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This paper initially considers ways of thinking about organ transplantation: Should it be treated as a catastrophic disease or as an ordinary and accepted medical procedure? The analysis then shifts to the role the government has played in influencing organ transplantation policy. The federal government's involvement initially stemmed from its role as payer for end-stage renal disease services. In recent years, the rationale for intervention has changed, and the mechanism for implementing regulatory oversight has shifted to a private network run for the government by the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS). The government has delegated much policymaking authority to UNOS, although the author demonstrates that this is not required by the applicable legislation. The article raises questions about the relationship between UNOS and the federal government, about potential conflicts between UNOS guidelines and state laws under the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, and about the ideological stance undergirding much of current federal policy in the organ transplantation arena.  相似文献   

刘敏  杨勇 《行政与法》2005,(2):64-66
政府作为一个国家的权力机构和管理机构,其运行须遵从正式的法律、规范,且有一定的制度作为保障。行政法对行政权力的控制与平衡是改善政府信用的重要途径,而其中的诚信原则更突出了政府法治讲求诚信的重要意义。从行政法的角度探析如何运用行政法中的诚信原则来改善政府与民众之间的信任关系,提高政府信用度具有现实意义。  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to examine the influence of the right to information laws on sustainability transparency in European local governments. This goal is novel, in that previous studies have examined the effects of various factors on the dissemination of government information (demographic, socioeconomic, political and financial) but not the contribution of legal factors to online transparency on environmental, social and economic sustainability. Our research question is this: Do information laws contribute to transparency on sustainability? Using the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines and a statistical regression analysis, we studied the websites of 106 local governments in ten European countries. The results obtained show that when transparency laws clearly stipulate the rules applicable and the procedures established for appeals, exceptions, refusals and requests, this can favour transparency on environmental, social and economic sustainability. Our findings advance understanding of this field and reinforce the basis for legal reforms to enhance sustainability transparency.


The Nigerian Government has taken measures to address the problem of electoral malpractices in the politics of Nigeria. This article examines the problem of electoral malpractices in the politics of Nigeria. The research methodology adopted is mainly doctrinal analysis of applicable primary and secondary sources. It is the author’s view that governmental efforts to address the problem of electoral malpractices, as represented by these measures, have not yielded the desired results, as electoral malpractices continue unabated in the politics of Nigeria. The author suggests, among other recommendations, that the Nigerian Government should adopt election-less or non-election democracy.  相似文献   

PM2.5对健康和环境有严重危害,已成全球性环境问题。上世纪90年代中期至今,美国形成了削减PM2.5的法律机制。该机制以准据法、标准法、实施法、相关法、地方法组成的法律体系为基础,以命令统制型环境行政管理为主要构成,以司法的频繁介入为纠偏和保障,以判例法与制定法的相互配合为回应,形成了"命令统制为主、经济刺激为辅、司法纠偏为补"的多元削减模式,彰显出合目的性、灵活性、实用性等特征。因实行广泛而严格的规制方法和技术性手法,在联邦制定法上具有划时代意义。但是,该机制过于重视效率而损害公平,过于重视市场方法而出现环境非正义事态,司法介入往往受政党掣肘而陷入法律工具主义漩涡,为各国的PM2.5法律应对提供了经验和教训。  相似文献   

戴琼 《政法学刊》2007,24(2):46-50
涉外产品责任是一种特殊的涉外侵权责任。在法律适用方面,各国的规定不尽相同,较具代表性的有侵权行为地法、政府利益分析法、最密切联系原则以及原告选择法律、海牙产品责任法律适用条约等,各有利弊。我国现行法规关于涉外产品责任的法律适用,存在较多缺陷,亟需完善。  相似文献   

张昕宇 《政法学刊》2007,24(3):121-124
2007年3月30日,美国商务部宣布对原产于中国的铜版纸适用反补贴法,继加拿大之后又一次突破了“反补贴不适用于非市场经济国家”的定论。文章从有关国际法和国内法规范入手,着重探讨了国外对华适用反补贴的理论依据,指出在我国对外贸易顺差持续走高的条件下,国际对华反补贴已呈风雨欲来之势,寻求应对之策已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

黄小喜 《时代法学》2012,10(6):114-119
美国十多年来的反恐战略、手段与措施较此前是极大的挑战,甚至突破了既有国际政治框架和国际法律秩序所能够容忍的限度。美国政府扩张武装冲突的外延、新设全球反恐战争概念、避开平时刑法试图选择适用武装冲突法以获得更多的战时特权,其目的是为定点清除找到正当根据,为反恐措施披上合法外衣。但是,选择适用武装冲突法,进而采取军事手段“以暴制暴”,无助于最恰当和最有效地惩治国际恐怖分子。美国政府在巩固既有反恐成果的同时,应当积极反思其错误适用反恐法律所导致的消极后果,以确保其惩治国际恐怖分子法律选择的恰当性与有效性。  相似文献   

行政主体适用法律法规错误是行政法治实践中发生的问题,《行政诉讼法》没有作出适用法律法规错误的具体规定,学界对这一问题的讨论亦存在着诸多方面的困惑。因而关于行政主体适用法律法规错误的具体范畴、考量标准等都没能形成比较合理和一致的看法。我们认为,主要有置换法律法规位置、混淆法律法规门类、误读法律法规条文、颠倒法律法规规制事项和曲解法律法规原则等错误适用。应将“适用的法律法规是否与案件事实对应、适用的法律法规是否与当事人对应、适用的法律法规是否与行政职权对应、适用的法律法规是否与行为方式对应”等标准确定下来成为行政法规范,使行政主体在适用行政法时予以注意,并能够为人民法院的司法审查提供法定标准。  相似文献   

欧洲联盟电子商务立法评介   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
欧盟电子商务立法的框架是由一体化立法、成员国立法、综合立法和专项立法共同构建而成的多层次的法律体系 ,其内容涉及网络服务、电子签名、消费者保护、司法管辖、电子货币、税收以及著作权保护等方面。从欧盟电子商务立法实践可归纳出三方面特点 ,即 (1 )就立法意图而言 ,重点在于创建欧洲电子商务统一市场 ;(2 )就欧盟法与成员国立法关系而言 ,强调相互补充、相互制约 ;(3)就立法的重点而言 ,兼顾内部立法、国际条约和行业自律的制定。  相似文献   

介绍国际海事组织制定国际海运温室气体减排法律制度的背景,分析制定相关法律制度的可行性和形势,提出并探讨四个关键问题,即立法目的、共同但有区别责任原则的体现、法律文件的形式、是否构成海运服务贸易壁垒,揭示其背后深层次的政治、经济、技术和法律问题,指出国际海运温室气体减排法律制度将给船舶技术、国际海运贸易、航运经营与运营带来深远影响。  相似文献   

Although the protection of personal data is harmonized within the EU by Directive 95/46/EC and will be further harmonized by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018, there are significant differences in the ways in which EU member states implemented the protection of privacy and personal data in national laws, policies, and practices. This paper presents the main findings of a research project that compares the protection of privacy and personal data in eight EU member states: France, Germany, the UK, Ireland, Romania, Italy, Sweden, and the Netherlands. The comparison focuses on five major themes: awareness and trust, government policies for personal data protection, the applicable laws and regulations, implementation of those laws and regulations, and supervision and enforcement.The comparison of privacy and data protection regimes across the EU shows some remarkable findings, revealing which countries are frontrunners and which countries are lagging behind on specific aspects. For instance, the roles of and interplay between governments, civil rights organizations, and data protections authorities vary from country to country. Furthermore, with regard to privacy and data protection there are differences in the intensity and scope of political debates, information campaigns, media attention, and public debate. New concepts like privacy impact assessments, privacy by design, data breach notifications and big data are on the agenda in some but not in all countries. Significant differences exist in (the levels of) enforcement by the different data protection authorities, due to different legal competencies, available budgets and personnel, policies, and cultural factors.  相似文献   

薛建平 《中国法律》2010,(4):16-19,72
国际投资及企业并购的法律问题范围比较广,可以分成两个部分。第一部分是境外朋友们可能感兴趣的,就是内地企业“走出去”这个大趋势背後的理念,国家政策和境内相关法律的配套究竟是怎样的。从20世纪90年代国家领导人提出“引进来、走出去”的战略目标,到2004年商务部出台的两个规定,并在2009年颁发《境外投资管理办法》,确立了“证书”的批准制度。  相似文献   

杨家雄 《中国法律》2010,(4):20-22,72
如何处理股价敏感信息(下称“PSI”)是良好企业管治非常重要的一个环节。2010年年初,为进一步改善香港的上市平台,香港政府就法例迫使上市公司披露PSI的建议向公众展开咨询。今年6月4日,在香港董事学会午餐演讲会时,财经事务及库务局局长陈家强教授就今次展开公众咨询有以下解说:  相似文献   

The Arctic has rapidly transformed from a “frozen desert” into a theater for high-level politics. Climate change and socioeconomic interdependencies bring the World more and more to the Arctic and vice versa. Increased geological knowledge, new technologies, and high-energy prices make it possible to develop oil and gas resources in the Arctic; however, the effectiveness of oil spill response techniques remains a key concern. To understand oil and gas exploration in the Arctic governance setting, and especially the authority of Greenland, we combine a multi-level governance framework with the concept sphere of authority from post-international theory. The Arctic sphere of authority on oil and gas consists of many different governance arrangements, of which the most well-known governance arrangement is the Arctic Council. This paper focuses on the authority of Greenland in the changing oil and gas governance arrangements in the Arctic. Crucial is the changing Danish–Greenlandic relationship, in which the development of a Greenlandic oil and gas sector is seen as a tool to become financially independent. It can be concluded that the capacity of the Greenlandic government and civil society actors should be the primary guideline for the pace in which oil and gas activities are being developed. Taking this approach will ensure that the Greenland is retaining its central position and high degree of influence on the governance of oil and gas development in its country. Otherwise, it will lose influence and benefits will flow elsewhere.  相似文献   

Public access laws are at the heart of transparent democracy, in place to ensure that government meetings and records are open to the public. However, compliance with these laws is often problematic, a fact that can be attributed, in part, to ineffective remedies available for violations of state and federal open government laws. This study examines the enforcement provisions of the public access laws in jurisdictions across the United States to explore the remedies available, including equitable relief such as injunctions and mandamus, actual and punitive damages, attorneys’ fees, and civil and criminal sanctions. Structural difficulties were revealed that can make these remedies toothless for people unlawfully denied access. The article concludes by suggesting improvements such as enhanced and uniform penalties, more consistent enforcement, and alternatives to litigation.  相似文献   

冲突法之本位探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐崇利 《法律科学》2006,24(5):51-61
从冲突法的理论和实践来看,法律冲突的解决可归纳为以“私人”、“政府”和“社会”为本位三种情形。无疑,仅从法律逻辑上将无法对冲突法之本位的取舍做出完整的评估,就此,需要广泛地运用其他学科的理论。其中,依国际关系理论对这三种本位制进行分析,得出的结论是,“私人本位制”应成为各国冲突法立法的普遍选择;然而,以“私人”为本位的冲突法体系也应在有限的范围内或有限的程度上,以各种途径和方式有机地整合“政府本位制”和“社会本位制”的因素。同时,这也是健全和完善我国冲突法立法的一个重要方面。  相似文献   

Abandoned housing projects is one of the housing problems in Peninsular Malaysia. Even though there are laws and policies provided by the Malaysian government to govern the housing industry, the abandoned housing projects problem is still an unresolved issue for the Malaysian government. The real victims are the purchasers themselves. There are no specific or common ways to face the problems because the issues faced by the stakeholders vary for each and every abandoned housing project. This paper will discuss law and practice in the rehabilitation of abandoned housing projects in Peninsular Malaysia and compare them with the position in the Republic of Singapore. From the comparative approach, certain suggestions will be forwarded at the end of the paper to carry out rehabilitation in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore.  相似文献   

王海浪  程变兰 《时代法学》2009,7(1):100-104
2007年香港居民蔡叶深向ICSID申请投资仲裁这一案件引发了中外BITs能否适用于香港特区这一问题。尽管从BITs中关于“投资者”的定义中似乎可以得出肯定的结论,但根据《维也纳条约法公约》的解释规则、中国法律的规定以及中国政府的惯常做法,我们可以得出这样的结论:中外BITs中的“投资者”并不包括“在香港有永久性居留权的中国公民”,即中外BITs不适用于香港特区。  相似文献   

顾益民 《政法学刊》2007,24(1):14-18
各国法律规定的差异,造成票据行为发生的效果不同。国际上对票据行为能力的法律适用原则以日内瓦公约体系、普通法系最为典型。日内瓦公约体系和普通法系在票据行为能力法律适用方面的立法实践虽各有特点,但体现了融合的趋势。从实证比较及价值实现角度分析票据行为能力的法律适用,有助于理解国际私法与票据法的关系,有助于完善我国票据法律适用的立法。  相似文献   

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