文献   

为了提供便利的交通运输条件,世界各地修建了大量的交通隧道,而且新建隧道的长度仍在不断增加。然而,由于隧道内部空间受限,一旦发生火灾,不但燃烧产生的高温会对隧道结构造成损坏,而且,由燃烧产生的大量有毒有害气体会导致隧道内人员丧生,国内外多次发生过多起此类事故。本文主要统计分析了近年来发生在国内外的隧道火灾事故,阐述了隧道火灾的严重性及特殊性,并对国内外在隧道火灾防治方面所做工作进行了介绍,最后,对今后隧道火灾防治的研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

季峻 《刑事技术》2008,(6):48-49
单车交通事故是指单独的汽车在行驶过程中翻车或碰撞到道路上及道路边设施与物体所造成的人伤亡与车损坏的交通事故。在交通事故与交通肇事逃逸案件中痕迹检验与鉴定技术的应用时间已经很久了。但在单牟交通事故中痕迹检验技术的应用以往并不多见。这主要是绝大多数机动车辆单独汽车事故的情况此较明显。  相似文献   

目的将计算机仿真技术应用于道路交通事故鉴定领域,实现道路交通事故发生过程及当事人致伤方式的重建。方法基于对事故现场痕迹、车辆损坏和人体损伤等检验鉴定,利用事故再现软件及高性能计算机计算分析,对40起真实事故的碰撞过程及致伤方式进行重建分析,并以2起典型案例进行说明。结果事故再现效果与现场痕迹、车辆痕迹、人体损伤痕迹有关;40起事故再现中.28起符合性好,9起较好,3起欠理想;碰撞过程的准确再现有助于对致伤方式进行分析。结论计算机仿真模拟重建道路交通事故的发生过程及当事人的致伤方式在辅助道路交通事故鉴定中具有应用价值。  相似文献   

工具痕迹检验技术在交通事故案件中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《道路交通安全法》规定交通事故是指“车辆在道路上因过错或者意外造成的人身伤亡或者财产损失的事故”,其包括了车辆间的事故、车与行人的事故和车辆的单方事故。在证据成为破案和断案的唯一依据的当今法制社会里,交通事故痕迹物证已受到事故各方的强烈重视。近年来,各地送检来我中心的疑难交通事故案件痕迹多数都是要求鉴定二者是否发生作用,以及作用部位和方式。很显然,这类鉴定已不仅是某类客体可否形成某一现场痕迹的种类认定问题,而是形成客体的同一认定问题。由于交通事故中的碰撞痕迹是双方发生机械作用后形成的,国内外同行公认,交…  相似文献   

1案件简介 2010年某日,某次货物列车行至达万线K151+500m处,机车顶部擦挂接触网导线,将导线拉断,致承力索垮塌,停车2h9min,造成行车事故。事故发生后,施工部门未及时向公安机关报案,而是在抢修进行一段时间后才报案称事故系人为割盗隧道内承力索补偿线所致。  相似文献   

“7·23”动车追尾事故让人们见证了新媒体时代公共事件传播的新样态。几乎就在事故发生的同时,20时27分。当地居民网友“Smm_苗”发出第一条现场微博:“狂风暴雨后的动车这是怎么了?爬得比蜗牛还慢……可别出啥事儿啊。”  相似文献   

The collision speed is important in accident analysis, and needle marks can be helpful as the physical evidence. The deceleration impact system has been built to analyze the mechanics of the needle and the gauge plate. Two isolated groups were designed to record the speed values under the same sample labels from real crashes. The visualization platform was built for the first group to collect needle marks. The second group recorded the speed values by other methods. The collision deceleration, the gauge plate materials, and the collision directions determine the forming of the needle marks. There were eight positive results from the 23 effective samples (12 frontal, four side, and seven rear), with discernible tip and/or middle marks on gauge plates. Multiple marks have been distinguished effectively. The low- and high-speed impacts have no obvious differences for real needle marks. It is more accurate for frontal impacts.  相似文献   

目的通过3个案例的检验,提出了“伴随痕迹”概念,并利用“伴随痕迹”挖掘破案信息和思路。方法常规痕迹分析方法。结论犯罪现场,有时工具未接触到的地方也会由于客体结构等原因形成痕迹,认识这种“伴随痕迹”对分析案件有帮助。  相似文献   

A study of the frequency of bite marks among sheltered children was conducted for a period of three months in the juvenile care facilities in Las Vegas, NV. The study demonstrated an incidence of 1 545 bite marks per 100 000 population. Analysis of the age, sex, and location of bite marks is presented. The study demonstrated an incidence comparable to diseases such as gonorrhea.  相似文献   

目的研究79式微型冲锋枪发射子弹的排序。方法对已知顺序实弹射击取样,扩大观察弹头、弹壳上发射过程中形成的痕迹,通过统计、归纳,从中发现与排序有关的痕迹特征。结果壳体肩部圆点痕,弹底边缘压擦痕、拉壳钩痕与发射顺序有关。结论壳体肩部圆点痕、弹底边缘压擦痕等痕迹的有无、位置及轻重程度,对判断79式微型冲锋枪弹壳发射顺序有较可靠的参考价值。  相似文献   

Two experiments compared public and private reports of affective reactions to deprivation. In Experiment 1, participants completed a questionnaire concerning their resentment about poor marks in a course; they had previously been led to believe that another participant was either angry or not angry about his/her marks. Participants' ratings of resentment were more affected by the other participant's alleged emotions in a public than in a private reporting condition. In Experiment 2, employed adults completed a questionnaire concerning their affective reactions to the lack of day care facilities available for working parents; they had previously been led to believe that the experimenter was either upset or not upset about the facilities. When respondents' answers were public, their ratings of resentment were affected by the experimenter's alleged emotions, whereas under conditions of private responding, there was no effect of the experimenter's alleged emotions. Taken together, these experiments provide initial evidence that self-presentation motives can influence reports of affective reactions to deprivation. In particular, our data show that self-presentation can induce a matching strategy whereby public expressions of resentment mirror the expressions of salient others. Two experiments compared public and private reports of affective reactions to deprivation. In Experiment 1, participants completed a questionnaire concerning their resentment about poor marks in a course; they had previously been led to believe that another participant was either angry or not angry about his/her marks. Participants' ratings of resentment were more affected by the other participant's alleged emotions in a public than in a private reporting condition. In Experiment 2, employed adults completed a questionnaire concerning their affective reactions to the lack of day care facilities available for working parents; they had previously been led to believe that the experimenter was either upset or not upset about the facilities. When respondents' answers were public, their ratings of resentment were affected by the experimenter's alleged emotions, whereas under conditions of private responding, there was no effect of the experimenter's alleged emotions. Taken together, these experiments provide initial evidence that self-presentation motives can influence reports of affective reactions to deprivation. In particular, our data show that self-presentation can induce a matching strategy whereby public expressions of resentment mirror the expressions of salient others.  相似文献   

Clinical-forensic examination of strangulation victims is an increasing part of the routine of many forensic pathology institutes. The cases examined between 2004 and 2008 at the Institute of Legal Medicine of the Hanover Medical School were retrospectively analysed. In total, the study material comprised 218 victims (175 females and 43 males). In 80.7 %, the clinical-forensic examination was performed within 24 hours after the incident. In the overwhelming number of cases, the alleged perpetrator was no stranger. 128 victims (58.7 %) had strangulation marks, 32 victims (14.7 %) ligature marks and 65 victims (29.8 %) nail marks. Four victims showed injuries of the laryngeal and pharyngeal structures (reddening, hematomas, swelling and in one case a fracture of the cricoid cartilage on both sides). Extensive petechiae were predominantly seen in the conjunctivae, the buccal mucosa and the skin of the face in cases where the victims suffered a loss of consciousness. 87 cases (39.9% were classified as potentially life-threatening and 30 cases (13.8 %) as acute life-threatening events. This classification is of legal relevance for the penalty. In addition, 60 victims experienced sexual violence. These results suggest that early clinical-forensic examination is crucial for documenting forensic evidence in support of police investigations and may deliver significant details relevant in court.  相似文献   

Fifty colour prints of human bite marks were sent to 109 observers who were asked to decide using a six point rating scale, whether the marks had been produced by the teeth of an adult or a child. The observers consisted of accredited senior forensic dentists, accredited junior forensic dentists, general dental practitioners, final year dental students, police officers and social workers. The results were compared against a “gold standard” which was the actual verdict from the case. Comparison of the results between the groups of observers and the standard was made using Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) methodology. The best decisions were made by senior/junior experts or final year dental students. General dental practitioners and police officers were least able to differentiate correctly between adult and child bite marks. The effect of training is important and its effects need to be assessed in more detail in future studies.  相似文献   

陈京春 《法律科学》2008,26(6):159-166
信息时代背景下的ATM机盗窃案和“艳照门”事件凸显出高速发展的社会中司法解释与立法之间的紧张关系。在刑法解释论中,客观解释论居于优势地位。客观解释论是当代中国必然的选择。坚持客观解释论,不能超越法律文本的可能文义。  相似文献   

From medicolegal practice it is known that in deaths caused by low voltage, electric marks may be absent or inconspicuous so that they may remain undetected during the scene examination. That this may happen even in fatal high-voltage accidents is demonstrated by 4 examples from our own autopsy material. The cases reported shared the following features: The decedents were found outdoors under a high-voltage line with a several metres long conductive object being in the immediate vicinity of the body; no extensive burns as those seen after the impact of an electric arc; inconspicuous electric marks on the hands; clearly visible electrothermal skin lesions limited to body regions covered by clothing (especially soles of the feet). Another case report demonstrates that even fatal lightning accidents are not always recognized correctly.  相似文献   

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