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意义的追索——谈弗兰克尔的意义疗法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对弗兰克尔意义治疗的思想理论和治疗方法作了介绍与思考 ,以期国内学者对此给予积极的关注 ;在此基础上 ,作者把意义疗法与中国的儒、道、佛作了比较分析 ,并期望中国本位的精神疗法的出现。  相似文献   

本以制度与行为之间的关系为主,对在社会科学领域影响甚大的新制度主义中各学派的主要理论观点进行了梳理,并在此基础上,着重介绍了印第安纳学派的有关理论,该理论对于制度与行为之间的关系的认识颇具洞见,有助于科学地分析社会现象。  相似文献   

李国景 《学理论》2011,(29):43-44
什么是真正的自由?可以从斯多葛学派的自由观、存在主义的自由观和马克思主义的自由观的对比评述中寻找一些答案。解决我们日常生活中细枝末节的不自由的感觉,在树立马克思主义自由观的同时,我们需要吸收斯多葛学派和存在主义的自由观中的正确观点作补充。吸收并提取斯多葛学派、存在主义、马克思主义的自由观中有益的观点,把它们用通俗的话表达出来,对我们的青少年养成正确的自由观具有重要意义。  相似文献   

意义疗法是由维克多.E.弗兰克尔教授提出的,他认为人之所以活在世上,最重要的就是要寻找生命的意义。文章通过对意义疗法的简单介绍,探讨意义疗法除了最终目的是帮助个体寻找生命意义,还有帮助个体重新认识自我,提高自我认知水平的作用。因为个体在寻找生命意义的过程中,也在不断认识自我,肯定自我,从而认识到自己存在的价值,最终找到生命的意义。可以说意义疗法能够使个体的自我认知水平得到发展。而个体自我认知程度和心理健康之间有着密切关系。  相似文献   

于伟 《学理论》2013,(18):108-109
一个长期处于病休离职状态的46岁公务员,经测验和会谈后确诊为因偏执性人格障碍导致的轻度抑郁。经过四次咨询,并通过家人和本人的配合,运用认知-行为治疗、理性情绪疗法和家庭疗法。逐步建立起求助者的自信心,增强了其社会适应能力,能感到生活的快乐,并开始积极面对困难,充满希望地开始生活。  相似文献   

功能学派自其开创以来,一直都对文化研究,乃至人类学、民族学、社会学的研究影响比较大,其创立的田间作业调查、搜集资料的方法,以及进行科学研究的态度,具有较大的理论包容性和开放性。此外,功能学派倡导"文化整体论",注重实证研究,强调事物的"功能"与"意义",等等。时至今日,功能学派对人类社会文化现象研究的影响仍然随处可见。但是,功能学派也有如同上文所讲的某些不足之处,因此,我们在研究功能学派时要注意鉴别与批判。  相似文献   

(4) 学术发展这个时期,各种学派由旧转新后,较旧学派更重视社会——文化因素对青年社会化的影响。晚近发达起来的学派学说中的存在——人本主义学派、冲突理论、符号互动,“代沟”理论,都已能把社会化过程中的青年看成是积极的能动的社会实体。总之,在学派错综复杂、学说彼消此长的状况下,青年社会化的学术研究仍在不断地发展。学术发展的另一种倾向,即由单学科研究发展到多学科研究。广义上说,这种倾向体现在两个方面:一方面,从各学派的理论成果中去总结发现;另一方面,则是用多学科知识对  相似文献   

新时代中国正在进行全方位的快速发展,同时我国的生态文明建设也面临极大的挑战。生态伦理学是讲述人和生态的哲学。新时代要建设人与自然和谐共生的生态环境,就要有新的生态理论体系。我国古代生态伦理主要包括儒家、道家、墨家,但各学派的侧重点不同,比如儒家生态伦理思想强调以仁爱为主的人与自然关系;道家生态伦理思想突出人是自然的一员并与世间万物有平等关系等。我国古代各学派伦理思想对当代生态建设有很大的启示作用,是建设新时代中国特色社会主义生态文明的重要思想源泉。  相似文献   

在当代俄罗斯存在三个主要的马克思主义流派:"批判的马克思主义""正统的马克思主义""反思的马克思主义"。以А.В.Бузгалин(布兹加林)为代表的"批判的马克思主义学派"被公认为是具有一定影响力的一个流派。及时了解当代俄罗斯"批判的马克思主义学派"的形成和发展以及该学派研究的最新动态,这是推进国外马克思主义研究的重要环节,同时,这对于开展国内马克思主义研究与俄罗斯马克思主义研究之间的对话,也具有重要的理论及实践意义。  相似文献   

科技观作为自然辩证法的重要组成部分,历来为广大学者所青睐。哈贝马斯作为法兰克福学派的重要代表人物,其科技观具有重要的思想价值,探析哈贝马斯的科技观思想,对我国转型时期的社会发展也有重要的意义。本文对哈贝马斯的科技观进行了论述,分析了其思想背景,对其思想内容进行了简要介绍,并在此基础上,对其思想在我国当下转型期社会中的现实意义进行了阐述。  相似文献   

《Race & Society》2000,2(2):195-216
This article develops and tests a path model of the impact of consequential life events on race differences in depression. Four sets of variables are included in the model: ascribed status and other background variables, consequential events in the life course, current status, and depression. Data from over 11,000 respondents (2,391 Blacks, 9,419 Whites) are analyzed to explore the impact of the background variables and current status on depression and to assess whether the consequential life event variables intervene between the background variables and depression. The results suggest that race difference in depression is a function of both the consequential life events and current status variables. However, disparity in current status explained most of the race differences in depressive symptoms. The analysis also found a significant interaction between race and education.  相似文献   

目的:了解小学生网络成瘾的发生率与抑郁水平情况,探讨小学生网络成瘾与抑郁的关系。方法:采用网络成瘾损害量表、儿童抑郁量表对小学生进行问卷调查。结果:小学生网络成瘾与抑郁总分及各维度均呈显著正相关。网络成瘾可以正向预测小学生的抑郁水平。结论:小学生网络成瘾程度越严重,抑郁水平越高  相似文献   

Depression is the most common mental illness and its profound impact on cognition and decision-making has implications for political judgement. However, those implications are unclear in the case of referendums offering a choice between status quo and change. On one hand, one component of depression is the kind of life dissatisfaction associated with voting for change. Yet cognitive models also portray depression sufferers as biased towards the status quo: they are less inclined to research change, more pessimistic about its benefits and more likely to exaggerate its potential costs. In this paper, we use data from Understanding Society to examine the impact of those cross-pressures on support for Brexit. Prior to the referendum, while life dissatisfaction and generally poor health predicted support for Leaving the European Union (EU), those diagnosed with depression were disproportionately likely to support Remain. Supporting our claim that the latter was a sign of status quo bias, this difference disappeared once the result was in and leaving the EU had become the widespread expectation. The study highlights the unexplored importance of mental health for political judgements, emphasises the multidimensionality of conditions like depression and illustrates the psychological role of status quo bias in referendum voting.  相似文献   

It is well-documented that women report less interest in politics than men on average. We argue that depression—and the differential strategies used to cope with its symptoms—contribute to this persistent gender gap in political interest. While women tend to rely on rumination when experiencing depression, there is less agreement on men's coping strategies. Depressive symptoms should thus more greatly reduce political interest among women than among men. We analyze data from the European Social Survey and the German GESIS Panel Study. We find some evidence that depressive symptoms, even those that are sub-clinical and short-lived, reduce political interest among women, but have little or no effect on the political interest of men. These findings have implications for political and gender equality, especially with the rising prevalence of depression around the world, and contribute to our understanding of the impact of depression on political engagement.  相似文献   

A recent study by the Heritage Foundation (Rector, Johnson, & Noyes, 2003) found evidence of a positive relationship between early sexual intercourse and depressive symptoms. This finding has been used to bolster support for funding abstinence only sex education. However, promoting abstinence will only yield mental health benefits if there is a causal link between sexual intercourse and depression. Using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), I carefully examine the relationship between early teen sex and several measures of depression. Controlling for a wide set of individual level and family level observable characteristics, cross section estimates consistently show a significant positive relationship between early sexual activity for females and three measures of adverse mental health: self reported depression, a belief that one's life is not worth living, and serious thoughts of suicide. However, difference-in-difference estimates reflect no evidence of a significant relationship between early teen sex and depressive symptoms. These findings suggest that the positive association observed by Rector et al. (2003) can be explained by unmeasured heterogeneity. Thus, promoting abstinence among adolescents is unlikely to alleviate depressive symptoms  相似文献   

《Race & Society》2000,2(2):117-131
The association between racial discrimination and mental health was examined using Wave 2 (1987–1988) and Wave 3 (1988–1989) panel data from the National Survey of Black Americans (NSBA). Mental health status was assessed by psychological distress and depression. In cross-sectional analyses, the perception of racial discrimination was related to high levels of psychological distress at Waves 2 and 3. Experiencing racial discrimination was marginally related to a high likelihood of depression at Wave 2. In longitudinal analyses, reports of racial discrimination at Wave 2 were associated with high levels of psychological distress at Wave 3. High psychological distress or depression at Wave 2 was not associated with reports of racial discrimination at Wave 3—indicating that poor mental health did not predict subjective reports (perceptions) of discrimination. The Discussion focused on possible directions for a more comprehensive program of research on mental health, stress, and experiences of racially based discrimination.  相似文献   

The incidence of municipal default is closely related to the business cycles in this country. During national depressions nearly all sectors and regions experience defaults, although not with equal severity. Regional borrowing behavior during the boom years preceding depression determines which regions will be most severely affected by national depression. The history of state and local borrowing is briefly surveyed with attention to four major periods of economic expansion and the national depressions that followed. Regional development cycles are then reviewed with a focus on several cases: special district defaults both at the turn of the century and today; Detroit at the beginning of the automobile industry; and Florida in the 1920s. New York City and Cleveland are analyzed in the context of urban crises. Revenue bond defaults, including toll roads and the Washington Public Power and Supply System (WPPSS) are analyzed for special recurring patterns.  相似文献   

《路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日》是多个学科公认的经典名著。但国内外学者对其的解读却往往囿于各自的学科意识,忽视了其作为一篇时事政治评论的创作初衷。基于政治事件史的视角,以马克思《资本论》中成熟的思想作为分析的出发点,能发现马克思在对阶级斗争和国家原理的分析过程中还揭示出了资本主义代议制民主政治制度的本质性缺陷,即"代表"的分裂问题;制度本身无法避免成为保守势力倒转历史车轮的工具;自由主义与民主主义无休止的斗争。这些缺陷使得资本主义国家在周期性经济危机的影响下一直无法摆脱政治困境的周期性反复。当代随着经济危机的反复爆发与萧条的普遍蔓延,各种"煽动者"又开始普遍在资本主义国家政坛上崭露头角,并导致了一系列"黑天鹅"事件的发生。此时重温《路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日》更应别有一番意趣。  相似文献   

Collection and especially analysis of open‐ended survey responses are relatively rare in the discipline and when conducted are almost exclusively done through human coding. We present an alternative, semiautomated approach, the structural topic model (STM) (Roberts, Stewart, and Airoldi 2013; Roberts et al. 2013), that draws on recent developments in machine learning based analysis of textual data. A crucial contribution of the method is that it incorporates information about the document, such as the author's gender, political affiliation, and treatment assignment (if an experimental study). This article focuses on how the STM is helpful for survey researchers and experimentalists. The STM makes analyzing open‐ended responses easier, more revealing, and capable of being used to estimate treatment effects. We illustrate these innovations with analysis of text from surveys and experiments.  相似文献   

Experimentalists are increasingly examining heterogeneous treatment effects, in which observed individual-level characteristics are hypothesized to moderate an experimental treatment effect. Such work places researchers at the nexus of experimental and observational approaches. In this paper, we discuss the theoretical and statistical issues that can arise in testing such hypotheses. We note that inclusion of an observed (as opposed to randomly-assigned) moderator introduces the possibility of confounds that are commonplace in observational data analysis but too-easily ignored in experimental data analysis. We simulate several different data generating processes that include heterogeneous treatment effects, and we discuss the implications of various statistical models. We aim to provide researchers who examine heterogeneous treatment effects with background and advice that enable them to identify where common issues may arise and to develop research designs and implement statistical tests that will mitigate them.  相似文献   

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