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在华境外非政府组织营利化的根源是:境外非政府组织进入内地的步伐过快与非政府组织管理体制改革的渐进性产生矛盾、"三不政策"容易滋长在华境外非政府组织营利之风、地方政府的简单化处理放纵在华境外非政府组织的营利化行为、监管权力碎片化使在华境外非政府组织营利化失去政府约束、公众认知度较低为营利化的境外非政府组织提供了生存空间。在华境外非政府组织"去营利化"的主要对策是:建立"无缝隙"政府监管制度、发挥事前监督的作用、加强在华境外非政府组织的资金管理、建立登记制和备案制并行的分类管理体制、完善在华境外非政府组织管理的法律法规体系、培养管理在华境外非政府组织的专业人才。  相似文献   

国家政治安全视角下境外非政府组织的管理路径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
国家政治安全是国家安全的根本,处于国家安全体系中的至高层次和根本地位。境外非政府组织作为在境外成立的非营利、非政府社会组织,选择在开放的中国开展活动,对我国经济社会发展发挥了积极作用。但部分境外非政府组织来华活动动机不纯,企图传播西方政治理念,开展影响我国政治安全的活动。新时期,防治境外非政府组织在华活动,必须进一步完善在华境外非政府组织管理法律法规,把好"合法性准入"关,做好资金管控工作,健全监督管理协调机制,构建在华境外非政府组织完整信息数据库和大数据预测预警分析平台,最终实现在华境外非政府组织的规范化发展,确保国家政治安全。  相似文献   

随着政府职能转型和政府改革的不断深入,非政府组织在我国经济社会的发展中正逐渐扮演着重要的角色.然而,我国现行税收政策对非政府组织从事经营活动没有特殊的优差政策,以至于非政府组织的健康发展面临着政策、管理等方面的制约.本文从非政府组织税负、税收捐赠、税收征管三个角度,探讨了我国非政府组织税收政策的现状,并在概述英美日三国非政府组织税收政策的基础上,比较性地提出了我国非政府组织现行税收政策所面临的问题及对策建议.  相似文献   

国家安全是国家的基本利益。目前在华境外非政府组织对国家安全的消极影响主要表现在国家主权安全、基层政权安全、意识形态安全等方面。加强政府对在华境外非政府组织的管理,必须建立健全在华境外非政府组织有关法律法规;适当降低在华境外非政府组织准入门槛,明确监管主体;建立严格的在华境外非政府组织财务监督机制。  相似文献   

张红显 《理论月刊》2012,(9):111-115
作为有效弥补“政府失灵”和“市场失灵”的第三方力量,非政府组织参加社会稳定风险评估有独特优势.但由于现行法规和管理体制相对滞后,特别是非政府组织和社会稳定风险评估机制本身都还处于起步阶段,使得非政府组织在参与重大事项社会稳定风险评估时面临一些困境.应进一步完善非政府组织的法律制度构建和内外环境,推动非政府组织同政府和民众的良性互动,引导非政府组织积极参与到社会稳定风险评估机制中来.  相似文献   

2014年12月召开的十二届全国人大常委会第十二次会议首次审议了境外非政府组织管理法草案,这意味着境外非政府组织在华活动和管理工作或将有法可依。受国务院委托,公安部副部长杨焕宁向会议作了关于草案的说明。他表示,改革开放以来,随着中外交往与合作的增多,境外非政府组织来我国境内开展公益活动日益频繁,对我国公益事业的发展发挥了积极作用。党的十八届四中全会提出,加强在华境外非政府组织管理,引导和监督其依法开  相似文献   

随着改革开放的不断深入,在华境外非政府组织与中国政府合作模式的研究对非政府组织建设和管理模式的探索有着重要意义。目前主要有协商参与、委托授权、服务外包等合作模式,可以通过强化制度准入、合作中贯穿中西双方文化、采取合作理念创新等途径优化合作效果。  相似文献   

培育和发展非政府组织对我国推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化具有重要意义。我国非政府组织仍处在起步阶段,数量和规模落后于美国。通过与美国非政府组织的治理模式比较分析发现,我国非政府组织的治理模式在法律法规、登记制度、财税政策、监督机制和政府与非政府组织共生发展模式等方面存在较大差异。美国非政府组织治理模式启示我们:要加快法制建设及规范财税制度,推动我国非政府组织"走出去";放宽登记制度及完善监管体系,依法治理非政府组织;弘扬"共益、公益、私益"合一精神,促进非政府组织与政府共生协调发展。  相似文献   

陈晓春  张喜辉  赵珊 《湖湘论坛》2010,23(3):75-78,94
非政府组织可持续发展是对传统非政府组织发展模式的挑战,非政府组织可持续发展的制度构建,即构建非政府组织可持续发展的外部环境制度和内部管理制度,以期能够推动我国非政府组织的发展。  相似文献   

马克思主义分析域下我国非政府组织的生成逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑光梁  魏淑艳 《求索》2011,(11):54-56
非政府组织自产生以来在西方的传统思想、文化背景和自由民主观念的土壤中蓬勃发展,同时在西方社会发展进程中发挥了重大的作用。然而,非政府组织在我国社会变迁、转型过程中发展明显滞后,各种关于非政府组织发展的政策和相关法规是趋于控制和约束的。究其原因,我们对非政府组织在社会主义制度下存在的理论基础还没有一个清醒的认识。当前,要以社会主义为根本逻辑出发点,明确非政府组织在我国发展的内在逻辑,以期提出促进非政府组织发展的政策措施,使其能够在和谐社会建设进程中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

China's dizzying economic achievement is not mirrored in its labor rights protection record. Migrant workers in particular do not enjoy rights commensurate with their contribution to the economy. The pervasive infringement of labor rights and the failure of the official protective system have jointly created a niche for nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). This article investigates the grassroots migrant labor NGOs in the Pearl River Delta region, an area which has seen unprecedented increases in labor disputes both in terms of quantity and intensity. Making extensive use of in-depth interviews and participatory observations, it examines the strategies and tactics NGOs use for survival and growth in a hostile external environment. This article reveals that administrative illegitimacy and resource shortage have been the two key challenges for grassroots NGOs; in order to survive, they have developed a series of strategies to enhance legitimacy and explore resources. In the meantime, however, antagonistic thinking still drives the government's response to grassroots organizations unless the latter can skillfully balance political ideology and actual operation. Yet, overall, most NGOs still managed to survive despite various difficulties. Reciprocity and mutual trust are of critical importance to peaceful coexistence, if not cooperation, between the state and the grassroots. The building of long-term healthy labor relations in China necessitates more liberal thinking and collaborative governance.  相似文献   

作为党密切联系群众、促进社会整合的重要抓手,各级妇联组织在中央群团改革精神指引下展开了一系列改革实践。本文以上海市H区妇联的改革实践为例,在对既有理论加以反思的基础上,立足群团组织的核心属性尝试构建一种以"中间领域治理"为核心特点的分析框架,以揭示H区妇联改革实践的行动逻辑与实践策略。研究发现,在向社会力量购买服务的实践中,H区妇联通过规范化制度、专业化方法、多主体联动、长效化机制等行动举措,推动了妇联传统服务模式的转变、组织属性的重塑以及服务群众能力的提升,形成了一种"群团借道社会"的实践逻辑,通过联同社会力量促进了个体与国家之间组织通道的再造。本案例对当下深化群团组织改革具有实践价值与参考意义,既是对十九届四中全会强调的构建社会治理体系和治理共同体的积极响应,也提供了一种深化群社协同共治、推动国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的策略机制。  相似文献   

Yue Ren 《当代中国》1997,6(16):449-460
This study analyzes NGOs’ influence in Hong Kong's political, social, and economic life. It addresses three questions. Firstly, what are their major roles and how effectively can they play them in society? Secondly, how active are these organizations? Finally, how confident are the NGO leaders about their organizations’ future? Based on a telephone survey conducted in August 1996, it finds that NGOs in Hong Kong are characterized not only by common functions but also some unique ones created by the territory's special status. In general, Hong Kong's NGOs are fairly active, which has little to do with the specialization, financial resources, and geographical foci of the organizations. Despite Beijing's explicit guarantee of the freedom of NGO activities, this study reveals that a clear majority of the NGO leaders expressed doubts about their organizations’ future.  相似文献   

Weixing Hu 《当代中国》2016,25(98):163-177
The current Chinese foreign and national security system suffers from problems of inefficiency, a lack of coordination and information sharing, and accountability of decision makers. China’s newly established Central National Security Commission (CNSC) is designed to build a strong platform to coordinate national security work and to strengthen unified leadership of national security at the central level. This article examines the CNSC’s foreign policy and institutional rationales. It argues that the establishment of the CNSC must be viewed in light of China’s growing power and Xi’s aspiration to play ‘big power diplomacy’ in world affairs as well as his ambition for overall institutional reforms of foreign and national security policymaking in China.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,农村所发生的经济、社会变迁推动着我国乡村治理结构的转型,也催生了村民自治这一新型的基层民主制度。在村民自治这一制度架构下,一种基于治理理念的新型农村社会治理模式成为可能,即以村民委员会民主选举制度为核心,以村务公开为制度保障,通过培育具有自主治理性质的乡村社团组织,发掘传统乡村社会的文化资源,将制度创新与本土资源的发掘结合起来。  相似文献   

加强和创新社会管理,是继续抓住和用好我国发展重要战略机遇期、推进党和国家事业的必然要求,是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求,对实现全面建设小康社会宏伟目标、实现党和国家长治久安具有重大战略意义。截至目前,国内外学界主要提出了社会安全管理、社会事务管理、社会组织管理、社会保障体系管理等一系列社会管理的具体领域。本文对国内外学者主要社会管理的理论观点进行梳理,并对社会管理理论中的一些基本理论观点和问题等进行讨论。  相似文献   

卢倩云 《桂海论丛》2010,26(6):110-114
乡村基层组织的组织效能不仅来自于"以制度为中心"的刚性化管理,更来自于以"心理契约"为基础的柔性化管理。改革开放30多年来,乡村基层组织心理契约发生了巨大变化。构建符合组织管理需要的新型心理契约应完善组织内部沟通机制,提高组织和成员的互信水平;强化组织目标管理,形成组织与成员的共同愿景;培育和谐的组织文化理念,增强成员认同感;建立合理的职业发展规划体系,促进成员自我发展。  相似文献   

You Ji 《当代中国》2016,25(98):178-196
The establishment of the National Security Commission (NSC) of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a major regrouping of the top CCP power structure, a ‘New Deal’ in Xi Jinping’s endeavor to revitalize China. In full operation it will reshape Beijing’s national security (NS) decision-making process concerning the formulation of national security strategies, crisis management at home and abroad, coordination of national security policies and actions by Party/army/state agencies and institutional links with its foreign national security counterparts. This article argues that the NSC will primarily address the Party’s internal security concerns, which is the key link to its efforts to strike a new balance between various security typologies. It analyses Beijing’s securitization guidance and practice and constructs its organizational structure and functions.  相似文献   

Jie Chen 《当代中国》2010,19(65):503-523
China has become part of the global trend of solidarity and networking among grassroots non-governmental organisations across national borders. This paper examines the social and political implications for Chinese green civil society from the activities in the country by international environmental NGOs. Following a historical, statistical and geographical profile of transnational civil society's penetration in China, it investigates closely the material and ideational benefits received by Chinese activist organisations from transnational collaboration, against the complex and often nebulous interactions between Chinese NGOs, their global partners and the government authorities. The paper argues that transnational civil society's presence and achievements in China have helped legitimise and strengthen the burgeoning civil society in the country, and this is meaningful beyond the environmental field.  相似文献   

Chen Jie 《当代中国》2001,10(29):613-644
So far as Taiwan's foreign relations are concerned, in parallel to the state's diplomacy and state-blessed Track-II maneuvering, there has emerged a more natural and meaningful phenomenon: i.e. grassroots solidarity between Taiwanese activist NGOs and their foreign counterparts, as a result of the joint pursuit of common social justice goals. It is high time that voluntary transnational activism was studied for a more comprehensive understanding of Taiwan's foreign relations in the era of democratization and surging activism of transnational social movement campaigns. This paper discusses the internationalization of Taiwan's social movement NGOs: their background, motivations, activities, and roles in transnational politics. Special attention is paid to the fact that while Taiwanese NGO activities in the transnational NGO community by nature ignore and disregard the state's diplomatic interests, both the quality and quantity of such activities have been severely restricted by Taiwan's poor diplomatic status in the inter-state community. This is a unique paradox not studied in the mainstream discourse on transnational civil society.  相似文献   

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