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火灾是人类社会威胁较大的灾害之一,其表现为造成大量人员伤亡和巨额财产损失,影响社会稳定。文章对2000-2008年全国发生的重特大火灾进行统计分析,找出重特大火灾发生频次、人员伤亡和直接财产损失在火灾发生时间、地域、场所及火灾发生的直接原因上的分布规律和特点即时间上,每年一、四季度,尤其是二月份和十二月份火灾起数、人员伤亡最多,直接财产损失最严重;地域上,广东、浙江、山东等经济较发达地区火灾起数和人员伤亡最多,直接财产损失最严重;火灾场所上,厂房、公共娱乐场所等火灾起数和人员伤亡最多,商业场所和仓库直接财产损失最重;火灾直接原因上,电气、生产作业火灾起数、人员伤亡最多,直接财产损失最严重。  相似文献   

山东莱芜市钢城公安消防大队结合辖区实际,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,逐级落实消防安全责任制,深入开展消防监督规范化建设,广泛开展人员密集场所“一畅两知三能”工程建设和火灾隐患专项整治,切实打牢社会防控火灾根基,较好地完成了以防火为中心的各项工作任务,确保了一方消防安全。2008年,钢城区共发生火灾6起,损失900元,无人员伤亡。与上年同期相比火灾起数下降70%,火灾直接经济损失下降93.84%,未发生重、特大火灾事故,火灾形势平稳。  相似文献   

为深化消防安全“大排查、大整治、大宣传、大培训、大练兵”活动,全面消防除火灾隐患,有效预防和减少火灾发生,确保火灾形势稳定,自2011年9月26日“清剿火患”战役以来,山西省古县“清剿火患”战役指挥部指挥全县各有关部门深入排查整治社会单位(包括个体工商户、私营企业)、社区、农村的火灾隐患。综合采取各种措施手段,全面消除一般火灾隐患,强力剿除重大火灾隐患,杜绝发生重特大火灾事故,使火灾起数、伤亡人数、财产损失均明显减少,使全县消防安全环境进一步改善。  相似文献   

基于灰色拓扑预测理论方法,对我国火灾发生情况进行了分析预测。在对我国55年(1950-2004年)火灾统计资料时序分布特征分析的基础上,选取一组阈值,建立不同阈值所对应的时间序列的GM(1,1)模型群,用此模型群对未来可能出现一定阈值范围内火灾起数的年份进行了预测,并运用预测失效点非唯一性原理绘制了拓扑预测曲线。经精度检验,所建模型群的精度为一级,具有较好的可靠性和实用性。  相似文献   

车载充电器故障引发的火灾起数呈逐年上升趋势,从车载充电器的原理、结构、使用方式、设计特点等方面对其常见的火灾风险和起火原因进行分析,结果指出产品质量问题、使用方法不当、产品设计缺陷及外接受电设备故障是车载充电器引发火灾的主要原因。最后,结合车载充电器的火灾危险性提出了相应的使用建议和此类火灾的预防措施。  相似文献   

随着我国经济建设的迅猛发展,石油化工产品的种类和应用越来越多,原油的需求量与日俱增,原油储罐区大幅增多,外浮顶原油储罐的储油量不断扩大,火灾起数及火灾损失均成正比增长。外浮顶原油储罐发生火灾,伴随着爆炸、密封圈、全液面、沸溢、喷溅等多种燃烧形式,现场情况十分复杂,不仅会造成惨重的人员伤亡和巨大的经济损失,也会给消防部队灭火救援工作带来极大的困难和挑战。深入研究外浮顶原油储罐密封圈火灾的形式规律,对于提高消防部队的灭火作战能力,有效控制和扑救外浮顶原油储罐火灾,具有重要而深远的意义。  相似文献   

火灾是对人类危害最为严重的灾害之一,特别是城市工业火灾造成巨大的经济损失与人员伤亡。本文介绍了火灾风险评估的几种模型,评述了这些模型的优缺点。在分析城市工业火灾发生原因的基础上,建立了城市工业火灾评估指标体系,并运用模糊综合判断评估方法对城市工业的火灾安全进行了风险评估,通过评估可得出该工业所属的安全等级,使管理者及时采取措施,以减少工业火灾危险性。  相似文献   

针对在大空间场所下,普通火灾探测技术无法及时发现火灾,常用的闭式喷水灭火系统不能有效发挥作用,结合某PDP(等离子显示器)大空间洁净厂房探讨了大空间场所火灾早期预报与自动灭火技术以及该厂房的应用。根据该厂房的特殊功能在非洁净区间选择了红外对射式火灾探测系统等,在洁净区间设置了VESDA系统。综合产品技术性能.价格等各个方面考虑自动喷淋灭火系统选择了快速响应的闭式喷水灭火系统。  相似文献   

为满足大量建筑火灾风险评估工作的需要,本文依据火灾风险评估的定义建立一种半定量建筑火灾风险评估体系.通过风险矩阵,由每个火灾场景的火灾发生概率和火灾危害程度,确定每个火灾场景的火灾风险,各火灾场景风险之和为建筑的火灾风险.在确定火灾发生概率时,借助事故控制因子考虑评估对象的特征,从人员脆弱性因子、建筑脆弱性因子和火灾发展阶段危害控制能力因子考虑了影响火灾危害程度的主要因素.在确定因素权重和因子赋值的过程中使用了模糊综合评价法、层次分析法和多属性评价法.最后运用该评估体系对某医院建筑进行了评估.  相似文献   

火灾科学实验基地落成 本刊乌鲁木齐讯(记者王前喜通讯员赵静思)火灾发生后,有时因为现场焚毁严重,火灾成因调查速度往往较慢且难精准,现在这一局面有望得到改观。9月21日,新疆火灾科学实验基地在乌鲁木齐市北站公路169号落成,这个建筑面积9200平方米、规模全国最大的基地可通过金相法、气象相谱和液相谱等方法对火灾成因进行检测。  相似文献   

In Italy, every summer forest fires attract public attention due to the number of victims, the intensity of the fires, the areas devastated, the environmental damage and the loss of property. Excluding some fires by natural causes, other causes are related to the social, economic, and productive profile of the territory. The erroneous expectation is that wooded areas destroyed by fire can then be used for private interests. Often, a fire, started to clear a small area, can completely change the expected result, producing disaster, loss of property, destruction of entire forests and resident fauna, and kill innocent people. In this case report, the reconstruction of an arson scene, the analytical techniques and the results obtained are illustrated in this paper, with the aim of sharing with other research laboratories the current knowledge on forest fire.  相似文献   

火灾引起建筑坍塌的原因分析及预防措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建筑物的坍塌是建筑火灾的次生灾害之一,国内外大量事例表明,火灾引起建筑坍塌事故对人民的生命财产安全和现场抢险人员的生命安全构成了严重的威胁,是一种伤亡情况较严重的灾害。本文分析了建筑火灾坍塌的原因和影响因素,并从建筑防火设计和消防救火两个方面提出了预防火灾坍塌事故的措施。  相似文献   

王莉  张俊斌 《河北法学》2004,22(11):141-143
“2 .15”吉林大火不仅应引起行政管理部门的深思 ,而且对法学界而言 ,也是值得研究和反思的典型案例。首先从法理的角度深入分析了火灾发生的制度原因 ,提出对《消防法》第 5 1条在行政处罚实施主体的权责分配上、在重大停产停业处罚对象的范围界定上存在的立法缺失 ,并提出了相应的立法完善建议。此外 ,还对制度层面之外关于行政理念的转变问题进行思索 ,以求为理论和实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

烧骨组织形态变化及DNA技术在个体识别中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xu GC  Ren F  Hou XW  Yuan LB 《法医学杂志》2007,23(5):370-372,379
烧骨在火灾、焚尸、交通、爆炸等案件和事故的检材中具有特殊的地位。通过对不同条件焚烧下烧骨组织形态及DNA变化规律的研究,可为法医实践中烧骨的种属鉴定、性别及年龄判定提供准确的依据和标准,同时可利用残存的基因位点对烧骨残块进行个体识别和同一认定。烧骨DNA的提取方法及检测技术也在不断探索和改进。本文对烧骨在形态学、组织学和分子生物学水平研究进展以及烧骨评测的方法、技术进行概述,旨在为法医实践及进一步研究提供新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

A car collided head-on with a bus containing 56 passengers plus the driver. A few seconds after the crash, the bus caught fire and 28 persons (15 male and 13 female) lost their lives. All the deceased were almost completely incinerated. To establish the identity of the victims, the judge in charge of the case designated a multidisciplinary Identification Commission. Postmortem procedures included a general external examination, routine photographs, dental examination, dental (intraoral and extraoral) and general radiographs (chest, ankle, etc.), and complementary biological methods for identification (e.g., DNA analysis). The antemortem information, including dental and medical records available, were transcribed onto the INTERPOL disaster victim identification forms. The detailed ante- and postmortem information were compared manually. In this disaster dental identity could be established in 57% of the victims, whereas dental evidence did not allow by itself the identification of 12 burned victims. Odontological examination and complementary radiographic procedures were found to be accurate, economic and rapid methods of identifying badly burned victims in this bus accident.  相似文献   

时虎  胡源 《刑警与科技》2005,1(1):63-70
钢材是本世纪最为创新的建筑材料,在高层建筑钢结构、大跨度空间钢结构、轻钢结构等当今现代建筑工程中有广泛应用及发展前景。钢材虽为非燃烧材料,但钢不耐火,温度为400℃时,钢材的屈服强度将降至室外温下强度的一半,温度达到600℃时,钢材基本丧失全部强度和刚度。本文介绍了钢结构的火灾危险性、钢结构的火灾灾害等,指出钢结构防火保护的重要性及目前现有的几种钢结构防火保护方法,并着重介绍了防火涂料对钢结构的防火保护。  相似文献   

This meeting, held in October 1980 in Apeldoorn, Netherlands, was a very serious effort to begin international cooperation in a much needed area: disaster investigation and identification. Under the leadership of Col. Arie van den Bos of the Royal Police of the Netherlands, the work was accomplished with representatives and observers from many major countries represented. Efforts were made to solve the enigma of international cooperation. A plane crash of an airline of a major country in a distant country can be properly investigated only with the cooperation of the carrier and the country in which the tragedy occurred. The International Academy of Legal Medicine and Social Medicine devoted a 3-day program to the study of this problem during their last international meeting in Lyon, France, and it will be discussed further in Vienna in 1982 under the leadership of Prof. Wilhelm Holczabek. The experience of Norwegian investigators is mentioned as an example of the type of problems encountered with foreign nationals involved in a crash in the country, or a disaster involving a ship or a oil platform where foreign nationals are working, or in a tragedy such as the propylene explosion in Tarragona, Spain, which resulted in more than 200 tourists from many countries dying in the fire, many bodies burned beyond recognition.  相似文献   

Galaxy Airlines Flight 203 crashed following takeoff from Reno-Cannon International Airport on 21 Jan. 1985. Sixty-eight persons on board the aircraft perished in the initial crash and resultant fire which followed. Two victims expired as a result of crash injuries within subsequent days and one passenger survived. A community disaster response plan was in place and had been practiced by local government agencies before this incident. The successes of this preplanned response, as well as methods of actual recovery, identification, and examination of the victims is presented.  相似文献   

The authors studied the relationship between confidence and accuracy in clinical assessments of psychiatric patients' short-term risk of violence. At the time of entry to the hospital, physicians (N = 78) estimated the probability that each of 317 patients would physically attack other people during the first week of psychiatric hospitalization. The clinicians also indicated the degree of confidence they had in their estimates of violence potential. Nurses rated the occurrence of inpatient physical assaults with the Overt Aggression Scale. The results showed that when clinicians had a high degree of confidence, their evaluations of risk of violence were strongly associated with whether or not patients became violent. At moderate levels of confidence, clinicians' risk estimates had a lower, but still substantial relationship with the later occurrence of violence. However, when clinicians had low confidence, their assessments of potential for violence had little relationship to whether or not the patients became violent. The findings suggest that the level of confidence that clinicians have in their evaluations is an important moderator of the predictive validity of their assessments of patients' potential for violence.  相似文献   

Examination of fire debris can provide information about the types of materials which were present at the time of the fire to give insights for fire scene reconstruction and understanding compartment fire dynamics. This paper demonstrates the ability of Raman spectroscopy for material identification postfire in complex situations, such as the production of fused masses during fire dropdown. A validated Raman spectral library is combined with Raman mapping in three fire case studies, to determine the individual materials in the fused masses formed. The case studies accessed material combinations of several common polymers. Raman mapping was carried out on a 10 μm × 10 μm square of the masses. Material identification using this technique ranged from a high of 85% match to a low of 40% match. This work demonstrated that complex masses found in the fire debris can be resolved into the individual material components for identification and spatial distribution.  相似文献   

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