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“海上丝绸之路”是古代中国与东南亚、南亚等地之间的一条远洋贸易航线,它是古代中国联系东南亚、南亚等地政治、经济、文化交流的重要桥梁之一,古代中国运用这条贸易航线发展对外的经济文化交往。  相似文献   

"丝绸之路"贸易通道的复兴,对于中国经济发展和社会进步具有重大的现实意义。中国已经开展了大量关于"新丝路"的外交活动,但中国更需要将"丝路外交"提升到战略的高度,原因在于"丝路外交"的开展不仅有利于中国突破当前的贸易和能源困境,而且也可以极大地加强中国与周边国家的文化交流,实质性地改善中国的安全处境。中国在"新丝路外交"中应该注意防范非传统安全威胁,利用好包括联合国在内的各种国际协调机制,并避免恶性的大国竞争。  相似文献   

"一带一路"是中国国家主席习近平在2013年9月、10月分别出访中亚和东南亚国家时提出的战略构想,体现了中国在全球化背景下对构建更加开放、合作,促进共同发展的区域经济新格局的战略愿景。本文认为,共建21世纪海上丝绸之路,迫切需要各方共同努力,尽快形成共同发展理念,增进政治互信,构建面向未来的发展愿景,制定发展议程,实施联合行动方案,促进互联互通。  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了21世纪海上丝绸之路与中国—东盟自由贸易区升级版建设的关系和首要任务。文章认为,21世纪海上丝绸之路建设与东盟国家的经济走廊发展规划相衔接,与东盟国家的金融政策和金融业务相协调,与东盟国家不断加强人文交流合作,有利于建设好21世纪海上丝绸之路,推动打造中国—东盟自由贸易区升级版。  相似文献   

王海燕 《国际问题研究》2020,(2):107-133,136
中国与中亚国家共建数字丝绸之路对“一带一路”建设和提升中亚国家现代化发展水平意义重大。中亚国家数字经济发展潜力巨大,各国纷纷出台数字经济发展战略,电子商务发展方兴未艾,电子政务能力不断提升,但各国数字经济发展差距较大。中国与中亚国家共建数字丝绸之路有着良好的基础,双方已建立起较为稳定持久的互信关系,都提出了数字经济发展战略,已有多层次合作机制,中亚国家对双方合作的内在动力较强。但双方合作也面临不少挑战,中亚国家数字基础设施建设较为薄弱、数字人才紧缺,网络安全和地缘政治风险亦不断增加。中国和中亚国家可从数字基础设施建设、数字治理、电子商务、数字人才培养等路径入手展开合作,因国施策,共建数字丝绸之路。  相似文献   

21世纪海上丝绸之路建设是中国对外开放的重要内容。江苏省的经济增长与东盟、南亚经济增长一直有较强的关联性,同时江苏省与东盟、南亚等国家在产业结构方面具有明显的互补性优势,因此,江苏省与海上丝绸之路沿线各国的经贸合作具有较大的发展空间。本文提出了加强市场研究,善于利用各种合作基金,大力扶持海外园区建设,提高与丝绸之路沿线国家互联互通水平,扩大投资促进贸易,加强文教与旅游合作等建议。  相似文献   

中国国家主席习近平有关共同建设21世纪"海上丝绸之路"的设想,不仅为中国—东盟未来的合作和共同发展描绘了一个伟大的蓝图,而且具有深刻的历史内涵和丰富的现实意义。尽管打造新时代的"丝绸之路"会面临一些挑战,但只要牢牢把握中国—东盟战略合作大方向,新"海上丝绸之路"必将有着美好的未来。  相似文献   

China is in need of executing a new economic diplomatic strategy, which is articulated through the Silk Road Initiative, to make breakthroughs in the international economic governance.  相似文献   

本文分析广西北部湾经济区参与共建21世纪海上丝绸之路的优势及基础,提出广西北部湾经济区参与共建21世纪海上丝绸之路、加快与东盟合作发展的建议。  相似文献   

Establishing the CIN Economic Corridor fosters cooperation among China, India and Nepal for economic development, connectivity and enhancement of cultural proximity. As the gateway to South Asia for China and others on the Silk Road Economic Belt, Nepal can map itself as a regional financial and trading hub and seize additional growth opportunities.  相似文献   

The digital economy is the most promising new area for China-Central Asia cooperation on the Silk Road Economic Belt. Through country-specific policy support and strategic synergy, China can help promote the digital transformation and modernization of Central Asian countries, enhance the development level of Asia-Europe digital economy, and build a beautiful and win-win Digital Silk Road.  相似文献   

For all the promises of mutually beneficial cooperation, Chinese policy documents about the New Silk Road, also called ‘One Belt, One Road’, mostly testify to a strong ambition to unlock foreign markets and support domestic firms in taking on foreign competitors. This confirms China’s shift from defensive mercantilism, which aims to protect the home market, towards offensive mercantilism, which seeks to gain market shares abroad. In a context of global economic stagnation, this comes as a major challenge to Europe. As China’s market share grows spectacularly in countries along the New Silk Road, key European member states have both lost market shares and even seen their exports shrink in absolute terms.  相似文献   

本文论述产业合作在建设21世纪海上丝绸之路中的重要意义,分析目前中国与东盟产业合作的基础、优势和问题,深化中国与沿线国家的产业合作是在21世纪海上丝绸之路建设中的重点,应借助中国—东盟自由贸易区的优惠政策,提高双方合作的实效和层次,实现优势互补、建立跨国产业链,中国与东盟各国建立的跨国经济园区是产业合作的创新模式和重要载体。  相似文献   

建设中国—东盟命运共同体、21世纪"海上丝绸之路"等国家重大战略的实施,离不开地方政府的积极参与和有效作为。过去10年,广西在服务中国—东盟自由贸易区建设中发挥了重要作用,创造了三大奇迹,积累了十大经验,广西客观上成为中国—东盟战略合作的新高地。当前,广西已经进入高铁时代、北部湾经济区同城化时代、沿海沿边沿江"三沿"全面开发开放时代、构建新的战略支点时代,进入工业化中期阶段、城镇化加速阶段和经济起飞阶段,广西的开放发展正站在一个新的历史起点上。未来10年,广西将紧紧围绕携手建设中国—东盟命运共同体、共同建设21世纪"海上丝绸之路"、打造中国—东盟自由贸易区升级版以及中国—东盟"2+7"合作框架1,实施以开放为主导的跨越式发展战略,深化与东盟的全面开放合作,着力打造中国西南中南地区开放发展新的战略支点、海上丝绸之路的新门户新枢纽、中国—东盟合作高地,服务中国—东盟命运共同体建设,把广西与东盟的全面开放合作推上一个新台阶。  相似文献   

Australia' s development and infrastructure plans have synergy with China's 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiative,and their political,economic,trade,financial and civil exchanges have deepened bilaterally.However,as the synergy of the development strategies meets challenges,China should stick to the principle of opening-up and inclusiveness to cope with the ups and downs coming up in the China-Australia relationship so as to ensure Australia can contribute positively to the initiative.  相似文献   

中国国家主席习近平访问东盟国家时提出共同建设21世纪海上丝绸之路,新的时代赋予了海上丝绸之路新的内涵和意义。本文提出推动海上丝绸之路建设的举措,探讨海南省在建设海上丝绸之路中的作用。  相似文献   

The China-initiated Silk Road Economic Belt creates an opportunity for Georgia to transform its role as an energy transportation hub to a regional economic hub in general. Closer economic ties with China as witnessed in recent years are definitely in Georgia's interests to diversify export markets and attract foreign investment.  相似文献   

The core of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) involves trillions of US$ in investment to increase and improve connectivity between China and different parts of the world. This includes tens of billions of US$ to build or upgrade roads, rail lines, ports, pipelines and other infrastructure to connect China with Europe. With the European continent still feeling the effects of the Global Financial and Eurozone Sovereign Debt crises, this is an opportunity to strengthen its financial security by gaining access to a new source of financing. This new source, however, is linked to Chinese economic statecraft. Thus, cash-starved Europe can tap on the recently launched Silk Road Fund, Maritime Silk Road Fund and other initiatives from the Chinese government. Concurrently, however, political divisions within Europe derived from Chinese investment, as well as normative differences in terms of standards and practices present a challenge to the continent. This article thus analyses the effects of BRI, presented as a tool of Chinese economic statecraft, on Europe’s financial security. It argues that in spite of the latent challenges to said security, the potential benefits have already led many European countries to seek to tap on BRI’s investment as a means to strengthen their financing position.  相似文献   

The concept of a "Silk Road Economic Belt" envisioned by China's new leadership would provide an unprecedented opportunity for the country's overall development and its relatively backward western regions. China overall China should combine the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt with the new diplomatic approach on neighboring countries and strive to the to construct with Central Asian countries a community of shared destiny construct destiny and a community of shared interests.  相似文献   

范力 《东南亚纵横》2014,(10):20-23
共建21世纪海上丝绸之路的发展战略对于推动和深化中国与东盟乃至亚太地区的开放合作意义重大。中马钦州产业园区在共建21世纪海上丝绸之路发展战略中有重要位置。中马钦州产业园区将充分发挥自身优势,根据中马两国领导人为其提出的"打造中马两国投资合作旗舰项目,带动两国产业集群式发展"的战略定位,将中马钦州产业园区建设成为21世纪海上丝绸之路的先行园区。  相似文献   

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