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魏建国 《河北法学》2007,25(9):61-65
我国财政权限的配置还存在一些不足.我国未来财政权限的配置在总体上应该采取非对称型模式,即将财政收益权在各级政府间进行适当划分,并偏向中央政府,使中央政府保持足够的财力;在对财政收益权进行划分的同时,对财政立法权则应基本保持集中,由中央政府享有主要的权力;进一步协调财政(税收)征收权在两套征管机关之间的行使;赋予各级地方政府相对独立的财政预算权.  相似文献   

秦勇 《河北法学》2012,30(7):2-11
“土地财政”是指地方政府在财政资金短缺的情况下,主要利用土地出让法律制度和土地税费法律制度来获取财政收入以充实本地政府财源的行为.地方政府的“土地财政”行为引发了正负两方面的效应,对负效应的分析显然更为重要.地方政府的“土地财政”行为有其深刻的制度成因.解决“土地财政”的法律措施是完善财政收支法律制度,合理配置中央和地方的财政权限;改革和完善财政转移支付法律制度;改革现行的土地制度和土地征收制度.  相似文献   

徐键 《法学研究》2012,(3):43-58
为实现政治统治的合法化,近现代国家在民主的基础上形成了以规范为中心的权力认知模式。建国与改革为主题的国家制度建设所呈现的渐进性和试验性,使我国在中央与地方的财政关系上,形成了规范内外不同的权力生长与存续机理。碎片化的规范,赋予了地方在特定领域内的财政自主权。同时,依赖政治过程的分散化策略,引致了权力的制度外溢,形成了诸多所谓的"事实上的财政自主权"。尽管正当的制度只能逐步建设和改进,但如果始终存在超越于法律规范之上的权力,法治秩序终将会崩裂。地方财政自主权,必须在规范主义的立场上循序形成。  相似文献   

后土地财政时期出现的财税现实困境暴露出过往经济发展失衡的问题,究其根源,无疑是现存财税制度的供给无法有效应对后土地财政时期的预期。面对财税领域特别是地方财政增量减少的窘况,并不能一味以外延式增加地方财政收入的方式来解决。应以财税制度供给侧结构性改革为指导,转变“全能政府”的传统观念,运用财税衡平理念和理论,强化内涵式减支增收财税法制供给与实施保障。只有矫正过往稀缺财税资源粗放使用的痼疾,使财税资源集约化配置,才能产生有效率的高质量经济发展功效。应通过财税衡平法律机制的纠偏,优化财富分配的社会实质公平效能,最终实现新时代社会和谐与经济可持续发展的理想目标。  相似文献   

This article addresses the question of whether the modernisation and decentralisation of EC competition law will affect the integration of environmental protection requirements into the framework of Article 81 EC. First, the interface between competition policy and environmental protection at both the constitutional level and operational level is investigated. Following this, the Commission's assessment of environmental benefits under Article 81(3) EC prior to decentralisation and modernisation is explored. It is submitted that the Commission's expansion of its interpretation of the first two positive criteria of Article 81(3) EC allowed environmental objectives and competition goals to be balanced within the framework of Article 81 EC. Finally, this article examines the extent to which the decentralisation and modernisation of Community competition law may impede the integration of environmental protection into the definition and implementation of Article 81 EC.  相似文献   

环境法律实质上仅是社会悲剧性地分配资源的一种手段,市场、习俗、惯例和政策等手段都综合参与决定了资源的分配,在环境侵权救济中,环境政策是影响环境法律的重要因素。环境政策实施对于环境法律在环境侵权救济中的影响可以分为三个层面:公共政策的演进促进环境侵权法律责任机制内在机理的更新;专门的环境政策催生新的环境法律、更新环境法律机制;地方政府对于中央环境政策再界定过程,形成了多种类型的地方环境政策,对于环境侵权救济的影响也呈现出多种形态。  相似文献   

徐键 《北方法学》2011,5(2):70-79
《宪法》和《预算法》赋予了地方政府一定的财政自主权。以此为基础,地方政府通过调整支出结构、提高支出效率,为地方居民提供符合本行政区域实际情况的公共品与服务,并调控经济运行状况。分税制改革减少了地方的财政自主权,从而导致地方支出效率的降低。法律和中央政府为地方政府设定强制性支出责任,旨在遏制因地方支出效率降低产生的公共支出结构扭曲和区域间支出水平差异等状况。但是,强制性支出责任在客观上却进一步降低了地方的财政自主权,从而陷入新的恶性循环。赋予地方政府充分的财政自主权,是优化地方支出结构、提高地方支出效率的基础性制度依赖;强制性支出责任仅具有辅助性功能。两者不能本末倒置。  相似文献   

China’s central government undertook a major tax regime reform in 1994 that was characterized by fiscal federalism. In hindsight, it may be seen to be more emphatic on the revenue side than on the expenditure side. It has achieved a certain success both for revenue shifting and inflation-fighting purposes. However, the reform and its subsequent follow-ups have not clearly addressed some fundamental issues in China’s government finance system, such as overhauling the function of government finance and redrawing lines between the center and subnational governments with regard to their fiscal responsibilities and duties. Moreover, movements towards fiscal federalism may have actually increased fiscal burdens on the economy, especially on domestic sectors of the economy. Coupled with enhanced policy support to China’s external development, fiscal federalism may have further helped accelerate resource shifts towards the external sector, thus resulting in an unprecedented rapid expansion in China’s exports since the mid-1990s.  相似文献   

叶姗 《法学家》2012,(3):18-29,175,176
我国股票转让所得课税规则的变迁经历了"征税—暂免征收—部分恢复征收—返还部分税收"四个阶段,相应的法律文本为《个人所得税法》、国务院财税主管部门或地方政府的税收规范性文件,核心内容分别是给予、取消以及变相恢复税收优惠。上述规则的变迁反映了税收减免权在中央财税主管部门与地方政府之间的分配及其冲突,这种斜向府际税收竞争越来越激烈。斜向府际税收竞争的产生,源于财政分权不尽规范和规则设计不甚合理等制度成因,它形式上违反税收法定、税收公平和税收效率原则,实质上也侵害了税收征纳各方的合法权益。法律上应当对此进行规制,既要减少税收竞争发生的可能性,又要解决税收竞争引发的问题。  相似文献   

财政关系是中央与地方关系的核心,法律在规范中央与地方财政关系方面发挥着无可替代的作用。我国中央与地方财政关系法律调控存在的问题主要有:法律规范的效力层次低,中央对地方的财政支出作出许多硬性规定,执法上随意性较大。实现中央与地方财政关系的法治化,应当在立法方面采用法律保留原则,完善中央与地方财政关系法律规范的内容,建立中央与地方财政争端解决机制。  相似文献   

何锦前 《法学杂志》2020,(3):93-100
近年来,环境税收法治的结晶集中体现为环境费改税与环境税立法。要评估环境税收法治在生态文明建设中的表现,庇古税原理是重要标尺之一。由此观之,由于未能严格秉持庇古税原理进行设计,立法者在生态文明建设和政治文明建设任务"竞合"且时间紧迫的情况下,选择了一条成本最小的"平移路径",导致环境税成了迷你版环境税,环境税立法也未能与整个税制的"生态化"统筹起来。对此,应全面、正确理解庇古税理论,统筹环境税法与整个税法制度"生态化"两路并进,不仅从征税范围、税率结构、税收优惠、税权配置等方面完善《环境保护税法》,而且同步优化相关税制,以环境税收法治并行路径来积极推进生态文明建设。  相似文献   

沈寿文 《时代法学》2012,10(2):19-24
我国1994年实行分税制改革的目标是在中央政府与地方政府之间建立起制度化的财税分权体制,然而时至今日这一目标并未实现,改革的结果演化为中央政府与地方政府的财税分工,导致这一结果的根源在于我国缺乏宪政国家意义的地方自治制度这一中央政府与地方政府(联邦政府与组成部分政府)财税分权的制度基础。或许具有高度地方自治性质的人民代表大会制度,能够作为实现我国未来分税制改革中央政府与地方政府财税分权目标的制度前提。  相似文献   

Scholars and practitioners around the globe are grappling with how to improve the effectiveness of complex, transboundary, and multilevel environmental regimes. International environmental agreements (IEAs) have been around for decades yet achievements and outcomes have not met expectations. While international relations scholars have primarily focused on the effectiveness of agreements between states, public policy scholars have been interested in outcomes at a variety of scales including international, national, sub-national, and local across various environmental policy domains and at the instrument and program levels. This article presents findings from a case study of environmental regime effectiveness that uses a modified version of the Oslo-Postdam solution to assess the effectiveness of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, a long-standing, bilateral international environmental agreement between Canada and the USA. The findings indicate that there is a need to more broadly define international environmental agreements in complex transboundary systems to include both formal and informal regime features and multilevel governance efforts and to focus on specific policy goals and ecological outcomes associated with IEAs. This case also illustrates the potential to modify the Oslo-Postdam approach by combining expert assessment and data collection methods with traditional policy analysis and program evaluation methods in assessments of environmental regime effectiveness.  相似文献   

1994年的分税制改革导致中央财政收入占全国财政收入的比重迅速增加,地方政府在财政收入迅速减少的情况下还要承担大量的事权。在这种财力与事权不匹配的情况下,地方政府只有通过举借债务来完成基本公共产品的提供和基本公共服务的供给。金融危机之后,地方融资平台数量骤增,地方债务数额短期内迅速膨胀,加大了银行信贷风险。因此,防范并化解地方政府债务风险便成为当务之急。  相似文献   

凤凰山汉简是研究西汉赋税的重要资料。与以往对此研究焦点多集中在赋税额度上不同,本文则从地方财政角度重新审视这批简牍,以口钱为切入点,认为凤凰山汉简所载的口钱条目并不是向未成年人征收的人头税,也不是简单意义上向成年人征收的人头税,而是与简牍上其它条目一样,是地方财政的一部分,用来供给地方行政长官的公务费用。  相似文献   

地方财政自主的法治保障   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地方财政自主权力的外延包括财政预算自主、财政收入自主、财政支出自主和财政监督自主四个方面,其理论基础源于地方分权自治、财政联邦主义和辅助原则。中国地方财政自主法治保障的制度构建,在财政预算自主方面,需要在对地方政府预算权进行法治化控制的同时,保障地方政府的预算编制独立性;在财政收入自主方面,必须对税种进行合理划分,追求税收共享的法定化,并在强化预算约束的前提下,赋予地方政府一定的公债发行权;在财政支出自主方面,应当在财政收支划分明确化和规范化的前提下,重视财政转移支付对财政自主的影响,关注财政支出自主可能引发的政府间财政竞争,通过法律制度来引导良性竞争,制止恶性竞争。  相似文献   

叶姗 《政法论丛》2012,(4):3-12
民生性事权是指政府从事民生性事务的职权和职责,而民生性事权的分配则是指民生性事权在中央政府和地方政府之间以及同一级政府的不同职能部门之间的划分和配置。通过考察民生性事权在中央和地方之间分配失衡的实际情况,可以确立其在中央和地方合理分配的原则,进而进行规范上的构造。基本公共服务的事权应当尽可能由较高层级的政府承担,或者有能够与之匹配的地方财力支应,而非基本公共服务的事权则可以由较低层级的政府承担。  相似文献   

The paper reviews fiscal federalism in Russian practice. Central control over sub-national budgets has tended to increase. In the classic literature on fiscal federalism such centralisation is potentially damaging to both static efficiency and growth. The paper reviews the propositions in that literature and the assumptions made in it, and notes that weak administrative capacity at sub-regional level, weak electoral competition and extreme unevenness of economic development across regions may provide grounds for greater central control than is treated as desirable in the established literature. The patterns of budgetary transfers from national to regional level are analysed and conclusions drawn about the effectiveness of the evolving fiscal-federal system in Russia.  相似文献   

Chapter 11 of the North American Free Trade Agreement requires governments to treat foreign investors the same as domestic investors, to afford them international standards of due process of law, and to compensate investors for any actions that expropriate their investments or are “tantamount” to expropriation. It allows foreign investors to submit compensation claims to international arbitration. To the alarm of the environmental community, four of the early Chapter 11 claims involved challenges to government measures that were, or appeared to be, environmental protection measures. The first three of the four claimants ultimately received compensation; the fourth claim was denied as being outside the scope of Chapter 11. This paper takes an in-depth look at the circumstances of these four claims to determine whether the claimants had thwarted or avoided bona fide environmental protection measures and to try to assess whether these claims have “chilled” government imposition of new environmental measures. The facts of the cases and developments subsequently indicate that the government actions in the first three cases were not truly environmental protection measures, but were motivated by local political and economic considerations. The fourth claim, which involved a bona fide environmental protection, was rightly rejected. Meanwhile the number of “environmental” claims under Chapter 11 has dwindled. The paper concludes that environmentalists have little ground for alarm, and much reason to be encouraged, about how Chapter 11 has influenced environmental protection.
Sanford E. GainesEmail:

After having been one of the most centralized states in the world for more than thirty years, in 2001 Indonesia introduced a sweeping program of decentralization with important consequences for the management of the industrial sector. This article explores whether the decentralization process has led to substantial changes in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and enforcement of water pollution law. Its main findings are that the general division of authority in both fields has become less fragmented and that differences between districts have increased, but, in practice, not so much has changed as one would have expected. For EIA, "horizontal" disputes between sectoral agencies have been supplanted by "vertical" disputes between different levels of government. Monitoring and sanctioning of industrial water pollution have mainly continued within the scheme of the provincial program started under Soeharto's centralized regime, with still few initiatives at the district level. If any, such initiatives are usually driven by public complaints. On the other hand, there are indications that in the longer run the institutional changes may have more significant effects on EIA and enforcement practice. For EIA, these seem to be negative; for enforcement of water pollution regulation this depends much on the situation within a district or a province.  相似文献   

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