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火灾问题一直是船舶安全的重大威胁,控制船舶火灾烟气是降低船舶火灾危害的重要手段。火灾过程中产生的烟气以及悬浮颗粒统称为火灾中的烟气,烟气具有非常严重的危害性,主要是对人体身体和心理造成严重的伤害。但是,目前对于船舶通风条件下的火灾烟气特点研究不够深入,对其了解不清晰,因此给船舶火灾灭火救援问题造成严重的影响。通过论证船舶火灾烟气流动特性,为促进船舶火灾烟气的控制和事故应急处理救援决策提供科学的依据。本文以嘉年华号游轮作为研究对象,分析了该船舶的火灾特性和烟气运动特点,深入研究了船舶火灾危险性及消防现状,为船舶火灾烟气控制技术提供指导和建议。  相似文献   

隧道火灾中高温烟气是导致人员伤亡的最主要因素,火灾中如何快速有效地排除高温烟气是隧道消防中的重要课题.本文采用CFD模拟方法对采用集中排烟道进行半横向排烟时隧道内火灾烟气的蔓延进行了模拟分析,对不同排烟阀设置下隧道火灾烟气的控制效果进行了比较,讨论了半横向排烟系统中排烟阀的设置原则和对排烟效果的影响,可为隧道火灾半横向烟气控制系统的设计提供参考.  相似文献   

聂士斌  周灿  张驰  彭超  彭伟  胡源 《法律科学》2015,(2):108-118
利用小白鼠试验来研究新型阻燃低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)复合材料的烟气毒性,探寻材料烟气毒性最大不至死浓度,根据相关标准判断材料毒性所属级别,并比较研究不同燃烧状况下阻燃LDPE复合材料产烟毒性.从烟气毒性实验可知,有焰燃烧比无焰燃烧具有较小的烟气毒性.同时利用火灾性能指数和火灾发展指数对阻燃LDPE复合材料的火灾安全性进行评价.研究结果有助于优化设计环境友好、综合性能优良的阻燃低密度聚乙烯复合材料.  相似文献   

火灾引起建筑坍塌的原因分析及预防措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建筑物的坍塌是建筑火灾的次生灾害之一,国内外大量事例表明,火灾引起建筑坍塌事故对人民的生命财产安全和现场抢险人员的生命安全构成了严重的威胁,是一种伤亡情况较严重的灾害。本文分析了建筑火灾坍塌的原因和影响因素,并从建筑防火设计和消防救火两个方面提出了预防火灾坍塌事故的措施。  相似文献   

压差是建筑火灾中烟气流动的主要驱动力之一,建筑的防排烟系统必须考虑如何增加或减小这种驱动力,以控制烟气的流动与蔓延。本文在双区模型基础上,对火灾条件下室内外压差分布特点进行了分析,给出了自然充填、自然排烟和机械排烟过程中内外压差的计算方法。  相似文献   

羽绒作为一种重要的动物纤维,已广泛地应用在纺织行业.随着羽绒工业的发展,羽绒加工企业逐步实现大型、超大型化.由于羽绒加工作业场所大量采用大空间、大跨度的钢结构设计,其火灾安全引起了越来越多人的关注.近年来,大型羽绒加工场所火灾频发,造成严重人员和财产损失,本文针对该类场所内典型可燃物——羽绒,开展了细水雾熄灭羽绒火的实验研究.通过实验发现,细水雾能迅速有效扑灭羽绒表面火,并且熄灭其内部火焰,可以作为大型羽绒加工作业场所火灾有效的防治手段.  相似文献   

本文从某特大火灾分析了有毒烟气对人体的危害,并提出了相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

通过烟气回流距离特性计算临界风速和风机流场有效作用范围,得到控制烟气回流所需的风速,同时综合单个风机的流场分布CFD模拟结果确定了射流风机在地下车库诱导排烟系统中的设置分布,给出了应用射流风机时排烟风机排烟风量的计算方法。模拟了地下车库火灾射流风机辅助排烟应用时的温度分布、烟气分布、能见度范围以及流场分布等情况,得出了射流风机在地下车库火灾排烟中应用良好的结论。模拟结果显示应用射流风机辅助排烟会在边墙处产生涡流导致烟气沿边墙回流并在火源上游聚集,因此,建议在边墙处增设挡板防止涡流产生。  相似文献   

1案例资料2003年10月29日16时,本市某一拆迁残房发生火灾,消防队扑灭火灾后,发现一男子死于房门边(经查死者庄某,男性,65岁,“五保”对象,家住现场附近,弱智,无婚育,10月26日晚上8时离家未归)。1.1现场勘查现场为三层混凝土木质结构,旁边房子已被拆除,该房也已被拆除一半。房子东北侧200m有一庙宇,庙宇前面搭建一个戏台,南侧300m是九龙江,西北侧堆放沙、土、石。室内地面积水5cm(消防队灭火水),地面上均是燃烧残留物和烟灰,残留物经检验未发现助燃物质。现场清理后,在室内距楼梯130cm处约1m2的范围内可见一些可疑斑迹,经血痕试验为人血,室内…  相似文献   

本文针对典型幼儿园特大火灾事故的特点,应用火灾科学、系统安全理论、计算机模拟和可视化技术,通过合理设置火灾场景,利用FDS(Fire Dynamic Simulate)对火灾事故中明火产生以后的幼儿园室内火灾增长过程和火灾烟气蔓延进行了数值模拟,数值模拟结果与真实火灾事故基本情况一致,解释了火灾事故的某些特征属性。表明利用计算机模拟技术,对事故过程进行分析,可以动态地再现真实火灾场景,并为事故分析、风险评价、火灾原因调查提供直观、可靠的依据。  相似文献   

灾难性危机事件具有巨大的破坏性。它不仅在物质方面造成巨大的经济损失。而且威胁到社会的秩序和民众的生命安全。导致社会的混乱。更为重要的是强烈而显著地影响着人的心理。因此,必须寻找科学、合理的危机心理干预方法。帮助人们学会应对危机.提高自身处理危机的能力,以克服或减少危机所带来的损害。尽早地从危机中恢复过来。[编者按]  相似文献   

应急疏散措施的优劣是评价大型公用建筑安全水平高低的重要标准之一。本文通过分析影响大型公用建筑应急疏散措施有效性的主要因素,参照相关法规及大型公用建筑应急疏散时各指标因素的层次,建立了大型公用建筑应急疏散评价模型。将该模型应用到某高校图书馆的应急疏散评价过程中,验证了模型的准确性,为建筑物火灾人员应急安全疏散提供了切实可行的参考依据。  相似文献   

A new, simple method for the reproducible creation of pyrolysis products from different materials that may be found at a fire scene is described. A temperature programmable steady-state tube furnace was used to generate pyrolysis products from different substrates, including softwoods, paper, vinyl sheet flooring, and carpet. The temperature profile of the tube furnace was characterized, and the suitability of the method to reproducibly create pyrolysates similar to those found in real fire debris was assessed. The use of this method to create proficiency tests to realistically test an examiner's ability to interpret complex gas chromatograph-mass spectrometric fire debris data, and to create a library of pyrolsates generated from materials commonly found at a fire scene, is demonstrated.  相似文献   

为了解决在司法实践中对“火铳”的认识,以便时案件的公正办理,通过对“火铳”的检验研究,阐述了“火铳”是枪还是炮、火铳的内部构造与发射机理,及“内弹道理论计算法”的致伤力检验与鉴定的技术方法对“火铳”的检验和鉴定:客观、科学地表述了对“火铳”的检验鉴定结果,从而为打击持“火铳”犯罪的行为找到了科学依据,进一步维护了社会治安秩序。同样也为法庭提供了科学证据,维护了社会的和谐、稳定与公正。  相似文献   

Abstract: Previous tests have explored the fire effects and fuel characteristics of animal carcasses in intense fires of relatively short duration. Here, test fires were conducted involving intact human cadavers and torsos that included nonaccelerated, long‐duration fires involving the bedding and clothing (in the manner of typical accidental deaths). The objective was to observe the fire conditions (size, radiant heat flux, and duration), where a human body represented the major fuel package in a nonaccelerated fire. The pattern of damage to the body was documented and compared with that resulting from a furnished room fire. Two intact, unembalmed human cadavers were exposed to fires of simulated accidental origin. The bedding was ignited by an open flame, and the fires were allowed to burn unaided to self‐extinguishment. It was found that normal human bodies can support a modest‐sized fire for some 6–7 h under these conditions. The presence of a substrate material that can act as a wick for the combustion of the rendered body fat results in extensive destruction of the torso where the greatest amount of subcutaneous fat resides, with less damage to the head and limbs. A third (partial) cadaver was exposed to a recreation of a typical accidental fire in a furnished room that progressed to full room involvement. This fire of some 15 min of total duration inflected only surface‐layer damage to the torso of the victim.  相似文献   

When a human body is found with significant portions of its torso and limbs destroyed yet with comparatively minor damage to head, hands and feet, the mechanism of such destruction defies ready explanation, since exposure to external fires, particularly those involving flammable liquids, usually results in the destruction of hands, feet, limbs, and head prior to significant combustion of the large mass of the torso. Previous tests by these authors have demonstrated the conditions necessary to promote combustion of a body: the presence of adequate body fat, presence of a porous, rigid char to act as a wick, and an external flame source sustained for several minutes to char the body and cause the subcutaneous fat to begin rendering. In the test reported here, a freshly-slaughtered pig carcass with a net weight of 215 lb. (95 kg) was wrapped in a cotton blanket and placed on a carpet-covered plywood panel. The fire was initiated using 1 L of gasoline poured on the shoulder area of the blanket-wrapped carcass. The gasoline burned off within 4 min, having ignited a large area of the blanket and adjoining carpet. Flames from those fuel packages resulted in the establishment of a steady-state fire sustained by the rendering of the body fat, with the necessary wick provided by the charred cotton blanket and carpet. The heat release rate of this fire was 60+/-10 kW, with flames less than 12 in. (0.35 m) high for its duration. The fire sustained itself by the rendering process for more than 6 1/2 h from ignition, at which time it was extinguished. An average mass loss rate of 1.5 g/s (5.3 kg/h) was observed during the self-sustained fire. Extensive destruction of the carcass (more than 60% by weight) included reduction of large bones to a fragile, ashen state. Other test data will demonstrate the similarity between subcutaneous fat from human and porcine sources. The implications for the reconstruction of accidental and homicidal fires involving such destruction will be discussed.  相似文献   

本文运用事故树(FTA)分析方法,根据大量事故案例,分析了反应容器火灾爆炸事故发生的类型和原因,并排出了结构重要度顺序,对于此类事故的调查和防范具有一定实用意义。  相似文献   

文章假设我国已建立注册防火工程师制度,那么消防机构将已进行性能化建筑防火设计与评估的工程实行备案制度,不进行具体的建筑防火审查。注册防火工程师执业的机构形式有两种:大型设计院、研究所、高校所属的性能化防火设计研究所和社会性的火灾安全咨询服务公司。公安部消防局是注册防火工程师执业机构的主管部门,并对其进行行业与技术管理,如人员组成、软件设备、注册资金及收费标准、人员培训与业务指导以及建筑设计修改等。  相似文献   

A new method for enhancement of ninhydrin or 1,8-diazafluoren-9-one (DFO)-treated latent fingerprints on thermal paper will be described. Most thermosensitive surfaces of thermal paper become dark when treated with DFO or ninhydrin petroleum ether (NPB) solution. This effect minimizes contrast between the developed fingerprints and the background. The new method described reduces this dark staining without removing the thermosensitive layer and parts of the developed fingerprints, as occurs with acetone washing. Through the new method, the developed fingerprints appear in sharp lines and high contrast. Extensive tests were performed, leading to an optimized working solution, which charges the paper with a minimum of chemicals, is cheap, and enables a large quantity of papers to be treated in a short time. The working solution contains commercially available, nonvolatile, nitrogenous organic compounds and can be used like the application of NPB solution by dipping.  相似文献   

One of the significant problems encountered in criminology studies is the successful automated matching of fired cartridge cases, on the basis of the characteristic marks left on them by firearms. An intermediate step in the solution of this problem is the segmentation of certain regions that are defined on the cartridge case base. This paper describes a model-based method that performs segmentation of the cartridge case using surface height image of a center fire cartridge case base. The proposed method detects the location of the cartridge case base center and specific circular contours around it iteratively by projecting the problem to a one-dimensional feature space. In addition, the firing pin impression region is determined by utilizing an adaptive threshold that differentiates impression marks form primer region surface. Letters on the cartridge case base are also detected by using surface modeling and adaptive thresholding, in order to render the surface comparison operation robust against irrelevant surface features. Promising experimental results indicate the eligibility of the proposed method to be used for automated cartridge case base region segmentation process.  相似文献   

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