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韩冰 《法制与社会》2012,(25):70-71
就业问题是当前制约资源枯竭型城市转型和可持续发展的瓶颈因素,能否有效解决就业问题成为资源枯竭型城市亟待破解的重要课题。本文以2011年批准的第三批资源枯竭型城市转型试点城市——黑龙江省鹤岗市为例,分析鹤岗市城市转型中存在的就业问题表现及成因,提出应转变思路大胆尝新大力发展低碳经济,旨在缓解鹤岗市以及广大资源枯竭型城市面临的就业问题,促进资源枯竭型城市的成功转型。  相似文献   

资源枯竭型城市的环境问题是制约其可持续发展的重要因素之一。目前,我国资源枯竭型城市的环境治理陷入困境,主要原因之一是环境治理的责任人无法明晰。现代政府应担负起弥补市场缺陷与维护社会公平两方面的责任。在资源枯竭型城市的发展过程中,政府并没有解决好资源枯竭型城市的外部性问题,同时,因战略布局等因素,很多政府决策进一步拉大了资源枯竭型城市与受惠地区之间的差距,所以,政府应承担资源枯竭型城市环境治理之主要责任。同时,由于中央政府与地方政府的行政能力、财政能力相异,其在具体承担资源枯竭型城市环境责任时也应有所差异。  相似文献   

在煤炭资源枯竭型城市矿区土地资源的环境问题已经成为可持续发展转型面临的关键障碍.但是,我国目前没有针对该问题的专门立法,现行<土地管理法>在处理土地再利用中的污染问题也缺乏有效的规范.笔者通过对我国现有法律法规的分析提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

资源枯竭型城市生态补偿法律界定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济的低迷,生态的破坏是资源枯竭型城市面临的两大困境,构建全面的生态补偿机制成了其和谐发展的必然选择。然而,现行的资源利用及环境保护制度不能满足资源枯竭型城市的法律需求。不同类型城市生态补偿的法律界定内涵不尽相同,资源枯竭型城市应当采用广义的界定方式。生态补偿法律关系是法律制度的事实演绎方式,是将静态的法律制度与动态的社会生活连接的转换器。  相似文献   

资源枯竭型城市主导产业——资源型产业的衰退是历经工业化国家所共同面临的问题,以立法推进政府财政援助政策是各国实施资源型城市产业振兴的主要手段。我国政府十分重视资源枯竭型城市的可持续发展工作,加大了对衰退产业中央财政援助政策的实施力度,但效果却并不容乐观,究其根源,立法缺失为原因之一。以日本依法实施财政援助机制,实现衰退产业成功转型为例,提出了构建衰退产业财政援助政策法律化的若干建议。  相似文献   

秦浩 《行政与法》2013,(2):67-70
资源枯竭型城市面临着城市转型与社会管理的双重压力.作为国内资源枯竭型城市的典型代表,阜新市在社会管理体制方面的改革探索具有一定的借鉴意义与示范作用.为破解政府职能转变不到位、城乡分治格局未破除、社区管理体制改革缓慢、社会组织管理体制滞后、社区专职工作队伍落后等共性难题,应通过系统性顶层设计、理顺领导体制架构、健全社会组织管理体系、加强人才队伍建设等寻求出路.  相似文献   

中国改革以来,在经济社会发展都取得巨大成就的同时,也在城市中分化出一个规模庞大、数量可观的贫困人口群体.这种城市新型贫困群体是城市经济体制改革和社会结构变迁下的"副产品"和"牺牲品",他们与传统的乡村贫困和计划经济条件下的城市贫民有根本性区别,他们的生存能力更加脆弱,更需要社会安全网的保护.如何在经济高速发展的过程中,适时建构中国城市贫困群体的现代保障体系,是和谐社会建构过程中面临的重大课题.我们要根据中国城市贫困群体的现状及其特点,针对当前城市贫困保障制度的缺陷和不足,从四个层面构筑城市保障贫困群体的法律体系、制度体系、社会服务体系、社会支持体系.  相似文献   

矿产资源型城市在依赖便捷资源获得经济发展与财富积累的同时,无不面临经济社会的不可持续发展与生态灾难问题,资源枯竭时矿产资源型城市似乎难以摆脱资源瓶颈而容易陷入衰落。以法律经济学的视角分析,传统经济转型和生态治理的思路已不能适用矿产资源型城市可持续发展的需要,目前的环境资源税费制度也没能发挥遏制环境与资源衰退的作用。生态补偿提供了矿产资源城市可持续发展的一种制度模式,有助于避免矿竭城衰的发生,实现矿产资源城市的可持续发展。  相似文献   

在煤炭资源枯竭型城市矿区土地资源的环境问题已经成为可持续发展转型面临的关键障碍.但是,我国目前没有针对该问题的专门立法,现行<土地管理法>在处理土地再利用中的污染问题也缺乏有效的规范.笔者通过对我国现有法律法规的分析提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

牟春野 《行政与法》2014,(12):42-47
松原市作为成长型的资源型城市,在转型发展实践中取得了一定的成绩,但同时也遇到了许多问题。本文认为,把握资源型城市发展规律,认识转型发展;联系资源型城市客观实际,规划转型发展;完善政策体系,促进转型发展;采取必要措施,落实转型发展;创新体制机制,保障转型发展,是松原市转型发展经验带给资源型城市转型发展的启示。  相似文献   

作为民生问题的食品安全问题关系着每位公民的身体健康、生命安全,也关系着社会的稳定与和谐。在西部民族地区,由于历史、经济和社会等方面的原因,食品安全保障水平较低。因此,对西部民族地区食品安全通过法治手段进行保障,已经成为保障民生的重要方面。  相似文献   

社区法官制度是人民法庭在辖区内的社区(村或居委会)设立法官工作室,指定法官驻点社区、就地化解纠纷的制度。社区法官解决的主要是民生纠纷、群体性纠纷和简单经济纠纷;社区法官主动处理非诉纠纷,法官与社区调解人协同解决诉讼纠纷。社区法官制度有利于提高纠纷解决效率、增强司法的的权威性和有效性。社区法官制度的发展进路是:建立社区法官助理"网格化"制度,以社区法官助理为平台整合基层解纷资源,完善联动机制,建立社区法官助理系统激励制度。  相似文献   

本文首先界定了社会保障权的概念,认为社会保障权作为一项法律权利,其基本价值包括自由、安全、公平、效率等,但是各种价值目标在各种现实条件下都具有特殊性和相对性。其次,中国社会进入“高风险社会”,各种社会问题突出,因此,社会保障权的价值更为重视社会安全和社会正义;而可持续发展观也对传统法的价值体系进行了充实,和谐应成为社会保障权的价值。最后阐述了民生的含义以及民生与社会保障权的关系,即民生是社会保障权的内在求、保障民生是社会保障权的主内容以及社会保障权是推动民生的手段和方式。  相似文献   

This study aims to (1) explore perceptions of property crime at the neighborhood level and their correlates based on a random sample from Guangzhou, China and (2) assess the applicability of collective efficacy theory in contemporary urban China. Since the data used in this study are multilevel and the dependent variable is dichotomous, a generalized hierarchical linear model was used for analysis of the data. This study reveals that both community structural variables (residential stability and poverty) and community process variables (social ties, collective efficacy and semi-formal control) were found to affect individuals’ perceptions of neighborhood property crime in Guangzhou. However, communities in Guangzhou are different from those in big cities in the US. This is evidenced by several findings in this study: (1) poorer communities in Guangzhou were not associated with lower levels of formal and informal control; (2) communities with higher levels of residential mobility were neither linked to higher levels of poverty nor disorganization; and (3) the correlation between residential stability and perceived neighborhood property crime was not mediated by community processes.  相似文献   

The premise of discourse theory in environmental policy is that realities are shaped by language. One discourse that is gaining popularity is the concept of environmental security, a discourse that presupposes environmental threats as urgent. The attempt to cast environmental issues as security issues has resulted in the common use of security jargon, idioms, and metaphors in policymakers’ and politicians’ statements. Various analyses attempt to identify why natural resources are discussed in terms and language of security. However, far fewer studies have attempted to identify differences in the manner in which different types of resources are incorporated into such a discourse by different actors and what variables contribute to this process. This study examines the construction of the security references, security arguments, and language in the statements of the Commission on Sustainable Development dealing with energy and water. We found that international organizations and Non-governmental Organizations were somewhat more likely than state actors to use security references to discuss sustainability issues. The issues securitized are not the traditional high political ones such as regime stability and conflicts, but rather issues more associated with human security, such as access to renewable energy, affordable food, and clean water. The fact that in many statements examined the use of security references was not associated with any existential threat and hence did not comply with the conditions of the Copenhagen School raises some doubts as to whether security language in these statements implies a true securitization move. We also examined whether the use of the term “security” by states was correlated with greater resource scarcity or vulnerability. In the case of water-related sessions, the evidence was mixed, depending on the choice of dependent variable. The results from energy security regressions, however, were inconsistent with the hypothesis that greater scarcity or vulnerability induces more use of security language.  相似文献   

Robert Sampson’s “Great American City” is a methodologically rich and theoretically broad contribution to the literature on durable inequality in US cities. While empirically clear on the causes and consequences of lasting social exclusion, the text’s insights remain somewhat trapped behind the “collective efficacy” language of the “broken windows” theories it attempts to shatter. In looking at community empowerment, or its lack, in the inner-city, the racialized role of urban police must be central to any analysis of the cycle of crime and poverty, and how to break it.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):817-841
While numerous criminological theories emphasize the theoretical importance of the spatial distribution of poverty, few studies specifically examine the empirical relationship between the spatial clustering of high poverty areas and violent crime rates. In this analysis we examine the association between poverty clustering and violent crime rates across 236 cities. For each city we compute a poverty cluster score that measures the proportion of contiguous high poverty census tracts. We find little support for a direct relationship between the spatial clustering of high poverty tracts and murder, rape, robbery, and assault. However, variables that measure city disadvantage (e.g., poverty) interact with poverty clustering scores in the case of homicide rates. Specifically, disadvantage has a much stronger relationship to homicide in cities with high levels of poverty clustering. Such an interaction effect is strongly supported by the literature.  相似文献   

论农民进城落户后集体土地“三权”退出   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高海 《中国法学》2020,(2):30-47
支持引导进城落户农民自愿有偿退出土地承包(经营)权、宅基地使用权和集体土地股权的政策表达与法律规定,尚存农民进城落户后应否以及何时丧失集体成员资格规则不明、丧失集体成员资格前支持引导退出规则不足、丧失集体成员资格后不自愿退出的应对之策缺失、大量农民进城落户且丧失集体成员资格后集体土地所有权归属之惑等问题。在承包地"三权分置"、宅基地"三权分置"与集体产权制度改革中,宜通过健全集体成员资格丧失标准和程序、完善集体土地"三权"之(最先)优先受让权与土地承包经营权和宅基地使用权之股权化方案、借助土地经营权和使用权乃至非本集体成员继承股权之类别股设计、大量农民进城落户且丧失集体成员资格后集体土地适时国有化等方法,化解上述问题。  相似文献   

2007年中国法治政府建设伴随着依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家的进程迈出了坚实的一步。在这一年里,民生是主流话语,民权是时代强音;公民的权利更多的是感受到法律的温情,而政府的权力则受到更多法律的掣肘。促进民生、公民参与、职能转变、权力约束、危机应对,构成了法治政府建设的主旋律。这些努力和成就,相信可以为中国实现法治政府的梦想奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

This paper offers an explanation for rates of fatal firearm accidents in terms of confidence in collectively provided justice and security. It describes the collective security model and presents an analysis of time-series data from Detroit which supports it: accidental gunshot deaths varied positively with violent crime and civil disturbances and negatively with the allocation of resources to the police. Finally, it discusses some implications for research design and social policy.  相似文献   

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