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刘剑明 《法制与社会》2011,(11):238-239
警察体育是警察培养过程中的重要环节,1998年司法部监狱管理局组织编写了《警察体育》教材,由中国民主法治出版社出版;2001年司法部监狱管理局组织编写了《警察实用技能训练提要》教材,由金城出版社出版,在司法警察院校课程设置中是必修课,它通过科学合理的教学手段和教学方法,是使学生掌握队列、擒拿格斗、散打训练、警械具使用、射击技术、机动车(含摩托车)驾驶等一些应用型技术、技能的教学过程。  相似文献   

赵美环 《法制与社会》2013,(18):196-197
良好的心理素质是警校学生必须具备的素质,而现在很多警校学生很多都是单身子女,他们在心理方面还很不成熟,这对他们将来的警务工作可能会产生不利影响。警校擒拿格斗训练不仅是一种警务基本能力训练,它的作用不仅体现在发展学生体质上,对于学生心理素质也具有良好的促进作用。本文从现有的研究资料出发,通过实证调查法详细论述了警校擒拿格斗训练在心理素质方面的作用,以期能够给当前警校擒拿格斗训练带来一些启示。  相似文献   

强大的国家,需要强大的警察。具有公共服务能力、侦查能力、法律运用能力、人际交往能力和擒拿格斗能力的警察才是强大的警察,才能应对复杂多变国际国内严峻形势的考验和挑战,才能履行党、国家和人民所赋予的艰巨任务和神圣使命。其中公共服务能力是核心,侦查能力是灵魂,法律运用能力是基础,人际交往能力是关键,擒拿格斗能力是保障。  相似文献   

伍玉功 《法制与经济》2009,(4):14-15,17
强大的国家,需要强大的警察。具有公共服务能力、侦查能力、法律运用能力、人际交往能力和擒拿格斗能力的警察才是强大的警察,才能应对复杂多变国际国内严峻形势的考验和挑战,才能履行党、国家和人民所赋予的艰巨任务和神圣使命。其中公共服务能力是核心,侦查能力是灵魂,法律运用能力是基础,人际交往能力是关键,擒拿格斗能力是保障。  相似文献   

李阳 《政法学刊》2001,18(5):93-94
加强粤港警察体育教学训练的交流,对粤港警察体育课程设置、教学内容与训练方法及警察体育师资力量等方面加以比较,提出学习香港警察体育教学训练先进的经验和做法,以促进广东警察体育教学与训练。  相似文献   

在职训练计划的科学安排需要对监狱警察的岗位技能现状及需求进行调查与评估。应以基层警察为研究对象,立足于提高基层警察的综合素质和职业技能,通过调查监狱警察的岗位技能状况,结合当前我国警察执法环境的变化和执法能力的提升要求,分析基层警察的岗位技能训练需求,研究在职岗位技能训练的内容体系和途径方式。研究成果可以丰富警察队伍建设的相关理论体系,对提高基层警察的职业素质具有实用价值和指导意义。  相似文献   

我国警察的素质教育训练 (1)内地警察素质教育训练目前,我国公安院校已形成了具有中国特点的警察素质教育训练体制。公安部所属警察院校负责培养专业性较强的管理人才和侦查技术人才;省属警察学校负责培养综合通用人才;市地级的警察学校负责为基层培训警察。这三层学校是从高中、初中毕业生中招生。在发展正规的警察学历教育的同时,我国还采取在职警察轮训、专业证书、函授、自学考试等教育形式,以提高在职警察的素质。初步形成了分级管理,分级培训,多层次、多种形式的警察教育体系。  相似文献   

拓展训练是一种体验式培训方式,是一种成功心理训练和团队合作训练,是一种专门进行团队建设的训练,是一套塑造团队活力、推动组织成长的不断增值的训练课程。将拓展训练运用到监狱人民警察队伍建设中,会对挖掘警察潜能,提高警察综合素质,促进入的全面发展,打破队伍建设瓶颈起到良好的作用。这是开创警察队伍建设新途径、推进组织文化建设、加强警察心理健康教育的需要。  相似文献   

监狱人民警察的职责首先是维护和保障监狱环境的安全与稳定。如预防和制止罪犯越狱逃跑、狱内犯罪、骚乱等。由于监狱人民警察战斗力的强弱直接影响到对罪犯管理,改造秩序的顺利进行,所以,要求监狱人民警察必须掌握狱内防暴知识、擒拿格斗、实弹射击、警械使用等实用技能。目前,监狱人民警察由于缺乏警体技能训练以及相应的监督激励制度,使部分人民警察长期不锻炼,其结果是随着年龄的增大,体质不断下降,警体技能素质逐渐退化,加上工作长期疲劳,恶性循环,最终造成警察队伍的战斗力下降。本文依据监狱对罪犯的管理、改造工作的特点,针对如何提高监狱人民警察的警体实用技能素质,提出了建议和对策。  相似文献   

素质拓展训练是中国创新教育发展的必然趋势,也是对高校追求体育创新的全面阐释。目前,我国传统警察体育教学现状期待一场创新的革命,而素质拓展正是对传统警察体育教学的必要补充。  相似文献   

Despite many years of empirical research focusing on investigative interviewing and detecting deception, very little research attention has been paid to the various types of evidence which feature in police interviews with suspects. In particular, the use of forensic evidence in the context of police interviews has not been previously considered, although in recent years the availability of various types of forensic analyses has dramatically increased. In the current study 398 experienced police interviewers from various countries completed a questionnaire about their experience of using various types of forensic evidence in interviews with suspects, as well as their perceptions regarding the strength of various sources of forensic information and how this may affect their interviewing strategy. The results indicated that although the participants have forensic evidence available in a large proportion of their interviews with suspects, the vast majority of police interviewers have received no training about how to interpret or use such forensic information. However, the perceived strength of forensic evidence was reported by some participants to affect their interview strategy and specifically the timing of the disclosure of such evidence during an interview. These findings are discussed with reference to police training and interview techniques, and suggestions for further research are offered.  相似文献   


In this study, we investigated the effects of wearing a police uniform and gear on officers’ performance during the Physical Competence Test (PCT) of the Dutch National Police. In a counterbalanced within-subjects design, twenty-seven police officers performed the PCT twice, once wearing sportswear and once wearing a police uniform. The results showed clear indications that wearing a police uniform influenced the performance on the PCT. Participants were on average 14 seconds slower in a police uniform than in sportswear. Furthermore, performing the test in uniform was accompanied by higher RPE-scores and total physiological load. It seems that wearing a police uniform during the test diminishes the discrepancy between physical fitness needed to pass the simulated police tasks in the PCT and the job-specific physical fitness that is required during daily police work. This suggests that wearing a police uniform during the test will increase the representativeness of the testing environment for the work field.  相似文献   

张莉斌  杨宁  黄渴 《政法学刊》2010,27(2):118-121
依法使用武器是法律赋予警察的权力,是维护社会治安、惩治违法犯罪、保护人民群众和警察生命安全的有力武器。而警察武器使用的训练是一个技能与法律法规密切结合的实战训练,也是一个不断发现问题和解决问题,熟能生巧的、有制度的、严格规范的、长期的、永恒的训练过程。香港警队的警务实战训练代表了世界最先进、最科学、最实用的训练水平,他们的枪械训练为内地警察武器使用的训练提供了很好的训练思路和训练方向。在目前形势下,我们应借鉴香港警队先进的训练理念和训练模式,开拓我们的思路,促使我们的警察武器使用训练发生质的变化,走上一个崭新的台阶,使训练与实际执法真正的结合起来。  相似文献   


An important issue for police services across the world is the training and education of police personnel. Both training and education have often been linked to the professionalization of policing. An overview of current developments in police training and education in Poland is provided by a discussion and delineation of learning pathways for Polish police officers and the relevant pieces of legislation that have influenced these pathways. This contributes significant knowledge to international literature by being the first repository of information about Polish police training and education. The historical context of police and police training in Poland is introduced first, followed by an overview of the two-tier system of training. Finally, developments of police training in the Polish context are critically assessed to demonstrate the slow, yet undeniable, approach toward professionalisation of police officers in Poland.  相似文献   

Despite having the potential to affect cooperation and support for law enforcement, community preferences for police training are generally unstudied. This paper seeks to understand (1) general community preferences for police training for responding to mental health crises, (2) where the public prioritizes this mental health crisis training relative to racial bias training, and (3) whether these preferences vary depending on respondent demographics and risk factors for police contact. Survey data from a general sample of Portland, Oregon residents (N = 259) shows public support for police training on responding to mental health crises, but the public as a whole is split over whether mental health, or racial bias training, should be prioritized as the best use of police training time. Logistic regression analyses demonstrate three main findings regarding the impact of respondent characteristics on preferences for police training: (1) black respondents appear concerned that, by drawing attention to mental health crises, police will be more limited in their responses to racial bias; (2) respondents facing the greatest, and those with the least, amount of risk in police/citizen encounters are most supportive of mental health crisis training; and (3) mental illness itself does not appear to affect support for police mental health crisis training. These differences in support for training need to be understood before law enforcement can cultivate community support for police officers and their training practices.  相似文献   

State and local law enforcement training academies differ in a myriad of ways, including the content of their classes, the type of instruction received, and the tests mandated for graduation. The focus of this study is the physical fitness test and how it affects the proportion of women to men matriculating from these academies. A predictive model of academy completion rates is derived from a sample of 96 police training academies. The presence of gendered physical testing requirements was found to be positively related to the proportion of women to men graduating from training. In addition to the empirical models, data on the specific content of these tests are provided. The variability of tests suggests that gendered physical requirements are an illusionary panacea, as they do not address the fundamental assumptions of the tests themselves.  相似文献   

This study aimed at personality and mental health status of Swedish police trainees considering gender differences; and at relationships between personality and mental health. 103 individuals were investigated by means of the SCL-90-R and the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) upon entry to the police academy. By contrast, the police trainees were mentally much healthier than individuals from the general population. They reported low Harm Avoidance and their character dimensions were more developed in terms of strength, responsibility and reliability. Harm Avoidance (positively) and Self-Directedness (negatively) were found to be associated with all facets of psychopathology. The good mental health and mature personality characteristics reported by trainees, particularly the females, suggest that they have the strength to master the stressful situations which they will face in their professional lives. In order to prevent possible psychological disturbances later in life, due to the high level of distress in their work, the development of trainees’ personality in terms of particular coping skills should be regarded as an integral part of their professional training at the police academy.  相似文献   

丁灿  胡和平 《政法学刊》2009,26(5):125-128
警察文化软实力在警察实力中的重要性越来越突出,警察文化软实力建设要从建构警察精神文化体系入手,形成全体警察的普遍追求和自律,并把握警察文化与社会之间的复杂的动态关系,不断形成新的先进性警察文化,使警察文化始终保持自身的价值和激情。在此基础上借助立体化的传播手段,使警察文化在现实社会中发挥作用,达到提升警察文化软实力的目的。同时要警惕警察文化落后的一面,不断改善警察文化内在素质的构成关系,并且坚持积极对话的姿态,在多元化的文化境遇中保持警察文化的活力。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to test the effects of police trauma resilience training on stress and performance during a critical incident police work simulation. Rookie police officers (N = 18) participated in a randomized trial of a 10-week imagery and skills training program versus training as usual. Twelve months later, psychophysiological stress and police work performance were assessed during a live critical incident simulation. Training resulted in significantly less negative mood, less heart rate reactivity, a larger increase in antithrombin, and better police performance compared to controls. Trends for cortisol and self-reported stress also suggested benefits of training. This novel training program is a promising paradigm for improving police well-being, stress resiliency, and optimizing job performance.  相似文献   

警务实战训练作为现代公安教育训练工作的重要内容,一直倍受从事公安教育训练工作研究的专家学者们积极关注.本文从探讨警务实战的内涵和特点入手,运用系统论的观点从宏观视角对警务实战训练的内容体系进行分析,并对其具体内容的相互关系及影响进行探讨,以期为警务实战内容的进一步研究提供些许参考.  相似文献   

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