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中越两国山水相连,经过长期往来和经济、文化交流,大量的汉语词汇传到越南,被越南人吸收、融化、形成汉越词汇库,与越南民族文化联系密切。越南语在历史发展的过程中接受各国外语词汇,特别是汉语的一部分词汇已经被越化。大约60%的越语外来词汇有汉语的根源,其中25%的汉语词汇已经完全越化。在越南语中存在着大量的汉越词,汉越词汇变化发展涉及面相当广泛,  相似文献   

改革开放是一场伟大的革命,不仅彻底改变了国家和民族的面貌,而且具有重大国际战略意义。改革开放既解放了物质生产力,也解放了精神生产力;既大幅提升了中国的硬实力,也增强了中国的软实力,提高了中国的国际地位。为了实现国家的全面发展,需要中国特色的硬软实力,而塑造和平和谐的硬软实力则需要永久的改革开放。  相似文献   

作为一支主权财富基金,2005年组建的越南国有资本投资与经营总公司代表了在政府授权下,以完全市场化原则投资与营运国有资本的新模式,是国有资本管理体制的重大创新。目前阶段,越投总公司是越南加快国企股份制改造和推进国有资本向战略性产业集聚的重要推手,以此优化国有资本布局结构并实现国有资本管理从混合模式向集中模式的过渡。长远来看,越投总公司能否成为像新加坡淡马锡那样备受信赖的机构投资者则还有待时间的检验。  相似文献   

Most observers believe that the 'democratic rules of the game' provide a peaceful means for resolving political conflicts. This may be true but not all groups or even single individuals in democratic societies need play by these rules. This analysis uses two data sets: one that classifies most countries of the world based on how they were ruled in the mid-1980s, and the other on the frequency with which their nationals either perpetrated or were victimized by terrorists attacks, to investigate the relationship between terrorism and democracy. The findings suggest that stable democracy and terrorism go together. An analysis of the data reveal that terrorist attacks occur most often in the world's most stable democracies, and that, further, both the perpetrators and victims of those attacks are citizens of the same democracies.  相似文献   

Since he took office,the new US president,Donald Trump,has unveiled his broad economic policy-now called Trumponomics.It emphasizes neoliberalism at home,less government regulations,more growth and weakening the welfare state.Internationally,Trumponomics embraces protectionism and nativism with a focus on US economic interests.Trumponomics caters to the lower-middle classes,a reflection of the country's current economic and diplomatic challenges.Trumponomics will bring uncertainty to China-US economic and trade relations.China should carefully study the policies of the Trump administration and prepare contingency plans.  相似文献   

The 17th National Congress stressed that the Party must keep to the path of political development under socialism with Chinese characteristics. Since the introduction of the reform and opening up policy, China's economy has developed quickly, supplementing its political construction. Progress in the economy and political development have raised China's confidence and made the Chinese system more attractive to the rest of the world. Though China's political development has been achieved under the correct democratic development viewpoint, difficulties may yet arise, and China may need to look outside to other political achievements; importantly, China has the confidence and determination to make its political development harmonious, orderly and effective.  相似文献   

亚太地区出现一个全新的局面。一方面,区域内的国际合作正在拓展,一个能够带来区域稳定和安全并得到普遍认同的体系正在形成。另一方面,亚太国家之间争夺地区内影响力的对抗和竞争的危险性日益加重,甚至有可能导致公开冲突并阻碍区域一体化的进程。为此,继续构建一个囊括地区内所有国家的,以合作、互信、对等安全为基础的新机制十分重要。亚太地区的发展直接影响俄罗斯联邦的利益,俄罗斯倡导要确保地区的稳定和安全,以及囊括所有亚太国家的建设性合作。近年来,俄罗斯政府特别重视促进东西伯利亚及远东地区的经济发展,该地区是俄罗斯实现亚太地区一体化的一个重要载体。开展同中国的合作,进一步开发俄罗斯远东地区,对于俄罗斯贯彻经济战略、实现经济现代化、融入亚太地区的经济空间,都具有原则性的重要意义。  相似文献   

中国与马来西亚的经贸关系:竞争性与互补性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1974年中国和马来西亚建交以来,两国的经贸关系呈阶段性持续发展,尤其上世纪90年代后,两国经贸关系发展迅速,贸易紧密度不断加强。目前,马来西亚已经取代新加坡成为中国在东盟的最大贸易伙伴国,中国成为马来西亚的第一大进口来源地和第二大出口市场。无论是中国对马来西亚而言,或是马来西亚对中国而言,其重要性都不断提高。双方政府都致力于进一步加强相互之间的贸易、投资和经济合作等经贸关系,尤其随着2010年中国-东盟自贸区的建成,双方的经贸关系将更上一层楼。同时,双方也应正视中马经贸发展过程中仍存在的问题和可能面临的挑战。本文将就中马经贸关系的发展状况、竞争性和互补性、以及中马经贸关系中存在的问题和挑战进行分析。  相似文献   

The author begins by examining Sprinzak's theory of ‘split delegitimization’ and finds that although it provides a persuasive account of why some extreme right groups become so radicalized that they perpetrate acts of terrorism and political violence, its major weakness is that it fails to explain the emergence and long‐term survival of mass parties of the extreme right. The article briefly surveys some of these mass parties and finds that there is no clear correlation between the electoral success of extreme‐right mass parties and the level of terrorism and political violence from small extreme‐right groups. However, the evident ambivalence of mass parties of the far right towards violence, and intensification of the propaganda of violence, racisim and xenophobia are clearly conducive to violence and Terrorism and Political Violence.  相似文献   

This article challenges two established views in the literature on Turkish nationalism. First, that Turkish nationhood in the early republican era was civic and ethnic and, second, that, while Turkish nationhood was inclusive and egalitarian in constitutional texts, in the early years of the Turkish Republic and in the case of Turkish citizens of Muslim origin, it became exclusive or discriminatory in citizenship practices once the Republic was consolidated and in the case of non-Muslim Turkish citizens. Contra these two established views, I first argue that Turkish nationhood was not civic and ethnic, but it was actually civic and ancestral and cultural. Secondly, relying on an examination of legal texts produced and citizenship practices pursued in the years between 1918 and 1924, I argue that the Turkish nationhood was exclusive and discriminatory both theoretically and practically, on paper as well as in practice, both at the time of the foundation of the republic and once the regime had become consolidated.  相似文献   

从海权的角度分析俄苏的兴衰是一个尚未有人进行充分探讨的问题。在数百年的争夺中 ,海权的扩张固然构成了俄苏崛起的一个因素 ,但从长远的角度看 ,对海权的过度追求又构成了俄苏走向衰落的根源之一。具体说来 ,从俄苏海权扩张西进、南下和东进 3条线路中 ,西进战略较为成功 ,并促进了俄苏的崛起 ;南下和东进战略虽有所收获 ,但都遭遇挫折 ,尤其是南下的世界扩张战略直接导致了苏联的衰落。从本质上来说 ,地缘政治条件的制约、俄苏海权过渡扩张所导致的一系列矛盾构成了俄苏海权战略失败并导致国力衰微的根源之一。  相似文献   

近期中韩经贸合作现状与前景分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自2002年中国加入WTO后,中韩两国的经贸合作进入更加稳定高速的发展阶段,2006年双边贸易额已突破1 000亿美元,韩对华投资金额累计超过200亿美元,在几年前中国就已成为韩国第一大贸易伙伴和第一大对外投资对象国,同时韩国成为中国的第四大贸易伙伴。但也存在一些不容忽视的问题,双方应共同努力加以解决。今后,两国经贸合作发展潜力仍很大,前景看好。  相似文献   

中国—东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)如期建成是中国与东盟各国贸易关系具有重要意义的里程碑,对中国发展与东盟国家之间的国际贸易以及实施货物进出口零关税等关税优惠措施有着巨大的影响和推动作用,但在推行关税优惠过程中还存在诸多问题。本文在CAFTA背景下,探讨中国与东盟国家之一的泰国之间开展国际贸易以及实施零关税等关税优惠措施进程中产生的问题,并提出解决问题的方案,同时提出发展中国与泰国之间贸易,实施关税优惠措施的建议。  相似文献   

近期朝鲜经济发展变化及中韩的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朝鲜自2002年7月开始实行经济管理调整措施以来已经历了五个年头,此间在经济发展政策上虽然做过一些调整,但总体政策上却没有发生明显的变化。经济上出现了恢复性的好转,可是,短期内还很难从根本上改变经济困难局面。中韩两国均是朝鲜的近邻,目前都与朝鲜建立了较为密切的经济往来关系,为缓解朝鲜的经济困难给予了较多的支援,对朝鲜经济的恢复和发展发挥了积极的作用,而且今后的作用会愈来愈明显。  相似文献   

A growing debate about gender and the environment highlights women's roles in the use and management of natural resources, opening up important opportunities for development analysis and action. But there are traps in conceiving of women's roles in relation to the environment in a partial, narrow, or static way; of isolating them from men's roles; and of assuming a close link between women and ‘nature?s. An alternative approach examines dynamic gender-differentiated activities, rights, and responsibilities in the processes of natural resource management. A case study from the Gola forest, Sierra Leone shows how this approach can help to ensure sustainability and equity in the design of projects concerned with the environment.  相似文献   

唐朱昌  陈勇 《东北亚论坛》2007,16(1):99-105
中俄的转型和发展需要中俄在世界经济舞台上实现”龙熊”共舞。深化经贸合作是两国实现崛起过程中的双赢选择。一个迅速工业化的中国需要稳定可靠的俄罗斯市场,一个日益强大的俄罗斯同样也需要参与中国这个世界上最庞大的潜在市场。在中俄两国几乎具备所有条件的情况下,经贸合作进展不尽人意的根本原因在于经济转型不彻底。然而,为实现共舞,当前两国应利用良好的政治关系,扩大深化经贸合作,完善经济转型。推动经济转型,完善市场建设,这不仅能消除影响双方经贸合作的基础性障碍,也是两国成功实现共同发展的必要步骤。  相似文献   

俄罗斯科技走势与中俄科技合作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
转型时期俄罗斯科技形势发生了重大变化。科研体制从封闭式、大而全向开放式、高效率发展 ,科技立法逐步趋于完善 ,开发研究和应用研究初露倪端 ,加强了技术贸易 ,科研队伍也逐步稳定。纵观中俄两国在经济增长、结构调整方向上的异同 ,可以看到 ,两国除资源结构互补性、一般商品贸易互补性之外 ,科学技术结构也具有很强的互补性 ,进一步开拓这一方面的潜力 ,是摆在两国政府和工商界面前的极为重要的任务。  相似文献   

合作共赢的中美经贸关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
30年来,中美经贸与中国改革开放相伴而行,与中国经济同步强劲发展,从很低的起点成长为全球最大的双边经贸关系之一.展望未来,尽管两国经贸关系存在着不利与制约因素,但加强与深化合作攸关两国发展全局,在双方的共同努力下,中美经贸关系将得到新的提升.  相似文献   

加强广西与马来西亚的经贸合作是建设中国-东盟自由贸易区的重要内容,是双方保持自身快速持续发展的现实选择,也是双方形成新的经济发展驱动力和实现区域平衡发展的必由之路。本文对广西与马来西亚经贸合作的背景进行阐述,分析广西与马来西亚经贸合作的成效及存在的主要问题,在此基础上提出对策建议。  相似文献   

Much of the relevant literature on Africa downplays the salience of elections for policy-making and implementation. Instead, the importance of factors such as clientelism, ethnicity, organized interest groups, and donor influence, is emphasized. We argue that, in addition, elections now motivate political elites to focus on policies they perceive to be able to gain votes. This is based on analyses of six landmark decisions made during the last 15 years in the social, productive, and public finance sectors in Tanzania and Uganda. Such policies share a number of key characteristics: they are clearly identifiable with the party in power; citizens are targeted countrywide; and policy implementation aims at immediate, visible results.  相似文献   

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