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张明 《法制与社会》2013,(29):116-117
随着社会的发展.刑事犯罪亦日趋复杂化。一些具有高度隐蔽性、组织性的犯罪,已经对传统的“回应型侦查”侦查行为提出了挑战。为更有效的打击犯罪和预防犯罪,与之相时应的“主动性侦查”措施越来越被侦查机关广泛的采取。但为保护公民的隐私权、住宅权、名誉权等重要公民基本权利,遏制非法的搜查、诱发犯罪等活动,必须对主动性侦查的程序进行严格的规制。  相似文献   

现代社会犯罪手段的不断翻新以及犯罪分子反侦查能力的不断增强,使侦查手段也随之千变万化。经典型犯罪模式日益细化及新型犯罪模式层出不穷,比如洗钱、贩卖假币、组织卖淫、毒品走私等案件对社会造成极大的伤害,不仅对社会安宁造成难以估量的潜在威胁,并且以其隐蔽性及新型反侦察手段,对传统的侦查模式提出了严峻挑战。而诱惑侦查制度正是在此社会环境和时代背景下,被认可的为破获此类犯罪的有效措施之一,已普遍应用于世界及我国司法实践中。本文正是通过对这一制度优缺点的分析,希冀对形势程序中的诱惑侦查制度的完善有所帮助。  相似文献   

论诱惑侦查的程序控制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄敏 《犯罪研究》2003,(6):8-12
诱惑侦查是破获犯罪和控制犯罪的有效手段,但同时也容易诱发本无犯意的公民犯罪,成为制造犯罪的工具。为了在控制犯罪的同时确保司法的纯洁性,有必要将诱惑侦查纳入法律规制的范畴,明确诱惑侦查的启动条件、审批机关、运作程序、监督方案以及法律效力,对诱惑侦查的启动、运作以及后果从程序上近行控制,确保诱惑侦查的合法、优化运作。  相似文献   

犯罪侦查工作,历来都是刑事诉讼程序中的重要组成部分.随着新刑事诉讼法的出台,犯罪侦查工作虽将面临一些新的挑战和压力,但也充分体现了其始终贯彻惩罚犯罪和保障人权的精神理念,更加有利于侦查人员在进行犯罪侦查活动时,严格按照法律程序来充分保障权利人的合法权益.因此,本文主要就新刑事诉讼法在规范犯罪侦查工作方面所修改的内容加以分析,以期能够对公安机关在进行犯罪侦查工作时提供一些新的思路和新的举措.  相似文献   

当前在走私犯罪侦查启动过程中,存在着到案措施难以落实、搜查功能难以发挥、案件经营难以开展、技侦手段难以运用等难点。究其原因就在于我国包括缉私侦查在内的侦查工作采用的是程序启动型模式,同时由于走私犯罪和缉私工作本身所具有的特点,使得缉私侦查启动工作更易陷入困境。为适应打击走私犯罪的需要,应当将程序启动型转为随机启动型侦查模式,同时对相关的配套措施予以完善。  相似文献   

知识产权犯罪侦查协作及其机制优化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
知识产权犯罪在空间、时间等方面的行为特征,以及其侦查的特点,决定了开展侦查协作的必要性。我国目前的侦查协作体制下,知识产权犯罪侦查协作实践中存在诸如协作原则有欠缺、协作主体体系不科学、法治化程度低、协作手段单一等弊端。应当立足我国现行侦查协作体制的现状,对知识产权犯罪协作机制的进行优化:合理化重构知识产权犯罪的侦查协作认知、加强协作程序法治化、规范协作内容以及明确协作责任机制。  相似文献   

贪污贿赂犯罪侦查机制,是指一个国家有关贪污贿赂犯罪侦查的程序、方式等制度规定,是一套具有特定性质和功能、能及时发现和查明贪污贿赂犯罪并予以司法追究的工作体制。其基本功能是:及时地揭露、惩治犯罪,有效地保障人权,从机制上实现对贪污贿赂犯罪的控制和预防。本文试对我国现行司法体制下,如何完善和强化贪污贿赂犯罪的侦查机制,以有效地惩治犯罪、治理腐败问题,略作探讨。  相似文献   

在检察实践中,要让贿赂犯罪的嫌疑人如实供述比较难,要促使其自首就更难了。本文试图通过分析贿赂犯罪案件侦查中遇到的若干难题,探讨此类犯罪案件侦查的程序保障机制。一、贿赂犯罪案件的侦查障碍贿赂犯罪侦查中遇到的障碍主要源于该类犯罪的“对合性”。所谓“对合性...  相似文献   

论平衡原则与侦查程序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程军伟 《法律科学》2008,26(5):111-116
从国家追究犯罪效果角度观察我国刑事诉讼程序,侦查程序毫无疑问是整个程序的中心和重心,但由于侦查往往伴随着强制力的行使,因此侦查阶段便成了控制犯罪与保障人权最易发生冲突的阶段。在学界对人权保障问题的研究热潮即将退去之时,笔者通过借鉴宪法和行政法领域的平衡原则(比例原则),探讨其在侦查程序中确立的必要性和基本要求,以引起学界的再讨论,以期为完善我国侦查程序制度做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

法治视野下搜查程序问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侦查程序的法治化是“依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家”系统工程的重要内容之一 ,侦查程序法治化的实现 ,离不开各个具体侦查行为的法治化。搜查是刑事诉讼法规定的侦查行为之一 ,搜查行为在有效地惩罚犯罪的同时 ,极易对犯罪嫌疑人或者案外人的人身、财产及隐私权造成侵犯。本文在比较研究的基础上 ,从刑事程序法治原则、侦查程序法治原则出发 ,提出完善我国搜查程序的构想 ,以期对搜查程序的立法提供理论方面的参考。  相似文献   

李伟东 《政法学刊》2006,23(2):37-40
网络犯罪是信息时代特有的社会现象,它与传统的犯罪形式有明显的区别,并且随着计算机和网络的普及呈加剧的趋势。为了打击网络犯罪,我们首先要确定网络犯罪地点,包括行为地、结果地,这是正确行使司法管辖权的前提。由于网络空间的特殊性,网络犯罪给犯罪地理论和法律制度带来挑战。  相似文献   

王建明 《法律科学》2008,(3):156-163
职务犯罪侦查强制措施是实现侦查目的的重要途径和桥梁。职务犯罪侦查措施具有程序保障、案件侦破、人权保障、遏制犯罪、惩戒教育等主要功能,其主要特征体现在适用主体的法定性、适用对象的特定性、限制权利的单一性、适用措施的强制性、适用效力的暂时性等方面。目前,我国现行法律对职务犯罪侦查强制措施的有关规定不具体、不明确、不完善,已严重影响了对职务犯罪的打击和反腐败斗争的深入开展。为更好地发挥强制措施的实际功效,应当结合职务犯罪侦查实际,大力加强研究职务犯罪侦查强制措施立法完善问题。  相似文献   

There has been extensive research on the value of closed-circuit television (CCTV) for preventing crime, but little on its value as an investigative tool. This study sought to establish how often CCTV provides useful evidence and how this is affected by circumstances, analysing 251,195 crimes recorded by British Transport Police that occurred on the British railway network between 2011 and 2015. CCTV was available to investigators in 45% of cases and judged to be useful in 29% (65% of cases in which it was available). Useful CCTV was associated with significantly increased chances of crimes being solved for all crime types except drugs/weapons possession and fraud. Images were more likely to be available for more-serious crimes, and less likely to be available for cases occurring at unknown times or in certain types of locations. Although this research was limited to offences on railways, it appears that CCTV is a powerful investigative tool for many types of crime. The usefulness of CCTV is limited by several factors, most notably the number of public areas not covered. Several recommendations for increasing the usefulness of CCTV are discussed.  相似文献   

Forensic DNA analysis has the potential to provide useful information for criminal justice even in cases where there is no match, neither between the DNA profile generated from the crime scene and the existing DNA profiles in criminal databases, nor between the DNA collected at a crime scene and potential suspects. In contrast to traditional forensic genetic testing, forensic familial DNA searching does not provide evidence, but helps to generate investigative leads and narrow down the range of potential offenders. The aim of this study is to examine, whether there is a need for special regulation of this topic in Hungary.  相似文献   

丁延松 《政法论丛》2011,(4):117-122
秘密侦查作为一种打击追诉犯罪的特殊侦查手段,在现代各国侦查实践中被普遍应用。我国立法对秘密侦查缺乏明确而详尽的规定,这与国外的立法规定相差甚远,也不符合建设法治国家对人权保障的要求。在依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的语境下,基于程序正义理念的要求,亟需实现我国秘密侦查的法治化,以限制公权力对私权利的侵犯,确保在惩治犯罪和保障人权之间达到必要的平衡。  相似文献   

倪铁 《犯罪研究》2012,(4):13-19
当前,中国腐败现象较为严重,职务犯罪处于高发态势,犯罪手段不断升级,证据获取困难重重,这与检察机关缺乏有效地技术侦查措施有内在联系。可借鉴其他国家的做法,赋予检察机关职务犯罪技术侦查权,并严格规定其适用范围、审批程序、执行程序和救济程序。相关程序的合理建构,有利于有效收集诉讼证据,落实刑事程序法治,顺应科技强检趋势,对接国际公约。  相似文献   

各国(地区)职务犯罪侦查机构比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李卫平 《河北法学》2004,22(7):115-118
世界各国和地区都有职务犯罪侦查机构,其在诸多方面有相同点,也有许多不同。在我国,职务犯罪侦查机构建立的时间较短,由于多种原因的影响,检察机关职务犯罪侦查机构设置不合理,也不科学,应该对此进行研究、科学设置。  相似文献   

Since crime victimizations are statistically rare events, surveys to estimate rates of victimization are difficult and expensive. In this paper, we examine the advantages of network sampling over traditional methods for conducting crime victimization surveys. Network sampling links population households in specified ways, for reporting purposes, in order to increase the probabilities of locating households with particular characteristics. We conducted a reverse record check field experiment to test whether a telephone survey using network sampling is feasible to collect crime victimization data. Three types of crimes-burglary, robbery, and assault-were tested along with two types of networks-relatives and co-workers/close friends. This paper examines the extent to which victims report their victimization experiences in a general crime and victimization interview and the extent to which a randomly selected relative or close friend will report the same victimization incident in an identical interview. A number of multiplicity counting rules are compared in terms of reporting errors and a mean square error analysis.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(2):238-250
Early and accurate visualisation of a crime scene is highly desirable such that a rapid, agile, and informed decision-making process can be undertaken by an investigative team. We present a new standard operating procedure for imaging an indoor scene using DSLR cameras conventionally used by crime scene investigators and examiners. The standard operating procedure (SOP) enables the systematic photography of indoor spaces in such a way that the Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry technique can be implemented, allowing the scene to be recreated in Virtual Reality (VR). To demonstrate the method’s validity, we compare two VR-rendered representations of an example scene using (a) photographs taken by an experienced crime scene examiner using a conventional photographic method and (b) photographs taken by a novice photographer following the developed SOP.  相似文献   

Offender behaviour is used to distinguish between crimes committed by the same person (linked crimes) and crimes committed by different people (unlinked crimes) through behavioural case linkage. There is growing evidence to support the use of behavioural case linkage by investigative organisations such as the police, but this research is typically limited to samples of solved crime that do not reflect how this procedure is used in real life. The current paper extends previous research by testing the potential for behavioural case linkage in a sample containing both solved and unsolved crimes. Discrimination accuracy is examined across crime categories (e.g. a crime pair containing a car theft and a residential burglary), across crime types (e.g. a crime pair containing a residential burglary and a commercial burglary), and within crime types (e.g. a crime pair containing two residential burglaries) using the number of kilometres (intercrime distance) and the number of days (temporal proximity) between offences to distinguish between linked and unlinked crimes. The intercrime distance and/or the temporal proximity were able to achieve statistically significant levels of discrimination accuracy across crime categories, across crime types, and within crime types as measured by Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis. This suggests that behavioural case linkage can be used to assist the investigation, detection and prosecution of prolific and versatile serial offenders.  相似文献   

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