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监护制度中的核心内容是监护人的确定。双方通过意定产生监护人,充分彰示出未来的被监护成年人的自由主动之意愿,宜称之为"成年人自主监护"。成年人自主监护制度远承罗马法"法是为人而设"之理念,近展我国本土"关注未来的被监护成年人意愿"之理念。从罗马法的成年人非自主"监护和保佐"模式到20世纪以来成年人自主监护的多种模式,揭示了立法对被监护成年人意愿的日渐尊重。我国民法典有关成年人自主监护的规则亟需体系化,成年人自主监护的缔约双方资格、监护人的条件、监护人主观同意与客观可能、双方合意的形式等规则应当细化。监护约定内容的限制规则、成年人自主监护登记备案规则、监护监督人规则、监护人报告规则、有偿监护规则等成年人自主监护规则的完善,不仅是理论研究的对象而且是立法完善的重要内容。  相似文献   

我国监护制度的立法体系存在不足,外部立法体系的结构分散,在婚姻家庭法中欠缺监护制度的专门章节;内部立法体系的结构不全、欠缺通则性一般规定、且未成年人监护和成年人监护制度的立法体系均不完善。构建中国民法典之监护制度立法体系,其外部立法体系宜采用"总—分"立法模式,将其通则性一般规定置于民法典"总则编",将未成年人监护与成年人监护制度置于民法典"婚姻家庭编";其内部立法体系宜采取"三分法"(监护制度通则+未成年人监护+成年人保护)的立法模式,将未成年人监护区分为父母照护与未成年人的监护和保护,后者又分为意定的与法定的两种类型;将成年人监护改称为成年人保护,分为意定的与法定的两种类型,后者又分为保护、保佐与辅助三个层级的措施,这可能为适当的选择。  相似文献   

心智障碍者即是成年人监护制度的主要适用对像,也是《联合国残疾人权利公约》第12条的调整对象。《公约》第12条倡导的尊重心智障碍者人权和自由的观点受到国际社会的普遍认可与尊重,但《公约》第1号《一般性意见》对《公约》第12条的解释确属脱离实际,导致我国国内对成年人监护的争论此起彼伏,无行为能力制度是否有存在的必要、监护是否应与行为能力相脱离、是否应以支持决策全面取代监护是各方争议的核心问题。在厘清争议的前提下,未来应通过司法解释对《民法总则》的相关内容做出细化规定。  相似文献   

刘茜 《法制与社会》2010,(15):48-49
我国已经进入老龄化社会,但我国现行法律中的监护制度并没有将老年人和成年残疾人纳入进来,而德国和日本已经在新修改的监护法律制度中,将这些人纳入到监护制度的保护范围中。本文通过学习和借鉴德国和日本的先进制度,结合我国的国情,分析了如何完善我国的成年人监护制度。  相似文献   

持续性代理权制度是英美法系的一项成年人监护制度。本文将美国持续性代理制度与我国委托监护、委托代理制度相比较,可以看出该制度的优越性在于它能保护残障者和高龄者的权利,同时也充分尊重了他们的意志,而我国却缺乏相应制度设计。因此在制定民法典前夕,建议能设计该项制度以弥补缺陷。  相似文献   

我国老年人监护制度探究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
康娜 《法商研究》2006,23(4):119-127
根据联合国划分人口老龄化程度的标准,我国已于1999年步入了老年型社会。我国的老年型社会具有人口老龄化速度快,经济相对不发达、未富先老,家庭养老功能弱化等特点。我国现有的成年人监护制度存在诸多缺陷,不足以保护老年人的合法权益。基于我国的社会现实和法律现状,我国亟须设立老年人监护制度。构建我国的老年人监护制度应在借鉴德国、日本等国成年人监护制度改革经验的基础上,突破我国传统的监护理念,在老年人监护制度的设计上体现出尊重老年人意愿、区分被监护人的不同需求、为老年人提供更人性化的保护和支持等特点。  相似文献   

协助决定为全球成年监护范式转型提供新思路、新方向。正如域外成年监护范式转型经历,我国协助决定的建设也缺乏“正式拘束、非正式拘束与实施”制度变迁土壤,实践中常常陷入困境。适逢《民法典》实施关键时期,对于其中不足,依据我国成年监护实务经验,结合域外协助决定的有益探索,提出构建我国协助决定制度的建议,如区分未成年人、成年人监护的基本原则、重视人身权益保障,尊重本人自我决定权、将“家庭互助文化”融入制度建设全过程,强制要求当事人订立协助决定要式契约并进行公证、完善相应配套措施,最大程度保障心智残疾人的利益。  相似文献   

禁治产制度的废止及我国相关制度的检省   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李霞 《法学论坛》2008,23(3):126-132
随着现代国际人权保护标准的日趋统一,残疾人人权领域的法政策发生了重大变化,古老的禁治产宣告制度因不适应国际人权保护的思潮,陆续退出各国民法或者作出修改.作为继受了禁治产制度的我国成年人无行为能力、限制行为能力宣告制度,同样面临着诸多问题.建议未来民法典取消成年人行为能力欠缺宣告制度,新设监护登记制度替代无行为能力或限制行为能力宣告.对行为能力欠缺者的认定上,采个案审查制.  相似文献   

陈嘉白 《当代法学》2021,35(3):22-32
随着对监护制度尤其是成年人监护制度的理解不断加深,成年人监护制度用更有时代性的协助决定模式取代传统的替代决定模式,已愈加广泛地被接受为转型方案.尽管我国法并未完全采取协助决定模式,但与《民法通则》完全采纳替代决定模式相比,《民法典》已然在监护制度中吸纳了协助决定的理念,这为在法律适用中选择协助决定规范创造了条件.与替代决定模式相比,协助决定模式的价值取向更为进步,关系结构更为合理,保护机制更为科学.深刻理解这两种监护模式的差异及优劣,有助于在监护制度适用中做出更优选择,逐渐使协助决定的价值理念转化为实践中的法律适用效果,最终实现我国监护制度以协助决定模式为主要实现机制的实质转型.  相似文献   

替代决策模式的新型成年监护制度适应了人口老龄化社会发展的需求,监护人责任的构成应以监护制度规范内容为解释前提。《民法典》第1188条的规范内容主要解决了责任主体的问题,没有明确监护人责任的全部构成条件。监护人是因为违反法定监督义务构成过错而承担侵权责任,而非对行为危险后果承担责任。《民法典》第1188条规定的“监护职责”和《民法典》第34条规定的“监护职责”并不一致,不是保护监护人目的的职责而是因监护相关身份关系存在的法定监督义务,未成年人的监护人和成年人的监护人因为选任类型的不同,法定监督义务的内容也有所区别,在成年意定监护的情况下,除非监护协议约定监护人需要对被监护人进行监督管束,否则并不负担法定监督义务。将《民法典》第1188条第2款解释为公平分担损失的条款,考虑在被侵权人、被监护人(行为人)、监护人之间进行利益衡量,让被监护人的财产成为分担损害后果的一种选项,而监护人作为补充承担也是一种公平分担损失规则。  相似文献   

我国老年监护制度的立法突破及相关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨立新 《法学研究》2013,(2):119-130
In the backwash of the world adult guardianship system reform, China has amended the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly and set up Article 26 which provides the guardianship by conduct and the designated guardianship for the elderly, which has made the breakthrough of the reform in the legislation of adult guardianship system and replenished the types of the persons under guardianship. Thus has established a new system for guardianship by conduct and expanded the applicative scope of the designated guardianship. It has also expanded the regulatory scope of the liability of guardian stipulated by Article 32 of the Tort Law of P.R.C and the scope of persons without civil procedure competency. So it is of great value both in legislation and society. As the provisions are still simple, some related issues will be caused by the legislation of the elderly guardianship system. For instance, the guardianship by conduct for the elderly has been set up without providing the procedure of making agreement, the necessary supervision system, and the registration system for it. Besides, measures and standards to determine whether an elderly has completely or partially lost his/her civil competency have not been established. Meanwhile, the guardianship by conduct should be expanded to all kinds of adult guardianship. And a comprehensive supervision system for guardianship has not been established neither. All of these issues need supplementary regulations to make proper adjustment.  相似文献   

近年来,对于欠缺行为能力成年人的保护问题已受到世界各国的关注,而我国现行的相关制度已不能完全适应社会需求.本文从完善欠缺行为能力法律制度的现实意义入手,介绍了国外欠缺民事行为能力成年人制度的现状并进行了比较,分析了我国现有的关于欠缺行力能力成年人保护制度的缺陷,提出了相应的完善建议.  相似文献   

我国现行监护制度已初具规模,但对于痴呆老人监护制度的研究尚属空白,存在着诸多的欠缺与滞后。为积极应对人口老龄化的挑战,也为了和国际接轨,笔者借鉴国外先进的立法经验,结合我国的具体情况,从接受新的立法理念、改革立法例、引进意定监护制度、明确规定监护双方权利义务、设立监护监督机构等几方面对完善我国监护制度提出几点建议。  相似文献   

Survey data from 4,227 Seattle residents nested within 100 “neighborhoods” (census tracts) were analyzed to discern interrelationships between various dimensions of individual‐level and neighborhood‐level guardianship. We focused on four dimensions of guardianship–physical (target hardening), personal (home occupancy), social (informal control), and natural (surveillance through environmental design)–at both individual and neighborhood levels. A multilevel opportunity, theoretical framework guided hypotheses, which suggests that each of the four dimensions of individual guardianship would be related more negatively to burglary as each of the four dimensions of aggregate guardianship increased. Multilevel logistic regression analysis revealed support for many of such hypothesized moderating effects of aggregate guardianship. More specifically, 6 of the 16 possible interaction effects were statistically significant at the .05 level and an additional 3 interaction effects were significant at the .10 level. In particular, individuallevel target hardening, place management, and natural surveillancewere related more negatively to burglary as neighborhood‐level target hardening increased, as neighborhood‐level informal social control increased, and as neighborhood‐level natural surveillance increased.  相似文献   

拉丁法律术语prodigus(浪费人)指的是那些寅吃卯粮的人。从《十二表法》到现代民法,设立浪费人制度的目的、行为模式、调整方法都相应地发生了变化。制度目的由原来的保存财产演化到尊重意思自治;行为模式由原来的笼统的挥霍浪费演化到具体的吸毒、赌博与酗酒;调整方法由原来的抽象的方法演化到具体的方法。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(6):919-932
The absence of a consistent positive effect of the unemployment rate on the crime rate is perplexing, but it may be partly due to the countervailing effect of guardianship. Using weekly state-level data and a pooled cross-sectional time-series research design, we investigate whether the unemployment rate influences residential burglary. This study contributes to the extant literature by distinguishing between weekday residential burglaries, or those burglaries that occur between the hours of 6 am to 6 pm on weekdays, from weeknight/weekend burglaries. If unemployment increases guardianship because previously employed individuals are now at home during the workday protecting their possessions, the expectation is that the unemployment rate will have an instantaneous negative effect on residential burglaries that transpire during normal working hours. Results buttress the logic associated with the guardianship thesis in that a rise in the unemployment rate only engenders a decrease in weekday residential burglaries.  相似文献   

吴国平 《政法学刊》2008,25(1):93-97
长期以来,有关监护问题在我国并未受到足够的重视,法律现有的规定也过于笼统,已经不适应新时期我国社会关系特别是家庭关系发展的需要。特别是在未成年人监护方面存在着监护内容不具体、监护种类不全面、监护产生的程序不明确、监护监督制度未建立等许多问题,我们应以民法典的制定为历史契机,全面完善我国未成年人监护制度。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the effects of alcohol outlets, with particular attention to convenience stores, located in an East Coast Tourist City. Tourist City offered an opportunity to observe the interplay between convenience stores and robberies and assaults in the presence of large volumes of summer tourists. Guided by Routine Activities Theory, we focused on the convergence of potential victims, guardianship and offenders in the vicinity of convenience stores. The first part of our paper concerns the effects of convenience stores on assaults and robberies in block groups. Using grocery stores as a comparison to convenience stores, we found that the number of convenience stores was correlated with significantly higher levels of both robberies and assaults. The second part of our investigation employed small circular buffer areas focusing on the immediate area around the convenience stores. This analysis revealed that these small areas were associated with significantly higher assaults in the summer and offseason but robberies only during the offseason. In addition, we found that variation in the number of other alcohol outlets near the convenience stores increases the number of assaults within the buffer areas.  相似文献   

Routine activity/lifestyle theories have been used to explain temporal changes in crime rates, the social ecology of crime, and individuals' risks of criminal victimization. Using a panel of 33,773 individuals and 19,005 households at two points in time, the current study extends previous research by examining whether changes in lifestyles are associated with changes in individuals' risks of personal and property victimization. Changes in lifestyles which signal greater target visibility or exposure to motivated offenders (greater daytime and nighttime activity outside the home) and reduced guardianship (decreases in the number of household members) are generally associated with increased risks of both types of victimization. Persons who maintained high levels of nighttime activity outside the household were also more likely to remain victims at both time periods. However, active lifestyle changes (increased precautionary actions) did not have their expected impact on reducing victimization risks, and several other changes over time also were inconsistent with expectations. The paper concludes with a discussion of the role of passive and active lifestyle changes on victimization risks and the implications of our findings for developing sociological theories of criminal victimization.An early draft of this paper was presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 11–14, 1987. The data for this study were originally collected by the Bureau of Census for the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration and were made available by the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research. Neither the collectors of the data nor the Consortium bears any responsibility for the analyses or interpretations presented here.  相似文献   

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